
     1  // Copyright 2022 The AmazeChain Authors
     2  // This file is part of the AmazeChain library.
     3  //
     4  // The AmazeChain library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     5  // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     7  // (at your option) any later version.
     8  //
     9  // The AmazeChain library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12  // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    13  //
    14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    15  // along with the AmazeChain library. If not, see <>.
    17  package main
    19  //
    20  //var (
    21  //	once sync.Once
    22  //)
    23  //
    24  //func Init(nodeConfig *conf.NodeConfig, config *conf.LoggerConfig) (*zap.Logger, error) {
    25  //
    26  //	var level zapcore.Level
    27  //	if err := level.Set(config.Level); err != nil {
    28  //		return nil, err
    29  //	}
    30  //
    31  //	infoLevel := zap.LevelEnablerFunc(func(lvl zapcore.Level) bool {
    32  //		return lvl >= level && lvl < zapcore.ErrorLevel
    33  //	})
    34  //
    35  //	errorLevel := zap.LevelEnablerFunc(func(lvl zapcore.Level) bool {
    36  //		return lvl >= zapcore.ErrorLevel
    37  //	})
    38  //
    39  //	var Logger *zap.Logger
    40  //
    41  //	once.Do(func() {
    42  //		encode := getEncoder()
    43  //		core := zapcore.NewTee(
    44  //			zapcore.NewCore(encode, getLogWriter(nodeConfig, config), infoLevel),
    45  //			zapcore.NewCore(encode, zapcore.AddSync(os.Stdout), level),
    46  //			zapcore.NewCore(encode, getErrorWriter(nodeConfig, config), errorLevel),
    47  //		)
    48  //
    49  //		Logger = zap.New(core, zap.AddCaller())
    50  //	})
    51  //
    52  //	return Logger, nil
    53  //}
    54  //
    55  //func getEncoder() zapcore.Encoder {
    56  //	encoderConfig := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig()
    57  //	encoderConfig.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
    58  //	encoderConfig.EncodeLevel = zapcore.CapitalColorLevelEncoder
    59  //	encoderConfig.EncodeLevel = zapcore.CapitalLevelEncoder
    60  //	encoderConfig.EncodeName = zapcore.FullNameEncoder
    61  //	return zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(encoderConfig)
    62  //}
    63  //
    64  //func getLumberjack(path string, maxSize, maxBackups, maxAge int, compress bool) *lumberjackV2.Logger {
    65  //	return &lumberjackV2.Logger{
    66  //		Filename:   path,
    67  //		MaxSize:    maxSize,
    68  //		MaxBackups: maxBackups,
    69  //		MaxAge:     maxAge,
    70  //		Compress:   compress,
    71  //	}
    72  //}
    73  //
    74  //func getLogWriter(nodeConfig *conf.NodeConfig, config *conf.LoggerConfig) zapcore.WriteSyncer {
    75  //	return zapcore.AddSync(getLumberjack(fmt.Sprintf("%s/log/%s", nodeConfig.DataDir, config.LogFile), config.MaxSize, config.MaxBackups, config.MaxAge, config.Compress))
    76  //}
    77  //
    78  //func getErrorWriter(nodeConfig *conf.NodeConfig, config *conf.LoggerConfig) zapcore.WriteSyncer {
    79  //	var name string
    80  //	i := strings.LastIndex(config.LogFile, ".")
    81  //	if i <= 0 {
    82  //		name = fmt.Sprintf("%s_error.log", config.LogFile)
    83  //	} else {
    84  //		name = fmt.Sprintf("%s_error.log", config.LogFile[:i])
    85  //	}
    86  //	return zapcore.AddSync(getLumberjack(fmt.Sprintf("%s/log/%s", nodeConfig.DataDir, name), config.MaxSize, config.MaxBackups, config.MaxAge, config.Compress))
    87  //}