
     1  // Copyright 2014 The go-ethereum Authors
     2  // This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
     3  //
     4  // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     5  // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     7  // (at your option) any later version.
     8  //
     9  // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12  // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    13  //
    14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    15  // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
    17  // Package eth implements the Ethereum protocol.
    18  package eth
    20  import (
    21  	"errors"
    22  	"fmt"
    23  	"math/big"
    24  	"runtime"
    25  	"sync"
    26  	"sync/atomic"
    27  	"time"
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  	""
    52  	""
    53  	""
    54  	""
    55  	""
    56  	""
    57  	""
    58  	""
    59  )
    61  // Config contains the configuration options of the ETH protocol.
    62  // Deprecated: use ethconfig.Config instead.
    63  type Config = ethconfig.Config
    65  // Ethereum implements the Ethereum full node service.
    66  type Ethereum struct {
    67  	config *ethconfig.Config
    69  	// Handlers
    70  	txPool             *core.TxPool
    71  	blockchain         *core.BlockChain
    72  	handler            *handler
    73  	ethDialCandidates  enode.Iterator
    74  	snapDialCandidates enode.Iterator
    76  	// DB interfaces
    77  	chainDb ethdb.Database // Block chain database
    79  	eventMux       *event.TypeMux
    80  	engine         consensus.Engine
    81  	accountManager *accounts.Manager
    83  	isPoSA bool
    84  	posa   consensus.PoSA
    86  	bloomRequests     chan chan *bloombits.Retrieval // Channel receiving bloom data retrieval requests
    87  	bloomIndexer      *core.ChainIndexer             // Bloom indexer operating during block imports
    88  	closeBloomHandler chan struct{}
    90  	APIBackend *EthAPIBackend
    92  	miner     *miner.Miner
    93  	gasPrice  *big.Int
    94  	etherbase common.Address
    96  	networkID     uint64
    97  	netRPCService *ethapi.PublicNetAPI
    99  	p2pServer *p2p.Server
   101  	lock sync.RWMutex // Protects the variadic fields (e.g. gas price and etherbase)
   102  }
   104  // New creates a new Ethereum object (including the
   105  // initialisation of the common Ethereum object)
   106  func New(stack *node.Node, config *ethconfig.Config) (*Ethereum, error) {
   107  	// Ensure configuration values are compatible and sane
   108  	if config.SyncMode == downloader.LightSync {
   109  		return nil, errors.New("can't run eth.Ethereum in light sync mode, use les.LightEthereum")
   110  	}
   111  	if !config.SyncMode.IsValid() {
   112  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid sync mode %d", config.SyncMode)
   113  	}
   114  	if config.Miner.GasPrice == nil || config.Miner.GasPrice.Cmp(common.Big0) <= 0 {
   115  		log.Warn("Sanitizing invalid miner gas price", "provided", config.Miner.GasPrice, "updated", ethconfig.Defaults.Miner.GasPrice)
   116  		config.Miner.GasPrice = new(big.Int).Set(ethconfig.Defaults.Miner.GasPrice)
   117  	}
   118  	if config.NoPruning && config.TrieDirtyCache > 0 {
   119  		if config.SnapshotCache > 0 {
   120  			config.TrieCleanCache += config.TrieDirtyCache * 3 / 5
   121  			config.SnapshotCache += config.TrieDirtyCache * 2 / 5
   122  		} else {
   123  			config.TrieCleanCache += config.TrieDirtyCache
   124  		}
   125  		config.TrieDirtyCache = 0
   126  	}
   127  	log.Info("Allocated trie memory caches", "clean", common.StorageSize(config.TrieCleanCache)*1024*1024, "dirty", common.StorageSize(config.TrieDirtyCache)*1024*1024)
   129  	// Transfer mining-related config to the ethash config.
   130  	ethashConfig := config.Ethash
   131  	ethashConfig.NotifyFull = config.Miner.NotifyFull
   133  	// Assemble the Ethereum object
   134  	chainDb, err := stack.OpenDatabaseWithFreezer("chaindata", config.DatabaseCache, config.DatabaseHandles, config.DatabaseFreezer, "eth/db/chaindata/", false)
   135  	if err != nil {
   136  		return nil, err
   137  	}
   138  	chainConfig, genesisHash, genesisErr := core.SetupGenesisBlockWithOverride(chainDb, config.Genesis, config.OverrideArrowGlacier)
   139  	if _, ok := genesisErr.(*params.ConfigCompatError); genesisErr != nil && !ok {
   140  		return nil, genesisErr
   141  	}
   142  	log.Info("Initialised chain configuration", "config", chainConfig)
   144  	if err := pruner.RecoverPruning(stack.ResolvePath(""), chainDb, stack.ResolvePath(config.TrieCleanCacheJournal)); err != nil {
   145  		log.Error("Failed to recover state", "error", err)
   146  	}
   147  	eth := &Ethereum{
   148  		config:            config,
   149  		chainDb:           chainDb,
   150  		eventMux:          stack.EventMux(),
   151  		accountManager:    stack.AccountManager(),
   152  		engine:            ethconfig.CreateConsensusEngine(stack, chainConfig, &ethashConfig, config.Miner.Notify, config.Miner.Noverify, chainDb),
   153  		closeBloomHandler: make(chan struct{}),
   154  		networkID:         config.NetworkId,
   155  		gasPrice:          config.Miner.GasPrice,
   156  		etherbase:         config.Miner.Etherbase,
   157  		bloomRequests:     make(chan chan *bloombits.Retrieval),
   158  		bloomIndexer:      core.NewBloomIndexer(chainDb, params.BloomBitsBlocks, params.BloomConfirms),
   159  		p2pServer:         stack.Server(),
   160  	}
   161  	eth.posa, eth.isPoSA = eth.engine.(consensus.PoSA)
   163  	bcVersion := rawdb.ReadDatabaseVersion(chainDb)
   164  	var dbVer = "<nil>"
   165  	if bcVersion != nil {
   166  		dbVer = fmt.Sprintf("%d", *bcVersion)
   167  	}
   168  	log.Info("Initialising Ethereum protocol", "network", config.NetworkId, "dbversion", dbVer)
   170  	if !config.SkipBcVersionCheck {
   171  		if bcVersion != nil && *bcVersion > core.BlockChainVersion {
   172  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("database version is v%d, Geth %s only supports v%d", *bcVersion, params.VersionWithMeta, core.BlockChainVersion)
   173  		} else if bcVersion == nil || *bcVersion < core.BlockChainVersion {
   174  			if bcVersion != nil { // only print warning on upgrade, not on init
   175  				log.Warn("Upgrade blockchain database version", "from", dbVer, "to", core.BlockChainVersion)
   176  			}
   177  			rawdb.WriteDatabaseVersion(chainDb, core.BlockChainVersion)
   178  		}
   179  	}
   180  	var (
   181  		vmConfig = vm.Config{
   182  			EnablePreimageRecording: config.EnablePreimageRecording,
   183  		}
   184  		cacheConfig = &core.CacheConfig{
   185  			TrieCleanLimit:      config.TrieCleanCache,
   186  			TrieCleanJournal:    stack.ResolvePath(config.TrieCleanCacheJournal),
   187  			TrieCleanRejournal:  config.TrieCleanCacheRejournal,
   188  			TrieCleanNoPrefetch: config.NoPrefetch,
   189  			TrieDirtyLimit:      config.TrieDirtyCache,
   190  			TrieDirtyDisabled:   config.NoPruning,
   191  			TrieTimeLimit:       config.TrieTimeout,
   192  			SnapshotLimit:       config.SnapshotCache,
   193  			Preimages:           config.Preimages,
   194  		}
   195  	)
   196  	eth.blockchain, err = core.NewBlockChain(chainDb, cacheConfig, chainConfig, eth.engine, vmConfig, eth.shouldPreserve, &config.TxLookupLimit)
   197  	if err != nil {
   198  		return nil, err
   199  	}
   200  	// Rewind the chain in case of an incompatible config upgrade.
   201  	if compat, ok := genesisErr.(*params.ConfigCompatError); ok {
   202  		log.Warn("Rewinding chain to upgrade configuration", "err", compat)
   203  		eth.blockchain.SetHead(compat.RewindTo)
   204  		rawdb.WriteChainConfig(chainDb, genesisHash, chainConfig)
   205  	}
   206  	eth.bloomIndexer.Start(eth.blockchain)
   208  	if config.TxPool.Journal != "" {
   209  		config.TxPool.Journal = stack.ResolvePath(config.TxPool.Journal)
   210  	}
   211  	eth.txPool = core.NewTxPool(config.TxPool, chainConfig, eth.blockchain)
   213  	// do some extra work if consensus engine is congress.
   214  	if congressEngine, ok := eth.engine.(*congress.Congress); ok {
   215  		// set state fn
   216  		congressEngine.SetStateFn(eth.blockchain.StateAt)
   217  		// set consensus-related transaction validator
   218  		eth.txPool.InitExTxValidator(congressEngine)
   219  		//
   220  		congressEngine.SetChain(eth.blockchain)
   221  	}
   223  	// Permit the downloader to use the trie cache allowance during fast sync
   224  	cacheLimit := cacheConfig.TrieCleanLimit + cacheConfig.TrieDirtyLimit + cacheConfig.SnapshotLimit
   225  	checkpoint := config.Checkpoint
   226  	if checkpoint == nil {
   227  		checkpoint = params.TrustedCheckpoints[genesisHash]
   228  	}
   229  	if eth.handler, err = newHandler(&handlerConfig{
   230  		Database:   chainDb,
   231  		Chain:      eth.blockchain,
   232  		TxPool:     eth.txPool,
   233  		Network:    config.NetworkId,
   234  		Sync:       config.SyncMode,
   235  		BloomCache: uint64(cacheLimit),
   236  		EventMux:   eth.eventMux,
   237  		Checkpoint: checkpoint,
   238  		Whitelist:  config.Whitelist,
   239  	}); err != nil {
   240  		return nil, err
   241  	}
   243  	eth.miner = miner.New(eth, &config.Miner, chainConfig, eth.EventMux(), eth.engine, eth.isLocalBlock)
   244  	eth.miner.SetExtra(makeExtraData(config.Miner.ExtraData))
   246  	eth.APIBackend = &EthAPIBackend{stack.Config().ExtRPCEnabled(), stack.Config().AllowUnprotectedTxs, eth, nil, nil}
   247  	if eth.APIBackend.allowUnprotectedTxs {
   248  		log.Info("Unprotected transactions allowed")
   249  	}
   250  	gpoParams := config.GPO
   251  	if gpoParams.Default == nil {
   252  		gpoParams.Default = config.Miner.GasPrice
   253  	}
   254  	eth.APIBackend.gpo = gasprice.NewOracle(eth.APIBackend, gpoParams)
   256  	// Setup DNS discovery iterators.
   257  	dnsclient := dnsdisc.NewClient(dnsdisc.Config{})
   258  	eth.ethDialCandidates, err = dnsclient.NewIterator(eth.config.EthDiscoveryURLs...)
   259  	if err != nil {
   260  		return nil, err
   261  	}
   262  	eth.snapDialCandidates, err = dnsclient.NewIterator(eth.config.SnapDiscoveryURLs...)
   263  	if err != nil {
   264  		return nil, err
   265  	}
   267  	// Start the RPC service
   268  	eth.netRPCService = ethapi.NewPublicNetAPI(eth.p2pServer, config.NetworkId)
   270  	// Register the backend on the node
   271  	stack.RegisterAPIs(eth.APIs())
   272  	stack.RegisterProtocols(eth.Protocols())
   273  	stack.RegisterLifecycle(eth)
   275  	// gas price prediction
   276  	gppCfg := checkPricePredictionConfig(&gpoParams)
   277  	eth.APIBackend.gpp = gasprice.NewPrediction(*gppCfg, eth.APIBackend, eth.txPool)
   279  	// Check for unclean shutdown
   280  	if uncleanShutdowns, discards, err := rawdb.PushUncleanShutdownMarker(chainDb); err != nil {
   281  		log.Error("Could not update unclean-shutdown-marker list", "error", err)
   282  	} else {
   283  		if discards > 0 {
   284  			log.Warn("Old unclean shutdowns found", "count", discards)
   285  		}
   286  		for _, tstamp := range uncleanShutdowns {
   287  			t := time.Unix(int64(tstamp), 0)
   288  			log.Warn("Unclean shutdown detected", "booted", t,
   289  				"age", common.PrettyAge(t))
   290  		}
   291  	}
   292  	return eth, nil
   293  }
   295  func checkPricePredictionConfig(cfg *gasprice.Config) *gasprice.Config {
   296  	if cfg == nil {
   297  		cfg1 := ethconfig.FullNodeGPO
   298  		return &cfg1
   299  	}
   300  	defaultConf := ethconfig.FullNodeGPO
   301  	if cfg.PredictIntervalSecs == 0 {
   302  		cfg.PredictIntervalSecs = defaultConf.PredictIntervalSecs
   303  	}
   304  	if cfg.MinTxCntPerBlock == 0 {
   305  		cfg.MinTxCntPerBlock = defaultConf.MinTxCntPerBlock
   306  	}
   308  	if cfg.MinMedianIndex == 0 {
   309  		cfg.MinMedianIndex = defaultConf.MinMedianIndex
   310  	}
   311  	if cfg.MinLowIndex == 0 {
   312  		cfg.MinLowIndex = defaultConf.MinLowIndex
   313  	}
   314  	if cfg.FastPercentile == 0 {
   315  		cfg.FastPercentile = defaultConf.FastPercentile
   316  	}
   317  	if cfg.MeidanPercentile == 0 {
   318  		cfg.MeidanPercentile = defaultConf.MeidanPercentile
   319  	}
   320  	if cfg.FastFactor == 0 {
   321  		cfg.FastFactor = defaultConf.FastFactor
   322  	}
   323  	if cfg.MedianFactor == 0 {
   324  		cfg.MedianFactor = defaultConf.MedianFactor
   325  	}
   326  	if cfg.LowFactor == 0 {
   327  		cfg.LowFactor = defaultConf.LowFactor
   328  	}
   329  	if cfg.MaxValidPendingSecs == 0 {
   330  		cfg.MaxValidPendingSecs = defaultConf.MaxValidPendingSecs
   331  	}
   332  	return cfg
   333  }
   335  func makeExtraData(extra []byte) []byte {
   336  	if len(extra) == 0 {
   337  		// create default extradata
   338  		extra, _ = rlp.EncodeToBytes([]interface{}{
   339  			uint(params.VersionMajor<<16 | params.VersionMinor<<8 | params.VersionPatch),
   340  			"geth",
   341  			runtime.Version(),
   342  			runtime.GOOS,
   343  		})
   344  	}
   345  	if uint64(len(extra)) > params.MaximumExtraDataSize {
   346  		log.Warn("Miner extra data exceed limit", "extra", hexutil.Bytes(extra), "limit", params.MaximumExtraDataSize)
   347  		extra = nil
   348  	}
   349  	return extra
   350  }
   352  // APIs return the collection of RPC services the ethereum package offers.
   353  // NOTE, some of these services probably need to be moved to somewhere else.
   354  func (s *Ethereum) APIs() []rpc.API {
   355  	apis := ethapi.GetAPIs(s.APIBackend)
   357  	// Append any APIs exposed explicitly by the consensus engine
   358  	apis = append(apis, s.engine.APIs(s.BlockChain())...)
   360  	// Append all the local APIs and return
   361  	return append(apis, []rpc.API{
   362  		{
   363  			Namespace: "eth",
   364  			Version:   "1.0",
   365  			Service:   NewPublicEthereumAPI(s),
   366  			Public:    true,
   367  		}, {
   368  			Namespace: "eth",
   369  			Version:   "1.0",
   370  			Service:   NewPublicMinerAPI(s),
   371  			Public:    true,
   372  		}, {
   373  			Namespace: "eth",
   374  			Version:   "1.0",
   375  			Service:   downloader.NewPublicDownloaderAPI(s.handler.downloader, s.eventMux),
   376  			Public:    true,
   377  		}, {
   378  			Namespace: "miner",
   379  			Version:   "1.0",
   380  			Service:   NewPrivateMinerAPI(s),
   381  			Public:    false,
   382  		}, {
   383  			Namespace: "eth",
   384  			Version:   "1.0",
   385  			Service:   filters.NewPublicFilterAPI(s.APIBackend, false, 5*time.Minute),
   386  			Public:    true,
   387  		}, {
   388  			Namespace: "admin",
   389  			Version:   "1.0",
   390  			Service:   NewPrivateAdminAPI(s),
   391  		}, {
   392  			Namespace: "debug",
   393  			Version:   "1.0",
   394  			Service:   NewPublicDebugAPI(s),
   395  			Public:    true,
   396  		}, {
   397  			Namespace: "debug",
   398  			Version:   "1.0",
   399  			Service:   NewPrivateDebugAPI(s),
   400  		}, {
   401  			Namespace: "net",
   402  			Version:   "1.0",
   403  			Service:   s.netRPCService,
   404  			Public:    true,
   405  		},
   406  	}...)
   407  }
   409  func (s *Ethereum) ResetWithGenesisBlock(gb *types.Block) {
   410  	s.blockchain.ResetWithGenesisBlock(gb)
   411  }
   413  func (s *Ethereum) Etherbase() (eb common.Address, err error) {
   414  	s.lock.RLock()
   415  	etherbase := s.etherbase
   416  	s.lock.RUnlock()
   418  	if etherbase != (common.Address{}) {
   419  		return etherbase, nil
   420  	}
   421  	if wallets := s.AccountManager().Wallets(); len(wallets) > 0 {
   422  		if accounts := wallets[0].Accounts(); len(accounts) > 0 {
   423  			etherbase := accounts[0].Address
   425  			s.lock.Lock()
   426  			s.etherbase = etherbase
   427  			s.lock.Unlock()
   429  			log.Info("Etherbase automatically configured", "address", etherbase)
   430  			return etherbase, nil
   431  		}
   432  	}
   433  	return common.Address{}, fmt.Errorf("etherbase must be explicitly specified")
   434  }
   436  // isLocalBlock checks whether the specified block is mined
   437  // by local miner accounts.
   438  //
   439  // We regard two types of accounts as local miner account: etherbase
   440  // and accounts specified via `txpool.locals` flag.
   441  func (s *Ethereum) isLocalBlock(block *types.Block) bool {
   442  	author, err := s.engine.Author(block.Header())
   443  	if err != nil {
   444  		log.Warn("Failed to retrieve block author", "number", block.NumberU64(), "hash", block.Hash(), "err", err)
   445  		return false
   446  	}
   447  	// Check whether the given address is etherbase.
   448  	s.lock.RLock()
   449  	etherbase := s.etherbase
   450  	s.lock.RUnlock()
   451  	if author == etherbase {
   452  		return true
   453  	}
   454  	// Check whether the given address is specified by `txpool.local`
   455  	// CLI flag.
   456  	for _, account := range s.config.TxPool.Locals {
   457  		if account == author {
   458  			return true
   459  		}
   460  	}
   461  	return false
   462  }
   464  // shouldPreserve checks whether we should preserve the given block
   465  // during the chain reorg depending on whether the author of block
   466  // is a local account.
   467  func (s *Ethereum) shouldPreserve(block *types.Block) bool {
   468  	// The reason we need to disable the self-reorg preserving for clique
   469  	// is it can be probable to introduce a deadlock.
   470  	//
   471  	// e.g. If there are 7 available signers
   472  	//
   473  	// r1   A
   474  	// r2     B
   475  	// r3       C
   476  	// r4         D
   477  	// r5   A      [X] F G
   478  	// r6    [X]
   479  	//
   480  	// In the round5, the inturn signer E is offline, so the worst case
   481  	// is A, F and G sign the block of round5 and reject the block of opponents
   482  	// and in the round6, the last available signer B is offline, the whole
   483  	// network is stuck.
   484  	if _, ok := s.engine.(*clique.Clique); ok {
   485  		return false
   486  	}
   487  	if _, ok := s.engine.(*congress.Congress); ok {
   488  		return false
   489  	}
   490  	return s.isLocalBlock(block)
   491  }
   493  // SetEtherbase sets the mining reward address.
   494  func (s *Ethereum) SetEtherbase(etherbase common.Address) {
   495  	s.lock.Lock()
   496  	s.etherbase = etherbase
   497  	s.lock.Unlock()
   499  	s.miner.SetEtherbase(etherbase)
   500  }
   502  // StartMining starts the miner with the given number of CPU threads. If mining
   503  // is already running, this method adjust the number of threads allowed to use
   504  // and updates the minimum price required by the transaction pool.
   505  func (s *Ethereum) StartMining(threads int) error {
   506  	// Update the thread count within the consensus engine
   507  	type threaded interface {
   508  		SetThreads(threads int)
   509  	}
   510  	if th, ok := s.engine.(threaded); ok {
   511  		log.Info("Updated mining threads", "threads", threads)
   512  		if threads == 0 {
   513  			threads = -1 // Disable the miner from within
   514  		}
   515  		th.SetThreads(threads)
   516  	}
   517  	// If the miner was not running, initialize it
   518  	if !s.IsMining() {
   519  		// Propagate the initial price point to the transaction pool
   520  		s.lock.RLock()
   521  		price := s.gasPrice
   522  		s.lock.RUnlock()
   523  		s.txPool.SetGasPrice(price)
   525  		// Configure the local mining address
   526  		eb, err := s.Etherbase()
   527  		if err != nil {
   528  			log.Error("Cannot start mining without etherbase", "err", err)
   529  			return fmt.Errorf("etherbase missing: %v", err)
   530  		}
   531  		if clique, ok := s.engine.(*clique.Clique); ok {
   532  			wallet, err := s.accountManager.Find(accounts.Account{Address: eb})
   533  			if wallet == nil || err != nil {
   534  				log.Error("Etherbase account unavailable locally", "err", err)
   535  				return fmt.Errorf("signer missing: %v", err)
   536  			}
   537  			clique.Authorize(eb, wallet.SignData)
   538  		}
   539  		if congress, ok := s.engine.(*congress.Congress); ok {
   540  			wallet, err := s.accountManager.Find(accounts.Account{Address: eb})
   541  			if wallet == nil || err != nil {
   542  				log.Error("Etherbase account unavailable locally", "err", err)
   543  				return fmt.Errorf("signer missing: %v", err)
   544  			}
   545  			congress.Authorize(eb, wallet.SignData, wallet.SignTx)
   546  		}
   547  		// If mining is started, we can disable the transaction rejection mechanism
   548  		// introduced to speed sync times.
   549  		atomic.StoreUint32(&s.handler.acceptTxs, 1)
   551  		go s.miner.Start(eb)
   552  	}
   553  	return nil
   554  }
   556  // StopMining terminates the miner, both at the consensus engine level as well as
   557  // at the block creation level.
   558  func (s *Ethereum) StopMining() {
   559  	// Update the thread count within the consensus engine
   560  	type threaded interface {
   561  		SetThreads(threads int)
   562  	}
   563  	if th, ok := s.engine.(threaded); ok {
   564  		th.SetThreads(-1)
   565  	}
   566  	// Stop the block creating itself
   567  	s.miner.Stop()
   568  }
   570  func (s *Ethereum) IsMining() bool      { return s.miner.Mining() }
   571  func (s *Ethereum) Miner() *miner.Miner { return s.miner }
   573  func (s *Ethereum) AccountManager() *accounts.Manager  { return s.accountManager }
   574  func (s *Ethereum) BlockChain() *core.BlockChain       { return s.blockchain }
   575  func (s *Ethereum) TxPool() *core.TxPool               { return s.txPool }
   576  func (s *Ethereum) EventMux() *event.TypeMux           { return s.eventMux }
   577  func (s *Ethereum) Engine() consensus.Engine           { return s.engine }
   578  func (s *Ethereum) ChainDb() ethdb.Database            { return s.chainDb }
   579  func (s *Ethereum) IsListening() bool                  { return true } // Always listening
   580  func (s *Ethereum) Downloader() *downloader.Downloader { return s.handler.downloader }
   581  func (s *Ethereum) Synced() bool                       { return atomic.LoadUint32(&s.handler.acceptTxs) == 1 }
   582  func (s *Ethereum) ArchiveMode() bool                  { return s.config.NoPruning }
   583  func (s *Ethereum) BloomIndexer() *core.ChainIndexer   { return s.bloomIndexer }
   585  // Protocols returns all the currently configured
   586  // network protocols to start.
   587  func (s *Ethereum) Protocols() []p2p.Protocol {
   588  	protos := eth.MakeProtocols((*ethHandler)(s.handler), s.networkID, s.ethDialCandidates)
   589  	if s.config.SnapshotCache > 0 {
   590  		protos = append(protos, snap.MakeProtocols((*snapHandler)(s.handler), s.snapDialCandidates)...)
   591  	}
   592  	return protos
   593  }
   595  // Start implements node.Lifecycle, starting all internal goroutines needed by the
   596  // Ethereum protocol implementation.
   597  func (s *Ethereum) Start() error {
   598  	eth.StartENRUpdater(s.blockchain, s.p2pServer.LocalNode())
   600  	// Start the bloom bits servicing goroutines
   601  	s.startBloomHandlers(params.BloomBitsBlocks)
   603  	// Figure out a max peers count based on the server limits
   604  	maxPeers := s.p2pServer.MaxPeers
   605  	if s.config.LightServ > 0 {
   606  		if s.config.LightPeers >= s.p2pServer.MaxPeers {
   607  			return fmt.Errorf("invalid peer config: light peer count (%d) >= total peer count (%d)", s.config.LightPeers, s.p2pServer.MaxPeers)
   608  		}
   609  		maxPeers -= s.config.LightPeers
   610  	}
   611  	// Start the networking layer and the light server if requested
   612  	s.handler.Start(maxPeers)
   613  	return nil
   614  }
   616  // Stop implements node.Lifecycle, terminating all internal goroutines used by the
   617  // Ethereum protocol.
   618  func (s *Ethereum) Stop() error {
   619  	// Stop all the peer-related stuff first.
   620  	s.ethDialCandidates.Close()
   621  	s.snapDialCandidates.Close()
   622  	s.handler.Stop()
   624  	// Then stop everything else.
   625  	s.bloomIndexer.Close()
   626  	close(s.closeBloomHandler)
   627  	s.txPool.Stop()
   628  	s.miner.Close()
   629  	s.blockchain.Stop()
   630  	s.engine.Close()
   631  	rawdb.PopUncleanShutdownMarker(s.chainDb)
   632  	s.chainDb.Close()
   633  	s.eventMux.Stop()
   635  	return nil
   636  }