
     1  # CLI Reference
     3  The AMC node is operated via the CLI by running the `amc` command. To stop it, press `ctrl-c`. You may need to wait a bit as amc down existing p2p connections or other cleanup tasks.
     5  However, amc has more commands than that:
     7  ```bash
     8  amc --help
     9  ```
    11  See below for the full list of commands.
    13  ## Commands
    15  ```
    16  $ amc --help
    17  NAME:
    18     amc - AmazeChain system
    20  USAGE:
    21     amc [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
    23  VERSION:
    24     0.01.1-36074172
    26  COMMANDS:
    27     wallet   Manage AmazeChain presale wallets
    28     account  Manage accounts
    29     export   Export AmazeChain data
    30     help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    33     --account.allow.insecure.unlock  Allow insecure account unlocking when account-related RPCs are exposed by http (default: false)
    34     --account.keystore value         Directory for the keystore (default = inside the datadir)
    35     --account.lightkdf               Reduce key-derivation RAM & CPU usage at some expense of KDF strength (default: false)
    36     --account.password value         Password file to use for non-interactive password input
    37     --account.unlock value           Comma separated list of accounts to unlock
    38     --authrpc                        Enable the AUTH-RPC server (default: false)
    39     --authrpc.addr value             Listening address for authenticated APIs
    40     --authrpc.jwtsecret value        Path to a JWT secret to use for authenticated RPC endpoints
    41     --authrpc.port value             Listening port for authenticated APIs (default: 0)
    42     --blockchain value               Loading a Configuration File
    43     --data.dir value                 data save dir (default: "./amc/")
    44     --engine.etherbase value         consensus etherbase
    45     --engine.miner                   miner (default: false)
    46     --engine.type value              consensus engine (default: "APosEngine")
    47     --help, -h                       show help (default: false)
    48     --http                           Enable the HTTP json-rpc server (default: false)
    49     --http.addr value                HTTP server listening interface (default: "")
    50     --http.api value                 API's offered over the HTTP-RPC interface
    51     --http.corsdomain value          Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced)
    52     --http.port value                HTTP server listening port (default: "20012")
    53     --ipcpath value                  Filename for IPC socket/pipe within the data dir (explicit paths escape it) (default: "amc.ipc")
    54     --log.compress                   logger file compress (default: false)
    55     --log.level value                logger output level (value:[debug,info,warn,error,dpanic,panic,fatal]) (default: "debug")
    56     --log.maxAge value               logger file max age (default: 30)
    57     --log.maxBackups value           logger file max backups (default: 10)
    58     --log.maxSize value              logger file max size M (default: 10)
    59 value                 logger file name and path (default: "amc.log")
    60     --metrics                        Enable metrics collection and reporting (default: false)
    61     --metrics.addr value             Enable stand-alone metrics HTTP server listening interface. (default: "")
    62     --metrics.port value             Metrics HTTP server listening port.
    63  Please note that --metrics.addr must be set to start the server. (default: 6060)
    64     --node.key value                                           node private
    65     --p2p.allowlist value                                      The CIDR subnet for allowing only certain peer connections. Using "public" would allow only public subnets. Example: would permit connections to peers on your local network only. The default is to accept all connections.
    66     --p2p.bootstrap value [ --p2p.bootstrap value ]            bootstrap node info
    67     --p2p.bootstrap-node value [ --p2p.bootstrap-node value ]  The address of bootstrap node. Beacon node will connect for peer discovery via DHT.  Multiple nodes can be passed by using the flag multiple times but not comma-separated. You can also pass YAML files containing multiple nodes.
    68     --p2p.denylist value [ --p2p.denylist value ]              The CIDR subnets for denying certainty peer connections. Using "private" would deny all private subnets. Example: would deny connections from peers on your local network only. The default is to accept all connections.
    69 value                                       The DNS address advertised by libp2p. This may be used to advertise an external DNS.
    70 value                                        The IP address advertised by libp2p. This may be used to advertise an external IP.
    71     --p2p.key value                                            private key of p2p node
    72     --p2p.limit.block-batch value                              The amount of blocks the local peer is bounded to request and respond to in a batch. (default: 64)
    73     --p2p.limit.block-burst-factor value                       The factor by which block batch limit may increase on burst. (default: 2)
    74     --p2p.limit.block-limiter-period value                     Period to calculate expected limit for a single peer. (default: 5)
    75     --p2p.listen value [ --p2p.listen value ]                  p2p listen address
    76     --p2p.local-ip value                                       The local ip address to listen for incoming data.
    77     --p2p.max-peers value                                      The max number of p2p peers to maintain. (default: 5)
    78     --p2p.metadata value                                       The file containing the metadata to communicate with other peers.
    79     --p2p.min-sync-peers value                                 The required number of valid peers to connect with before syncing. (default: 1)
    80                                         Enable only local network p2p and do not connect to cloud bootstrap nodes. (default: false)
    81     --p2p.peer value [ --p2p.peer value ]                      Connect with this peer. This flag may be used multiple times.
    82     --p2p.priv-key value                                       The file containing the private key to use in communications with other peers.
    83     --p2p.relay-node value                                     The address of relay node. The beacon node will connect to the relay node and advertise their address via the relay node to other peers
    84     --p2p.static-id                                            Enables the peer id of the node to be fixed by saving the generated network key to the default key path. (default: true)
    85     --p2p.tcp-port value                                       The port used by libp2p. (default: 61016)
    86     --p2p.udp-port value                                       The port used by discv5. (default: 61015)
    87     --pprof                                                    Enable the pprof HTTP server (default: false)
    88     --pprof.block                                              Turn on block profiling (default: false)
    89     --pprof.maxcpu value                                       setup number of cpu (default: 0)
    90     --pprof.mutex                                              Turn on mutex profiling (default: false)
    91     --pprof.port value                                         pprof HTTP server listening port (default: 0)
    92     --version, -v                                              print the version (default: false)
    93     --ws                                                       Enable the WS-RPC server (default: false)
    94     --ws.addr value                                            WS-RPC server listening interface
    95     --ws.api value                                             API's offered over the WS-RPC interface
    96 value                                         Origins from which to accept websockets requests
    97     --ws.port value                                            WS-RPC server listening port (default: "20013")
    98  ```