
     1  # This is an example .goreleaser.yml file with some sane defaults.
     2  # Make sure to check the documentation at
     3  project_name: yutil
     4  before:
     5    hooks:
     6      - go mod tidy
     7      - go generate ./...
     8  builds:
     9    - env:
    10        - CGO_ENABLED=0
    11      goos:
    12        - linux
    13        - windows
    14        - darwin
    15      goarch:
    16        - amd64
    17        - arm64
    18      ignore:
    19        - goos: windows
    20          goarch: arm64
    21      ldflags:
    22        - -s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X main.commit={{.Commit}} -X{{.Date}} -X main.builtBy=amplia-iiot
    23  release:
    24    prerelease: auto
    25  archives:
    26    - replacements:
    27        darwin: Darwin
    28        linux: Linux
    29        windows: Windows
    30        amd64: x86_64
    31      files:
    32        - LICENSE*
    33        - README*.md
    34        - CHANGELOG*.md
    35  checksum:
    36    name_template: 'checksums.txt'
    37  snapshot:
    38    name_template: "{{ .Env.YUTIL_NEXT }}"
    39  changelog:
    40    sort: asc
    41    filters:
    42      exclude:
    43        - '^docs:'
    44        - '^test:'
    45  nfpms:
    46  - homepage:
    47    description: Common functionality for working with YAML files
    48    maintainer: Adrian Haasler Garcia <>
    49    license: MIT
    50    vendor: Amplia Soluciones, S.L.
    51    formats:
    52    - apk
    53    - deb
    54    - rpm
    55    replacements:
    56      linux: Linux
    57      amd64: x86_64