
     1  Core go rules
     2  =============
     4  .. _test_filter:
     5  .. _test_arg:
     6  .. _Gazelle:
     7  .. _GoLibrary: providers.rst#GoLibrary
     8  .. _GoSource: providers.rst#GoSource
     9  .. _GoArchive: providers.rst#GoArchive
    10  .. _GoPath: providers.rst#GoPath
    11  .. _cgo:
    12  .. _"Make variable":
    13  .. _Bourne shell tokenization:
    14  .. _data dependencies:
    15  .. _cc library deps:
    16  .. _shard_count:
    17  .. _pure: modes.rst#pure
    18  .. _static: modes.rst#static
    19  .. _goos: modes.rst#goos
    20  .. _goarch: modes.rst#goarch
    21  .. _mode attributes: modes.rst#mode-attributes
    22  .. _write a CROSSTOOL file:
    23  .. _build constraints:
    24  .. _select:
    25  .. _config_setting:
    26  .. _nogo: nogo.rst#nogo
    28  .. role:: param(kbd)
    29  .. role:: type(emphasis)
    30  .. role:: value(code)
    31  .. |mandatory| replace:: **mandatory value**
    33  These are the core go rules, required for basic operation.
    34  The intent is that theses rules are sufficient to match the capabilities of the normal go tools.
    36  .. contents:: :depth: 2
    38  -----
    40  Design
    41  ------
    43  Defines and stamping
    44  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    46  In order to provide build time information to go code without data files, we
    47  support the concept of stamping.
    49  Stamping asks the linker to substitute the value of a global variable with a
    50  string determined at link time. Stamping only happens when linking a binary, not
    51  when compiling a package. This means that changing a value results only in
    52  re-linking, not re-compilation and thus does not cause cascading changes.
    54  Link values are set in the :param:`x_defs` attribute of any Go rule. This is a
    55  map of string to string, where keys are the names of variables to substitute,
    56  and values are the string to use. Keys may be names of variables in the package
    57  being compiled, or they may be fully qualified names of variables in another
    58  package.
    60  These mappings are collected up across the entire transitive dependancies of a
    61  binary. This means you can set a value using :param:`x_defs` in a
    62  ``go_library``, and any binary that links that library will be stamped with that
    63  value. You can also override stamp values from libraries using :param:`x_defs`
    64  on the ``go_binary`` rule if needed. The ``--[no]stamp`` option controls whether 
    65  stamping of workspace variables is enabled.
    67  Example
    68  ^^^^^^^
    70  Suppose we have a small library that contains the current version.
    72  .. code:: go
    74      package version
    76      var Version = "redacted"
    78  We can set the version in the ``go_library`` rule for this library.
    80  .. code:: bzl
    82      go_library(
    83          name = "go_default_library",
    84          srcs = ["version.go"],
    85          importpath = "",
    86          x_defs = {"Version": "0.9"},
    87      )
    89  Binaries that depend on this library may also set this value.
    91  .. code:: bzl
    93      go_binary(
    94          name = "cmd",
    95          srcs = ["main.go"],
    96          deps = ["//version:go_default_library"],
    97          x_defs = {"": "0.9"},
    98      )
   100  Stamping with the workspace status script
   101  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   103  You can use values produced by the workspace status command in your link stamp.
   104  To use this functionality, write a script that prints key-value pairs, separated
   105  by spaces, one per line. For example:
   107  .. code:: bash
   109      #!/usr/bin/env bash
   111      echo STABLE_GIT_COMMIT $(git rev-parse HEAD)
   113  **NOTE:** keys that start with ``STABLE_`` will trigger a re-link when they change.
   114  Other keys will NOT trigger a re-link.
   116  You can reference these in :param:`x_defs` using curly braces.
   118  .. code:: bzl
   120      go_binary(
   121          name = "cmd",
   122          srcs = ["main.go"],
   123          deps = ["//version:go_default_library"],
   124          x_defs = {"": "{STABLE_GIT_COMMIT}"},
   125      )
   127  You can build using the status script using the ``--workspace_status_command``
   128  argument on the command line:
   130  .. code:: bash
   132      $ bazel build --stamp --workspace_status_command=./ //:cmd
   134  Embedding
   135  ~~~~~~~~~
   137  The sources, dependencies, and data of a ``go_library`` may be *embedded*
   138  within another ``go_library``, ``go_binary``, or ``go_test`` using the ``embed``
   139  attribute. The embedding package will be compiled into a single archive
   140  file. The embedded package may still be compiled as a separate target.
   142  A minimal example of embedding is below. In this example, the command ``bazel
   143  build :foo_and_bar`` will compile ``foo.go`` and ``bar.go`` into a single
   144  archive. ``bazel build :bar`` will compile only ``bar.go``. Both libraries must
   145  have the same ``importpath``.
   147  .. code:: bzl
   149      go_library(
   150          name = "foo_and_bar",
   151          srcs = ["foo.go"],
   152          embed = [":bar"],
   153          importpath = "",
   154      )
   156      go_library(
   157          name = "bar",
   158          srcs = ["bar.go"],
   159          importpath = "",
   160      )
   162  Embedding is most frequently used for tests and binaries. Go supports two
   163  different kinds of tests. *Internal tests* (e.g., ``package foo``) are compiled
   164  into the same archive as the library under test and can reference unexported
   165  definitions in that library. *External tests* (e.g., ``package foo_test``) are
   166  compiled into separate archives and may depend on exported definitions from the
   167  internal test archive.
   169  In order to compile the internal test archive, we *embed* the ``go_library``
   170  under test into a ``go_test`` that contains the test sources. The ``go_test``
   171  rule can automatically distinguish internal and external test sources, so they
   172  can be listed together in ``srcs``. The ``go_library`` under test does not
   173  contain test sources. Other ``go_binary`` and ``go_library`` targets can depend
   174  on it or embed it.
   176  .. code:: bzl
   178      go_library(
   179          name = "go_default_library",
   180          srcs = ["foo.go"],
   181          importpath = "",
   182      )
   184      go_binary(
   185          name = "foo",
   186          embed = [":go_default_library"],
   187      )
   189      go_test(
   190          name = "go_default_test",
   191          srcs = [
   192              "foo_external_test.go",
   193              "foo_internal_test.go",
   194          ],
   195          embed = [":go_default_library"],
   196      )
   198  Embedding may also be used to add extra sources sources to a
   199  ``go_proto_library``.
   201  .. code:: bzl
   203      proto_library(
   204          name = "foo_proto",
   205          srcs = ["foo.proto"],
   206      )
   208      go_proto_library(
   209          name = "foo_go_proto",
   210          importpath = "",
   211          proto = ":foo_proto",
   212      )
   214      go_library(
   215          name = "go_default_library",
   216          srcs = ["extra.go"],
   217          embed = [":foo_go_proto"],
   218          importpath = "",
   219      )
   221  API
   222  ---
   224  go_library
   225  ~~~~~~~~~~
   227  This builds a Go library from a set of source files that are all part of
   228  the same package.
   230  Providers
   231  ^^^^^^^^^
   233  * GoLibrary_
   234  * GoSource_
   235  * GoArchive_
   237  Attributes
   238  ^^^^^^^^^^
   240  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   241  | **Name**                   | **Type**                    | **Default value**                     |
   242  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   243  | :param:`name`              | :type:`string`              | |mandatory|                           |
   244  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   245  | A unique name for this rule.                                                                     |
   246  |                                                                                                  |
   247  | To interoperate cleanly with Gazelle_ right now this should be :value:`go_default_library`.      |
   248  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   249  | :param:`importpath`        | :type:`string`              | |mandatory|                           |
   250  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   251  | The source import path of this library. Other libraries can import this                          |
   252  | library using this path. This must either be specified in ``go_library`` or                      |
   253  | inherited from one of the libraries in ``embed``.                                                |
   254  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   255  | :param:`importmap`         | :type:`string`              | :value:`""`                           |
   256  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   257  | The actual import path of this library. This is mostly only visible to the                       |
   258  | compiler and linker, but it may also be seen in stack traces. This may be set                    |
   259  | to prevent a binary from linking multiple packages with the same import path                     |
   260  | e.g., from different vendor directories.                                                         |
   261  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   262  | :param:`srcs`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   263  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   264  | The list of Go source files that are compiled to create the package.                             |
   265  | Only :value:`.go` files are permitted, unless the cgo attribute is set, in which case the        |
   266  | following file types are permitted: :value:`.go, .c, .s, .S .h`.                                 |
   267  | The files may contain Go-style `build constraints`_.                                             |
   268  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   269  | :param:`x_defs`            | :type:`string_dict`         | :value:`{}`                           |
   270  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   271  | Map of defines to add to the go link command.                                                    |
   272  | See `Defines and stamping`_ for examples of how to use these.                                    |
   273  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   274  | :param:`deps`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   275  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   276  | List of Go libraries this library imports directly.                                              |
   277  | These may be go_library rules or compatible rules with the GoLibrary_ provider.                  |
   278  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   279  | :param:`embed`             | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   280  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   281  | List of Go libraries whose sources should be compiled together with this                         |
   282  | library's sources. Labels listed here must name ``go_library``,                                  |
   283  | ``go_proto_library``, or other compatible targets with the GoLibrary_ and                        |
   284  | GoSource_ providers. Embedded libraries must have the same ``importpath`` as                     |
   285  | the embedding library. At most one embedded library may have ``cgo = True``,                     |
   286  | and the embedding library may not also have ``cgo = True``. See Embedding_                       |
   287  | for more information.                                                                            |
   288  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   289  | :param:`data`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   290  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   291  | The list of files needed by this rule at runtime. Targets named in the data attribute will       |
   292  | appear in the *.runfiles area of this rule, if it has one. This may include data files needed    |
   293  | by the binary, or other programs needed by it. See `data dependencies`_ for more information     |
   294  | about how to depend on and use data files.                                                       |
   295  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   296  | :param:`gc_goopts`         | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   297  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   298  | List of flags to add to the Go compilation command when using the gc compiler.                   |
   299  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   300  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   301  | :param:`cgo`               | :type:`boolean`             | :value:`False`                        |
   302  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   303  | If :value:`True`, the package uses cgo_.                                                         |
   304  | The cgo tool permits Go code to call C code and vice-versa.                                      |
   305  | This does not support calling C++.                                                               |
   306  | When cgo is set, :param:`srcs` may contain C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++,                   |
   307  | and assembly files. These files will be compiled with the compiler from                          |
   308  | the configured C/C++ toolchain. The compiled objects are included in                             |
   309  | the package.                                                                                     |
   310  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   311  | :param:`cdeps`             | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   312  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   313  | The list of other libraries that the c code depends on.                                          |
   314  | This can be anything that would be allowed in `cc library deps`_                                 |
   315  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   316  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   317  | :param:`copts`             | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   318  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   319  | List of flags to add to the C compilation command.                                               |
   320  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   321  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   322  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   323  | :param:`cxxopts`           | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   324  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   325  | List of flags to add to the C++ compilation command.                                             |
   326  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   327  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   328  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   329  | :param:`cppopts`           | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   330  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   331  | List of flags to add to the C/C++ preprocessor command.                                          |
   332  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   333  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   334  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   335  | :param:`clinkopts`         | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   336  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   337  | List of flags to add to the C link command.                                                      |
   338  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   339  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   340  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   342  Example
   343  ^^^^^^^
   345  .. code:: bzl
   347    go_library(
   348        name = "go_default_library",
   349        srcs = [
   350            "foo.go",
   351            "bar.go",
   352        ],
   353        deps = [
   354            "//tools:go_default_library",
   355            "@org_golang_x_utils//stuff:go_default_library",
   356        ],
   357        importpath = "",
   358        visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
   359    )
   361  go_tool_library
   362  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   364  This builds a Go library from a set of source files that are all part of
   365  the same package.
   367  This rule is a limited variant of ``go_library`` which may be used to
   368  bootstrap tools used by rules_go. This avoids a circular dependency.
   369  If you are building analyzers to be linked into a `nogo`_ binary, you'll
   370  need to use ``go_tool_library`` since ``go_library`` depends on `nogo`_
   371  implicitly.
   373  Providers
   374  ^^^^^^^^^
   376  * GoLibrary_
   377  * GoSource_
   378  * GoArchive_
   380  Attributes
   381  ^^^^^^^^^^
   383  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   384  | **Name**                   | **Type**                    | **Default value**                     |
   385  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   386  | :param:`name`              | :type:`string`              | |mandatory|                           |
   387  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   388  | A unique name for this rule.                                                                     |
   389  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   390  | :param:`srcs`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   391  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   392  | The list of Go source files that are compiled to create the package.                             |
   393  | Only :value:`.go` files are permitted. Cgo, assembly, and build constraints                      |
   394  | are not supported.                                                                               |
   395  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   396  | :param:`deps`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   397  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   398  | List of Go libraries this library imports directly.                                              |
   399  | These must be ``go_tool_library`` targets to avoid circular dependencies.                        |
   400  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   401  | :param:`embed`             | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   402  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   403  | List of Go libraries whose sources should be compiled together with this                         |
   404  | library's sources. Labels listed here must name ``go_tool_library`` targets.                     |
   405  | Embedded libraries must have the same ``importpath`` as the embedding library.                   |
   406  | See Embedding_ for more information.                                                             |
   407  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   408  | :param:`data`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   409  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   410  | The list of files needed by this rule at runtime. Targets named in the data attribute will       |
   411  | appear in the *.runfiles area of this rule, if it has one. This may include data files needed    |
   412  | by the binary, or other programs needed by it. See `data dependencies`_ for more information     |
   413  | about how to depend on and use data files.                                                       |
   414  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   416  Example
   417  ^^^^^^^
   419  .. code:: bzl
   421      go_tool_library(
   422          name = "importunsafe",
   423          srcs = ["importunsafe.go"],
   424          importpath = "importunsafe",
   425          deps = ["@org_golang_x_tools//go/analysis:go_tool_library"],
   426          visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
   427      )
   429  go_binary
   430  ~~~~~~~~~
   432  This builds an executable from a set of source files, which must all be
   433  in the ``main`` package. You can run the binary with ``bazel run``, or you can
   434  build it with ``bazel build`` and run it directly.
   436  Providers
   437  ^^^^^^^^^
   439  * GoLibrary_
   440  * GoSource_
   441  * GoArchive_
   443  Attributes
   444  ^^^^^^^^^^
   446  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   447  | **Name**                   | **Type**                    | **Default value**                     |
   448  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   449  | :param:`name`              | :type:`string`              | |mandatory|                           |
   450  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   451  | A unique name for this rule.                                                                     |
   452  |                                                                                                  |
   453  | This should be named the same as the desired name of the generated binary .                      |
   454  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   455  | :param:`srcs`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   456  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   457  | The list of Go source files that are compiled to create the binary.                              |
   458  | Only :value:`.go` files are permitted, unless the cgo attribute is set, in which case the        |
   459  | following file types are permitted: :value:`.go, .c, .s, .S .h`.                                 |
   460  | The files may contain Go-style `build constraints`_.                                             |
   461  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   462  | :param:`deps`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   463  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   464  | List of Go libraries this binary imports directly.                                               |
   465  | These may be go_library rules or compatible rules with the GoLibrary_ provider.                  |
   466  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   467  | :param:`embed`             | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   468  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   469  | List of Go libraries whose sources should be compiled together with this                         |
   470  | binary's sources. Labels listed here must name ``go_library``,                                   |
   471  | ``go_proto_library``, or other compatible targets with the GoLibrary_ and                        |
   472  | GoSource_ providers. Embedded libraries must all have the same ``importpath``,                   |
   473  | which must match the ``importpath`` for this ``go_binary`` if one is                             |
   474  | specified. At most one embedded library may have ``cgo = True``, and the                         |
   475  | embedding binary may not also have ``cgo = True``. See Embedding_ for                            |
   476  | more information.                                                                                |
   477  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   478  | :param:`data`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   479  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   480  | The list of files needed by this rule at runtime. Targets named in the data attribute will       |
   481  | appear in the *.runfiles area of this rule, if it has one. This may include data files needed    |
   482  | by the binary, or other programs needed by it. See `data dependencies`_ for more information     |
   483  | about how to depend on and use data files.                                                       |
   484  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   485  | :param:`importpath`        | :type:`string`              | :value:`""`                           |
   486  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   487  | The import path of this binary. Binaries can't actually be imported, but this                    |
   488  | may be used by `go_path`_ and other tools to report the location of source                       |
   489  | files. This may be inferred from embedded libraries.                                             |
   490  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   491  | :param:`pure`              | :type:`string`              | :value:`auto`                         |
   492  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   493  | This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls whether to link in pure_ mode.               |
   494  | It should be one of :value:`on`, :value:`off` or :value:`auto`.                                  |
   495  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   496  | :param:`static`            | :type:`string`              | :value:`auto`                         |
   497  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   498  | This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls whether to link in static_ mode.             |
   499  | It should be one of :value:`on`, :value:`off` or :value:`auto`.                                  |
   500  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   501  | :param:`race`              | :type:`string`              | :value:`auto`                         |
   502  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   503  | This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls whether to instrument                        |
   504  | code for data race detection. It may be :value:`on`, :value:`off`, or                            |
   505  | :value:`auto`. In most cases, it's better to enable race detection globally                      |
   506  | with ``--features=race`` on the command line.                                                    |
   507  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   508  | :param:`msan`              | :type:`string`              | :value:`auto`                         |
   509  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   510  | This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls whether to instrument                        |
   511  | code for memory santization. It may be :value:`on`, :value:`off`, or                             |
   512  | :value:`auto`. In most cases, it's better to enable memory sanitization                          |
   513  | globally with ``--features=msan`` on the command line.                                           |
   514  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   515  | :param:`goos`              | :type:`string`              | :value:`auto`                         |
   516  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   517  | This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls which goos_ to compile and link for.         |
   518  |                                                                                                  |
   519  | If set to anything other than :value:`auto` this overrides the default as set by the current     |
   520  | target platform and allows for single builds to make binaries for multiple architectures.        |
   521  |                                                                                                  |
   522  | Because this has no control over the cc toolchain, it does not work for cgo, so if this          |
   523  | attribute is set then :param:`pure` must be set to :value:`on`.                                  |
   524  |                                                                                                  |
   525  | This attribute has several limitations and should only be used in situations where the           |
   526  | ``--platforms`` flag does not work. See `Cross compilation`_ and `Note on goos and goarch        |
   527  | attributes`_ for more information.                                                               |
   528  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   529  | :param:`goarch`            | :type:`string`              | :value:`auto`                         |
   530  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   531  | This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls which goarch_ to compile and link for.       |
   532  |                                                                                                  |
   533  | If set to anything other than :value:`auto` this overrides the default as set by the current     |
   534  | target platform and allows for single builds to make binaries for multiple architectures.        |
   535  |                                                                                                  |
   536  | Because this has no control over the cc toolchain, it does not work for cgo, so if this          |
   537  | attribute is set then :param:`pure` must be set to :value:`on`.                                  |
   538  |                                                                                                  |
   539  | This attribute has several limitations and should only be used in situations where the           |
   540  | ``--platforms`` flag does not work. See `Cross compilation`_ and `Note on goos and goarch        |
   541  | attributes`_ for more information.                                                               |
   542  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   543  | :param:`gc_goopts`         | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   544  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   545  | List of flags to add to the Go compilation command when using the gc compiler.                   |
   546  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   547  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   548  | :param:`gc_linkopts`       | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   549  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   550  | List of flags to add to the Go link command when using the gc compiler.                          |
   551  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   552  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   553  | :param:`x_defs`            | :type:`string_dict`         | :value:`{}`                           |
   554  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   555  | Map of defines to add to the go link command.                                                    |
   556  | See `Defines and stamping`_ for examples of how to use these.                                    |
   557  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   558  | :param:`cgo`               | :type:`boolean`             | :value:`False`                        |
   559  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   560  | If :value:`True`, the binary uses cgo_.                                                          |
   561  | The cgo tool permits Go code to call C code and vice-versa.                                      |
   562  | This does not support calling C++.                                                               |
   563  | When cgo is set, :param:`srcs` may contain C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++,                   |
   564  | and assembly files. These files will be compiled with the compiler from                          |
   565  | the configured C/C++ toolchain. The compiled objects are included in                             |
   566  | the package.                                                                                     |
   567  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   568  | :param:`cdeps`             | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   569  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   570  | The list of other libraries that the c code depends on.                                          |
   571  | This can be anything that would be allowed in `cc library deps`_                                 |
   572  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   573  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   574  | :param:`copts`             | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   575  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   576  | List of flags to add to the C compilation command.                                               |
   577  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   578  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   579  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   580  | :param:`cxxopts`           | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   581  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   582  | List of flags to add to the C++ compilation command.                                             |
   583  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   584  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   585  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   586  | :param:`cppopts`           | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   587  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   588  | List of flags to add to the C/C++ preprocessor command.                                          |
   589  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   590  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   591  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   592  | :param:`clinkopts`         | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   593  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   594  | List of flags to add to the C link command.                                                      |
   595  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   596  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   597  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   598  | :param:`linkmode`          | :type:`string`              | :value:`"normal"`                     |
   599  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   600  | Determines how the binary should be built and linked. This accepts some of                       |
   601  | the same values as ``go build -buildmode`` and works the same way.                               |
   602  |                                                                                                  |
   603  | :value:`normal`                                                                                  |
   604  |     Builds a normal executable with position-dependent code.                                     |
   605  | :value:`pie`                                                                                     |
   606  |     Builds a position-independent executable.                                                    |
   607  | :value:`plugin`                                                                                  |
   608  |     Builds a shared library that can be loaded as a Go plugin. Only supported                    |
   609  |     on platforms that support plugins.                                                           |
   610  | :value:`c-shared`                                                                                |
   611  |     Builds a shared library that can be linked into a C program.                                 |
   612  | :value:`c-archive`                                                                               |
   613  |     Builds an archive that can be linked into a C program.                                       |
   614  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   615  | :param:`out`               | :type:`string`              | :value:`""`                           |
   616  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   617  | Sets the output filename for the generated executable. When set, ``go_binary``                   |
   618  | will write this file without mode-specific directory prefixes, without                           |
   619  | linkmode-specific prefixes like "lib", and without platform-specific suffixes                    |
   620  | like ".exe". Note that without a mode-specific directory prefix, the                             |
   621  | output file (but not its dependencies) will be invalidated in Bazel's cache                      |
   622  | when changing configurations.                                                                    |
   623  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   625  go_test
   626  ~~~~~~~
   628  This builds a set of tests that can be run with ``bazel test``.
   630  To run all tests in the workspace, and print output on failure (the
   631  equivalent of ``go test ./...``), run
   633  ::
   635    bazel test --test_output=errors //...
   637  To run a Go benchmark test, run
   639  ::
   641    bazel run //path/to:test -- -test.bench=.
   643  You can run specific tests by passing the `--test_filter=pattern <test_filter_>`_ argument to Bazel.
   644  You can pass arguments to tests by passing `--test_arg=arg <test_arg_>`_ arguments to Bazel.
   646  Attributes
   647  ^^^^^^^^^^
   649  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   650  | **Name**                   | **Type**                    | **Default value**                     |
   651  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   652  | :param:`name`              | :type:`string`              | |mandatory|                           |
   653  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   654  | A unique name for this rule.                                                                     |
   655  |                                                                                                  |
   656  | To interoperate cleanly with Gazelle_ right now this should be :value:`go_default_test` for      |
   657  | internal tests and :value:`go_default_xtest` for external tests.                                 |
   658  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   659  | :param:`importpath`        | :type:`string`              | :value:`""`                           |
   660  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   661  | The import path of this test. Tests can't actually be imported, but this                         |
   662  | may be used by `go_path`_ and other tools to report the location of source                       |
   663  | files. This may be inferred from embedded libraries.                                             |
   664  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   665  | :param:`srcs`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   666  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   667  | The list of Go source files that are compiled to create the test.                                |
   668  | Only :value:`.go` files are permitted, unless the cgo attribute is set, in which case the        |
   669  | following file types are permitted: :value:`.go, .c, .s, .S .h`.                                 |
   670  | The files may contain Go-style `build constraints`_.                                             |
   671  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   672  | :param:`deps`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   673  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   674  | List of Go libraries this test imports directly.                                                 |
   675  | These may be go_library rules or compatible rules with the GoLibrary_ provider.                  |
   676  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   677  | :param:`embed`             | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   678  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   679  | List of Go libraries whose sources should be compiled together with this                         |
   680  | test's sources. Labels listed here must name ``go_library``,                                     |
   681  | ``go_proto_library``, or other compatible targets with the GoLibrary_ and                        |
   682  | GoSource_ providers. Embedded libraries must have the same ``importpath`` as                     |
   683  | the embedding test, if one is specified. At most one embedded library may                        |
   684  | have ``cgo = True``, and the embedding test may not also have ``cgo = True``.                    |
   685  | See Embedding_ for more information.                                                             |
   686  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   687  | :param:`data`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   688  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   689  | The list of files needed by this rule at runtime. Targets named in the data attribute will       |
   690  | appear in the *.runfiles area of this rule, if it has one. This may include data files needed    |
   691  | by the binary, or other programs needed by it. See `data dependencies`_ for more information     |
   692  | about how to depend on and use data files.                                                       |
   693  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   694  | :param:`importpath`        | :type:`string`              | :value:`""`                           |
   695  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   696  | The import path of this test. Tests can't actually be imported, but this                         |
   697  | may be used by `go_path`_ and other tools to report the location of source                       |
   698  | files. This may be inferred from embedded libraries.                                             |
   699  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   700  | :param:`pure`              | :type:`string`              | :value:`auto`                         |
   701  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   702  | This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls whether to link in pure_ mode.               |
   703  | It should be one of :value:`on`, :value:`off` or :value:`auto`.                                  |
   704  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   705  | :param:`static`            | :type:`string`              | :value:`auto`                         |
   706  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   707  | This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls whether to link in static_ mode.             |
   708  | It should be one of :value:`on`, :value:`off` or :value:`auto`.                                  |
   709  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   710  | :param:`race`              | :type:`string`              | :value:`auto`                         |
   711  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   712  | This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls whether to instrument                        |
   713  | code for data race detection. It may be :value:`on`, :value:`off`, or                            |
   714  | :value:`auto`. In most cases, it's better to enable race detection globally                      |
   715  | with ``--features=race`` on the command line.                                                    |
   716  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   717  | :param:`msan`              | :type:`string`              | :value:`auto`                         |
   718  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   719  | This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls whether to instrument                        |
   720  | code for memory santization. It may be :value:`on`, :value:`off`, or                             |
   721  | :value:`auto`. In most cases, it's better to enable memory sanitization                          |
   722  | globally with ``--features=msan`` on the command line.                                           |
   723  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   724  | :param:`goos`              | :type:`string`              | :value:`auto`                         |
   725  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   726  | This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls which goos_ to compile and link for.         |
   727  |                                                                                                  |
   728  | If set to anything other than :value:`auto` this overrides the default as set by the current     |
   729  | target platform and allows for single builds to make binaries for multiple architectures.        |
   730  |                                                                                                  |
   731  | Because this has no control over the cc toolchain, it does not work for cgo, so if this          |
   732  | attribute is set then :param:`pure` must be set to :value:`on`.                                  |
   733  |                                                                                                  |
   734  | This attribute has several limitations and should only be used in situations where the           |
   735  | ``--platforms`` flag does not work. See `Cross compilation`_ and `Note on goos and goarch        |
   736  | attributes`_ for more information.                                                               |
   737  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   738  | :param:`goarch`            | :type:`string`              | :value:`auto`                         |
   739  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   740  | This is one of the `mode attributes`_ that controls which goarch_ to compile and link for.       |
   741  |                                                                                                  |
   742  | If set to anything other than :value:`auto` this overrides the default as set by the current     |
   743  | target platform and allows for single builds to make binaries for multiple architectures.        |
   744  |                                                                                                  |
   745  | Because this has no control over the cc toolchain, it does not work for cgo, so if this          |
   746  | attribute is set then :param:`pure` must be set to :value:`on`.                                  |
   747  |                                                                                                  |
   748  | This attribute has several limitations and should only be used in situations where the           |
   749  | ``--platforms`` flag does not work. See `Cross compilation`_ and `Note on goos and goarch        |
   750  | attributes`_ for more information.                                                               |
   751  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   752  | :param:`gc_goopts`         | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   753  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   754  | List of flags to add to the Go compilation command when using the gc compiler.                   |
   755  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   756  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   757  | :param:`gc_linkopts`       | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   758  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   759  | List of flags to add to the Go link command when using the gc compiler.                          |
   760  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   761  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   762  | :param:`x_defs`            | :type:`string_dict`         | :value:`{}`                           |
   763  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   764  | Map of defines to add to the go link command.                                                    |
   765  | See `Defines and stamping`_ for examples of how to use these.                                    |
   766  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   767  | :param:`cgo`               | :type:`boolean`             | :value:`False`                        |
   768  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   769  | If :value:`True`, the binary uses cgo_.                                                          |
   770  | The cgo tool permits Go code to call C code and vice-versa.                                      |
   771  | This does not support calling C++.                                                               |
   772  | When cgo is set, :param:`srcs` may contain C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++,                   |
   773  | and assembly files. These files will be compiled with the compiler from                          |
   774  | the configured C/C++ toolchain. The compiled objects are included in                             |
   775  | the package.                                                                                     |
   776  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   777  | :param:`cdeps`             | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   778  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   779  | The list of other libraries that the c code depends on.                                          |
   780  | This can be anything that would be allowed in `cc library deps`_                                 |
   781  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   782  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   783  | :param:`copts`             | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   784  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   785  | List of flags to add to the C compilation command.                                               |
   786  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   787  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   788  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   789  | :param:`cxxopts`           | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   790  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   791  | List of flags to add to the C++ compilation command.                                             |
   792  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   793  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   794  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   795  | :param:`cppopts`           | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   796  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   797  | List of flags to add to the C/C++ preprocessor command.                                          |
   798  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   799  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   800  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   801  | :param:`clinkopts`         | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   802  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   803  | List of flags to add to the C link command.                                                      |
   804  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   805  | Only valid if :param:`cgo` = :value:`True`.                                                      |
   806  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   807  | :param:`rundir`            | :type:`string`              | The package path                      |
   808  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   809  | A directory to cd to before the test is run.                                                     |
   810  | This should be a path relative to the execution dir of the test.                                 |
   811  |                                                                                                  |
   812  | The default behaviour is to change to the workspace relative path, this replicates the normal    |
   813  | behaviour of ``go test`` so it is easy to write compatible tests.                                |
   814  |                                                                                                  |
   815  | Setting it to :value:`.` makes the test behave the normal way for a bazel test.                  |
   816  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   817  | :param:`shard_count`       | :type:`integer`             | :value:`None`                         |
   818  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   819  | Non-negative integer less than or equal to 50, optional.                                         |
   820  |                                                                                                  |
   821  | Specifies the number of parallel shards to run the test. Test methods will be split across the   |
   822  | shards in a round-robin fashion.                                                                 |
   823  |                                                                                                  |
   824  | For more details on this attribute, consult the official Bazel documentation for shard_count_.   |
   825  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   827  To write an internal test, reference the library being tested with the :param:`embed`
   828  instead of :param:`deps`. This will compile the test sources into the same package as the library
   829  sources.
   831  Internal test example
   832  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   834  This builds a test that can use the internal interface of the package being tested.
   836  In the normal go toolchain this would be the kind of tests formed by adding writing
   837  ``<file>_test.go`` files in the same package.
   839  It references the library being tested with :param:`embed`.
   842  .. code:: bzl
   844    go_library(
   845        name = "go_default_library",
   846        srcs = ["lib.go"],
   847    )
   849    go_test(
   850        name = "go_default_test",
   851        srcs = ["lib_test.go"],
   852        embed = [":go_default_library"],
   853    )
   855  External test example
   856  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   858  This builds a test that can only use the public interface(s) of the packages being tested.
   860  In the normal go toolchain this would be the kind of tests formed by adding an ``<name>_test``
   861  package.
   863  It references the library(s) being tested with :param:`deps`.
   865  .. code:: bzl
   867    go_library(
   868        name = "go_default_library",
   869        srcs = ["lib.go"],
   870    )
   872    go_test(
   873        name = "go_default_xtest",
   874        srcs = ["lib_x_test.go"],
   875        deps = [":go_default_library"],
   876    )
   878  go_source
   879  ~~~~~~~~~
   881  This declares a set of source files and related dependencies that can be embedded into one of the
   882  other rules.
   883  This is used as a way of easily declaring a common set of sources re-used in multiple rules.
   885  Providers
   886  ^^^^^^^^^
   888  * GoLibrary_
   889  * GoSource_
   891  Attributes
   892  ^^^^^^^^^^
   894  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   895  | **Name**                   | **Type**                    | **Default value**                     |
   896  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   897  | :param:`name`              | :type:`string`              | |mandatory|                           |
   898  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   899  | A unique name for this rule.                                                                     |
   900  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   901  | :param:`srcs`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   902  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   903  | The list of Go source files that are compiled to create the package.                             |
   904  | The following file types are permitted: :value:`.go, .c, .s, .S .h`.                             |
   905  | The files may contain Go-style `build constraints`_.                                             |
   906  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   907  | :param:`deps`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   908  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   909  | List of Go libraries this source list imports directly.                                          |
   910  | These may be go_library rules or compatible rules with the GoLibrary_ provider.                  |
   911  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   912  | :param:`embed`             | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   913  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   914  | List of sources to directly embed in this list.                                                  |
   915  | These may be go_library rules or compatible rules with the GoSource_ provider.                   |
   916  | These can provide both :param:`srcs` and :param:`deps` to this library.                          |
   917  | See Embedding_ for more information about how and when to use this.                              |
   918  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   919  | :param:`data`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`None`                         |
   920  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   921  | The list of files needed by this rule at runtime. Targets named in the data attribute will       |
   922  | appear in the *.runfiles area of this rule, if it has one. This may include data files needed    |
   923  | by the binary, or other programs needed by it. See `data dependencies`_ for more information     |
   924  | about how to depend on and use data files.                                                       |
   925  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   926  | :param:`gc_goopts`         | :type:`string_list`         | :value:`[]`                           |
   927  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   928  | List of flags to add to the Go compilation command when using the gc compiler.                   |
   929  | Subject to `"Make variable"`_ substitution and `Bourne shell tokenization`_.                     |
   930  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   932  go_path
   933  ~~~~~~~
   935  ``go_path`` builds a directory structure that can be used with tools that
   936  understand the ``GOPATH`` directory layout. This directory structure can be
   937  built by zipping, copying, or linking files.
   939  ``go_path`` can depend on one or more Go targets (i.e., `go_library`_,
   940  `go_binary`_, or `go_test`_). It will include packages from those targets, as
   941  well as their transitive dependencies. Packages will be in subdirectories named
   942  after their ``importpath`` or ``importmap`` attributes under a ``src/``
   943  directory.
   945  Attributes
   946  ^^^^^^^^^^
   948  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   949  | **Name**                   | **Type**                    | **Default value**                     |
   950  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   951  | :param:`name`              | :type:`string`              | |mandatory|                           |
   952  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   953  | A unique name for this rule.                                                                     |
   954  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   955  | :param:`deps`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`[]`                           |
   956  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   957  | A list of targets that build Go packages. A directory will be generated from                     |
   958  | files in these targets and their transitive dependencies. All targets must                       |
   959  | provide GoArchive_ (`go_library`_, `go_binary`_, `go_test`_, and similar                         |
   960  | rules have this).                                                                                |
   961  |                                                                                                  |
   962  | Only targets with explicit ``importpath`` attributes will be included in the                     |
   963  | generated directory. Synthetic packages (like the main package produced by                       |
   964  | `go_test`_) and packages with inferred import paths will not be                                  |
   965  | included. The values of ``importmap`` attributes may influence the placement                     |
   966  | of packages within the generated directory (for example, in vendor                               |
   967  | directories).                                                                                    |
   968  |                                                                                                  |
   969  | The generated directory will contain original source files, including .go,                       |
   970  | .s, .h, and .c files compiled by cgo. It will not contain files generated by                     |
   971  | tools like cover and cgo, but it will contain generated files passed in                          |
   972  | ``srcs`` attributes like .pb.go files. The generated directory will also                         |
   973  | contain runfiles found in ``data`` attributes.                                                   |
   974  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   975  | :param:`data`              | :type:`label_list`          | :value:`[]`                           |
   976  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   977  | A list of targets producing data files that will be stored next to the                           |
   978  | ``src/`` directory. Useful for including things like licenses and readmes.                       |
   979  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   980  | :param:`mode`              | :type:`string`              | :value:`"copy"`                       |
   981  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   982  | Determines how the generated directory is provided. May be one of:                               |
   983  |                                                                                                  |
   984  | * ``"archive"``: The generated directory is packaged as a single .zip file.                      |
   985  | * ``"copy"``: The generated directory is a single tree artifact. Source files                    |
   986  |   are copied into the tree.                                                                      |
   987  | * ``"link"``: Source files are symlinked into the tree. All of the symlink                       |
   988  |   files are provided as separate output files.                                                   |
   989  |                                                                                                  |
   990  | **NOTE:** In ``"copy"`` mode, when a ``GoPath`` is consumed as a set of input                    |
   991  | files or run files, Bazel may provide symbolic links instead of regular files.                   |
   992  | Any program that consumes these files should dereference links, e.g., if you                     |
   993  | run ``tar``, use the ``--dereference`` flag.                                                     |
   994  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   995  | :param:`include_data`      | :type:`bool`                | :value:`True`                         |
   996  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
   997  | When true, data files referenced by libraries, binaries, and tests will be                       |
   998  | included in the output directory. Files listed in the :param:`data` attribute                    |
   999  | for this rule will be included regardless of this attribute.                                     |
  1000  +----------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------------------------+
  1002  go_rule
  1003  ~~~~~~~
  1005  This is a wrapper around the normal rule function.
  1006  It modifies the attrs and toolchains attributes to make sure everything needed to build a go_context
  1007  is present.
  1009  Cross compilation
  1010  -----------------
  1012  rules_go can cross-compile Go projects to any platform the Go toolchain
  1013  supports. The simplest way to do this is by setting the ``--platforms`` flag on
  1014  the command line.
  1016  .. code::
  1018      $ bazel build --platforms=@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:linux_amd64 //my/project
  1020  You can replace ``linux_amd64`` in the example above with any valid
  1021  GOOS / GOARCH pair. To list all platforms, run this command:
  1023  .. code::
  1025      $ bazel query 'kind(platform, @io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:all)'
  1027  By default, cross-compilation will cause Go targets to be built in "pure mode",
  1028  which disables cgo; cgo files will not be compiled, and C/C++ dependencies will
  1029  not be compiled or linked.
  1031  Cross-compiling cgo code is possible, but not fully supported. You will need to
  1032  `write a CROSSTOOL file`_ that describes your C/C++ toolchain. You'll need to
  1033  ensure it works by building ``cc_binary`` and ``cc_library`` targets with the
  1034  ``--cpu`` command line flag set. Then, to build a mixed Go / C / C++ project,
  1035  add ``pure = "off"`` to your ``go_binary`` target and run Bazel with ``--cpu``
  1036  and ``--platforms``.
  1038  Platform-specific dependencies
  1039  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1041  When cross-compiling, you may have some platform-specific sources and
  1042  dependencies. Source files from all platforms can be mixed freely in a single
  1043  ``srcs`` list. Source files are filtered using `build constraints`_ (filename
  1044  suffixes and ``+build`` tags) before being passed to the compiler.
  1046  Platform-specific dependencies are another story. For example, if you are
  1047  building a binary for Linux, and it has dependency that should only be built
  1048  when targeting Windows, you will need to filter it out using Bazel `select`_
  1049  expressions:
  1051  .. code:: bzl
  1053      go_binary(
  1054          name = "cmd",
  1055          srcs = [
  1056              "foo_linux.go",
  1057              "foo_windows.go",
  1058          ],
  1059          deps = [
  1060              # platform agnostic dependencies
  1061              "//bar:go_default_library",
  1062          ] + select({
  1063              # OS-specific dependencies
  1064              "@io_bazel_rules_go//go/platform:linux": [
  1065                  "//baz_linux:go_default_library",
  1066              ],
  1067              "@io_bazel_rules_go//go/platform:windows": [
  1068                  "//quux_windows:go_default_library",
  1069              ],
  1070              "//conditions:default": [],
  1071          }),
  1072      )
  1074  ``select`` accepts a dictionary argument. The keys are labels that reference
  1075  `config_setting`_ rules. The values are lists of labels. Exactly one of these
  1076  lists will be selected, depending on the target configuration. rules_go has
  1077  pre-declared ``config_setting`` rules for each OS, architecture, and
  1078  OS-architecture pair. For a full list, run this command:
  1080  .. code::
  1082      $ bazel query 'kind(config_setting, @io_bazel_rules_go//go/platform:all)'
  1084  `Gazelle`_ will generate dependencies in this format automatically.
  1086  Note on goos and goarch attributes
  1087  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1089  It is possible to cross-compile ``go_binary`` and ``go_test`` targets by
  1090  setting the ``goos`` and ``goarch`` attributes to the target platform. These
  1091  attributes were added for projects that cross-compile binaries for multiple
  1092  platforms in the same build, then package the resulting executables.
  1094  Bazel does not have a native understanding of the ``goos`` and ``goarch``
  1095  attributes, so values do not affect `select`_ expressions. This means if you use
  1096  these attributes with a target that has any transitive platform-specific
  1097  dependencies, ``select`` may choose the wrong set of dependencies. Consequently,
  1098  if you use ``goos`` or ``goarch`` attributes, you will not be able to safely
  1099  generate build files with Gazelle or ``go_repository``.
  1101  Additionally, setting ``goos`` and ``goarch`` will not automatically disable
  1102  cgo. You should almost always set ``pure = "on"`` together with these
  1103  attributes.
  1105  Because of these limitations, it's almost always better to cross-compile by
  1106  setting ``--platforms`` on the command line instead.