
     1  // Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
     2  // This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
     3  //
     4  // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     5  // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     7  // (at your option) any later version.
     8  //
     9  // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12  // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    13  //
    14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    15  // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
    17  package storage
    19  import (
    20  	"bytes"
    21  	"crypto"
    22  	"fmt"
    23  	"hash"
    24  	"io"
    25  	"sync"
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  )
    31  type Hasher func() hash.Hash
    33  // Peer is the recorded as Source on the chunk
    34  // should probably not be here? but network should wrap chunk object
    35  type Peer interface{}
    37  type Key []byte
    39  func (x Key) Size() uint {
    40  	return uint(len(x))
    41  }
    43  func (x Key) isEqual(y Key) bool {
    44  	return bytes.Equal(x, y)
    45  }
    47  func (h Key) bits(i, j uint) uint {
    48  	ii := i >> 3
    49  	jj := i & 7
    50  	if ii >= h.Size() {
    51  		return 0
    52  	}
    54  	if jj+j <= 8 {
    55  		return uint((h[ii] >> jj) & ((1 << j) - 1))
    56  	}
    58  	res := uint(h[ii] >> jj)
    59  	jj = 8 - jj
    60  	j -= jj
    61  	for j != 0 {
    62  		ii++
    63  		if j < 8 {
    64  			res += uint(h[ii]&((1<<j)-1)) << jj
    65  			return res
    66  		}
    67  		res += uint(h[ii]) << jj
    68  		jj += 8
    69  		j -= 8
    70  	}
    71  	return res
    72  }
    74  func IsZeroKey(key Key) bool {
    75  	return len(key) == 0 || bytes.Equal(key, ZeroKey)
    76  }
    78  var ZeroKey = Key(common.Hash{}.Bytes())
    80  func MakeHashFunc(hash string) Hasher {
    81  	switch hash {
    82  	case "SHA256":
    83  		return crypto.SHA256.New
    84  	case "SHA3":
    85  		return sha3.NewKeccak256
    86  	}
    87  	return nil
    88  }
    90  func (key Key) Hex() string {
    91  	return fmt.Sprintf("%064x", []byte(key[:]))
    92  }
    94  func (key Key) Log() string {
    95  	if len(key[:]) < 4 {
    96  		return fmt.Sprintf("%x", []byte(key[:]))
    97  	}
    98  	return fmt.Sprintf("%08x", []byte(key[:4]))
    99  }
   101  func (key Key) String() string {
   102  	return fmt.Sprintf("%064x", []byte(key)[:])
   103  }
   105  func (key Key) MarshalJSON() (out []byte, err error) {
   106  	return []byte(`"` + key.String() + `"`), nil
   107  }
   109  func (key *Key) UnmarshalJSON(value []byte) error {
   110  	s := string(value)
   111  	*key = make([]byte, 32)
   112  	h := common.Hex2Bytes(s[1 : len(s)-1])
   113  	copy(*key, h)
   114  	return nil
   115  }
   117  // each chunk when first requested opens a record associated with the request
   118  // next time a request for the same chunk arrives, this record is updated
   119  // this request status keeps track of the request ID-s as well as the requesting
   120  // peers and has a channel that is closed when the chunk is retrieved. Multiple
   121  // local callers can wait on this channel (or combined with a timeout, block with a
   122  // select).
   123  type RequestStatus struct {
   124  	Key        Key
   125  	Source     Peer
   126  	C          chan bool
   127  	Requesters map[uint64][]interface{}
   128  }
   130  func newRequestStatus(key Key) *RequestStatus {
   131  	return &RequestStatus{
   132  		Key:        key,
   133  		Requesters: make(map[uint64][]interface{}),
   134  		C:          make(chan bool),
   135  	}
   136  }
   138  // Chunk also serves as a request object passed to ChunkStores
   139  // in case it is a retrieval request, Data is nil and Size is 0
   140  // Note that Size is not the size of the data chunk, which is Data.Size()
   141  // but the size of the subtree encoded in the chunk
   142  // 0 if request, to be supplied by the dpa
   143  type Chunk struct {
   144  	Key      Key             // always
   145  	SData    []byte          // nil if request, to be supplied by dpa
   146  	Size     int64           // size of the data covered by the subtree encoded in this chunk
   147  	Source   Peer            // peer
   148  	C        chan bool       // to signal data delivery by the dpa
   149  	Req      *RequestStatus  // request Status needed by netStore
   150  	wg       *sync.WaitGroup // wg to synchronize
   151  	dbStored chan bool       // never remove a chunk from memStore before it is written to dbStore
   152  }
   154  func NewChunk(key Key, rs *RequestStatus) *Chunk {
   155  	return &Chunk{Key: key, Req: rs}
   156  }
   158  /*
   159  The ChunkStore interface is implemented by :
   161  - MemStore: a memory cache
   162  - DbStore: local disk/db store
   163  - LocalStore: a combination (sequence of) memStore and dbStore
   164  - NetStore: cloud storage abstraction layer
   165  - DPA: local requests for swarm storage and retrieval
   166  */
   167  type ChunkStore interface {
   168  	Put(*Chunk) // effectively there is no error even if there is an error
   169  	Get(Key) (*Chunk, error)
   170  	Close()
   171  }
   173  /*
   174  Chunker is the interface to a component that is responsible for disassembling and assembling larger data and indended to be the dependency of a DPA storage system with fixed maximum chunksize.
   176  It relies on the underlying chunking model.
   178  When calling Split, the caller provides a channel (chan *Chunk) on which it receives chunks to store. The DPA delegates to storage layers (implementing ChunkStore interface).
   180  Split returns an error channel, which the caller can monitor.
   181  After getting notified that all the data has been split (the error channel is closed), the caller can safely read or save the root key. Optionally it times out if not all chunks get stored or not the entire stream of data has been processed. By inspecting the errc channel the caller can check if any explicit errors (typically IO read/write failures) occurred during splitting.
   183  When calling Join with a root key, the caller gets returned a seekable lazy reader. The caller again provides a channel on which the caller receives placeholder chunks with missing data. The DPA is supposed to forward this to the chunk stores and notify the chunker if the data has been delivered (i.e. retrieved from memory cache, disk-persisted db or cloud based swarm delivery). As the seekable reader is used, the chunker then puts these together the relevant parts on demand.
   184  */
   185  type Splitter interface {
   186  	/*
   187  	   When splitting, data is given as a SectionReader, and the key is a hashSize long byte slice (Key), the root hash of the entire content will fill this once processing finishes.
   188  	   New chunks to store are coming to caller via the chunk storage channel, which the caller provides.
   189  	   wg is a Waitgroup (can be nil) that can be used to block until the local storage finishes
   190  	   The caller gets returned an error channel, if an error is encountered during splitting, it is fed to errC error channel.
   191  	   A closed error signals process completion at which point the key can be considered final if there were no errors.
   192  	*/
   193  	Split(io.Reader, int64, chan *Chunk, *sync.WaitGroup, *sync.WaitGroup) (Key, error)
   194  }
   196  type Joiner interface {
   197  	/*
   198  	   Join reconstructs original content based on a root key.
   199  	   When joining, the caller gets returned a Lazy SectionReader, which is
   200  	   seekable and implements on-demand fetching of chunks as and where it is read.
   201  	   New chunks to retrieve are coming to caller via the Chunk channel, which the caller provides.
   202  	   If an error is encountered during joining, it appears as a reader error.
   203  	   The SectionReader.
   204  	   As a result, partial reads from a document are possible even if other parts
   205  	   are corrupt or lost.
   206  	   The chunks are not meant to be validated by the chunker when joining. This
   207  	   is because it is left to the DPA to decide which sources are trusted.
   208  	*/
   209  	Join(key Key, chunkC chan *Chunk) LazySectionReader
   210  }
   212  type Chunker interface {
   213  	Joiner
   214  	Splitter
   215  	// returns the key length
   216  	// KeySize() int64
   217  }
   219  // Size, Seek, Read, ReadAt
   220  type LazySectionReader interface {
   221  	Size(chan bool) (int64, error)
   222  	io.Seeker
   223  	io.Reader
   224  	io.ReaderAt
   225  }
   227  type LazyTestSectionReader struct {
   228  	*io.SectionReader
   229  }
   231  func (self *LazyTestSectionReader) Size(chan bool) (int64, error) {
   232  	return self.SectionReader.Size(), nil
   233  }