
     1  package goflat_test
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"io/ioutil"
     6  	"os"
     7  	"path/filepath"
     9  	. ""
    11  	. ""
    12  	. ""
    13  )
    15  var _ = Describe("GoFlatBuilder", func() {
    16  	var (
    17  		tmpDir   string
    18  		examples string
    19  	)
    20  	BeforeEach(func() {
    21  		tmpDir, _ = ioutil.TempDir(os.TempDir(), "")
    22  		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
    23  		examples = filepath.Join(wd, ".examples")
    24  	})
    25  	AfterEach(func() {
    26  		defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
    27  	})
    29  	Context("with invalid params", func() {
    30  		It("should catch invalid baseDir", func() {
    31  			builder, err := NewFlatBuilder("INVALID", "INVALID")
    32  			Expect(builder).To(BeNil())
    33  			Expect(err).ToNot(BeNil())
    34  			Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring(ErrMissingOnDisk))
    35  		})
    36  		It("should catch invalid input files", func() {
    37  			template := filepath.Join(examples, "template.yml")
    38  			invalid_input_files := []string{"/WRONG/FILE", "WRONG/ANOTHER/FILES"}
    40  			builder, err := NewFlatBuilder(tmpDir, template)
    41  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
    42  			err = builder.EvalGoInputs(invalid_input_files)
    43  			Expect(err).ToNot(BeNil())
    44  			Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring(ErrMissingOnDisk))
    45  			Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring("/WRONG/FILE"))
    46  		})
    48  		It("should catch invalid template", func() {
    49  			invalid_template := "/WRONG/FILE.yml"
    51  			builder, err := NewFlatBuilder(tmpDir, invalid_template)
    52  			Expect(builder).To(BeNil())
    53  			Expect(err).ToNot(BeNil())
    54  			Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring(ErrMissingOnDisk))
    55  			Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring(invalid_template))
    56  		})
    57  	})
    58  	Context("#EvalGoInputs", func() {
    59  		var builder FlatBuilder
    60  		BeforeEach(func() {
    61  			var err error
    62  			template := filepath.Join(examples, "template.yml")
    63  			builder, err = NewFlatBuilder(tmpDir, template)
    64  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
    65  		})
    66  		It("should create destination input file", func() {
    67  			inputFiles := []string{
    68  				filepath.Join(examples, "inputs", "private.go"),
    69  			}
    70  			err := builder.EvalGoInputs(inputFiles)
    71  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
    72  			flat := builder.Flat()
    73  			Expect(len(flat.GoInputs)).To(Equal(1))
    74  			newFileInfo, err := os.Stat(flat.GoInputs[0].Path)
    75  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
    76  			orgFileInfo, _ := os.Stat(inputFiles[0])
    77  			Expect(orgFileInfo.Size()).To(Equal(newFileInfo.Size()))
    78  		})
    79  		It("should evaluate files with custom struct", func() {
    80  			orgFile := filepath.Join(examples, "inputs", "a-private-note")
    81  			err := builder.EvalGoInputs([]string{
    82  				orgFile + ":Private",
    83  			})
    84  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
    86  			flat := builder.Flat()
    87  			Expect(len(flat.GoInputs)).To(Equal(1))
    88  			newFileInfo, err := os.Stat(flat.GoInputs[0].Path)
    89  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
    90  			orgFileInfo, _ := os.Stat(orgFile)
    91  			Expect(orgFileInfo.Size()).To(Equal(newFileInfo.Size()))
    92  		})
    93  	})
    94  	Context("#EvalGoPipes", func() {
    95  		var builder FlatBuilder
    96  		BeforeEach(func() {
    97  			var err error
    98  			template := filepath.Join(examples, "template.yml")
    99  			builder, err = NewFlatBuilder(tmpDir, template)
   100  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
   101  		})
   102  		It("should create destination input file", func() {
   103  			pipesFile := filepath.Join(examples, "pipes", "pipes.go")
   104  			err := builder.EvalGoPipes(pipesFile)
   105  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
   106  			flat := builder.Flat()
   107  			Expect(flat.CustomPipes).ToNot(BeEmpty())
   109  			newFileInfo, err := os.Stat(flat.CustomPipes)
   110  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
   111  			orgFileInfo, _ := os.Stat(pipesFile)
   112  			Expect(orgFileInfo.Size()).To(Equal(newFileInfo.Size()))
   113  		})
   114  	})
   115  	Context("#EvalMainGo", func() {
   116  		It("should have created main.go", func() {
   117  			var (
   118  				templateDir, template, infoGo string
   119  				err                           error
   120  			)
   121  			templateDir, _ = ioutil.TempDir(os.TempDir(), "")
   122  			defer os.RemoveAll(templateDir)
   123  			template = filepath.Join(templateDir, "test.txt")
   124  			err = ioutil.WriteFile(template, []byte("Hello {{.Info.Name}}"), 0666)
   125  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
   126  			infoGo = filepath.Join(templateDir, "info.go")
   127  			err = ioutil.WriteFile(infoGo, []byte(`package main
   128  			type Info struct { Name string }
   129  			func NewInfo() Info { return Info { Name: "Jane" } }`), 0666)
   130  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
   132  			builder, err := NewFlatBuilder(tmpDir, template)
   133  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
   134  			err = builder.EvalGoInputs([]string{infoGo})
   135  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
   136  			err = builder.EvalMainGo()
   137  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
   138  			flat := builder.Flat()
   140  			newFileInfo, err := os.Stat(flat.MainGo)
   141  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
   142  			Expect(newFileInfo).ToNot(BeNil())
   144  			data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(flat.MainGo)
   145  			Expect(err).To(BeNil())
   146  			Expect(data).To(ContainSubstring(fmt.Sprintf("data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(\"%s\")", flat.GoTemplate)))
   147  			Expect(data).To(ContainSubstring(fmt.Sprintf(
   148  				"result.%s = New%s()", flat.GoInputs[0].StructName, flat.GoInputs[0].StructName)))
   149  		})
   150  	})
   151  })