
     1  # GMP mpz module.
     3  # Copyright 2001-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
     4  #
     5  #  This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
     6  #
     7  #  The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     8  #  it under the terms of either:
     9  #
    10  #    * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
    11  #      Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
    12  #      option) any later version.
    13  #
    14  #  or
    15  #
    16  #    * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
    17  #      Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
    18  #      later version.
    19  #
    20  #  or both in parallel, as here.
    21  #
    22  #  The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    23  #  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
    24  #  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    25  #  for more details.
    26  #
    27  #  You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
    28  #  GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library.  If not,
    29  #  see
    32  package GMP::Mpz;
    34  require GMP;
    35  require Exporter;
    36  @ISA = qw(GMP Exporter);
    37  @EXPORT = qw();
    38  @EXPORT_OK = qw();
    39  %EXPORT_TAGS = ('all' => [qw(
    40  			     bin cdiv cdiv_2exp clrbit combit congruent_p
    41  			     congruent_2exp_p divexact divisible_p
    42  			     divisible_2exp_p even_p fac fdiv fdiv_2exp fib
    43  			     fib2 gcd gcdext hamdist invert jacobi kronecker
    44  			     lcm lucnum lucnum2 mod mpz mpz_export
    45  			     mpz_import nextprime odd_p perfect_power_p
    46  			     perfect_square_p popcount powm probab_prime_p
    47  			     realloc remove root roote rootrem scan0 scan1
    48  			     setbit sizeinbase sqrtrem tdiv tdiv_2exp
    49  			     tstbit)],
    50  		'constants'   => [@EXPORT],
    51  		'noconstants' => [@EXPORT]);
    52  Exporter::export_ok_tags('all');
    54  use overload
    55      '+'    => \&overload_add,     '+='   => \&overload_addeq,
    56      '-'    => \&overload_sub,     '-='   => \&overload_subeq,
    57      '*'    => \&overload_mul,     '*='   => \&overload_muleq,
    58      '/'    => \&overload_div,     '/='   => \&overload_diveq,
    59      '%'    => \&overload_rem,     '%='   => \&overload_remeq,
    60      '<<'   => \&overload_lshift,  '<<='  => \&overload_lshifteq,
    61      '>>'   => \&overload_rshift,  '>>='  => \&overload_rshifteq,
    62      '**'   => \&overload_pow,     '**='  => \&overload_poweq,
    63      '&'    => \&overload_and,     '&='   => \&overload_andeq,
    64      '|'    => \&overload_ior,     '|='   => \&overload_ioreq,
    65      '^'    => \&overload_xor,     '^='   => \&overload_xoreq,
    67      'bool' => \&overload_bool,
    68      'not'  => \&overload_not,
    69      '!'    => \&overload_not,
    70      '~'    => \&overload_com,
    71      '<=>'  => \&overload_spaceship,
    72      '++'   => \&overload_inc,
    73      '--'   => \&overload_dec,
    74      '='    => \&overload_copy,
    75      'abs'  => \&overload_abs,
    76      'neg'  => \&overload_neg,
    77      'sqrt' => \&overload_sqrt,
    78      '""'   => \&overload_string;
    80  sub import {
    81    foreach (@_) {
    82      if ($_ eq ':constants') {
    83        overload::constant ('integer' => \&overload_constant,
    84  			  'binary'  => \&overload_constant,
    85  			  'float'   => \&overload_constant);
    86      } elsif ($_ eq ':noconstants') {
    87        overload::remove_constant ('integer' => \&overload_constant,
    88  				 'binary'  => \&overload_constant,
    89  				 'float'   => \&overload_constant);
    90      }
    91    }
    92    goto &Exporter::import;
    93  }
    95  1;
    96  __END__
    99  # Local variables:
   100  # perl-indent-level: 2
   101  # End: