
     1  /*
     2   * @file
     3   * @copyright defined in aergo/LICENSE.txt
     4   */
     6  package p2putil
     8  import (
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"testing"
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  )
    18  var dummyTxHash, _ = enc.ToBytes("4H4zAkAyRV253K5SNBJtBxqUgHEbZcXbWFFc6cmQHY45")
    20  func Test_MarshalTxResp(t *testing.T) {
    21  	dummyTx := &types.Tx{Hash: dummyTxHash, Body: &types.TxBody{Payload: []byte("It's a good day to die.")}}
    22  	txMarshaled, _ := proto.Marshal(dummyTx)
    23  	txSize := len(dummyTxHash) + 2 + len(txMarshaled) + 2 // hash+ field desc of hash + tx+field desc of tx
    24  	//fmt.Println("TX   : ",hex.EncodeToString(txMarshaled))
    25  	emptyMarshaled, _ := proto.Marshal(&types.GetTransactionsResponse{})
    26  	emptySize := len(emptyMarshaled)
    27  	//fmt.Println("EMPTY: ",hex.EncodeToString(emptyMarshaled))
    28  	//fmt.Printf("Size of All nil: %d , tx size: %d ",emptySize, txSize)
    29  	tests := []struct {
    30  		name         string
    31  		itemSize     int
    32  		expectedSize int
    33  	}{
    34  		// empty
    35  		{"TEmpty", 0, emptySize},
    36  		// single
    37  		{"TSingle", 1, emptySize + txSize},
    38  		// small multi
    39  		{"T10", 10, emptySize + txSize*10},
    40  		// big
    41  		// boundary
    42  		{"T50000", 50000, emptySize + txSize*50000},
    43  		// TODO: test cases
    44  	}
    45  	for _, test := range tests {
    46  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
    47  			hashSlice := make([][]byte, 0, 10)
    48  			txSlice := make([]*types.Tx, 0, 10)
    49  			for i := 0; i < test.itemSize; i++ {
    50  				hashSlice = append(hashSlice, dummyTxHash)
    51  				txSlice = append(txSlice, dummyTx)
    52  			}
    53  			sampleRsp := &types.GetTransactionsResponse{Hashes: hashSlice, Txs: txSlice}
    54  			actual, err := proto.Marshal(sampleRsp)
    55  			if err != nil {
    56  				t.Errorf("Invalid proto error %s", err.Error())
    57  			}
    58  			actualSize := len(actual)
    59  			cut := 80
    60  			if actualSize < cut {
    61  				cut = actualSize
    62  			}
    63  			//fmt.Println("ACTUAL: ",hex.EncodeToString(actual[:cut]))
    65  			assert.Equal(t, test.expectedSize, actualSize)
    67  		})
    68  	}
    69  }
    71  func Test_calculateFieldDesc(t *testing.T) {
    72  	sampleSize := make([]byte, 2<<25)
    73  	tests := []struct {
    74  		name      string
    75  		valueSize int
    76  		expected  int
    77  	}{
    78  		{"TZero", 0, 0},
    79  		{"TSmall", 127, 2},
    80  		{"TMedium", 128, 3},
    81  		{"TLarge", 16384, 4},
    82  		{"TVeryL", 10000000, 5},
    83  		{"TOverflow", 2000000000, 6},
    84  		// TODO: test cases
    85  	}
    86  	for _, test := range tests {
    87  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
    88  			assert.Equal(t, test.expected, CalculateFieldDescSize(test.valueSize))
    89  			if test.valueSize <= len(sampleSize) {
    90  				inputBytes := sampleSize[:test.valueSize]
    91  				dummy := &types.GetBlockHeadersRequest{Hash: inputBytes}
    92  				realSize := proto.Size(dummy)
    93  				assert.Equal(t, realSize, CalculateFieldDescSize(test.valueSize)+len(inputBytes))
    94  			} else {
    95  				fmt.Println(, " is too big to make real ")
    96  			}
    97  		})
    98  	}
    99  }