
     1  {{#app-view class="acl edit" loading=isLoading}}
     2      {{#block-slot 'notification' as |status type|}}
     3        {{partial 'dc/acls/notifications'}}
     4      {{/block-slot}}
     5      {{#block-slot 'breadcrumbs'}}
     6          <ol>
     7              <li><a data-test-back href={{href-to 'dc.acls'}}>All Tokens</a></li>
     8          </ol>
     9      {{/block-slot}}
    10      {{#block-slot 'header'}}
    11          <h1>
    12  {{#if item.Name }}
    13              {{item.Name}}
    14  {{else}}
    15              New token
    16  {{/if}}
    17          </h1>
    18      {{/block-slot}}
    19      {{#block-slot 'actions'}}
    20  {{#if (not create) }}
    21          {{#feedback-dialog type='inline'}}
    22              {{#block-slot 'action' as |success error|}}
    23                  {{#copy-button success=(action success) error=(action error) clipboardText=item.ID title='copy token ID to clipboard'}}
    24                      Copy token ID
    25                  {{/copy-button}}
    26              {{/block-slot}}
    27              {{#block-slot 'success' as |transition|}}
    28                  <p class={{transition}}>
    29                      Copied token ID!
    30                  </p>
    31              {{/block-slot}}
    32              {{#block-slot 'error' as |transition|}}
    33                  <p class={{transition}}>
    34                      Sorry, something went wrong!
    35                  </p>
    36              {{/block-slot}}
    37          {{/feedback-dialog}}
    38          <button type="button" {{ action "clone" item }}>Clone token</button>
    39          {{#confirmation-dialog message='Are you sure you want to use this ACL token?'}}
    40              {{#block-slot 'action' as |confirm|}}
    41                  <button data-test-use type="button" {{ action confirm 'use' item }}>Use token</button>
    42              {{/block-slot}}
    43              {{#block-slot 'dialog' as |execute cancel message|}}
    44                  <p>
    45                      {{message}}
    46                  </p>
    47                  <button type="button" class="type-delete" {{action execute}}>Confirm Use</button>
    48                  <button type="button" class="type-cancel" {{action cancel}}>Cancel</button>
    49              {{/block-slot}}
    50          {{/confirmation-dialog}}
    51  {{/if}}
    52      {{/block-slot}}
    53      {{#block-slot 'content'}}
    54          {{ partial 'dc/acls/form'}}
    55      {{/block-slot}}
    56  {{/app-view}}