
     1  package brotli
     3  import "math"
     5  /* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
     7     Distributed under MIT license.
     8     See file LICENSE for detail or copy at
     9  */
    11  func initialEntropyCodesCommand(data []uint16, length uint, stride uint, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramCommand) {
    12  	var seed uint32 = 7
    13  	var block_length uint = length / num_histograms
    14  	var i uint
    15  	clearHistogramsCommand(histograms, num_histograms)
    16  	for i = 0; i < num_histograms; i++ {
    17  		var pos uint = length * i / num_histograms
    18  		if i != 0 {
    19  			pos += uint(myRand(&seed) % uint32(block_length))
    20  		}
    22  		if pos+stride >= length {
    23  			pos = length - stride - 1
    24  		}
    26  		histogramAddVectorCommand(&histograms[i], data[pos:], stride)
    27  	}
    28  }
    30  func randomSampleCommand(seed *uint32, data []uint16, length uint, stride uint, sample *histogramCommand) {
    31  	var pos uint = 0
    32  	if stride >= length {
    33  		stride = length
    34  	} else {
    35  		pos = uint(myRand(seed) % uint32(length-stride+1))
    36  	}
    38  	histogramAddVectorCommand(sample, data[pos:], stride)
    39  }
    41  func refineEntropyCodesCommand(data []uint16, length uint, stride uint, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramCommand) {
    42  	var iters uint = kIterMulForRefining*length/stride + kMinItersForRefining
    43  	var seed uint32 = 7
    44  	var iter uint
    45  	iters = ((iters + num_histograms - 1) / num_histograms) * num_histograms
    46  	for iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++ {
    47  		var sample histogramCommand
    48  		histogramClearCommand(&sample)
    49  		randomSampleCommand(&seed, data, length, stride, &sample)
    50  		histogramAddHistogramCommand(&histograms[iter%num_histograms], &sample)
    51  	}
    52  }
    54  /* Assigns a block id from the range [0, num_histograms) to each data element
    55     in data[0..length) and fills in block_id[0..length) with the assigned values.
    56     Returns the number of blocks, i.e. one plus the number of block switches. */
    57  func findBlocksCommand(data []uint16, length uint, block_switch_bitcost float64, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramCommand, insert_cost []float64, cost []float64, switch_signal []byte, block_id []byte) uint {
    58  	var data_size uint = histogramDataSizeCommand()
    59  	var bitmaplen uint = (num_histograms + 7) >> 3
    60  	var num_blocks uint = 1
    61  	var i uint
    62  	var j uint
    63  	assert(num_histograms <= 256)
    64  	if num_histograms <= 1 {
    65  		for i = 0; i < length; i++ {
    66  			block_id[i] = 0
    67  		}
    69  		return 1
    70  	}
    72  	for i := 0; i < int(data_size*num_histograms); i++ {
    73  		insert_cost[i] = 0
    74  	}
    75  	for i = 0; i < num_histograms; i++ {
    76  		insert_cost[i] = fastLog2(uint(uint32(histograms[i].total_count_)))
    77  	}
    79  	for i = data_size; i != 0; {
    80  		i--
    81  		for j = 0; j < num_histograms; j++ {
    82  			insert_cost[i*num_histograms+j] = insert_cost[j] - bitCost(uint(histograms[j].data_[i]))
    83  		}
    84  	}
    86  	for i := 0; i < int(num_histograms); i++ {
    87  		cost[i] = 0
    88  	}
    89  	for i := 0; i < int(length*bitmaplen); i++ {
    90  		switch_signal[i] = 0
    91  	}
    93  	/* After each iteration of this loop, cost[k] will contain the difference
    94  	   between the minimum cost of arriving at the current byte position using
    95  	   entropy code k, and the minimum cost of arriving at the current byte
    96  	   position. This difference is capped at the block switch cost, and if it
    97  	   reaches block switch cost, it means that when we trace back from the last
    98  	   position, we need to switch here. */
    99  	for i = 0; i < length; i++ {
   100  		var byte_ix uint = i
   101  		var ix uint = byte_ix * bitmaplen
   102  		var insert_cost_ix uint = uint(data[byte_ix]) * num_histograms
   103  		var min_cost float64 = 1e99
   104  		var block_switch_cost float64 = block_switch_bitcost
   105  		var k uint
   106  		for k = 0; k < num_histograms; k++ {
   107  			/* We are coding the symbol in data[byte_ix] with entropy code k. */
   108  			cost[k] += insert_cost[insert_cost_ix+k]
   110  			if cost[k] < min_cost {
   111  				min_cost = cost[k]
   112  				block_id[byte_ix] = byte(k)
   113  			}
   114  		}
   116  		/* More blocks for the beginning. */
   117  		if byte_ix < 2000 {
   118  			block_switch_cost *= 0.77 + 0.07*float64(byte_ix)/2000
   119  		}
   121  		for k = 0; k < num_histograms; k++ {
   122  			cost[k] -= min_cost
   123  			if cost[k] >= block_switch_cost {
   124  				var mask byte = byte(1 << (k & 7))
   125  				cost[k] = block_switch_cost
   126  				assert(k>>3 < bitmaplen)
   127  				switch_signal[ix+(k>>3)] |= mask
   128  				/* Trace back from the last position and switch at the marked places. */
   129  			}
   130  		}
   131  	}
   132  	{
   133  		var byte_ix uint = length - 1
   134  		var ix uint = byte_ix * bitmaplen
   135  		var cur_id byte = block_id[byte_ix]
   136  		for byte_ix > 0 {
   137  			var mask byte = byte(1 << (cur_id & 7))
   138  			assert(uint(cur_id)>>3 < bitmaplen)
   139  			byte_ix--
   140  			ix -= bitmaplen
   141  			if switch_signal[ix+uint(cur_id>>3)]&mask != 0 {
   142  				if cur_id != block_id[byte_ix] {
   143  					cur_id = block_id[byte_ix]
   144  					num_blocks++
   145  				}
   146  			}
   148  			block_id[byte_ix] = cur_id
   149  		}
   150  	}
   152  	return num_blocks
   153  }
   155  var remapBlockIdsCommand_kInvalidId uint16 = 256
   157  func remapBlockIdsCommand(block_ids []byte, length uint, new_id []uint16, num_histograms uint) uint {
   158  	var next_id uint16 = 0
   159  	var i uint
   160  	for i = 0; i < num_histograms; i++ {
   161  		new_id[i] = remapBlockIdsCommand_kInvalidId
   162  	}
   164  	for i = 0; i < length; i++ {
   165  		assert(uint(block_ids[i]) < num_histograms)
   166  		if new_id[block_ids[i]] == remapBlockIdsCommand_kInvalidId {
   167  			new_id[block_ids[i]] = next_id
   168  			next_id++
   169  		}
   170  	}
   172  	for i = 0; i < length; i++ {
   173  		block_ids[i] = byte(new_id[block_ids[i]])
   174  		assert(uint(block_ids[i]) < num_histograms)
   175  	}
   177  	assert(uint(next_id) <= num_histograms)
   178  	return uint(next_id)
   179  }
   181  func buildBlockHistogramsCommand(data []uint16, length uint, block_ids []byte, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramCommand) {
   182  	var i uint
   183  	clearHistogramsCommand(histograms, num_histograms)
   184  	for i = 0; i < length; i++ {
   185  		histogramAddCommand(&histograms[block_ids[i]], uint(data[i]))
   186  	}
   187  }
   189  var clusterBlocksCommand_kInvalidIndex uint32 = math.MaxUint32
   191  func clusterBlocksCommand(data []uint16, length uint, num_blocks uint, block_ids []byte, split *blockSplit) {
   192  	var histogram_symbols []uint32 = make([]uint32, num_blocks)
   193  	var block_lengths []uint32 = make([]uint32, num_blocks)
   194  	var expected_num_clusters uint = clustersPerBatch * (num_blocks + histogramsPerBatch - 1) / histogramsPerBatch
   195  	var all_histograms_size uint = 0
   196  	var all_histograms_capacity uint = expected_num_clusters
   197  	var all_histograms []histogramCommand = make([]histogramCommand, all_histograms_capacity)
   198  	var cluster_size_size uint = 0
   199  	var cluster_size_capacity uint = expected_num_clusters
   200  	var cluster_size []uint32 = make([]uint32, cluster_size_capacity)
   201  	var num_clusters uint = 0
   202  	var histograms []histogramCommand = make([]histogramCommand, brotli_min_size_t(num_blocks, histogramsPerBatch))
   203  	var max_num_pairs uint = histogramsPerBatch * histogramsPerBatch / 2
   204  	var pairs_capacity uint = max_num_pairs + 1
   205  	var pairs []histogramPair = make([]histogramPair, pairs_capacity)
   206  	var pos uint = 0
   207  	var clusters []uint32
   208  	var num_final_clusters uint
   209  	var new_index []uint32
   210  	var i uint
   211  	var sizes = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0}
   212  	var new_clusters = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0}
   213  	var symbols = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0}
   214  	var remap = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0}
   216  	for i := 0; i < int(num_blocks); i++ {
   217  		block_lengths[i] = 0
   218  	}
   219  	{
   220  		var block_idx uint = 0
   221  		for i = 0; i < length; i++ {
   222  			assert(block_idx < num_blocks)
   223  			block_lengths[block_idx]++
   224  			if i+1 == length || block_ids[i] != block_ids[i+1] {
   225  				block_idx++
   226  			}
   227  		}
   229  		assert(block_idx == num_blocks)
   230  	}
   232  	for i = 0; i < num_blocks; i += histogramsPerBatch {
   233  		var num_to_combine uint = brotli_min_size_t(num_blocks-i, histogramsPerBatch)
   234  		var num_new_clusters uint
   235  		var j uint
   236  		for j = 0; j < num_to_combine; j++ {
   237  			var k uint
   238  			histogramClearCommand(&histograms[j])
   239  			for k = 0; uint32(k) < block_lengths[i+j]; k++ {
   240  				histogramAddCommand(&histograms[j], uint(data[pos]))
   241  				pos++
   242  			}
   244  			histograms[j].bit_cost_ = populationCostCommand(&histograms[j])
   245  			new_clusters[j] = uint32(j)
   246  			symbols[j] = uint32(j)
   247  			sizes[j] = 1
   248  		}
   250  		num_new_clusters = histogramCombineCommand(histograms, sizes[:], symbols[:], new_clusters[:], []histogramPair(pairs), num_to_combine, num_to_combine, histogramsPerBatch, max_num_pairs)
   251  		if all_histograms_capacity < (all_histograms_size + num_new_clusters) {
   252  			var _new_size uint
   253  			if all_histograms_capacity == 0 {
   254  				_new_size = all_histograms_size + num_new_clusters
   255  			} else {
   256  				_new_size = all_histograms_capacity
   257  			}
   258  			var new_array []histogramCommand
   259  			for _new_size < (all_histograms_size + num_new_clusters) {
   260  				_new_size *= 2
   261  			}
   262  			new_array = make([]histogramCommand, _new_size)
   263  			if all_histograms_capacity != 0 {
   264  				copy(new_array, all_histograms[:all_histograms_capacity])
   265  			}
   267  			all_histograms = new_array
   268  			all_histograms_capacity = _new_size
   269  		}
   271  		brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&cluster_size, &cluster_size_capacity, cluster_size_size+num_new_clusters)
   272  		for j = 0; j < num_new_clusters; j++ {
   273  			all_histograms[all_histograms_size] = histograms[new_clusters[j]]
   274  			all_histograms_size++
   275  			cluster_size[cluster_size_size] = sizes[new_clusters[j]]
   276  			cluster_size_size++
   277  			remap[new_clusters[j]] = uint32(j)
   278  		}
   280  		for j = 0; j < num_to_combine; j++ {
   281  			histogram_symbols[i+j] = uint32(num_clusters) + remap[symbols[j]]
   282  		}
   284  		num_clusters += num_new_clusters
   285  		assert(num_clusters == cluster_size_size)
   286  		assert(num_clusters == all_histograms_size)
   287  	}
   289  	histograms = nil
   291  	max_num_pairs = brotli_min_size_t(64*num_clusters, (num_clusters/2)*num_clusters)
   292  	if pairs_capacity < max_num_pairs+1 {
   293  		pairs = nil
   294  		pairs = make([]histogramPair, (max_num_pairs + 1))
   295  	}
   297  	clusters = make([]uint32, num_clusters)
   298  	for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ {
   299  		clusters[i] = uint32(i)
   300  	}
   302  	num_final_clusters = histogramCombineCommand(all_histograms, cluster_size, histogram_symbols, clusters, pairs, num_clusters, num_blocks, maxNumberOfBlockTypes, max_num_pairs)
   303  	pairs = nil
   304  	cluster_size = nil
   306  	new_index = make([]uint32, num_clusters)
   307  	for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ {
   308  		new_index[i] = clusterBlocksCommand_kInvalidIndex
   309  	}
   310  	pos = 0
   311  	{
   312  		var next_index uint32 = 0
   313  		for i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++ {
   314  			var histo histogramCommand
   315  			var j uint
   316  			var best_out uint32
   317  			var best_bits float64
   318  			histogramClearCommand(&histo)
   319  			for j = 0; uint32(j) < block_lengths[i]; j++ {
   320  				histogramAddCommand(&histo, uint(data[pos]))
   321  				pos++
   322  			}
   324  			if i == 0 {
   325  				best_out = histogram_symbols[0]
   326  			} else {
   327  				best_out = histogram_symbols[i-1]
   328  			}
   329  			best_bits = histogramBitCostDistanceCommand(&histo, &all_histograms[best_out])
   330  			for j = 0; j < num_final_clusters; j++ {
   331  				var cur_bits float64 = histogramBitCostDistanceCommand(&histo, &all_histograms[clusters[j]])
   332  				if cur_bits < best_bits {
   333  					best_bits = cur_bits
   334  					best_out = clusters[j]
   335  				}
   336  			}
   338  			histogram_symbols[i] = best_out
   339  			if new_index[best_out] == clusterBlocksCommand_kInvalidIndex {
   340  				new_index[best_out] = next_index
   341  				next_index++
   342  			}
   343  		}
   344  	}
   346  	clusters = nil
   347  	all_histograms = nil
   348  	brotli_ensure_capacity_uint8_t(&split.types, &split.types_alloc_size, num_blocks)
   349  	brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&split.lengths, &split.lengths_alloc_size, num_blocks)
   350  	{
   351  		var cur_length uint32 = 0
   352  		var block_idx uint = 0
   353  		var max_type byte = 0
   354  		for i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++ {
   355  			cur_length += block_lengths[i]
   356  			if i+1 == num_blocks || histogram_symbols[i] != histogram_symbols[i+1] {
   357  				var id byte = byte(new_index[histogram_symbols[i]])
   358  				split.types[block_idx] = id
   359  				split.lengths[block_idx] = cur_length
   360  				max_type = brotli_max_uint8_t(max_type, id)
   361  				cur_length = 0
   362  				block_idx++
   363  			}
   364  		}
   366  		split.num_blocks = block_idx
   367  		split.num_types = uint(max_type) + 1
   368  	}
   370  	new_index = nil
   371  	block_lengths = nil
   372  	histogram_symbols = nil
   373  }
   375  func splitByteVectorCommand(data []uint16, literals_per_histogram uint, max_histograms uint, sampling_stride_length uint, block_switch_cost float64, params *encoderParams, split *blockSplit) {
   376  	length := uint(len(data))
   377  	var data_size uint = histogramDataSizeCommand()
   378  	var num_histograms uint = length/literals_per_histogram + 1
   379  	var histograms []histogramCommand
   380  	if num_histograms > max_histograms {
   381  		num_histograms = max_histograms
   382  	}
   384  	if length == 0 {
   385  		split.num_types = 1
   386  		return
   387  	} else if length < kMinLengthForBlockSplitting {
   388  		brotli_ensure_capacity_uint8_t(&split.types, &split.types_alloc_size, split.num_blocks+1)
   389  		brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&split.lengths, &split.lengths_alloc_size, split.num_blocks+1)
   390  		split.num_types = 1
   391  		split.types[split.num_blocks] = 0
   392  		split.lengths[split.num_blocks] = uint32(length)
   393  		split.num_blocks++
   394  		return
   395  	}
   397  	histograms = make([]histogramCommand, num_histograms)
   399  	/* Find good entropy codes. */
   400  	initialEntropyCodesCommand(data, length, sampling_stride_length, num_histograms, histograms)
   402  	refineEntropyCodesCommand(data, length, sampling_stride_length, num_histograms, histograms)
   403  	{
   404  		var block_ids []byte = make([]byte, length)
   405  		var num_blocks uint = 0
   406  		var bitmaplen uint = (num_histograms + 7) >> 3
   407  		var insert_cost []float64 = make([]float64, (data_size * num_histograms))
   408  		var cost []float64 = make([]float64, num_histograms)
   409  		var switch_signal []byte = make([]byte, (length * bitmaplen))
   410  		var new_id []uint16 = make([]uint16, num_histograms)
   411  		var iters uint
   412  		if params.quality < hqZopflificationQuality {
   413  			iters = 3
   414  		} else {
   415  			iters = 10
   416  		}
   417  		/* Find a good path through literals with the good entropy codes. */
   419  		var i uint
   420  		for i = 0; i < iters; i++ {
   421  			num_blocks = findBlocksCommand(data, length, block_switch_cost, num_histograms, histograms, insert_cost, cost, switch_signal, block_ids)
   422  			num_histograms = remapBlockIdsCommand(block_ids, length, new_id, num_histograms)
   423  			buildBlockHistogramsCommand(data, length, block_ids, num_histograms, histograms)
   424  		}
   426  		insert_cost = nil
   427  		cost = nil
   428  		switch_signal = nil
   429  		new_id = nil
   430  		histograms = nil
   431  		clusterBlocksCommand(data, length, num_blocks, block_ids, split)
   432  		block_ids = nil
   433  	}
   434  }