
     1  # Using Helm
     3  This guide explains the basics of using Helm (and Tiller) to manage
     4  packages on your Kubernetes cluster. It assumes that you have already
     5  [installed]( the Helm client and the Tiller server (typically by `helm
     6  init`).
     8  If you are simply interested in running a few quick commands, you may
     9  wish to begin with the [Quickstart Guide]( This chapter
    10  covers the particulars of Helm commands, and explains how to use Helm.
    12  ## Three Big Concepts
    14  A *Chart* is a Helm package. It contains all of the resource definitions
    15  necessary to run an application, tool, or service inside of a Kubernetes
    16  cluster. Think of it like the Kubernetes equivalent of a Homebrew formula,
    17  an Apt dpkg, or a Yum RPM file.
    19  A *Repository* is the place where charts can be collected and shared.
    20  It's like Perl's [CPAN archive]( or the
    21  [Fedora Package Database](, but for
    22  Kubernetes packages.
    24  A *Release* is an instance of a chart running in a Kubernetes cluster.
    25  One chart can often be installed many times into the same cluster. And
    26  each time it is installed, a new _release_ is created. Consider a MySQL
    27  chart. If you want two databases running in your cluster, you can
    28  install that chart twice. Each one will have its own _release_, which
    29  will in turn have its own _release name_.
    31  With these concepts in mind, we can now explain Helm like this:
    33  Helm installs _charts_ into Kubernetes, creating a new _release_ for
    34  each installation. And to find new charts, you can search Helm chart
    35  _repositories_.
    37  ## 'helm search': Finding Charts
    39  When you first install Helm, it is preconfigured to talk to the official
    40  Kubernetes charts repository. This repository contains a number of
    41  carefully curated and maintained charts. This chart repository is named
    42  `stable` by default.
    44  You can see which charts are available by running `helm search`:
    46  ```
    47  $ helm search
    48  NAME                 	VERSION 	DESCRIPTION
    49  stable/drupal   	0.3.2   	One of the most versatile open source content m...
    50  stable/jenkins  	0.1.0   	A Jenkins Helm chart for Kubernetes.
    51  stable/mariadb  	0.5.1   	Chart for MariaDB
    52  stable/mysql    	0.1.0   	Chart for MySQL
    53  ...
    54  ```
    56  With no filter, `helm search` shows you all of the available charts. You
    57  can narrow down your results by searching with a filter:
    59  ```
    60  $ helm search mysql
    61  NAME               	VERSION	DESCRIPTION
    62  stable/mysql  	0.1.0  	Chart for MySQL
    63  stable/mariadb	0.5.1  	Chart for MariaDB
    64  ```
    66  Now you will only see the results that match your filter. 
    68  Why is
    69  `mariadb` in the list? Because its package description relates it to
    70  MySQL. We can use `helm inspect chart` to see this:
    72  ```
    73  $ helm inspect stable/mariadb
    74  Fetched stable/mariadb to mariadb-0.5.1.tgz
    75  description: Chart for MariaDB
    76  engine: gotpl
    77  home:
    78  keywords:
    79  - mariadb
    80  - mysql
    81  - database
    82  - sql
    83  ...
    84  ```
    86  Search is a good way to find available packages. Once you have found a
    87  package you want to install, you can use `helm install` to install it.
    89  ## 'helm install': Installing a Package
    91  To install a new package, use the `helm install` command. At its
    92  simplest, it takes only one argument: The name of the chart.
    94  ```
    95  $ helm install stable/mariadb
    96  Fetched stable/mariadb-0.3.0 to /Users/mattbutcher/Code/Go/src/
    97  happy-panda
    98  Last Deployed: Wed Sep 28 12:32:28 2016
    99  Namespace: default
   100  Status: DEPLOYED
   102  Resources:
   103  ==> extensions/Deployment
   104  NAME                     DESIRED   CURRENT   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
   105  happy-panda-mariadb   1         0         0            0           1s
   107  ==> v1/Secret
   108  NAME                     TYPE      DATA      AGE
   109  happy-panda-mariadb   Opaque    2         1s
   111  ==> v1/Service
   112  NAME                     CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
   113  happy-panda-mariadb    <none>        3306/TCP   1s
   116  Notes:
   117  MariaDB can be accessed via port 3306 on the following DNS name from within your cluster:
   118  happy-panda-mariadb.default.svc.cluster.local
   120  To connect to your database run the following command:
   122     kubectl run happy-panda-mariadb-client --rm --tty -i --image bitnami/mariadb --command -- mysql -h happy-panda-mariadb
   123  ```
   125  Now the `mariadb` chart is installed. Note that installing a chart
   126  creates a new _release_ object. The release above is named
   127  `happy-panda`. (If you want to use your own release name, simply use the
   128  `--name` flag on `helm install`.)
   130  During installation, the `helm` client will print useful information
   131  about which resources were created, what the state of the release is,
   132  and also whether there are additional configuration steps you can or
   133  should take.
   135  Helm does not wait until all of the resources are running before it
   136  exits. Many charts require Docker images that are over 600M in size, and
   137  may take a long time to install into the cluster.
   139  To keep track of a release's state, or to re-read configuration
   140  information, you can use `helm status`:
   142  ```
   143  $ helm status happy-panda
   144  Last Deployed: Wed Sep 28 12:32:28 2016
   145  Namespace: default
   146  Status: DEPLOYED
   148  Resources:
   149  ==> v1/Service
   150  NAME                     CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
   151  happy-panda-mariadb    <none>        3306/TCP   4m
   153  ==> extensions/Deployment
   154  NAME                     DESIRED   CURRENT   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
   155  happy-panda-mariadb   1         1         1            1           4m
   157  ==> v1/Secret
   158  NAME                     TYPE      DATA      AGE
   159  happy-panda-mariadb   Opaque    2         4m
   162  Notes:
   163  MariaDB can be accessed via port 3306 on the following DNS name from within your cluster:
   164  happy-panda-mariadb.default.svc.cluster.local
   166  To connect to your database run the following command:
   168     kubectl run happy-panda-mariadb-client --rm --tty -i --image bitnami/mariadb --command -- mysql -h happy-panda-mariadb
   169  ```
   171  The above shows the current state of your release.
   173  ### Customizing the Chart Before Installing
   175  Installing the way we have here will only use the default configuration
   176  options for this chart. Many times, you will want to customize the chart
   177  to use your preferred configuration.
   179  To see what options are configurable on a chart, use `helm inspect
   180  values`:
   182  ```console
   183  helm inspect values stable/mariadb
   184  Fetched stable/mariadb-0.3.0.tgz to /Users/mattbutcher/Code/Go/src/
   185  ## Bitnami MariaDB image version
   186  ## ref:
   187  ##
   188  ## Default: none
   189  imageTag: 10.1.14-r3
   191  ## Specify a imagePullPolicy
   192  ## Default to 'Always' if imageTag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent'
   193  ## ref:
   194  ##
   195  # imagePullPolicy:
   197  ## Specify password for root user
   198  ## ref:
   199  ##
   200  # mariadbRootPassword:
   202  ## Create a database user
   203  ## ref:
   204  ##
   205  # mariadbUser:
   206  # mariadbPassword:
   208  ## Create a database
   209  ## ref:
   210  ##
   211  # mariadbDatabase:
   212  ```
   214  You can then override any of these settings in a YAML formatted file,
   215  and then pass that file during installation.
   217  ```console
   218  $ echo '{mariadbUser: user0, mariadbDatabase: user0db}' > config.yaml
   219  $ helm install -f config.yaml stable/mariadb
   220  ```
   222  The above will create a default MariaDB user with the name `user0`, and
   223  grant this user access to a newly created `user0db` database, but will
   224  accept all the rest of the defaults for that chart.
   226  There are two ways to pass configuration data during install:
   228  - `--values` (or `-f`): Specify a YAML file with overrides. This can be specified multiple times
   229    and the rightmost file will take precedence
   230  - `--set`: Specify overrides on the command line.
   232  If both are used, `--set` values are merged into `--values` with higher precedence.
   233  Overrides specified with `--set` are persisted in a configmap. Values that have been
   234  `--set` can be viewed for a given release with `helm get values <release-name>`. 
   235  Values that have been `--set` can be cleared by running `helm upgrade` with `--reset-values`
   236  specified.
   238  #### The Format and Limitations of `--set`
   240  The `--set` option takes zero or more name/value pairs. At its simplest, it is
   241  used like this: `--set name=value`. The YAML equivalent of that is:
   243  ```yaml
   244  name: value
   245  ```
   247  Multiple values are separated by `,` characters. So `--set a=b,c=d` becomes:
   249  ```yaml
   250  a: b
   251  c: d
   252  ```
   254  More complex expressions are supported. For example, `--set outer.inner=value` is
   255  translated into this:
   256  ```yaml
   257  outer:
   258    inner: value
   259  ```
   261  Lists can be expressed by enclosing values in `{` and `}`. For example,
   262  `--set name={a, b, c}` translates to:
   264  ```yaml
   265  name:
   266    - a
   267    - b
   268    - c
   269  ```
   271  As of Helm 2.5.0, it is possible to access list items using an array index syntax.
   272  For example, `--set servers[0].port=80` becomes:
   274  ```yaml
   275  servers:
   276    - port: 80
   277  ```
   279  Multiple values can be set this way. The line `--set servers[0].port=80,servers[0].host=example` becomes:
   281  ```yaml
   282  servers:
   283    - port: 80
   284      host: example
   285  ```
   287  Sometimes you need to use special characters in your `--set` lines. You can use
   288  a backslash to escape the characters; `--set name=value1\,value2` will become:
   290  ```yaml
   291  name: "value1,value2"
   292  ```
   294  Similarly, you can escape dot sequences as well, which may come in handy when charts use the
   295  `toYaml` function to parse annotations, labels and node selectors. The syntax for
   296  `--set nodeSelector."kubernetes\.io/role"=master` becomes:
   298  ```yaml
   299  nodeSelector:
   300 master
   301  ```
   303  Deeply nested data structures can be difficult to express using `--set`. Chart
   304  designers are encouraged to consider the `--set` usage when designing the format
   305  of a `values.yaml` file.
   307  ### More Installation Methods
   309  The `helm install` command can install from several sources:
   311  - A chart repository (as we've seen above)
   312  - A local chart archive (`helm install foo-0.1.1.tgz`)
   313  - An unpacked chart directory (`helm install path/to/foo`)
   314  - A full URL (`helm install`)
   316  ## 'helm upgrade' and 'helm rollback': Upgrading a Release, and Recovering on Failure
   318  When a new version of a chart is released, or when you want to change
   319  the configuration of your release, you can use the `helm upgrade`
   320  command.
   322  An upgrade takes an existing release and upgrades it according to the
   323  information you provide. Because Kubernetes charts can be large and
   324  complex, Helm tries to perform the least invasive upgrade. It will only
   325  update things that have changed since the last release.
   327  ```console
   328  $ helm upgrade -f panda.yaml happy-panda stable/mariadb
   329  Fetched stable/mariadb-0.3.0.tgz to /Users/mattbutcher/Code/Go/src/
   330  happy-panda has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
   331  Last Deployed: Wed Sep 28 12:47:54 2016
   332  Namespace: default
   333  Status: DEPLOYED
   334  ...
   335  ```
   337  In the above case, the `happy-panda` release is upgraded with the same
   338  chart, but with a new YAML file:
   340  ```yaml
   341  mariadbUser: user1
   342  ```
   344  We can use `helm get values` to see whether that new setting took
   345  effect.
   347  ```console
   348  $ helm get values happy-panda
   349  mariadbUser: user1
   350  ```
   352  The `helm get` command is a useful tool for looking at a release in the
   353  cluster. And as we can see above, it shows that our new values from
   354  `panda.yaml` were deployed to the cluster.
   356  Now, if something does not go as planned during a release, it is easy to
   357  roll back to a previous release using `helm rollback [RELEASE] [REVISION]`.
   359  ```console
   360  $ helm rollback happy-panda 1
   361  ```
   363  The above rolls back our happy-panda to its very first release version.
   364  A release version is an incremental revision. Every time an install,
   365  upgrade, or rollback happens, the revision number is incremented by 1.
   366  The first revision number is always 1. And we can use `helm history [RELEASE]`
   367  to see revision numbers for a certain release.
   369  ## Helpful Options for Install/Upgrade/Rollback
   370  There are several other helpful options you can specify for customizing the
   371  behavior of Helm during an install/upgrade/rollback. Please note that this
   372  is not a full list of cli flags. To see a description of all flags, just run
   373  `helm <command> --help`.
   375  - `--timeout`: A value in seconds to wait for Kubernetes commands to complete
   376    This defaults to 300 (5 minutes)
   377  - `--wait`: Waits until all Pods are in a ready state, PVCs are bound, Deployments
   378    have minimum (`Desired` minus `maxUnavailable`) Pods in ready state and
   379    Services have an IP address (and Ingress if a `LoadBalancer`) before 
   380    marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as the 
   381    `--timeout` value. If timeout is reached, the release will be marked as 
   382    `FAILED`. Note: In scenario where Deployment has `replicas` set to 1 and 
   383    `maxUnavailable` is not set to 0 as part of rolling update strategy, 
   384    `--wait` will return as ready as it has satisfied the minimum Pod in ready condition.
   385  - `--no-hooks`: This skips running hooks for the command
   386  - `--recreate-pods` (only available for `upgrade` and `rollback`): This flag
   387    will cause all pods to be recreated (with the exception of pods belonging to
   388    deployments)
   390  ## 'helm delete': Deleting a Release
   392  When it is time to uninstall or delete a release from the cluster, use
   393  the `helm delete` command:
   395  ```
   396  $ helm delete happy-panda
   397  ```
   399  This will remove the release from the cluster. You can see all of your
   400  currently deployed releases with the `helm list` command:
   402  ```
   403  $ helm list
   404  NAME           	VERSION	UPDATED                        	STATUS         	CHART
   405  inky-cat       	1      	Wed Sep 28 12:59:46 2016       	DEPLOYED       	alpine-0.1.0
   406  ```
   408  From the output above, we can see that the `happy-panda` release was
   409  deleted.
   411  However, Helm always keeps records of what releases happened. Need to
   412  see the deleted releases? `helm list --deleted` shows those, and `helm
   413  list --all` shows all of the releases (deleted and currently deployed,
   414  as well as releases that failed):
   416  ```console
   417  ⇒  helm list --all
   418  NAME           	VERSION	UPDATED                        	STATUS         	CHART
   419  happy-panda   	2      	Wed Sep 28 12:47:54 2016       	DELETED        	mariadb-0.3.0
   420  inky-cat       	1      	Wed Sep 28 12:59:46 2016       	DEPLOYED       	alpine-0.1.0
   421  kindred-angelf 	2      	Tue Sep 27 16:16:10 2016       	DELETED        	alpine-0.1.0
   422  ```
   424  Because Helm keeps records of deleted releases, a release name cannot be
   425  re-used. (If you _really_ need to re-use a release name, you can use the
   426  `--replace` flag, but it will simply re-use the existing release and
   427  replace its resources.)
   429  Note that because releases are preserved in this way, you can rollback a
   430  deleted resource, and have it re-activate.
   432  ## 'helm repo': Working with Repositories
   434  So far, we've been installing charts only from the `stable` repository.
   435  But you can configure `helm` to use other repositories. Helm provides
   436  several repository tools under the `helm repo` command.
   438  You can see which repositories are configured using `helm repo list`:
   440  ```console
   441  $ helm repo list
   442  NAME           	URL
   443  stable
   444  local          	http://localhost:8879/charts
   445  mumoshu
   446  ```
   448  And new repositories can be added with `helm repo add`:
   450  ```console
   451  $ helm repo add dev
   452  ```
   454  Because chart repositories change frequently, at any point you can make
   455  sure your Helm client is up to date by running `helm repo update`.
   457  ## Creating Your Own Charts
   459  The [Chart Development Guide]( explains how to develop your own
   460  charts. But you can get started quickly by using the `helm create`
   461  command:
   463  ```console
   464  $ helm create deis-workflow
   465  Creating deis-workflow
   466  ```
   468  Now there is a chart in `./deis-workflow`. You can edit it and create
   469  your own templates.
   471  As you edit your chart, you can validate that it is well-formatted by
   472  running `helm lint`.
   474  When it's time to package the chart up for distribution, you can run the
   475  `helm package` command:
   477  ```console
   478  $ helm package deis-workflow
   479  deis-workflow-0.1.0.tgz
   480  ```
   482  And that chart can now easily be installed by `helm install`:
   484  ```console
   485  $ helm install ./deis-workflow-0.1.0.tgz
   486  ...
   487  ```
   489  Charts that are archived can be loaded into chart repositories. See the
   490  documentation for your chart repository server to learn how to upload.
   492  Note: The `stable` repository is managed on the [Kubernetes Charts
   493  GitHub repository]( That project
   494  accepts chart source code, and (after audit) packages those for you.
   496  ## Tiller, Namespaces and RBAC
   497  In some cases you may wish to scope Tiller or deploy multiple Tillers to a single cluster. Here are some best practices when operating in those circumstances.
   499  1. Tiller can be [installed]( into any namespace. By default, it is installed into kube-system. You can run multiple Tillers provided they each run in their own namespace.
   500  2. Limiting Tiller to only be able to install into specific namespaces and/or resource types is controlled by Kubernetes [RBAC]( roles and rolebindings. You can add a service account to Tiller when configuring Helm via `helm init --service-account <NAME>`. You can find more information about that [here](
   501  3. Release names are unique PER TILLER INSTANCE.
   502  4. Charts should only contain resources that exist in a single namespace.
   503  5. It is not recommended to have multiple Tillers configured to manage resources in the same namespace.
   505  ## Conclusion
   507  This chapter has covered the basic usage patterns of the `helm` client,
   508  including searching, installation, upgrading, and deleting. It has also
   509  covered useful utility commands like `helm status`, `helm get`, and
   510  `helm repo`.
   512  For more information on these commands, take a look at Helm's built-in
   513  help: `helm help`.
   515  In the next chapter, we look at the process of developing charts.