
     1  package aws
     3  import (
     4  	"strings"
     5  	"testing"
     6  )
     8  func TestValidateEcrRepositoryName(t *testing.T) {
     9  	validNames := []string{
    10  		"nginx-web-app",
    11  		"project-a/nginx-web-app",
    12  		"",
    13  		"",
    14  		"0123456789/999999999",
    15  		"double/forward/slash",
    16  		"000000000000000",
    17  	}
    18  	for _, v := range validNames {
    19  		_, errors := validateEcrRepositoryName(v, "name")
    20  		if len(errors) != 0 {
    21  			t.Fatalf("%q should be a valid ECR repository name: %q", v, errors)
    22  		}
    23  	}
    25  	invalidNames := []string{
    26  		// length > 256
    27  		"" +
    28  			"erent.-_pattern01different.-_pattern01different.-_pattern01different" +
    29  			".-_pattern01different.-_pattern01different.-_pattern01different.-_pa" +
    30  			"ttern01different.-_pattern01different.-_pattern234567",
    31  		// length < 2
    32  		"i",
    33  		"special@character",
    34  		"different+special=character",
    35  		"double//slash",
    36  		"",
    37  		"/slash-at-the-beginning",
    38  		"slash-at-the-end/",
    39  	}
    40  	for _, v := range invalidNames {
    41  		_, errors := validateEcrRepositoryName(v, "name")
    42  		if len(errors) == 0 {
    43  			t.Fatalf("%q should be an invalid ECR repository name", v)
    44  		}
    45  	}
    46  }
    48  func TestValidateCloudWatchEventRuleName(t *testing.T) {
    49  	validNames := []string{
    50  		"HelloWorl_d",
    51  		"hello-world",
    52  		"hello.World0125",
    53  	}
    54  	for _, v := range validNames {
    55  		_, errors := validateCloudWatchEventRuleName(v, "name")
    56  		if len(errors) != 0 {
    57  			t.Fatalf("%q should be a valid CW event rule name: %q", v, errors)
    58  		}
    59  	}
    61  	invalidNames := []string{
    62  		"special@character",
    63  		"slash/in-the-middle",
    64  		// Length > 64
    65  		"TooLooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongName",
    66  	}
    67  	for _, v := range invalidNames {
    68  		_, errors := validateCloudWatchEventRuleName(v, "name")
    69  		if len(errors) == 0 {
    70  			t.Fatalf("%q should be an invalid CW event rule name", v)
    71  		}
    72  	}
    73  }
    75  func TestValidateLambdaFunctionName(t *testing.T) {
    76  	validNames := []string{
    77  		"arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:ThumbNail",
    78  		"FunctionName",
    79  		"function-name",
    80  	}
    81  	for _, v := range validNames {
    82  		_, errors := validateLambdaFunctionName(v, "name")
    83  		if len(errors) != 0 {
    84  			t.Fatalf("%q should be a valid Lambda function name: %q", v, errors)
    85  		}
    86  	}
    88  	invalidNames := []string{
    89  		"/FunctionNameWithSlash",
    90  		"",
    91  		// lenght > 140
    92  		"arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:TooLoooooo" +
    93  			"ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" +
    94  			"ooooooooooooooooongFunctionName",
    95  	}
    96  	for _, v := range invalidNames {
    97  		_, errors := validateLambdaFunctionName(v, "name")
    98  		if len(errors) == 0 {
    99  			t.Fatalf("%q should be an invalid Lambda function name", v)
   100  		}
   101  	}
   102  }
   104  func TestValidateLambdaQualifier(t *testing.T) {
   105  	validNames := []string{
   106  		"123",
   107  		"prod",
   108  		"PROD",
   109  		"MyTestEnv",
   110  		"$LATEST",
   111  	}
   112  	for _, v := range validNames {
   113  		_, errors := validateLambdaQualifier(v, "name")
   114  		if len(errors) != 0 {
   115  			t.Fatalf("%q should be a valid Lambda function qualifier: %q", v, errors)
   116  		}
   117  	}
   119  	invalidNames := []string{
   120  		// No ARNs allowed
   121  		"arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:prod",
   122  		// lenght > 128
   123  		"TooLooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" +
   124  			"ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" +
   125  			"oooooooooooongQualifier",
   126  	}
   127  	for _, v := range invalidNames {
   128  		_, errors := validateLambdaQualifier(v, "name")
   129  		if len(errors) == 0 {
   130  			t.Fatalf("%q should be an invalid Lambda function qualifier", v)
   131  		}
   132  	}
   133  }
   135  func TestValidateLambdaPermissionAction(t *testing.T) {
   136  	validNames := []string{
   137  		"lambda:*",
   138  		"lambda:InvokeFunction",
   139  		"*",
   140  	}
   141  	for _, v := range validNames {
   142  		_, errors := validateLambdaPermissionAction(v, "action")
   143  		if len(errors) != 0 {
   144  			t.Fatalf("%q should be a valid Lambda permission action: %q", v, errors)
   145  		}
   146  	}
   148  	invalidNames := []string{
   149  		"yada",
   150  		"lambda:123",
   151  		"*:*",
   152  		"lambda:Invoke*",
   153  	}
   154  	for _, v := range invalidNames {
   155  		_, errors := validateLambdaPermissionAction(v, "action")
   156  		if len(errors) == 0 {
   157  			t.Fatalf("%q should be an invalid Lambda permission action", v)
   158  		}
   159  	}
   160  }
   162  func TestValidateAwsAccountId(t *testing.T) {
   163  	validNames := []string{
   164  		"123456789012",
   165  		"999999999999",
   166  	}
   167  	for _, v := range validNames {
   168  		_, errors := validateAwsAccountId(v, "account_id")
   169  		if len(errors) != 0 {
   170  			t.Fatalf("%q should be a valid AWS Account ID: %q", v, errors)
   171  		}
   172  	}
   174  	invalidNames := []string{
   175  		"12345678901",   // too short
   176  		"1234567890123", // too long
   177  		"invalid",
   178  		"x123456789012",
   179  	}
   180  	for _, v := range invalidNames {
   181  		_, errors := validateAwsAccountId(v, "account_id")
   182  		if len(errors) == 0 {
   183  			t.Fatalf("%q should be an invalid AWS Account ID", v)
   184  		}
   185  	}
   186  }
   188  func TestValidateArn(t *testing.T) {
   189  	validNames := []string{
   190  		"arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:us-east-1:123456789012:environment/My App/MyEnvironment", // Beanstalk
   191  		"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/David",                                             // IAM User
   192  		"arn:aws:rds:eu-west-1:123456789012:db:mysql-db",                                   // RDS
   193  		"arn:aws:s3:::my_corporate_bucket/exampleobject.png",                               // S3 object
   194  		"arn:aws:events:us-east-1:319201112229:rule/rule_name",                             // CloudWatch Rule
   195  		"arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:319201112229:function:myCustomFunction",                  // Lambda function
   196  		"arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:319201112229:function:myCustomFunction:Qualifier",        // Lambda func qualifier
   197  	}
   198  	for _, v := range validNames {
   199  		_, errors := validateArn(v, "arn")
   200  		if len(errors) != 0 {
   201  			t.Fatalf("%q should be a valid ARN: %q", v, errors)
   202  		}
   203  	}
   205  	invalidNames := []string{
   206  		"arn",
   207  		"123456789012",
   208  		"arn:aws",
   209  		"arn:aws:logs",
   210  		"arn:aws:logs:region:*:*",
   211  	}
   212  	for _, v := range invalidNames {
   213  		_, errors := validateArn(v, "arn")
   214  		if len(errors) == 0 {
   215  			t.Fatalf("%q should be an invalid ARN", v)
   216  		}
   217  	}
   218  }
   220  func TestValidatePolicyStatementId(t *testing.T) {
   221  	validNames := []string{
   222  		"YadaHereAndThere",
   223  		"Valid-5tatement_Id",
   224  		"1234",
   225  	}
   226  	for _, v := range validNames {
   227  		_, errors := validatePolicyStatementId(v, "statement_id")
   228  		if len(errors) != 0 {
   229  			t.Fatalf("%q should be a valid Statement ID: %q", v, errors)
   230  		}
   231  	}
   233  	invalidNames := []string{
   234  		"Invalid/StatementId/with/slashes",
   235  		"InvalidStatementId.with.dots",
   236  		// length > 100
   237  		"TooooLoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" +
   238  			"ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooStatementId",
   239  	}
   240  	for _, v := range invalidNames {
   241  		_, errors := validatePolicyStatementId(v, "statement_id")
   242  		if len(errors) == 0 {
   243  			t.Fatalf("%q should be an invalid Statement ID", v)
   244  		}
   245  	}
   246  }
   248  func TestValidateCIDRNetworkAddress(t *testing.T) {
   249  	cases := []struct {
   250  		CIDR              string
   251  		ExpectedErrSubstr string
   252  	}{
   253  		{"notacidr", `must contain a valid CIDR`},
   254  		{"", `must contain a valid network CIDR`},
   255  		{"", ``},
   256  	}
   258  	for i, tc := range cases {
   259  		_, errs := validateCIDRNetworkAddress(tc.CIDR, "foo")
   260  		if tc.ExpectedErrSubstr == "" {
   261  			if len(errs) != 0 {
   262  				t.Fatalf("%d/%d: Expected no error, got errs: %#v",
   263  					i+1, len(cases), errs)
   264  			}
   265  		} else {
   266  			if len(errs) != 1 {
   267  				t.Fatalf("%d/%d: Expected 1 err containing %q, got %d errs",
   268  					i+1, len(cases), tc.ExpectedErrSubstr, len(errs))
   269  			}
   270  			if !strings.Contains(errs[0].Error(), tc.ExpectedErrSubstr) {
   271  				t.Fatalf("%d/%d: Expected err: %q, to include %q",
   272  					i+1, len(cases), errs[0], tc.ExpectedErrSubstr)
   273  			}
   274  		}
   275  	}
   276  }
   278  func TestValidateHTTPMethod(t *testing.T) {
   279  	validCases := []string{"GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE", "OPTIONS", "HEAD", "PATCH"}
   280  	for i, method := range validCases {
   281  		_, errs := validateHTTPMethod(method, "foo")
   282  		if len(errs) != 0 {
   283  			t.Fatalf("%d/%d: Expected no error, got errs: %#v",
   284  				i+1, len(validCases), errs)
   285  		}
   286  	}
   287  }
   289  func TestValidateLogMetricFilterName(t *testing.T) {
   290  	validNames := []string{
   291  		"YadaHereAndThere",
   292  		"Valid-5Metric_Name",
   293  		"This . is also %% valid@!)+(",
   294  		"1234",
   295  		strings.Repeat("W", 512),
   296  	}
   297  	for _, v := range validNames {
   298  		_, errors := validateLogMetricFilterName(v, "name")
   299  		if len(errors) != 0 {
   300  			t.Fatalf("%q should be a valid Log Metric Filter Name: %q", v, errors)
   301  		}
   302  	}
   304  	invalidNames := []string{
   305  		"Here is a name with: colon",
   306  		"and here is another * invalid name",
   307  		"*",
   308  		// length > 512
   309  		strings.Repeat("W", 513),
   310  	}
   311  	for _, v := range invalidNames {
   312  		_, errors := validateLogMetricFilterName(v, "name")
   313  		if len(errors) == 0 {
   314  			t.Fatalf("%q should be an invalid Log Metric Filter Name", v)
   315  		}
   316  	}
   317  }
   319  func TestValidateLogMetricTransformationName(t *testing.T) {
   320  	validNames := []string{
   321  		"YadaHereAndThere",
   322  		"Valid-5Metric_Name",
   323  		"This . is also %% valid@!)+(",
   324  		"1234",
   325  		"",
   326  		strings.Repeat("W", 255),
   327  	}
   328  	for _, v := range validNames {
   329  		_, errors := validateLogMetricFilterTransformationName(v, "name")
   330  		if len(errors) != 0 {
   331  			t.Fatalf("%q should be a valid Log Metric Filter Transformation Name: %q", v, errors)
   332  		}
   333  	}
   335  	invalidNames := []string{
   336  		"Here is a name with: colon",
   337  		"and here is another * invalid name",
   338  		"also $ invalid",
   339  		"*",
   340  		// length > 255
   341  		strings.Repeat("W", 256),
   342  	}
   343  	for _, v := range invalidNames {
   344  		_, errors := validateLogMetricFilterTransformationName(v, "name")
   345  		if len(errors) == 0 {
   346  			t.Fatalf("%q should be an invalid Log Metric Filter Transformation Name", v)
   347  		}
   348  	}
   349  }
   351  func TestValidateLogGroupName(t *testing.T) {
   352  	validNames := []string{
   353  		"ValidLogGroupName",
   354  		"ValidLogGroup.Name",
   355  		"valid/Log-group",
   356  		"1234",
   357  		"YadaValid#0123",
   358  		"Also_valid-name",
   359  		strings.Repeat("W", 512),
   360  	}
   361  	for _, v := range validNames {
   362  		_, errors := validateLogGroupName(v, "name")
   363  		if len(errors) != 0 {
   364  			t.Fatalf("%q should be a valid Log Metric Filter Transformation Name: %q", v, errors)
   365  		}
   366  	}
   368  	invalidNames := []string{
   369  		"Here is a name with: colon",
   370  		"and here is another * invalid name",
   371  		"also $ invalid",
   372  		"This . is also %% invalid@!)+(",
   373  		"*",
   374  		"",
   375  		// length > 512
   376  		strings.Repeat("W", 513),
   377  	}
   378  	for _, v := range invalidNames {
   379  		_, errors := validateLogGroupName(v, "name")
   380  		if len(errors) == 0 {
   381  			t.Fatalf("%q should be an invalid Log Metric Filter Transformation Name", v)
   382  		}
   383  	}
   384  }