
     1  package types
     3  import (
     4  	"encoding/json"
     5  	"errors"
     6  	""
     7  	""
     8  )
    10  type Log struct {
    11  	// Consensus fields:
    12  	// address of the contract that generated the event
    13  	Address common.Address `json:"address" gencodec:"required"`
    14  	// list of topics provided by the contract.
    15  	Topics []common.Hash `json:"topics" gencodec:"required"`
    16  	// supplied by the contract, usually ABI-encoded
    17  	Data []byte `json:"data" gencodec:"required"`
    19  	// Derived fields. These fields are filled in by the node
    20  	// but not secured by consensus.
    21  	// block in which the transaction was included
    22  	BlockNumber uint64 `json:"blockNumber"`
    23  	// hash of the transaction
    24  	TxHash common.Hash `json:"transactionHash" gencodec:"required"`
    25  	// index of the transaction in the block
    26  	TxIndex uint `json:"transactionIndex" gencodec:"required"`
    27  	// hash of the block in which the transaction was included
    28  	BlockHash common.Hash `json:"blockHash"`
    29  	// index of the log in the receipt
    30  	Index uint `json:"logIndex" gencodec:"required"`
    32  	// The Removed field is true if this log was reverted due to a chain reorganisation.
    33  	// You must pay attention to this field if you receive logs through a filter query.
    34  	Removed bool `json:"removed"`
    35  }
    37  // MarshalJSON marshals as JSON.
    38  func (l Log) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    39  	type Log struct {
    40  		Address     common.Address `json:"address" gencodec:"required"`
    41  		Topics      []common.Hash  `json:"topics" gencodec:"required"`
    42  		Data        hexutil.Bytes  `json:"data" gencodec:"required"`
    43  		BlockNumber hexutil.Uint64 `json:"blockNumber"`
    44  		TxHash      common.Hash    `json:"transactionHash" gencodec:"required"`
    45  		TxIndex     hexutil.Uint   `json:"transactionIndex"`
    46  		BlockHash   common.Hash    `json:"blockHash"`
    47  		Index       hexutil.Uint   `json:"logIndex"`
    48  		Removed     bool           `json:"removed"`
    49  	}
    50  	var enc Log
    51  	enc.Address = l.Address
    52  	enc.Topics = l.Topics
    53  	enc.Data = l.Data
    54  	enc.BlockNumber = hexutil.Uint64(l.BlockNumber)
    55  	enc.TxHash = l.TxHash
    56  	enc.TxIndex = hexutil.Uint(l.TxIndex)
    57  	enc.BlockHash = l.BlockHash
    58  	enc.Index = hexutil.Uint(l.Index)
    59  	enc.Removed = l.Removed
    60  	return json.Marshal(&enc)
    61  }
    63  // UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from JSON.
    64  func (l *Log) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
    65  	type Log struct {
    66  		Address     *common.Address `json:"address" gencodec:"required"`
    67  		Topics      []common.Hash   `json:"topics" gencodec:"required"`
    68  		Data        *hexutil.Bytes  `json:"data" gencodec:"required"`
    69  		BlockNumber *hexutil.Uint64 `json:"blockNumber"`
    70  		TxHash      *common.Hash    `json:"transactionHash" gencodec:"required"`
    71  		TxIndex     *hexutil.Uint   `json:"transactionIndex"`
    72  		BlockHash   *common.Hash    `json:"blockHash"`
    73  		Index       *hexutil.Uint   `json:"logIndex"`
    74  		Removed     *bool           `json:"removed"`
    75  	}
    76  	var dec Log
    77  	if err := json.Unmarshal(input, &dec); err != nil {
    78  		return err
    79  	}
    80  	if dec.Address == nil {
    81  		return errors.New("missing required field 'address' for Log")
    82  	}
    83  	l.Address = *dec.Address
    84  	if dec.Topics == nil {
    85  		return errors.New("missing required field 'topics' for Log")
    86  	}
    87  	l.Topics = dec.Topics
    88  	if dec.Data == nil {
    89  		return errors.New("missing required field 'data' for Log")
    90  	}
    91  	l.Data = *dec.Data
    92  	if dec.BlockNumber != nil {
    93  		l.BlockNumber = uint64(*dec.BlockNumber)
    94  	}
    95  	if dec.TxHash == nil {
    96  		return errors.New("missing required field 'transactionHash' for Log")
    97  	}
    98  	l.TxHash = *dec.TxHash
    99  	if dec.TxIndex != nil {
   100  		l.TxIndex = uint(*dec.TxIndex)
   101  	}
   102  	if dec.BlockHash != nil {
   103  		l.BlockHash = *dec.BlockHash
   104  	}
   105  	if dec.Index != nil {
   106  		l.Index = uint(*dec.Index)
   107  	}
   108  	if dec.Removed != nil {
   109  		l.Removed = *dec.Removed
   110  	}
   111  	return nil
   112  }