
     1  rules_go and Gazelle roadmap
     2  ============================
     4  .. _Language Server Protocol:
     5  .. _bazel-go-discuss:!forum/bazel-go-discuss
     6  .. _bazelbuild/bazel#1118:
     7  .. _bazelbuild/bazel#4544:
     8  .. _go/build:
     9  .. _open an issue:
    11  This document describes the major rules_go and Gazelle features the Go team is
    12  working on and how those features are prioritized. If you have an idea for a
    13  feature which is not mentioned here or if you think something should be
    14  prioritized differently, please send a message to bazel-go-discuss_, or `open an
    15  issue`_.
    17  Features here are prioritized as P0 (critical), P1 (important), and P2 (nice to
    18  have). These priorities are not strict and may change over time. We may work on
    19  simpler P2 features before more complicated P0 features.
    21  Release process
    22  ---------------
    24  P0: Release cadence
    25  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    27  For most of the life of rules_go, we've kept a single master branch with
    28  releases tagged on that branch. This practice has kept development simple and
    29  fast, but it has imposed more migration work than necessary on developers that
    30  just need a new Go SDK or bug fix.
    32  In the future, the release cadence will be more regular. We will tag major
    33  releases from ``master`` near the beginning of each month. Major releases will
    34  include new features and upgraded versions of dependencies like gRPC. Of course,
    35  dependencies may still be overridden in WORKSPACE. Major releases will have a
    36  version number of the form 0.X.0 (where X is the major version number).
    38  P0: Minor releases
    39  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    41  Additionally, we will tag minor releases when needed. Each major release will
    42  mark the beginning of a *release branch*. We will cherry-pick fixes for severe
    43  bugs and support for new Go SDK versions back to release branches. We will tag
    44  minor releases from these branches. Minor releases will have a version number
    45  of the form 0.X.Y (where Y is the minor version number).
    47  Minor releases will not include changes to rules_go dependencies or changes
    48  to the API: rules, attributes, and providers will not be changed or removed.
    50  The last three release branches will be maintained, starting with 0.10. New
    51  releases will be announced on `bazel-go-discuss`_.
    53  Tools
    54  -----
    56  P0: Integration with tools
    57  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    59  Standalone tools such as gofmt, goimports, and govet typically assume a standard
    60  Go project layout, i.e., that GOPATH and GOROOT are set and imported packages
    61  may be found in the directories they point to. These assumptions are not
    62  generally valid in a Bazel environment. Tools that collect build metadata with
    63  `go/build`_ produce incomplete or inaccurate results since `go/build`_ does not
    64  understand Bazel.
    66  We are developing a new framework for collecting build metadata that will
    67  decouple tools from the build system. This framework is important for both Bazel
    68  and vgo, which will be the primary Go build system in future releases. Tools
    69  using framework will be aware of generated code in Bazel workspaces.
    71  P0: Integration with editors
    72  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    74  Editor and IDE support is vitally important. Features like code completion,
    75  go-to-definition, and simple refactoring must work.
    77  The build metadata framework described above is the key part of improving editor
    78  support. We will also ensure there is a program that integrates this framework
    79  with the `Language Server Protocol`_. This will provide Go-specific
    80  functionality to most editors.
    82  Dependency management
    83  ---------------------
    85  P1: Better external repository support
    86  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    88  Gazelle will improve support for external repositories in several ways.
    90  * Gazelle will index libraries in external repositories for dependency
    91    resolution. Currently, Gazelle relies on naming conventions when resolving
    92    dependencies in external repositories.
    93  * Gazelle will be able to add and update repository rules, based on unresolved
    94    import paths from sources in the workspace. This will work for direct and
    95    transitive dependencies. This should simplify WORKSPACE file maintenance.
    96  * Gazelle will import repository rules from more vendoring tools. Currently,
    97    Gazelle can import dependencies from dep using ``gazelle update-repos
    98    -from_file=Gopkg.lock``.
   100  P1: Better vendoring support
   101  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   103  Gazelle will improve support for vendoring in several ways.
   105  * Test rules will not be generated in vendor by default. Tests frequently pull
   106    in dependencies that aren't needed by libraries. Some vendoring tools, such as
   107    dep, already prune out test source files from vendored packages.
   108  * It will be possible to configure Gazelle to ignore vendor directories in
   109    external repositories (via ``go_repository``).
   110  * The ``importmap`` attribute will be set by default on go_library rules in
   111    vendor. This prevents conflicts when multiple packages with the same import
   112    path are linked.
   114  P2: Overlay repositories
   115  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   117  The ``go_repository`` rule retrieves external repositories and generates build
   118  files for them using Gazelle at build time. ``go_repository`` doesn't allow
   119  manual modifications to generated build files, so if Gazelle does something
   120  incorrectly, it's difficult to work around. This has especially been a problem
   121  for protos.
   123  In the future, Gazelle will support "overlay" repositories. Build files may be
   124  generated ahead of time using a simple command, modified by hand if needed, then
   125  checked in. Repositories may be retrieved using a variant of ``git_repository``
   126  or ``http_archive`` that will copy the pre-generated build files into the
   127  correct places.
   129  Since ``go_repository`` works well for pure Go dependencies, we'll continue to
   130  support it, and it will still be the default. However, we will move the
   131  definition of ``go_repository`` to Gazelle's repository to reduce
   132  coupling between rules_go and Gazelle.
   134  Coverage
   135  --------
   137  P0: Bazel code coverage
   138  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   140  ``bazel coverage`` can be used instead of ``bazel test`` to gather coverage
   141  information and present a unified report for multiple tests.
   143  rules_go already has some support for coverage instrumentation: we can compile
   144  binaries that generate coverage data. However, we need Bazel to be able to
   145  collect coverage data and present it as a unified report. See
   146  `bazelbuild/bazel#1118`_.
   148  Build
   149  -----
   151  P1: Static analysis
   152  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   154  Since 1.10, go test runs a subset of vet tests automatically when building
   155  tests. We plan to support this and more. Users will be able to run a
   156  configurable and extensible set of static analysis checks when building
   157  libraries, binaries, and tests. Static analysis may be configured in three
   158  places.
   160  * A global set of checks for all Go packages, configured in WORKSPACE.
   161  * A top-down set of checks for all packages a binary or test depends on,
   162    configured on the ``go_binary`` or ``go_test`` rule.
   163  * A bottom-up set of checks for all packages that depend on a library,
   164    configured on the ``go_library`` rule.
   166  By default, this framework will run the same safe subset of vet checks that go
   167  test runs.
   169  P2: Shared and plugin builds
   170  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   172  The Go toolchain builds static binaries by default, but it also supports
   173  building shared libraries and plugins. rules_go should support these build modes
   174  as well.
   176  Protos
   177  ------
   179  P1: Correct rules for vendored protos
   180  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   182  Bazel requires that .proto files import other .proto files using paths relative
   183  to a repository root.  Unfortunately, this means there's no way for a .proto
   184  file in a vendor directory to import another .proto file in a vendor directory.
   186  The Bazel team is working on adding an attribute to proto_library rules that
   187  allows setting a source root (see `bazelbuild/bazel#4544`_). When this attribute
   188  is supported in a released version of Bazel, Gazelle will start generating
   189  ``proto_library`` rules that use it for proto files in vendor directories.
   191  Note that by default, Gazelle does not generate proto rules in vendor
   192  directories. This probably won't change.
   194  P2: Remove old proto rules
   195  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   197  The new proto rules in ``//proto:def.bzl`` have been available for some time. At
   198  some point, we'll remove ``//proto:go_proto_library.bzl`` so that we can drop
   199  the additional dependencies it requires.
   201  Rule naming and consolidation
   202  -----------------------------
   204  P1: Gazelle support for multiple packages per directory
   205  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   207  Gazelle supports a single Go package per directory, since that's what go build
   208  supports. This is a painful limitation for protocol buffers: it's common to
   209  store .proto files from different packages in the same directory. In the future,
   210  Gazelle will generate separate ``proto_library`` and ``go_proto_library`` rules
   211  per package.
   213  Gazelle will also generate multiple ``go_library`` and ``go_test`` rules when
   214  there are sources belonging to multiple packages in the same directory. It's
   215  likely that we'll change the naming convention for libraries at this point (no
   216  more ``go_default_library``).
   218  P2: Consolidation of library, binary, and test rules
   219  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   221  ``gazelle fix`` will squash rules in several new cases:
   223  * In ``main`` packages with no tests, Gazelle will squash ``go_library`` rules
   224    into ``go_binary``.
   225  * In packages that only have .proto source files (no .go files other than those
   226    generated by the proto compiler), gazelle will squash ``go_library`` rules
   227    into ``go_proto_library``.
   228  * Internal and external test rules will be squashed into a single ``go_test``
   229    rule. rules_go can now build ``go_test`` rules with both internal and external
   230    sources, so separate rules are no longer necessary.