
     1  {
     2      "variables": {},
     3      "provisioners": [
     4        {
     5          "type": "shell-local",
     6          "command": "echo 'TODO(bhcleek): write the public key to $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts and stop using ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False'"
     7        }, {
     8          "type": "shell",
     9          "inline": [
    10            "apt-get update",
    11            "apt-get -y install python openssh-sftp-server",
    12            "ls -l /usr/lib"
    13          ]
    14        }, {
    15          "type":  "ansible",
    16          "playbook_file": "./playbook.yml",
    17          "extra_arguments": [
    18            "-vvvv", "--private-key", "ansible-test-id"
    19          ],
    20          "sftp_command": "/usr/lib/sftp-server -e -l INFO",
    21          "use_sftp": true,
    22          "ansible_env_vars": ["PACKER_ANSIBLE_TEST=1", "ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False"],
    23          "groups": ["PACKER_TEST"],
    24          "empty_groups": ["PACKER_EMPTY_GROUP"],
    25          "host_alias": "packer-test",
    26          "user": "packer",
    27          "local_port": 2222,
    28          "ssh_host_key_file": "ansible-server.key",
    29          "ssh_authorized_key_file": ""
    30       }
    31      ],
    32      "builders": [{
    33          "type": "googlecompute",
    34          "account_file": "{{user `account_file`}}",
    35          "project_id": "{{user `project_id`}}",
    36          "image_name": "packerbats-alloptions-{{timestamp}}",
    37          "source_image": "debian-7-wheezy-v20141108",
    38          "zone": "us-central1-a"
    39      }]
    40  }