
     1  // Copyright 2021 The adkgo Authors
     2  // This file is part of the adkgo library (adapted for adkgo from go--ethereum v1.10.8).
     3  //
     4  // the adkgo library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     5  // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     7  // (at your option) any later version.
     8  //
     9  // the adkgo library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12  // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    13  //
    14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    15  // along with the adkgo library. If not, see <>.
    17  package client
    19  import (
    20  	"errors"
    21  	"math/rand"
    22  	"reflect"
    23  	"sync"
    24  	"sync/atomic"
    25  	"time"
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  )
    38  const (
    39  	minTimeout          = time.Millisecond * 500 // minimum request timeout suggested by the server pool
    40  	timeoutRefresh      = time.Second * 5        // recalculate timeout if older than this
    41  	dialCost            = 10000                  // cost of a TCP dial (used for known node selection weight calculation)
    42  	dialWaitStep        = 1.5                    // exponential multiplier of redial wait time when no value was provided by the server
    43  	queryCost           = 500                    // cost of a UDP pre-negotiation query
    44  	queryWaitStep       = 1.02                   // exponential multiplier of redial wait time when no value was provided by the server
    45  	waitThreshold       = time.Hour * 2000       // drop node if waiting time is over the threshold
    46  	nodeWeightMul       = 1000000                // multiplier constant for node weight calculation
    47  	nodeWeightThreshold = 100                    // minimum weight for keeping a node in the the known (valuable) set
    48  	minRedialWait       = 10                     // minimum redial wait time in seconds
    49  	preNegLimit         = 5                      // maximum number of simultaneous pre-negotiation queries
    50  	warnQueryFails      = 20                     // number of consecutive UDP query failures before we print a warning
    51  	maxQueryFails       = 100                    // number of consecutive UDP query failures when then chance of skipping a query reaches 50%
    52  )
    54  // ServerPool provides a node iterator for dial candidates. The output is a mix of newly discovered
    55  // nodes, a weighted random selection of known (previously valuable) nodes and trusted/paid nodes.
    56  type ServerPool struct {
    57  	clock    mclock.Clock
    58  	unixTime func() int64
    59  	db       ethdb.KeyValueStore
    61  	ns                  *nodestate.NodeStateMachine
    62  	vt                  *ValueTracker
    63  	mixer               *enode.FairMix
    64  	mixSources          []enode.Iterator
    65  	dialIterator        enode.Iterator
    66  	validSchemes        enr.IdentityScheme
    67  	trustedURLs         []string
    68  	fillSet             *FillSet
    69  	started, queryFails uint32
    71  	timeoutLock      sync.RWMutex
    72  	timeout          time.Duration
    73  	timeWeights      ResponseTimeWeights
    74  	timeoutRefreshed mclock.AbsTime
    76  	suggestedTimeoutGauge, totalValueGauge metrics.Gauge
    77  	sessionValueMeter                      metrics.Meter
    78  }
    80  // nodeHistory keeps track of dial costs which determine node weight together with the
    81  // service value calculated by ValueTracker.
    82  type nodeHistory struct {
    83  	dialCost                       utils.ExpiredValue
    84  	redialWaitStart, redialWaitEnd int64 // unix time (seconds)
    85  }
    87  type nodeHistoryEnc struct {
    88  	DialCost                       utils.ExpiredValue
    89  	RedialWaitStart, RedialWaitEnd uint64
    90  }
    92  // queryFunc sends a pre-negotiation query and blocks until a response arrives or timeout occurs.
    93  // It returns 1 if the remote node has confirmed that connection is possible, 0 if not
    94  // possible and -1 if no response arrived (timeout).
    95  type QueryFunc func(*enode.Node) int
    97  var (
    98  	clientSetup       = &nodestate.Setup{Version: 2}
    99  	sfHasValue        = clientSetup.NewPersistentFlag("hasValue")
   100  	sfQuery           = clientSetup.NewFlag("query")
   101  	sfCanDial         = clientSetup.NewFlag("canDial")
   102  	sfDialing         = clientSetup.NewFlag("dialed")
   103  	sfWaitDialTimeout = clientSetup.NewFlag("dialTimeout")
   104  	sfConnected       = clientSetup.NewFlag("connected")
   105  	sfRedialWait      = clientSetup.NewFlag("redialWait")
   106  	sfAlwaysConnect   = clientSetup.NewFlag("alwaysConnect")
   107  	sfDialProcess     = nodestate.MergeFlags(sfQuery, sfCanDial, sfDialing, sfConnected, sfRedialWait)
   109  	sfiNodeHistory = clientSetup.NewPersistentField("nodeHistory", reflect.TypeOf(nodeHistory{}),
   110  		func(field interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
   111  			if n, ok := field.(nodeHistory); ok {
   112  				ne := nodeHistoryEnc{
   113  					DialCost:        n.dialCost,
   114  					RedialWaitStart: uint64(n.redialWaitStart),
   115  					RedialWaitEnd:   uint64(n.redialWaitEnd),
   116  				}
   117  				enc, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(&ne)
   118  				return enc, err
   119  			}
   120  			return nil, errors.New("invalid field type")
   121  		},
   122  		func(enc []byte) (interface{}, error) {
   123  			var ne nodeHistoryEnc
   124  			err := rlp.DecodeBytes(enc, &ne)
   125  			n := nodeHistory{
   126  				dialCost:        ne.DialCost,
   127  				redialWaitStart: int64(ne.RedialWaitStart),
   128  				redialWaitEnd:   int64(ne.RedialWaitEnd),
   129  			}
   130  			return n, err
   131  		},
   132  	)
   133  	sfiNodeWeight     = clientSetup.NewField("nodeWeight", reflect.TypeOf(uint64(0)))
   134  	sfiConnectedStats = clientSetup.NewField("connectedStats", reflect.TypeOf(ResponseTimeStats{}))
   135  	sfiLocalAddress   = clientSetup.NewPersistentField("localAddress", reflect.TypeOf(&enr.Record{}),
   136  		func(field interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
   137  			if enr, ok := field.(*enr.Record); ok {
   138  				enc, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(enr)
   139  				return enc, err
   140  			}
   141  			return nil, errors.New("invalid field type")
   142  		},
   143  		func(enc []byte) (interface{}, error) {
   144  			var enr enr.Record
   145  			if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(enc, &enr); err != nil {
   146  				return nil, err
   147  			}
   148  			return &enr, nil
   149  		},
   150  	)
   151  )
   153  // NewServerPool creates a new server pool
   154  func NewServerPool(db ethdb.KeyValueStore, dbKey []byte, mixTimeout time.Duration, query QueryFunc, clock mclock.Clock, trustedURLs []string, requestList []RequestInfo) (*ServerPool, enode.Iterator) {
   155  	s := &ServerPool{
   156  		db:           db,
   157  		clock:        clock,
   158  		unixTime:     func() int64 { return time.Now().Unix() },
   159  		validSchemes: enode.ValidSchemes,
   160  		trustedURLs:  trustedURLs,
   161  		vt:           NewValueTracker(db, &mclock.System{}, requestList, time.Minute, 1/float64(time.Hour), 1/float64(time.Hour*100), 1/float64(time.Hour*1000)),
   162  		ns:           nodestate.NewNodeStateMachine(db, []byte(string(dbKey)+"ns:"), clock, clientSetup),
   163  	}
   164  	s.recalTimeout()
   165  	s.mixer = enode.NewFairMix(mixTimeout)
   166  	knownSelector := NewWrsIterator(s.ns, sfHasValue, sfDialProcess, sfiNodeWeight)
   167  	alwaysConnect := NewQueueIterator(s.ns, sfAlwaysConnect, sfDialProcess, true, nil)
   168  	s.mixSources = append(s.mixSources, knownSelector)
   169  	s.mixSources = append(s.mixSources, alwaysConnect)
   171  	s.dialIterator = s.mixer
   172  	if query != nil {
   173  		s.dialIterator = s.addPreNegFilter(s.dialIterator, query)
   174  	}
   176  	s.ns.SubscribeState(nodestate.MergeFlags(sfWaitDialTimeout, sfConnected), func(n *enode.Node, oldState, newState nodestate.Flags) {
   177  		if oldState.Equals(sfWaitDialTimeout) && newState.IsEmpty() {
   178  			// dial timeout, no connection
   179  			s.setRedialWait(n, dialCost, dialWaitStep)
   180  			s.ns.SetStateSub(n, nodestate.Flags{}, sfDialing, 0)
   181  		}
   182  	})
   184  	return s, &serverPoolIterator{
   185  		dialIterator: s.dialIterator,
   186  		nextFn: func(node *enode.Node) {
   187  			s.ns.Operation(func() {
   188  				s.ns.SetStateSub(node, sfDialing, sfCanDial, 0)
   189  				s.ns.SetStateSub(node, sfWaitDialTimeout, nodestate.Flags{}, time.Second*10)
   190  			})
   191  		},
   192  		nodeFn: s.DialNode,
   193  	}
   194  }
   196  type serverPoolIterator struct {
   197  	dialIterator enode.Iterator
   198  	nextFn       func(*enode.Node)
   199  	nodeFn       func(*enode.Node) *enode.Node
   200  }
   202  // Next implements enode.Iterator
   203  func (s *serverPoolIterator) Next() bool {
   204  	if s.dialIterator.Next() {
   205  		s.nextFn(s.dialIterator.Node())
   206  		return true
   207  	}
   208  	return false
   209  }
   211  // Node implements enode.Iterator
   212  func (s *serverPoolIterator) Node() *enode.Node {
   213  	return s.nodeFn(s.dialIterator.Node())
   214  }
   216  // Close implements enode.Iterator
   217  func (s *serverPoolIterator) Close() {
   218  	s.dialIterator.Close()
   219  }
   221  // AddMetrics adds metrics to the server pool. Should be called before Start().
   222  func (s *ServerPool) AddMetrics(
   223  	suggestedTimeoutGauge, totalValueGauge, serverSelectableGauge, serverConnectedGauge metrics.Gauge,
   224  	sessionValueMeter, serverDialedMeter metrics.Meter) {
   226  	s.suggestedTimeoutGauge = suggestedTimeoutGauge
   227  	s.totalValueGauge = totalValueGauge
   228  	s.sessionValueMeter = sessionValueMeter
   229  	if serverSelectableGauge != nil {
   230  		s.ns.AddLogMetrics(sfHasValue, sfDialProcess, "selectable", nil, nil, serverSelectableGauge)
   231  	}
   232  	if serverDialedMeter != nil {
   233  		s.ns.AddLogMetrics(sfDialing, nodestate.Flags{}, "dialed", serverDialedMeter, nil, nil)
   234  	}
   235  	if serverConnectedGauge != nil {
   236  		s.ns.AddLogMetrics(sfConnected, nodestate.Flags{}, "connected", nil, nil, serverConnectedGauge)
   237  	}
   238  }
   240  // AddSource adds a node discovery source to the server pool (should be called before start)
   241  func (s *ServerPool) AddSource(source enode.Iterator) {
   242  	if source != nil {
   243  		s.mixSources = append(s.mixSources, source)
   244  	}
   245  }
   247  // addPreNegFilter installs a node filter mechanism that performs a pre-negotiation query.
   248  // Nodes that are filtered out and does not appear on the output iterator are put back
   249  // into redialWait state.
   250  func (s *ServerPool) addPreNegFilter(input enode.Iterator, query QueryFunc) enode.Iterator {
   251  	s.fillSet = NewFillSet(s.ns, input, sfQuery)
   252  	s.ns.SubscribeState(sfDialProcess, func(n *enode.Node, oldState, newState nodestate.Flags) {
   253  		if !newState.Equals(sfQuery) {
   254  			if newState.HasAll(sfQuery) {
   255  				// remove query flag if the node is already somewhere in the dial process
   256  				s.ns.SetStateSub(n, nodestate.Flags{}, sfQuery, 0)
   257  			}
   258  			return
   259  		}
   260  		fails := atomic.LoadUint32(&s.queryFails)
   261  		failMax := fails
   262  		if failMax > maxQueryFails {
   263  			failMax = maxQueryFails
   264  		}
   265  		if rand.Intn(maxQueryFails*2) < int(failMax) {
   266  			// skip pre-negotiation with increasing chance, max 50%
   267  			// this ensures that the client can operate even if UDP is not working at all
   268  			s.ns.SetStateSub(n, sfCanDial, nodestate.Flags{}, time.Second*10)
   269  			// set canDial before resetting queried so that FillSet will not read more
   270  			// candidates unnecessarily
   271  			s.ns.SetStateSub(n, nodestate.Flags{}, sfQuery, 0)
   272  			return
   273  		}
   274  		go func() {
   275  			q := query(n)
   276  			if q == -1 {
   277  				atomic.AddUint32(&s.queryFails, 1)
   278  				fails++
   279  				if fails%warnQueryFails == 0 {
   280  					// warn if a large number of consecutive queries have failed
   281  					log.Warn("UDP connection queries failed", "count", fails)
   282  				}
   283  			} else {
   284  				atomic.StoreUint32(&s.queryFails, 0)
   285  			}
   286  			s.ns.Operation(func() {
   287  				// we are no longer running in the operation that the callback belongs to, start a new one because of setRedialWait
   288  				if q == 1 {
   289  					s.ns.SetStateSub(n, sfCanDial, nodestate.Flags{}, time.Second*10)
   290  				} else {
   291  					s.setRedialWait(n, queryCost, queryWaitStep)
   292  				}
   293  				s.ns.SetStateSub(n, nodestate.Flags{}, sfQuery, 0)
   294  			})
   295  		}()
   296  	})
   297  	return NewQueueIterator(s.ns, sfCanDial, nodestate.Flags{}, false, func(waiting bool) {
   298  		if waiting {
   299  			s.fillSet.SetTarget(preNegLimit)
   300  		} else {
   301  			s.fillSet.SetTarget(0)
   302  		}
   303  	})
   304  }
   306  // start starts the server pool. Note that NodeStateMachine should be started first.
   307  func (s *ServerPool) Start() {
   308  	s.ns.Start()
   309  	for _, iter := range s.mixSources {
   310  		// add sources to mixer at startup because the mixer instantly tries to read them
   311  		// which should only happen after NodeStateMachine has been started
   312  		s.mixer.AddSource(iter)
   313  	}
   314  	for _, url := range s.trustedURLs {
   315  		if node, err := enode.Parse(s.validSchemes, url); err == nil {
   316  			s.ns.SetState(node, sfAlwaysConnect, nodestate.Flags{}, 0)
   317  		} else {
   318  			log.Error("Invalid trusted server URL", "url", url, "error", err)
   319  		}
   320  	}
   321  	unixTime := s.unixTime()
   322  	s.ns.Operation(func() {
   323  		s.ns.ForEach(sfHasValue, nodestate.Flags{}, func(node *enode.Node, state nodestate.Flags) {
   324  			s.calculateWeight(node)
   325  			if n, ok := s.ns.GetField(node, sfiNodeHistory).(nodeHistory); ok && n.redialWaitEnd > unixTime {
   326  				wait := n.redialWaitEnd - unixTime
   327  				lastWait := n.redialWaitEnd - n.redialWaitStart
   328  				if wait > lastWait {
   329  					// if the time until expiration is larger than the last suggested
   330  					// waiting time then the system clock was probably adjusted
   331  					wait = lastWait
   332  				}
   333  				s.ns.SetStateSub(node, sfRedialWait, nodestate.Flags{}, time.Duration(wait)*time.Second)
   334  			}
   335  		})
   336  	})
   337  	atomic.StoreUint32(&s.started, 1)
   338  }
   340  // stop stops the server pool
   341  func (s *ServerPool) Stop() {
   342  	if s.fillSet != nil {
   343  		s.fillSet.Close()
   344  	}
   345  	s.ns.Operation(func() {
   346  		s.ns.ForEach(sfConnected, nodestate.Flags{}, func(n *enode.Node, state nodestate.Flags) {
   347  			// recalculate weight of connected nodes in order to update hasValue flag if necessary
   348  			s.calculateWeight(n)
   349  		})
   350  	})
   351  	s.ns.Stop()
   352  	s.vt.Stop()
   353  }
   355  // RegisterNode implements serverPeerSubscriber
   356  func (s *ServerPool) RegisterNode(node *enode.Node) (*NodeValueTracker, error) {
   357  	if atomic.LoadUint32(&s.started) == 0 {
   358  		return nil, errors.New("server pool not started yet")
   359  	}
   360  	nvt := s.vt.Register(node.ID())
   361  	s.ns.Operation(func() {
   362  		s.ns.SetStateSub(node, sfConnected, sfDialing.Or(sfWaitDialTimeout), 0)
   363  		s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiConnectedStats, nvt.RtStats())
   364  		if node.IP().IsLoopback() {
   365  			s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiLocalAddress, node.Record())
   366  		}
   367  	})
   368  	return nvt, nil
   369  }
   371  // UnregisterNode implements serverPeerSubscriber
   372  func (s *ServerPool) UnregisterNode(node *enode.Node) {
   373  	s.ns.Operation(func() {
   374  		s.setRedialWait(node, dialCost, dialWaitStep)
   375  		s.ns.SetStateSub(node, nodestate.Flags{}, sfConnected, 0)
   376  		s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiConnectedStats, nil)
   377  	})
   378  	s.vt.Unregister(node.ID())
   379  }
   381  // recalTimeout calculates the current recommended timeout. This value is used by
   382  // the client as a "soft timeout" value. It also affects the service value calculation
   383  // of individual nodes.
   384  func (s *ServerPool) recalTimeout() {
   385  	// Use cached result if possible, avoid recalculating too frequently.
   386  	s.timeoutLock.RLock()
   387  	refreshed := s.timeoutRefreshed
   388  	s.timeoutLock.RUnlock()
   389  	now := s.clock.Now()
   390  	if refreshed != 0 && time.Duration(now-refreshed) < timeoutRefresh {
   391  		return
   392  	}
   393  	// Cached result is stale, recalculate a new one.
   394  	rts := s.vt.RtStats()
   396  	// Add a fake statistic here. It is an easy way to initialize with some
   397  	// conservative values when the database is new. As soon as we have a
   398  	// considerable amount of real stats this small value won't matter.
   399  	rts.Add(time.Second*2, 10, s.vt.StatsExpFactor())
   401  	// Use either 10% failure rate timeout or twice the median response time
   402  	// as the recommended timeout.
   403  	timeout := minTimeout
   404  	if t := rts.Timeout(0.1); t > timeout {
   405  		timeout = t
   406  	}
   407  	if t := rts.Timeout(0.5) * 2; t > timeout {
   408  		timeout = t
   409  	}
   410  	s.timeoutLock.Lock()
   411  	if s.timeout != timeout {
   412  		s.timeout = timeout
   413  		s.timeWeights = TimeoutWeights(s.timeout)
   415  		if s.suggestedTimeoutGauge != nil {
   416  			s.suggestedTimeoutGauge.Update(int64(s.timeout / time.Millisecond))
   417  		}
   418  		if s.totalValueGauge != nil {
   419  			s.totalValueGauge.Update(int64(rts.Value(s.timeWeights, s.vt.StatsExpFactor())))
   420  		}
   421  	}
   422  	s.timeoutRefreshed = now
   423  	s.timeoutLock.Unlock()
   424  }
   426  // GetTimeout returns the recommended request timeout.
   427  func (s *ServerPool) GetTimeout() time.Duration {
   428  	s.recalTimeout()
   429  	s.timeoutLock.RLock()
   430  	defer s.timeoutLock.RUnlock()
   431  	return s.timeout
   432  }
   434  // getTimeoutAndWeight returns the recommended request timeout as well as the
   435  // response time weight which is necessary to calculate service value.
   436  func (s *ServerPool) getTimeoutAndWeight() (time.Duration, ResponseTimeWeights) {
   437  	s.recalTimeout()
   438  	s.timeoutLock.RLock()
   439  	defer s.timeoutLock.RUnlock()
   440  	return s.timeout, s.timeWeights
   441  }
   443  // addDialCost adds the given amount of dial cost to the node history and returns the current
   444  // amount of total dial cost
   445  func (s *ServerPool) addDialCost(n *nodeHistory, amount int64) uint64 {
   446  	logOffset := s.vt.StatsExpirer().LogOffset(s.clock.Now())
   447  	if amount > 0 {
   448  		n.dialCost.Add(amount, logOffset)
   449  	}
   450  	totalDialCost := n.dialCost.Value(logOffset)
   451  	if totalDialCost < dialCost {
   452  		totalDialCost = dialCost
   453  	}
   454  	return totalDialCost
   455  }
   457  // serviceValue returns the service value accumulated in this session and in total
   458  func (s *ServerPool) serviceValue(node *enode.Node) (sessionValue, totalValue float64) {
   459  	nvt := s.vt.GetNode(node.ID())
   460  	if nvt == nil {
   461  		return 0, 0
   462  	}
   463  	currentStats := nvt.RtStats()
   464  	_, timeWeights := s.getTimeoutAndWeight()
   465  	expFactor := s.vt.StatsExpFactor()
   467  	totalValue = currentStats.Value(timeWeights, expFactor)
   468  	if connStats, ok := s.ns.GetField(node, sfiConnectedStats).(ResponseTimeStats); ok {
   469  		diff := currentStats
   470  		diff.SubStats(&connStats)
   471  		sessionValue = diff.Value(timeWeights, expFactor)
   472  		if s.sessionValueMeter != nil {
   473  			s.sessionValueMeter.Mark(int64(sessionValue))
   474  		}
   475  	}
   476  	return
   477  }
   479  // updateWeight calculates the node weight and updates the nodeWeight field and the
   480  // hasValue flag. It also saves the node state if necessary.
   481  // Note: this function should run inside a NodeStateMachine operation
   482  func (s *ServerPool) updateWeight(node *enode.Node, totalValue float64, totalDialCost uint64) {
   483  	weight := uint64(totalValue * nodeWeightMul / float64(totalDialCost))
   484  	if weight >= nodeWeightThreshold {
   485  		s.ns.SetStateSub(node, sfHasValue, nodestate.Flags{}, 0)
   486  		s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiNodeWeight, weight)
   487  	} else {
   488  		s.ns.SetStateSub(node, nodestate.Flags{}, sfHasValue, 0)
   489  		s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiNodeWeight, nil)
   490  		s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiNodeHistory, nil)
   491  		s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiLocalAddress, nil)
   492  	}
   493  	s.ns.Persist(node) // saved if node history or hasValue changed
   494  }
   496  // setRedialWait calculates and sets the redialWait timeout based on the service value
   497  // and dial cost accumulated during the last session/attempt and in total.
   498  // The waiting time is raised exponentially if no service value has been received in order
   499  // to prevent dialing an unresponsive node frequently for a very long time just because it
   500  // was useful in the past. It can still be occasionally dialed though and once it provides
   501  // a significant amount of service value again its waiting time is quickly reduced or reset
   502  // to the minimum.
   503  // Note: node weight is also recalculated and updated by this function.
   504  // Note 2: this function should run inside a NodeStateMachine operation
   505  func (s *ServerPool) setRedialWait(node *enode.Node, addDialCost int64, waitStep float64) {
   506  	n, _ := s.ns.GetField(node, sfiNodeHistory).(nodeHistory)
   507  	sessionValue, totalValue := s.serviceValue(node)
   508  	totalDialCost := s.addDialCost(&n, addDialCost)
   510  	// if the current dial session has yielded at least the average value/dial cost ratio
   511  	// then the waiting time should be reset to the minimum. If the session value
   512  	// is below average but still positive then timeout is limited to the ratio of
   513  	// average / current service value multiplied by the minimum timeout. If the attempt
   514  	// was unsuccessful then timeout is raised exponentially without limitation.
   515  	// Note: dialCost is used in the formula below even if dial was not attempted at all
   516  	// because the pre-negotiation query did not return a positive result. In this case
   517  	// the ratio has no meaning anyway and waitFactor is always raised, though in smaller
   518  	// steps because queries are cheaper and therefore we can allow more failed attempts.
   519  	unixTime := s.unixTime()
   520  	plannedTimeout := float64(n.redialWaitEnd - n.redialWaitStart) // last planned redialWait timeout
   521  	var actualWait float64                                         // actual waiting time elapsed
   522  	if unixTime > n.redialWaitEnd {
   523  		// the planned timeout has elapsed
   524  		actualWait = plannedTimeout
   525  	} else {
   526  		// if the node was redialed earlier then we do not raise the planned timeout
   527  		// exponentially because that could lead to the timeout rising very high in
   528  		// a short amount of time
   529  		// Note that in case of an early redial actualWait also includes the dial
   530  		// timeout or connection time of the last attempt but it still serves its
   531  		// purpose of preventing the timeout rising quicker than linearly as a function
   532  		// of total time elapsed without a successful connection.
   533  		actualWait = float64(unixTime - n.redialWaitStart)
   534  	}
   535  	// raise timeout exponentially if the last planned timeout has elapsed
   536  	// (use at least the last planned timeout otherwise)
   537  	nextTimeout := actualWait * waitStep
   538  	if plannedTimeout > nextTimeout {
   539  		nextTimeout = plannedTimeout
   540  	}
   541  	// we reduce the waiting time if the server has provided service value during the
   542  	// connection (but never under the minimum)
   543  	a := totalValue * dialCost * float64(minRedialWait)
   544  	b := float64(totalDialCost) * sessionValue
   545  	if a < b*nextTimeout {
   546  		nextTimeout = a / b
   547  	}
   548  	if nextTimeout < minRedialWait {
   549  		nextTimeout = minRedialWait
   550  	}
   551  	wait := time.Duration(float64(time.Second) * nextTimeout)
   552  	if wait < waitThreshold {
   553  		n.redialWaitStart = unixTime
   554  		n.redialWaitEnd = unixTime + int64(nextTimeout)
   555  		s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiNodeHistory, n)
   556  		s.ns.SetStateSub(node, sfRedialWait, nodestate.Flags{}, wait)
   557  		s.updateWeight(node, totalValue, totalDialCost)
   558  	} else {
   559  		// discard known node statistics if waiting time is very long because the node
   560  		// hasn't been responsive for a very long time
   561  		s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiNodeHistory, nil)
   562  		s.ns.SetFieldSub(node, sfiNodeWeight, nil)
   563  		s.ns.SetStateSub(node, nodestate.Flags{}, sfHasValue, 0)
   564  	}
   565  }
   567  // calculateWeight calculates and sets the node weight without altering the node history.
   568  // This function should be called during startup and shutdown only, otherwise setRedialWait
   569  // will keep the weights updated as the underlying statistics are adjusted.
   570  // Note: this function should run inside a NodeStateMachine operation
   571  func (s *ServerPool) calculateWeight(node *enode.Node) {
   572  	n, _ := s.ns.GetField(node, sfiNodeHistory).(nodeHistory)
   573  	_, totalValue := s.serviceValue(node)
   574  	totalDialCost := s.addDialCost(&n, 0)
   575  	s.updateWeight(node, totalValue, totalDialCost)
   576  }
   578  // API returns the vflux client API
   579  func (s *ServerPool) API() *PrivateClientAPI {
   580  	return NewPrivateClientAPI(s.vt)
   581  }
   583  type dummyIdentity enode.ID
   585  func (id dummyIdentity) Verify(r *enr.Record, sig []byte) error { return nil }
   586  func (id dummyIdentity) NodeAddr(r *enr.Record) []byte          { return id[:] }
   588  // DialNode replaces the given enode with a locally generated one containing the ENR
   589  // stored in the sfiLocalAddress field if present. This workaround ensures that nodes
   590  // on the local network can be dialed at the local address if a connection has been
   591  // successfully established previously.
   592  // Note that NodeStateMachine always remembers the enode with the latest version of
   593  // the remote signed ENR. ENR filtering should be performed on that version while
   594  // dialNode should be used for dialing the node over TCP or UDP.
   595  func (s *ServerPool) DialNode(n *enode.Node) *enode.Node {
   596  	if enr, ok := s.ns.GetField(n, sfiLocalAddress).(*enr.Record); ok {
   597  		n, _ := enode.New(dummyIdentity(n.ID()), enr)
   598  		return n
   599  	}
   600  	return n
   601  }
   603  // Persist immediately stores the state of a node in the node database
   604  func (s *ServerPool) Persist(n *enode.Node) {
   605  	s.ns.Persist(n)
   606  }