
     1  Feature: users
     2    In order to use users api
     3    As an API user
     4    I need to be able to manage users
     6    Scenario: should get empty users
     7      When I send "GET" request to "/users"
     8      Then the response code should be 200
     9      And the response should match json:
    10        """
    11        {
    12          "users": []
    13        }
    14        """
    16    Scenario: should get users
    17      Given there are users:
    18        | username | email             |
    19        | john     | |
    20        | jane     | |
    21      When I send "GET" request to "/users"
    22      Then the response code should be 200
    23      And the response should match json:
    24        """
    25        {
    26          "users": [
    27            {
    28              "username": "john"
    29            },
    30            {
    31              "username": "jane"
    32            }
    33          ]
    34        }
    35        """
    37    Scenario: should get users when there is only one
    38      Given there are users:
    39        | username | email           |
    40        | gopher   | |
    41      When I send "GET" request to "/users"
    42      Then the response code should be 200
    43      And the response should match json:
    44        """
    45        {
    46          "users": [
    47            {
    48              "username": "gopher"
    49            }
    50          ]
    51        }
    52        """