
     1  package i18n
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	""
     6  )
     8  func addPolish(i18nObject *i18n.Bundle) error {
    10  	return i18nObject.AddMessages(language.Polish,
    11  		&i18n.Message{
    12  			ID:    "NotEnoughSpace",
    13  			Other: "Za mało miejsca do wyświetlenia paneli",
    14  		}, &i18n.Message{
    15  			ID:    "DiffTitle",
    16  			Other: "Różnice",
    17  		}, &i18n.Message{
    18  			ID:    "LogTitle",
    19  			Other: "Log",
    20  		}, &i18n.Message{
    21  			ID:    "FilesTitle",
    22  			Other: "Pliki",
    23  		}, &i18n.Message{
    24  			ID:    "BranchesTitle",
    25  			Other: "Gałęzie",
    26  		}, &i18n.Message{
    27  			ID:    "CommitsTitle",
    28  			Other: "Commity",
    29  		}, &i18n.Message{
    30  			ID:    "CommitsDiffTitle",
    31  			Other: "Commits (specific diff mode)",
    32  		}, &i18n.Message{
    33  			ID:    "CommitsDiff",
    34  			Other: "select commit to diff with another commit",
    35  		}, &i18n.Message{
    36  			ID:    "StashTitle",
    37  			Other: "Schowek",
    38  		}, &i18n.Message{
    39  			ID:    "StagingMainTitle",
    40  			Other: `Stage Lines/Hunks`,
    41  		}, &i18n.Message{
    42  			ID:    "MergingMainTitle",
    43  			Other: "Resolve merge conflicts",
    44  		}, &i18n.Message{
    45  			ID:    "CommitMessage",
    46  			Other: "Wiadomość commita",
    47  		}, &i18n.Message{
    48  			ID:    "CredentialsUsername",
    49  			Other: "Username",
    50  		}, &i18n.Message{
    51  			ID:    "CredentialsPassword",
    52  			Other: "Password",
    53  		}, &i18n.Message{
    54  			ID:    "PassUnameWrong",
    55  			Other: "Password and/or username wrong",
    56  		}, &i18n.Message{
    57  			ID:    "CommitChanges",
    58  			Other: "commituj zmiany",
    59  		}, &i18n.Message{
    60  			ID:    "AmendLastCommit",
    61  			Other: "zmień ostatnie zatwierdzenie",
    62  		}, &i18n.Message{
    63  			ID:    "SureToAmend",
    64  			Other: "Czy na pewno chcesz zmienić ostatnie zatwierdzenie? Możesz zmienić komunikat zatwierdzenia z panelu zatwierdzeń.",
    65  		}, &i18n.Message{
    66  			ID:    "NoCommitToAmend",
    67  			Other: "Nie ma zobowiązania do zmiany.",
    68  		}, &i18n.Message{
    69  			ID:    "CommitChangesWithEditor",
    70  			Other: "commituj zmiany używając edytora z gita",
    71  		}, &i18n.Message{
    72  			ID:    "StatusTitle",
    73  			Other: "Status",
    74  		}, &i18n.Message{
    75  			ID:    "GlobalTitle",
    76  			Other: "Globalne",
    77  		}, &i18n.Message{
    78  			ID:    "navigate",
    79  			Other: "nawiguj",
    80  		}, &i18n.Message{
    81  			ID:    "menu",
    82  			Other: "menu",
    83  		}, &i18n.Message{
    84  			ID:    "execute",
    85  			Other: "wykonaj",
    86  		}, &i18n.Message{
    87  			ID:    "open",
    88  			Other: "otwórz",
    89  		}, &i18n.Message{
    90  			ID:    "ignore",
    91  			Other: "ignoruj",
    92  		}, &i18n.Message{
    93  			ID:    "delete",
    94  			Other: "usuń",
    95  		}, &i18n.Message{
    96  			ID:    "toggleStaged",
    97  			Other: "przełącz zatwierdzenie",
    98  		}, &i18n.Message{
    99  			ID:    "toggleStagedAll",
   100  			Other: "przełącz wszystkie zatwierdzenia",
   101  		}, &i18n.Message{
   102  			ID:    "refresh",
   103  			Other: "odśwież",
   104  		}, &i18n.Message{
   105  			ID:    "addPatch",
   106  			Other: "dodaj łatkę",
   107  		}, &i18n.Message{
   108  			ID:    "edit",
   109  			Other: "edytuj",
   110  		}, &i18n.Message{
   111  			ID:    "scroll",
   112  			Other: "przewiń",
   113  		}, &i18n.Message{
   114  			ID:    "abortMerge",
   115  			Other: "o scalaniu",
   116  		}, &i18n.Message{
   117  			ID:    "resolveMergeConflicts",
   118  			Other: "rozwiąż konflikty scalania",
   119  		}, &i18n.Message{
   120  			ID:    "checkout",
   121  			Other: "przełącz",
   122  		}, &i18n.Message{
   123  			ID:    "NoChangedFiles",
   124  			Other: "Brak zmienionych plików",
   125  		}, &i18n.Message{
   126  			ID:    "FileHasNoUnstagedChanges",
   127  			Other: "Plik nie zawiera żadnych nieopublikowanych zmian do dodania",
   128  		}, &i18n.Message{
   129  			ID:    "CannotGitAdd",
   130  			Other: "Nie można git add --patch nieśledzonych plików",
   131  		}, &i18n.Message{
   132  			ID:    "CantIgnoreTrackFiles",
   133  			Other: "Nie można zignorować nieśledzonych plików",
   134  		}, &i18n.Message{
   135  			ID:    "NoStagedFilesToCommit",
   136  			Other: "Brak zatwierdzonych plików do commita",
   137  		}, &i18n.Message{
   138  			ID:    "NoFilesDisplay",
   139  			Other: "Brak pliku do wyświetlenia",
   140  		}, &i18n.Message{
   141  			ID:    "PullWait",
   142  			Other: "Wciąganie zmian...",
   143  		}, &i18n.Message{
   144  			ID:    "PushWait",
   145  			Other: "Wypychanie zmian...",
   146  		}, &i18n.Message{
   147  			ID:    "FetchWait",
   148  			Other: "Fetching...",
   149  		}, &i18n.Message{
   150  			ID:    "FileNoMergeCons",
   151  			Other: "Ten plik nie powoduje konfliktów scalania",
   152  		}, &i18n.Message{
   153  			ID:    "SureTo",
   154  			Other: "Jesteś pewny, że chcesz {{.deleteVerb}} {{.fileName}} (stracisz swoje wprowadzone zmiany)?",
   155  		}, &i18n.Message{
   156  			ID:    "AlreadyCheckedOutBranch",
   157  			Other: "Już przęłączono na tą gałąź",
   158  		}, &i18n.Message{
   159  			ID:    "SureForceCheckout",
   160  			Other: "Jesteś pewny, że chcesz wymusić przełączenie? Stracisz wszystkie lokalne zmiany",
   161  		}, &i18n.Message{
   162  			ID:    "ForceCheckoutBranch",
   163  			Other: "Wymuś przełączenie gałęzi",
   164  		}, &i18n.Message{
   165  			ID:    "BranchName",
   166  			Other: "Nazwa gałęzi",
   167  		}, &i18n.Message{
   168  			ID:    "NewBranchNameBranchOff",
   169  			Other: "Nazwa nowej gałęzi (gałąź na bazie {{.branchName}})",
   170  		}, &i18n.Message{
   171  			ID:    "CantDeleteCheckOutBranch",
   172  			Other: "Nie możesz usunąć obecnej przełączonej gałęzi!",
   173  		}, &i18n.Message{
   174  			ID:    "DeleteBranch",
   175  			Other: "Usuń gałąź",
   176  		}, &i18n.Message{
   177  			ID:    "DeleteBranchMessage",
   178  			Other: "Jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć gałąź {{.selectedBranchName}} ?",
   179  		}, &i18n.Message{
   180  			ID:    "ForceDeleteBranchMessage",
   181  			Other: "Na pewno wymusić usunięcie gałęzi {{.selectedBranchName}}?",
   182  		}, &i18n.Message{
   183  			ID:    "rebaseBranch",
   184  			Other: "rebase branch",
   185  		}, &i18n.Message{
   186  			ID:    "CantRebaseOntoSelf",
   187  			Other: "You cannot rebase a branch onto itself",
   188  		}, &i18n.Message{
   189  			ID:    "CantMergeBranchIntoItself",
   190  			Other: "Nie możesz scalić gałęzi do samej siebie",
   191  		}, &i18n.Message{
   192  			ID:    "forceCheckout",
   193  			Other: "wymuś przełączenie",
   194  		}, &i18n.Message{
   195  			ID:    "merge",
   196  			Other: "scal",
   197  		}, &i18n.Message{
   198  			ID:    "checkoutByName",
   199  			Other: "przełącz używając nazwy",
   200  		}, &i18n.Message{
   201  			ID:    "newBranch",
   202  			Other: "nowa gałąź",
   203  		}, &i18n.Message{
   204  			ID:    "deleteBranch",
   205  			Other: "usuń gałąź",
   206  		}, &i18n.Message{
   207  			ID:    "forceDeleteBranch",
   208  			Other: "usuń gałąź (wymuś)",
   209  		}, &i18n.Message{
   210  			ID:    "NoBranchesThisRepo",
   211  			Other: "Brak gałęzi dla tego repozytorium",
   212  		}, &i18n.Message{
   213  			ID:    "NoTrackingThisBranch",
   214  			Other: "Brak śledzenia dla tej gałęzi",
   215  		}, &i18n.Message{
   216  			ID:    "CommitWithoutMessageErr",
   217  			Other: "Nie możesz commitować bez podania wiadomości",
   218  		}, &i18n.Message{
   219  			ID:    "CloseConfirm",
   220  			Other: "{{.keyBindClose}}: zamknij, {{.keyBindConfirm}}: potwierdź",
   221  		}, &i18n.Message{
   222  			ID:    "close",
   223  			Other: "zamknij",
   224  		}, &i18n.Message{
   225  			ID:    "SureResetThisCommit",
   226  			Other: "Jesteś pewny, że chcesz zresetować ten commit?",
   227  		}, &i18n.Message{
   228  			ID:    "ResetToCommit",
   229  			Other: "Zresetuj, aby commitować",
   230  		}, &i18n.Message{
   231  			ID:    "squashDown",
   232  			Other: "ściśnij w dół",
   233  		}, &i18n.Message{
   234  			ID:    "rename",
   235  			Other: "przemianuj",
   236  		}, &i18n.Message{
   237  			ID:    "resetToThisCommit",
   238  			Other: "zresetuj do tego commita",
   239  		}, &i18n.Message{
   240  			ID:    "fixupCommit",
   241  			Other: "napraw commit",
   242  		}, &i18n.Message{
   243  			ID:    "NoCommitsThisBranch",
   244  			Other: "Brak commitów dla tej gałęzi",
   245  		}, &i18n.Message{
   246  			ID:    "OnlySquashTopmostCommit",
   247  			Other: "Można tylko ścisnąć najwyższy commit",
   248  		}, &i18n.Message{
   249  			ID:    "YouNoCommitsToSquash",
   250  			Other: "Nie masz commitów do ściśnięcia",
   251  		}, &i18n.Message{
   252  			ID:    "CantFixupWhileUnstagedChanges",
   253  			Other: "Nie można wykonać naprawy, kiedy istnieją niezatwierdzone zmiany",
   254  		}, &i18n.Message{
   255  			ID:    "Fixup",
   256  			Other: "Napraw",
   257  		}, &i18n.Message{
   258  			ID:    "SureFixupThisCommit",
   259  			Other: "Jesteś pewny, ze chcesz naprawić ten commit? Commit poniżej zostanie ściśnięty w górę wraz z tym",
   260  		}, &i18n.Message{
   261  			ID:    "OnlyRenameTopCommit",
   262  			Other: "Można przmianować tylko najwyższy commit",
   263  		}, &i18n.Message{
   264  			ID:    "renameCommit",
   265  			Other: "przemianuj commit",
   266  		}, &i18n.Message{
   267  			ID:    "renameCommitEditor",
   268  			Other: "przemianuj commit w edytorze",
   269  		}, &i18n.Message{
   270  			ID:    "PotentialErrInGetselectedCommit",
   271  			Other: "potencjalny błąd w getSelected Commit (niedopasowane ui i stan)",
   272  		}, &i18n.Message{
   273  			ID:    "Error",
   274  			Other: "Błąd",
   275  		}, &i18n.Message{
   276  			ID:    "resizingPopupPanel",
   277  			Other: "skalowanie wyskakującego panelu",
   278  		}, &i18n.Message{
   279  			ID:    "RunningSubprocess",
   280  			Other: "uruchomiony podproces",
   281  		}, &i18n.Message{
   282  			ID:    "selectHunk",
   283  			Other: "wybierz kawałek",
   284  		}, &i18n.Message{
   285  			ID:    "navigateConflicts",
   286  			Other: "nawiguj konflikty",
   287  		}, &i18n.Message{
   288  			ID:    "pickHunk",
   289  			Other: "wybierz kawałek",
   290  		}, &i18n.Message{
   291  			ID:    "pickBothHunks",
   292  			Other: "wybierz oba kawałki",
   293  		}, &i18n.Message{
   294  			ID:    "undo",
   295  			Other: "cofnij",
   296  		}, &i18n.Message{
   297  			ID:    "pop",
   298  			Other: "wyciągnij",
   299  		}, &i18n.Message{
   300  			ID:    "drop",
   301  			Other: "porzuć",
   302  		}, &i18n.Message{
   303  			ID:    "apply",
   304  			Other: "zastosuj",
   305  		}, &i18n.Message{
   306  			ID:    "NoStashEntries",
   307  			Other: "Brak pozycji w schowku",
   308  		}, &i18n.Message{
   309  			ID:    "StashDrop",
   310  			Other: "Porzuć schowek",
   311  		}, &i18n.Message{
   312  			ID:    "SureDropStashEntry",
   313  			Other: "Jesteś pewny, że chcesz porzucić tę pozycję w schowku?",
   314  		}, &i18n.Message{
   315  			ID:    "NoStashTo",
   316  			Other: "Brak schowka dla {{.method}}",
   317  		}, &i18n.Message{
   318  			ID:    "NoTrackedStagedFilesStash",
   319  			Other: "Nie masz śledzonych/zatwierdzonych plików do przechowania",
   320  		}, &i18n.Message{
   321  			ID:    "StashChanges",
   322  			Other: "Przechowaj zmiany",
   323  		}, &i18n.Message{
   324  			ID:    "IssntListOfViews",
   325  			Other: "{{.name}} nie jest na liście widoków",
   326  		}, &i18n.Message{
   327  			ID:    "NoViewMachingNewLineFocusedSwitchStatement",
   328  			Other: "Brak widoku pasującego do instrukcji przełączania newLineFocused",
   329  		}, &i18n.Message{
   330  			ID:    "newFocusedViewIs",
   331  			Other: "nowy skupiony widok to {{.newFocusedView}}",
   332  		}, &i18n.Message{
   333  			ID:    "CantCloseConfirmationPrompt",
   334  			Other: "Nie można zamknąć monitu potwierdzenia: {{.error}}",
   335  		}, &i18n.Message{
   336  			ID:    "MergeAborted",
   337  			Other: "Scalanie anulowane",
   338  		}, &i18n.Message{
   339  			ID:    "OpenConfig",
   340  			Other: "otwórz plik konfiguracyjny",
   341  		}, &i18n.Message{
   342  			ID:    "EditConfig",
   343  			Other: "edytuj plik konfiguracyjny",
   344  		}, &i18n.Message{
   345  			ID:    "ForcePush",
   346  			Other: "Wymuś wypchnięcie",
   347  		}, &i18n.Message{
   348  			ID:    "ForcePushPrompt",
   349  			Other: "Twoja gałąź rozeszła się z gałęzią zdalną. Wciśnij 'esc' aby anulować lub 'enter' aby wymusić wypchnięcie.",
   350  		}, &i18n.Message{
   351  			ID:    "checkForUpdate",
   352  			Other: "sprawdź aktualizacje",
   353  		}, &i18n.Message{
   354  			ID:    "CheckingForUpdates",
   355  			Other: "Sprawdzanie aktualizacji...",
   356  		}, &i18n.Message{
   357  			ID:    "OnLatestVersionErr",
   358  			Other: "Już posiadasz najnowszą wersję",
   359  		}, &i18n.Message{
   360  			ID:    "MajorVersionErr",
   361  			Other: "Nowa wersja ({{.newVersion}}) posiada niekompatybilne zmiany w porównaniu do obecnej wersji ({{.currentVersion}})",
   362  		}, &i18n.Message{
   363  			ID:    "CouldNotFindBinaryErr",
   364  			Other: "Nie można znaleźć pliku binarnego w {{.url}}",
   365  		}, &i18n.Message{
   366  			ID:    "AnonymousReportingTitle",
   367  			Other: "Help make lazygit better",
   368  		}, &i18n.Message{
   369  			ID:    "AnonymousReportingPrompt",
   370  			Other: "Włączyć anonimowe raportowanie błędów w celu pomocy w usprawnianiu lazygita (enter/esc)?",
   371  		}, &i18n.Message{
   372  			ID:    "editFile",
   373  			Other: `edytuj plik`,
   374  		}, &i18n.Message{
   375  			ID:    "openFile",
   376  			Other: `otwórz plik`,
   377  		}, &i18n.Message{
   378  			ID:    "ignoreFile",
   379  			Other: `dodaj do .gitignore`,
   380  		}, &i18n.Message{
   381  			ID:    "refreshFiles",
   382  			Other: `odśwież pliki`,
   383  		}, &i18n.Message{
   384  			ID:    "mergeIntoCurrentBranch",
   385  			Other: `scal do obecnej gałęzi`,
   386  		}, &i18n.Message{
   387  			ID:    "ConfirmQuit",
   388  			Other: `Na pewno chcesz wyjść z programu?`,
   389  		}, &i18n.Message{
   390  			ID:    "UnsupportedGitService",
   391  			Other: `Nieobsługiwana usługa git`,
   392  		}, &i18n.Message{
   393  			ID:    "createPullRequest",
   394  			Other: `utwórz żądanie wyciągnięcia`,
   395  		}, &i18n.Message{
   396  			ID:    "NoBranchOnRemote",
   397  			Other: `Ta gałąź nie istnieje na zdalnym. Najpierw musisz go odepchnąć na odległość.`,
   398  		}, &i18n.Message{
   399  			ID:    "fetch",
   400  			Other: `fetch`,
   401  		}, &i18n.Message{
   402  			ID:    "NoAutomaticGitFetchTitle",
   403  			Other: `No automatic git fetch`,
   404  		}, &i18n.Message{
   405  			ID:    "NoAutomaticGitFetchBody",
   406  			Other: `Lazygit can't use "git fetch" in a private repo use f in the branches panel to run "git fetch" manually`,
   407  		}, &i18n.Message{
   408  			ID:    "StageLines",
   409  			Other: `zatwierdź pojedyncze linie`,
   410  		}, &i18n.Message{
   411  			ID:    "FileStagingRequirements",
   412  			Other: `Można tylko zatwierdzić pojedyncze linie dla śledzonych plików z niezatwierdzonymi zmianami`,
   413  		}, &i18n.Message{
   414  			ID:    "StagingTitle",
   415  			Other: `Zatwierdzanie`,
   416  		}, &i18n.Message{
   417  			ID:    "StageHunk",
   418  			Other: `zatwierdź kawałek`,
   419  		}, &i18n.Message{
   420  			ID:    "StageLine",
   421  			Other: `zatwierdź linię`,
   422  		}, &i18n.Message{
   423  			ID:    "EscapeStaging",
   424  			Other: `wróć do panelu plików`,
   425  		}, &i18n.Message{
   426  			ID:    "CantFindHunks",
   427  			Other: `Nie można znaleźć żadnych kawałków w tej łatce`,
   428  		}, &i18n.Message{
   429  			ID:    "CantFindHunk",
   430  			Other: `Nie można znaleźć kawałka`,
   431  		}, &i18n.Message{
   432  			ID:    "RebasingTitle",
   433  			Other: "Rebasing",
   434  		}, &i18n.Message{
   435  			ID:    "MergingTitle",
   436  			Other: "Merging",
   437  		}, &i18n.Message{
   438  			ID:    "ConfirmRebase",
   439  			Other: "Are you sure you want to rebase {{.checkedOutBranch}} onto {{.selectedBranch}}?",
   440  		}, &i18n.Message{
   441  			ID:    "ConfirmMerge",
   442  			Other: "Are you sure you want to merge {{.selectedBranch}} into {{.checkedOutBranch}}?",
   443  		}, &i18n.Message{}, &i18n.Message{
   444  			ID:    "FwdNoUpstream",
   445  			Other: "Cannot fast-forward a branch with no upstream",
   446  		}, &i18n.Message{
   447  			ID:    "FwdCommitsToPush",
   448  			Other: "Cannot fast-forward a branch with commits to push",
   449  		}, &i18n.Message{
   450  			ID:    "ErrorOccurred",
   451  			Other: "An error occurred! Please create an issue at",
   452  		}, &i18n.Message{
   453  			ID:    "MainTitle",
   454  			Other: "Main",
   455  		}, &i18n.Message{
   456  			ID:    "NormalTitle",
   457  			Other: "Normal",
   458  		}, &i18n.Message{
   459  			ID:    "softReset",
   460  			Other: "soft reset",
   461  		}, &i18n.Message{
   462  			ID:    "SureSquashThisCommit",
   463  			Other: "Are you sure you want to squash this commit into the commit below?",
   464  		}, &i18n.Message{
   465  			ID:    "Squash",
   466  			Other: "Squash",
   467  		}, &i18n.Message{
   468  			ID:    "pickCommit",
   469  			Other: "pick commit (when mid-rebase)",
   470  		}, &i18n.Message{
   471  			ID:    "revertCommit",
   472  			Other: "revert commit",
   473  		}, &i18n.Message{
   474  			ID:    "deleteCommit",
   475  			Other: "delete commit",
   476  		}, &i18n.Message{
   477  			ID:    "moveDownCommit",
   478  			Other: "move commit down one",
   479  		}, &i18n.Message{
   480  			ID:    "moveUpCommit",
   481  			Other: "move commit up one",
   482  		}, &i18n.Message{
   483  			ID:    "editCommit",
   484  			Other: "edit commit",
   485  		}, &i18n.Message{
   486  			ID:    "amendToCommit",
   487  			Other: "amend commit with staged changes",
   488  		}, &i18n.Message{
   489  			ID:    "FoundConflicts",
   490  			Other: "Conflicts! To abort press 'esc', otherwise press 'enter'",
   491  		}, &i18n.Message{
   492  			ID:    "FoundConflictsTitle",
   493  			Other: "Auto-merge failed",
   494  		}, &i18n.Message{
   495  			ID:    "Undo",
   496  			Other: "undo",
   497  		}, &i18n.Message{
   498  			ID:    "PickHunk",
   499  			Other: "pick hunk",
   500  		}, &i18n.Message{
   501  			ID:    "PickBothHunks",
   502  			Other: "pick both hunks",
   503  		}, &i18n.Message{
   504  			ID:    "ViewMergeRebaseOptions",
   505  			Other: "view merge/rebase options",
   506  		}, &i18n.Message{
   507  			ID:    "NotMergingOrRebasing",
   508  			Other: "You are currently neither rebasing nor merging",
   509  		}, &i18n.Message{
   510  			ID:    "RecentRepos",
   511  			Other: "recent repositories",
   512  		}, &i18n.Message{
   513  			ID:    "MergeOptionsTitle",
   514  			Other: "Merge Options",
   515  		}, &i18n.Message{
   516  			ID:    "RebaseOptionsTitle",
   517  			Other: "Rebase Options",
   518  		}, &i18n.Message{
   519  			ID:    "ConflictsResolved",
   520  			Other: "all merge conflicts resolved. Continue?",
   521  		}, &i18n.Message{
   522  			ID:    "NoRoom",
   523  			Other: "Not enough room",
   524  		}, &i18n.Message{
   525  			ID:    "YouAreHere",
   526  			Other: "YOU ARE HERE",
   527  		}, &i18n.Message{
   528  			ID:    "rewordNotSupported",
   529  			Other: "rewording commits while interactively rebasing is not currently supported",
   530  		}, &i18n.Message{
   531  			ID:    "cherryPickCopy",
   532  			Other: "copy commit (cherry-pick)",
   533  		}, &i18n.Message{
   534  			ID:    "cherryPickCopyRange",
   535  			Other: "copy commit range (cherry-pick)",
   536  		}, &i18n.Message{
   537  			ID:    "pasteCommits",
   538  			Other: "paste commits (cherry-pick)",
   539  		}, &i18n.Message{
   540  			ID:    "SureCherryPick",
   541  			Other: "Are you sure you want to cherry-pick the copied commits onto this branch?",
   542  		}, &i18n.Message{
   543  			ID:    "CherryPick",
   544  			Other: "Cherry-Pick",
   545  		}, &i18n.Message{
   546  			ID:    "CannotRebaseOntoFirstCommit",
   547  			Other: "You cannot interactive rebase onto the first commit",
   548  		}, &i18n.Message{
   549  			ID:    "CannotSquashOntoSecondCommit",
   550  			Other: "You cannot squash/fixup onto the second commit",
   551  		}, &i18n.Message{
   552  			ID:    "Donate",
   553  			Other: "Donate",
   554  		}, &i18n.Message{
   555  			ID:    "PrevLine",
   556  			Other: "select previous line",
   557  		}, &i18n.Message{
   558  			ID:    "NextLine",
   559  			Other: "select next line",
   560  		}, &i18n.Message{
   561  			ID:    "PrevHunk",
   562  			Other: "select previous hunk",
   563  		}, &i18n.Message{
   564  			ID:    "NextHunk",
   565  			Other: "select next hunk",
   566  		}, &i18n.Message{
   567  			ID:    "PrevConflict",
   568  			Other: "select previous conflict",
   569  		}, &i18n.Message{
   570  			ID:    "NextConflict",
   571  			Other: "select next conflict",
   572  		}, &i18n.Message{
   573  			ID:    "SelectTop",
   574  			Other: "select top hunk",
   575  		}, &i18n.Message{
   576  			ID:    "SelectBottom",
   577  			Other: "select bottom hunk",
   578  		}, &i18n.Message{
   579  			ID:    "ScrollDown",
   580  			Other: "scroll down",
   581  		}, &i18n.Message{
   582  			ID:    "ScrollUp",
   583  			Other: "scroll up",
   584  		}, &i18n.Message{
   585  			ID:    "AmendCommitTitle",
   586  			Other: "Amend Commit",
   587  		}, &i18n.Message{
   588  			ID:    "AmendCommitPrompt",
   589  			Other: "Are you sure you want to amend this commit with your staged files?",
   590  		}, &i18n.Message{
   591  			ID:    "DeleteCommitTitle",
   592  			Other: "Delete Commit",
   593  		}, &i18n.Message{
   594  			ID:    "DeleteCommitPrompt",
   595  			Other: "Are you sure you want to delete this commit?",
   596  		}, &i18n.Message{
   597  			ID:    "SquashingStatus",
   598  			Other: "squashing",
   599  		}, &i18n.Message{
   600  			ID:    "FixingStatus",
   601  			Other: "fixing up",
   602  		}, &i18n.Message{
   603  			ID:    "DeletingStatus",
   604  			Other: "deleting",
   605  		}, &i18n.Message{
   606  			ID:    "MovingStatus",
   607  			Other: "moving",
   608  		}, &i18n.Message{
   609  			ID:    "RebasingStatus",
   610  			Other: "rebasing",
   611  		}, &i18n.Message{
   612  			ID:    "AmendingStatus",
   613  			Other: "amending",
   614  		}, &i18n.Message{
   615  			ID:    "CherryPickingStatus",
   616  			Other: "cherry-picking",
   617  		}, &i18n.Message{
   618  			ID:    "CommitFiles",
   619  			Other: "Commit files",
   620  		}, &i18n.Message{
   621  			ID:    "viewCommitFiles",
   622  			Other: "view commit's files",
   623  		}, &i18n.Message{
   624  			ID:    "CommitFilesTitle",
   625  			Other: "Commit files",
   626  		}, &i18n.Message{
   627  			ID:    "goBack",
   628  			Other: "go back",
   629  		}, &i18n.Message{
   630  			ID:    "NoCommiteFiles",
   631  			Other: "No files for this commit",
   632  		}, &i18n.Message{
   633  			ID:    "checkoutCommitFile",
   634  			Other: "checkout file",
   635  		}, &i18n.Message{
   636  			ID:    "discardOldFileChange",
   637  			Other: "discard this commit's changes to this file",
   638  		}, &i18n.Message{
   639  			ID:    "DiscardFileChangesTitle",
   640  			Other: "Discard file changes",
   641  		}, &i18n.Message{
   642  			ID:    "DiscardFileChangesPrompt",
   643  			Other: "Are you sure you want to discard this commit's changes to this file? If this file was created in this commit, it will be deleted",
   644  		}, &i18n.Message{
   645  			ID:    "DisabledForGPG",
   646  			Other: "Feature not available for users using GPG",
   647  		}, &i18n.Message{
   648  			ID:    "CreateRepo",
   649  			Other: "Not in a git repository. Create a new git repository? (y/n): ",
   650  		}, &i18n.Message{
   651  			ID:    "AutoStashTitle",
   652  			Other: "Autostash?",
   653  		}, &i18n.Message{
   654  			ID:    "AutoStashPrompt",
   655  			Other: "You must stash and pop your changes to bring them across. Do this automatically? (enter/esc)",
   656  		}, &i18n.Message{
   657  			ID:    "StashPrefix",
   658  			Other: "Auto-stashing changes for ",
   659  		}, &i18n.Message{
   660  			ID:    "viewDiscardOptions",
   661  			Other: "view 'discard changes' options",
   662  		}, &i18n.Message{
   663  			ID:    "cancel",
   664  			Other: "cancel",
   665  		}, &i18n.Message{
   666  			ID:    "discardAllChanges",
   667  			Other: "discard all changes",
   668  		}, &i18n.Message{
   669  			ID:    "discardUnstagedChanges",
   670  			Other: "discard unstaged changes",
   671  		}, &i18n.Message{
   672  			ID:    "discardAllChangesToAllFiles",
   673  			Other: "nuke working tree",
   674  		}, &i18n.Message{
   675  			ID:    "discardAnyUnstagedChanges",
   676  			Other: "discard unstaged changes",
   677  		}, &i18n.Message{
   678  			ID:    "discardUntrackedFiles",
   679  			Other: "discard untracked files",
   680  		}, &i18n.Message{
   681  			ID:    "hardReset",
   682  			Other: "hard reset",
   683  		}, &i18n.Message{
   684  			ID:    "viewResetOptions",
   685  			Other: `view reset options`,
   686  		}, &i18n.Message{
   687  			ID:    "createFixupCommit",
   688  			Other: `create fixup commit for this commit`,
   689  		}, &i18n.Message{
   690  			ID:    "squashAboveCommits",
   691  			Other: `squash above commits`,
   692  		}, &i18n.Message{
   693  			ID:    "SquashAboveCommits",
   694  			Other: `Squash above commits`,
   695  		}, &i18n.Message{
   696  			ID:    "SureSquashAboveCommits",
   697  			Other: `Are you sure you want to squash all fixup! commits above {{.commit}}?`,
   698  		}, &i18n.Message{
   699  			ID:    "CreateFixupCommit",
   700  			Other: `Create fixup commit`,
   701  		}, &i18n.Message{
   702  			ID:    "SureCreateFixupCommit",
   703  			Other: `Are you sure you want to create a fixup! commit for commit {{.commit}}?`,
   704  		}, &i18n.Message{
   705  			ID:    "executeCustomCommand",
   706  			Other: "execute custom command",
   707  		}, &i18n.Message{
   708  			ID:    "CustomCommand",
   709  			Other: "Custom Command:",
   710  		}, &i18n.Message{
   711  			ID:    "commitChangesWithoutHook",
   712  			Other: "commit changes without pre-commit hook",
   713  		}, &i18n.Message{
   714  			ID:    "SkipHookPrefixNotConfigured",
   715  			Other: "You have not configured a commit message prefix for skipping hooks. Set `git.skipHookPrefix = 'WIP'` in your config",
   716  		}, &i18n.Message{
   717  			ID:    "resetTo",
   718  			Other: `reset to`,
   719  		}, &i18n.Message{
   720  			ID:    "pressEnterToReturn",
   721  			Other: "Press enter to return to lazygit",
   722  		}, &i18n.Message{
   723  			ID:    "viewStashOptions",
   724  			Other: "view stash options",
   725  		}, &i18n.Message{
   726  			ID:    "stashAllChanges",
   727  			Other: "przechowaj pliki",
   728  		}, &i18n.Message{
   729  			ID:    "stashStagedChanges",
   730  			Other: "stash staged changes",
   731  		}, &i18n.Message{
   732  			ID:    "stashOptions",
   733  			Other: "Stash options",
   734  		},
   735  	)
   736  }