
     1  package brotli
     3  import (
     4  	"io"
     5  	"math"
     6  )
     8  /* Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    10     Distributed under MIT license.
    11     See file LICENSE for detail or copy at
    12  */
    14  /** Minimal value for ::BROTLI_PARAM_LGWIN parameter. */
    15  const minWindowBits = 10
    17  /**
    18   * Maximal value for ::BROTLI_PARAM_LGWIN parameter.
    19   *
    20   * @note equal to @c BROTLI_MAX_DISTANCE_BITS constant.
    21   */
    22  const maxWindowBits = 24
    24  /**
    25   * Maximal value for ::BROTLI_PARAM_LGWIN parameter
    26   * in "Large Window Brotli" (32-bit).
    27   */
    28  const largeMaxWindowBits = 30
    30  /** Minimal value for ::BROTLI_PARAM_LGBLOCK parameter. */
    31  const minInputBlockBits = 16
    33  /** Maximal value for ::BROTLI_PARAM_LGBLOCK parameter. */
    34  const maxInputBlockBits = 24
    36  /** Minimal value for ::BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY parameter. */
    37  const minQuality = 0
    39  /** Maximal value for ::BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY parameter. */
    40  const maxQuality = 11
    42  /** Options for ::BROTLI_PARAM_MODE parameter. */
    43  const (
    44  	modeGeneric = 0
    45  	modeText    = 1
    46  	modeFont    = 2
    47  )
    49  /** Default value for ::BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY parameter. */
    50  const defaultQuality = 11
    52  /** Default value for ::BROTLI_PARAM_LGWIN parameter. */
    53  const defaultWindow = 22
    55  /** Default value for ::BROTLI_PARAM_MODE parameter. */
    56  const defaultMode = modeGeneric
    58  /** Operations that can be performed by streaming encoder. */
    59  const (
    60  	operationProcess      = 0
    61  	operationFlush        = 1
    62  	operationFinish       = 2
    63  	operationEmitMetadata = 3
    64  )
    66  const (
    67  	streamProcessing     = 0
    68  	streamFlushRequested = 1
    69  	streamFinished       = 2
    70  	streamMetadataHead   = 3
    71  	streamMetadataBody   = 4
    72  )
    74  type Writer struct {
    75  	dst     io.Writer
    76  	options WriterOptions
    77  	err     error
    79  	params              encoderParams
    80  	hasher_             hasherHandle
    81  	input_pos_          uint64
    82  	ringbuffer_         ringBuffer
    83  	commands            []command
    84  	num_literals_       uint
    85  	last_insert_len_    uint
    86  	last_flush_pos_     uint64
    87  	last_processed_pos_ uint64
    88  	dist_cache_         [numDistanceShortCodes]int
    89  	saved_dist_cache_   [4]int
    90  	last_bytes_         uint16
    91  	last_bytes_bits_    byte
    92  	prev_byte_          byte
    93  	prev_byte2_         byte
    94  	storage             []byte
    95  	small_table_        [1 << 10]int
    96  	large_table_        []int
    97  	large_table_size_   uint
    98  	cmd_depths_         [128]byte
    99  	cmd_bits_           [128]uint16
   100  	cmd_code_           [512]byte
   101  	cmd_code_numbits_   uint
   102  	command_buf_        []uint32
   103  	literal_buf_        []byte
   104  	tiny_buf_           struct {
   105  		u64 [2]uint64
   106  		u8  [16]byte
   107  	}
   108  	remaining_metadata_bytes_ uint32
   109  	stream_state_             int
   110  	is_last_block_emitted_    bool
   111  	is_initialized_           bool
   112  }
   114  func inputBlockSize(s *Writer) uint {
   115  	return uint(1) << uint(s.params.lgblock)
   116  }
   118  func unprocessedInputSize(s *Writer) uint64 {
   119  	return s.input_pos_ - s.last_processed_pos_
   120  }
   122  func remainingInputBlockSize(s *Writer) uint {
   123  	var delta uint64 = unprocessedInputSize(s)
   124  	var block_size uint = inputBlockSize(s)
   125  	if delta >= uint64(block_size) {
   126  		return 0
   127  	}
   128  	return block_size - uint(delta)
   129  }
   131  /* Wraps 64-bit input position to 32-bit ring-buffer position preserving
   132     "not-a-first-lap" feature. */
   133  func wrapPosition(position uint64) uint32 {
   134  	var result uint32 = uint32(position)
   135  	var gb uint64 = position >> 30
   136  	if gb > 2 {
   137  		/* Wrap every 2GiB; The first 3GB are continuous. */
   138  		result = result&((1<<30)-1) | (uint32((gb-1)&1)+1)<<30
   139  	}
   141  	return result
   142  }
   144  func (s *Writer) getStorage(size int) []byte {
   145  	if len( < size {
   146 = make([]byte, size)
   147  	}
   149  	return
   150  }
   152  func hashTableSize(max_table_size uint, input_size uint) uint {
   153  	var htsize uint = 256
   154  	for htsize < max_table_size && htsize < input_size {
   155  		htsize <<= 1
   156  	}
   158  	return htsize
   159  }
   161  func getHashTable(s *Writer, quality int, input_size uint, table_size *uint) []int {
   162  	var max_table_size uint = maxHashTableSize(quality)
   163  	var htsize uint = hashTableSize(max_table_size, input_size)
   164  	/* Use smaller hash table when input.size() is smaller, since we
   165  	   fill the table, incurring O(hash table size) overhead for
   166  	   compression, and if the input is short, we won't need that
   167  	   many hash table entries anyway. */
   169  	var table []int
   170  	assert(max_table_size >= 256)
   171  	if quality == fastOnePassCompressionQuality {
   172  		/* Only odd shifts are supported by fast-one-pass. */
   173  		if htsize&0xAAAAA == 0 {
   174  			htsize <<= 1
   175  		}
   176  	}
   178  	if htsize <= uint(len(s.small_table_)) {
   179  		table = s.small_table_[:]
   180  	} else {
   181  		if htsize > s.large_table_size_ {
   182  			s.large_table_size_ = htsize
   183  			s.large_table_ = nil
   184  			s.large_table_ = make([]int, htsize)
   185  		}
   187  		table = s.large_table_
   188  	}
   190  	*table_size = htsize
   191  	for i := 0; i < int(htsize); i++ {
   192  		table[i] = 0
   193  	}
   194  	return table
   195  }
   197  func encodeWindowBits(lgwin int, large_window bool, last_bytes *uint16, last_bytes_bits *byte) {
   198  	if large_window {
   199  		*last_bytes = uint16((lgwin&0x3F)<<8 | 0x11)
   200  		*last_bytes_bits = 14
   201  	} else {
   202  		if lgwin == 16 {
   203  			*last_bytes = 0
   204  			*last_bytes_bits = 1
   205  		} else if lgwin == 17 {
   206  			*last_bytes = 1
   207  			*last_bytes_bits = 7
   208  		} else if lgwin > 17 {
   209  			*last_bytes = uint16((lgwin-17)<<1 | 0x01)
   210  			*last_bytes_bits = 4
   211  		} else {
   212  			*last_bytes = uint16((lgwin-8)<<4 | 0x01)
   213  			*last_bytes_bits = 7
   214  		}
   215  	}
   216  }
   218  /* Decide about the context map based on the ability of the prediction
   219     ability of the previous byte UTF8-prefix on the next byte. The
   220     prediction ability is calculated as Shannon entropy. Here we need
   221     Shannon entropy instead of 'BitsEntropy' since the prefix will be
   222     encoded with the remaining 6 bits of the following byte, and
   223     BitsEntropy will assume that symbol to be stored alone using Huffman
   224     coding. */
   226  var kStaticContextMapContinuation = [64]uint32{
   227  	1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
   228  	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
   229  	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
   230  	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
   231  }
   232  var kStaticContextMapSimpleUTF8 = [64]uint32{
   233  	0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
   234  	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
   235  	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
   236  	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
   237  }
   239  func chooseContextMap(quality int, bigram_histo []uint32, num_literal_contexts *uint, literal_context_map *[]uint32) {
   240  	var monogram_histo = [3]uint32{0}
   241  	var two_prefix_histo = [6]uint32{0}
   242  	var total uint
   243  	var i uint
   244  	var dummy uint
   245  	var entropy [4]float64
   246  	for i = 0; i < 9; i++ {
   247  		monogram_histo[i%3] += bigram_histo[i]
   248  		two_prefix_histo[i%6] += bigram_histo[i]
   249  	}
   251  	entropy[1] = shannonEntropy(monogram_histo[:], 3, &dummy)
   252  	entropy[2] = (shannonEntropy(two_prefix_histo[:], 3, &dummy) + shannonEntropy(two_prefix_histo[3:], 3, &dummy))
   253  	entropy[3] = 0
   254  	for i = 0; i < 3; i++ {
   255  		entropy[3] += shannonEntropy(bigram_histo[3*i:], 3, &dummy)
   256  	}
   258  	total = uint(monogram_histo[0] + monogram_histo[1] + monogram_histo[2])
   259  	assert(total != 0)
   260  	entropy[0] = 1.0 / float64(total)
   261  	entropy[1] *= entropy[0]
   262  	entropy[2] *= entropy[0]
   263  	entropy[3] *= entropy[0]
   265  	if quality < minQualityForHqContextModeling {
   266  		/* 3 context models is a bit slower, don't use it at lower qualities. */
   267  		entropy[3] = entropy[1] * 10
   268  	}
   270  	/* If expected savings by symbol are less than 0.2 bits, skip the
   271  	   context modeling -- in exchange for faster decoding speed. */
   272  	if entropy[1]-entropy[2] < 0.2 && entropy[1]-entropy[3] < 0.2 {
   273  		*num_literal_contexts = 1
   274  	} else if entropy[2]-entropy[3] < 0.02 {
   275  		*num_literal_contexts = 2
   276  		*literal_context_map = kStaticContextMapSimpleUTF8[:]
   277  	} else {
   278  		*num_literal_contexts = 3
   279  		*literal_context_map = kStaticContextMapContinuation[:]
   280  	}
   281  }
   283  /* Decide if we want to use a more complex static context map containing 13
   284     context values, based on the entropy reduction of histograms over the
   285     first 5 bits of literals. */
   287  var kStaticContextMapComplexUTF8 = [64]uint32{
   288  	11, 11, 12, 12, /* 0 special */
   289  	0, 0, 0, 0, /* 4 lf */
   290  	1, 1, 9, 9, /* 8 space */
   291  	2, 2, 2, 2, /* !, first after space/lf and after something else. */
   292  	1, 1, 1, 1, /* " */
   293  	8, 3, 3, 3, /* % */
   294  	1, 1, 1, 1, /* ({[ */
   295  	2, 2, 2, 2, /* }]) */
   296  	8, 4, 4, 4, /* :; */
   297  	8, 7, 4, 4, /* . */
   298  	8, 0, 0, 0, /* > */
   299  	3, 3, 3, 3, /* [0..9] */
   300  	5, 5, 10, 5, /* [A-Z] */
   301  	5, 5, 10, 5,
   302  	6, 6, 6, 6, /* [a-z] */
   303  	6, 6, 6, 6,
   304  }
   306  func shouldUseComplexStaticContextMap(input []byte, start_pos uint, length uint, mask uint, quality int, size_hint uint, num_literal_contexts *uint, literal_context_map *[]uint32) bool {
   307  	/* Try the more complex static context map only for long data. */
   308  	if size_hint < 1<<20 {
   309  		return false
   310  	} else {
   311  		var end_pos uint = start_pos + length
   312  		var combined_histo = [32]uint32{0}
   313  		var context_histo = [13][32]uint32{[32]uint32{0}}
   314  		var total uint32 = 0
   315  		var entropy [3]float64
   316  		var dummy uint
   317  		var i uint
   318  		var utf8_lut contextLUT = getContextLUT(contextUTF8)
   319  		/* To make entropy calculations faster and to fit on the stack, we collect
   320  		   histograms over the 5 most significant bits of literals. One histogram
   321  		   without context and 13 additional histograms for each context value. */
   322  		for ; start_pos+64 <= end_pos; start_pos += 4096 {
   323  			var stride_end_pos uint = start_pos + 64
   324  			var prev2 byte = input[start_pos&mask]
   325  			var prev1 byte = input[(start_pos+1)&mask]
   326  			var pos uint
   328  			/* To make the analysis of the data faster we only examine 64 byte long
   329  			   strides at every 4kB intervals. */
   330  			for pos = start_pos + 2; pos < stride_end_pos; pos++ {
   331  				var literal byte = input[pos&mask]
   332  				var context byte = byte(kStaticContextMapComplexUTF8[getContext(prev1, prev2, utf8_lut)])
   333  				total++
   334  				combined_histo[literal>>3]++
   335  				context_histo[context][literal>>3]++
   336  				prev2 = prev1
   337  				prev1 = literal
   338  			}
   339  		}
   341  		entropy[1] = shannonEntropy(combined_histo[:], 32, &dummy)
   342  		entropy[2] = 0
   343  		for i = 0; i < 13; i++ {
   344  			entropy[2] += shannonEntropy(context_histo[i][0:], 32, &dummy)
   345  		}
   347  		entropy[0] = 1.0 / float64(total)
   348  		entropy[1] *= entropy[0]
   349  		entropy[2] *= entropy[0]
   351  		/* The triggering heuristics below were tuned by compressing the individual
   352  		   files of the silesia corpus. If we skip this kind of context modeling
   353  		   for not very well compressible input (i.e. entropy using context modeling
   354  		   is 60% of maximal entropy) or if expected savings by symbol are less
   355  		   than 0.2 bits, then in every case when it triggers, the final compression
   356  		   ratio is improved. Note however that this heuristics might be too strict
   357  		   for some cases and could be tuned further. */
   358  		if entropy[2] > 3.0 || entropy[1]-entropy[2] < 0.2 {
   359  			return false
   360  		} else {
   361  			*num_literal_contexts = 13
   362  			*literal_context_map = kStaticContextMapComplexUTF8[:]
   363  			return true
   364  		}
   365  	}
   366  }
   368  func decideOverLiteralContextModeling(input []byte, start_pos uint, length uint, mask uint, quality int, size_hint uint, num_literal_contexts *uint, literal_context_map *[]uint32) {
   369  	if quality < minQualityForContextModeling || length < 64 {
   370  		return
   371  	} else if shouldUseComplexStaticContextMap(input, start_pos, length, mask, quality, size_hint, num_literal_contexts, literal_context_map) {
   372  	} else /* Context map was already set, nothing else to do. */
   373  	{
   374  		var end_pos uint = start_pos + length
   375  		/* Gather bi-gram data of the UTF8 byte prefixes. To make the analysis of
   376  		   UTF8 data faster we only examine 64 byte long strides at every 4kB
   377  		   intervals. */
   379  		var bigram_prefix_histo = [9]uint32{0}
   380  		for ; start_pos+64 <= end_pos; start_pos += 4096 {
   381  			var lut = [4]int{0, 0, 1, 2}
   382  			var stride_end_pos uint = start_pos + 64
   383  			var prev int = lut[input[start_pos&mask]>>6] * 3
   384  			var pos uint
   385  			for pos = start_pos + 1; pos < stride_end_pos; pos++ {
   386  				var literal byte = input[pos&mask]
   387  				bigram_prefix_histo[prev+lut[literal>>6]]++
   388  				prev = lut[literal>>6] * 3
   389  			}
   390  		}
   392  		chooseContextMap(quality, bigram_prefix_histo[0:], num_literal_contexts, literal_context_map)
   393  	}
   394  }
   396  func shouldCompress_encode(data []byte, mask uint, last_flush_pos uint64, bytes uint, num_literals uint, num_commands uint) bool {
   397  	/* TODO: find more precise minimal block overhead. */
   398  	if bytes <= 2 {
   399  		return false
   400  	}
   401  	if num_commands < (bytes>>8)+2 {
   402  		if float64(num_literals) > 0.99*float64(bytes) {
   403  			var literal_histo = [256]uint32{0}
   404  			const kSampleRate uint32 = 13
   405  			const kMinEntropy float64 = 7.92
   406  			var bit_cost_threshold float64 = float64(bytes) * kMinEntropy / float64(kSampleRate)
   407  			var t uint = uint((uint32(bytes) + kSampleRate - 1) / kSampleRate)
   408  			var pos uint32 = uint32(last_flush_pos)
   409  			var i uint
   410  			for i = 0; i < t; i++ {
   411  				literal_histo[data[pos&uint32(mask)]]++
   412  				pos += kSampleRate
   413  			}
   415  			if bitsEntropy(literal_histo[:], 256) > bit_cost_threshold {
   416  				return false
   417  			}
   418  		}
   419  	}
   421  	return true
   422  }
   424  /* Chooses the literal context mode for a metablock */
   425  func chooseContextMode(params *encoderParams, data []byte, pos uint, mask uint, length uint) int {
   426  	/* We only do the computation for the option of something else than
   427  	   CONTEXT_UTF8 for the highest qualities */
   428  	if params.quality >= minQualityForHqBlockSplitting && !isMostlyUTF8(data, pos, mask, length, kMinUTF8Ratio) {
   429  		return contextSigned
   430  	}
   432  	return contextUTF8
   433  }
   435  func writeMetaBlockInternal(data []byte, mask uint, last_flush_pos uint64, bytes uint, is_last bool, literal_context_mode int, params *encoderParams, prev_byte byte, prev_byte2 byte, num_literals uint, commands []command, saved_dist_cache []int, dist_cache []int, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) {
   436  	var wrapped_last_flush_pos uint32 = wrapPosition(last_flush_pos)
   437  	var last_bytes uint16
   438  	var last_bytes_bits byte
   439  	var literal_context_lut contextLUT = getContextLUT(literal_context_mode)
   440  	var block_params encoderParams = *params
   442  	if bytes == 0 {
   443  		/* Write the ISLAST and ISEMPTY bits. */
   444  		writeBits(2, 3, storage_ix, storage)
   446  		*storage_ix = (*storage_ix + 7) &^ 7
   447  		return
   448  	}
   450  	if !shouldCompress_encode(data, mask, last_flush_pos, bytes, num_literals, uint(len(commands))) {
   451  		/* Restore the distance cache, as its last update by
   452  		   CreateBackwardReferences is now unused. */
   453  		copy(dist_cache, saved_dist_cache[:4])
   455  		storeUncompressedMetaBlock(is_last, data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), mask, bytes, storage_ix, storage)
   456  		return
   457  	}
   459  	assert(*storage_ix <= 14)
   460  	last_bytes = uint16(storage[1])<<8 | uint16(storage[0])
   461  	last_bytes_bits = byte(*storage_ix)
   462  	if params.quality <= maxQualityForStaticEntropyCodes {
   463  		storeMetaBlockFast(data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), bytes, mask, is_last, params, commands, storage_ix, storage)
   464  	} else if params.quality < minQualityForBlockSplit {
   465  		storeMetaBlockTrivial(data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), bytes, mask, is_last, params, commands, storage_ix, storage)
   466  	} else {
   467  		mb := getMetaBlockSplit()
   468  		if params.quality < minQualityForHqBlockSplitting {
   469  			var num_literal_contexts uint = 1
   470  			var literal_context_map []uint32 = nil
   471  			if !params.disable_literal_context_modeling {
   472  				decideOverLiteralContextModeling(data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), bytes, mask, params.quality, params.size_hint, &num_literal_contexts, &literal_context_map)
   473  			}
   475  			buildMetaBlockGreedy(data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), mask, prev_byte, prev_byte2, literal_context_lut, num_literal_contexts, literal_context_map, commands, mb)
   476  		} else {
   477  			buildMetaBlock(data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), mask, &block_params, prev_byte, prev_byte2, commands, literal_context_mode, mb)
   478  		}
   480  		if params.quality >= minQualityForOptimizeHistograms {
   481  			/* The number of distance symbols effectively used for distance
   482  			   histograms. It might be less than distance alphabet size
   483  			   for "Large Window Brotli" (32-bit). */
   484  			var num_effective_dist_codes uint32 = block_params.dist.alphabet_size
   485  			if num_effective_dist_codes > numHistogramDistanceSymbols {
   486  				num_effective_dist_codes = numHistogramDistanceSymbols
   487  			}
   489  			optimizeHistograms(num_effective_dist_codes, mb)
   490  		}
   492  		storeMetaBlock(data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), bytes, mask, prev_byte, prev_byte2, is_last, &block_params, literal_context_mode, commands, mb, storage_ix, storage)
   493  		freeMetaBlockSplit(mb)
   494  	}
   496  	if bytes+4 < *storage_ix>>3 {
   497  		/* Restore the distance cache and last byte. */
   498  		copy(dist_cache, saved_dist_cache[:4])
   500  		storage[0] = byte(last_bytes)
   501  		storage[1] = byte(last_bytes >> 8)
   502  		*storage_ix = uint(last_bytes_bits)
   503  		storeUncompressedMetaBlock(is_last, data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), mask, bytes, storage_ix, storage)
   504  	}
   505  }
   507  func chooseDistanceParams(params *encoderParams) {
   508  	var distance_postfix_bits uint32 = 0
   509  	var num_direct_distance_codes uint32 = 0
   511  	if params.quality >= minQualityForNonzeroDistanceParams {
   512  		var ndirect_msb uint32
   513  		if params.mode == modeFont {
   514  			distance_postfix_bits = 1
   515  			num_direct_distance_codes = 12
   516  		} else {
   517  			distance_postfix_bits = params.dist.distance_postfix_bits
   518  			num_direct_distance_codes = params.dist.num_direct_distance_codes
   519  		}
   521  		ndirect_msb = (num_direct_distance_codes >> distance_postfix_bits) & 0x0F
   522  		if distance_postfix_bits > maxNpostfix || num_direct_distance_codes > maxNdirect || ndirect_msb<<distance_postfix_bits != num_direct_distance_codes {
   523  			distance_postfix_bits = 0
   524  			num_direct_distance_codes = 0
   525  		}
   526  	}
   528  	initDistanceParams(params, distance_postfix_bits, num_direct_distance_codes)
   529  }
   531  func ensureInitialized(s *Writer) bool {
   532  	if s.is_initialized_ {
   533  		return true
   534  	}
   536  	s.last_bytes_bits_ = 0
   537  	s.last_bytes_ = 0
   538  	s.remaining_metadata_bytes_ = math.MaxUint32
   540  	sanitizeParams(&s.params)
   541  	s.params.lgblock = computeLgBlock(&s.params)
   542  	chooseDistanceParams(&s.params)
   544  	ringBufferSetup(&s.params, &s.ringbuffer_)
   546  	/* Initialize last byte with stream header. */
   547  	{
   548  		var lgwin int = int(s.params.lgwin)
   549  		if s.params.quality == fastOnePassCompressionQuality || s.params.quality == fastTwoPassCompressionQuality {
   550  			lgwin = brotli_max_int(lgwin, 18)
   551  		}
   553  		encodeWindowBits(lgwin, s.params.large_window, &s.last_bytes_, &s.last_bytes_bits_)
   554  	}
   556  	if s.params.quality == fastOnePassCompressionQuality {
   557  		s.cmd_depths_ = [128]byte{
   558  			0, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
   559  			0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7,
   560  			7, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6,
   561  			7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
   562  			5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
   563  			6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4,
   564  			4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 10,
   565  			12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
   566  		}
   567  		s.cmd_bits_ = [128]uint16{
   568  			0, 0, 8, 9, 3, 35, 7, 71,
   569  			39, 103, 23, 47, 175, 111, 239, 31,
   570  			0, 0, 0, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6,
   571  			13, 29, 11, 43, 27, 59, 87, 55,
   572  			15, 79, 319, 831, 191, 703, 447, 959,
   573  			0, 14, 1, 25, 5, 21, 19, 51,
   574  			119, 159, 95, 223, 479, 991, 63, 575,
   575  			127, 639, 383, 895, 255, 767, 511, 1023,
   576  			14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
   577  			27, 59, 7, 39, 23, 55, 30, 1, 17, 9, 25, 5, 0, 8, 4, 12,
   578  			2, 10, 6, 21, 13, 29, 3, 19, 11, 15, 47, 31, 95, 63, 127, 255,
   579  			767, 2815, 1791, 3839, 511, 2559, 1535, 3583, 1023, 3071, 2047, 4095,
   580  		}
   581  		s.cmd_code_ = [512]byte{
   582  			0xff, 0x77, 0xd5, 0xbf, 0xe7, 0xde, 0xea, 0x9e, 0x51, 0x5d, 0xde, 0xc6,
   583  			0x70, 0x57, 0xbc, 0x58, 0x58, 0x58, 0xd8, 0xd8, 0x58, 0xd5, 0xcb, 0x8c,
   584  			0xea, 0xe0, 0xc3, 0x87, 0x1f, 0x83, 0xc1, 0x60, 0x1c, 0x67, 0xb2, 0xaa,
   585  			0x06, 0x83, 0xc1, 0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0xcc, 0xa1, 0xce, 0x88, 0x54, 0x94,
   586  			0x46, 0xe1, 0xb0, 0xd0, 0x4e, 0xb2, 0xf7, 0x04, 0x00,
   587  		}
   588  		s.cmd_code_numbits_ = 448
   589  	}
   591  	s.is_initialized_ = true
   592  	return true
   593  }
   595  func encoderInitParams(params *encoderParams) {
   596  	params.mode = defaultMode
   597  	params.large_window = false
   598  	params.quality = defaultQuality
   599  	params.lgwin = defaultWindow
   600  	params.lgblock = 0
   601  	params.size_hint = 0
   602  	params.disable_literal_context_modeling = false
   603  	initEncoderDictionary(&params.dictionary)
   604  	params.dist.distance_postfix_bits = 0
   605  	params.dist.num_direct_distance_codes = 0
   606  	params.dist.alphabet_size = uint32(distanceAlphabetSize(0, 0, maxDistanceBits))
   607  	params.dist.max_distance = maxDistance
   608  }
   610  func encoderInitState(s *Writer) {
   611  	encoderInitParams(&s.params)
   612  	s.input_pos_ = 0
   613  	s.commands = s.commands[:0]
   614  	s.num_literals_ = 0
   615  	s.last_insert_len_ = 0
   616  	s.last_flush_pos_ = 0
   617  	s.last_processed_pos_ = 0
   618  	s.prev_byte_ = 0
   619  	s.prev_byte2_ = 0
   620  	if s.hasher_ != nil {
   621  		s.hasher_.Common().is_prepared_ = false
   622  	}
   623  	s.cmd_code_numbits_ = 0
   624  	s.stream_state_ = streamProcessing
   625  	s.is_last_block_emitted_ = false
   626  	s.is_initialized_ = false
   628  	ringBufferInit(&s.ringbuffer_)
   630  	/* Initialize distance cache. */
   631  	s.dist_cache_[0] = 4
   633  	s.dist_cache_[1] = 11
   634  	s.dist_cache_[2] = 15
   635  	s.dist_cache_[3] = 16
   637  	/* Save the state of the distance cache in case we need to restore it for
   638  	   emitting an uncompressed block. */
   639  	copy(s.saved_dist_cache_[:], s.dist_cache_[:])
   640  }
   642  /*
   643     Copies the given input data to the internal ring buffer of the compressor.
   644     No processing of the data occurs at this time and this function can be
   645     called multiple times before calling WriteBrotliData() to process the
   646     accumulated input. At most input_block_size() bytes of input data can be
   647     copied to the ring buffer, otherwise the next WriteBrotliData() will fail.
   648  */
   649  func copyInputToRingBuffer(s *Writer, input_size uint, input_buffer []byte) {
   650  	var ringbuffer_ *ringBuffer = &s.ringbuffer_
   651  	ringBufferWrite(input_buffer, input_size, ringbuffer_)
   652  	s.input_pos_ += uint64(input_size)
   654  	/* TL;DR: If needed, initialize 7 more bytes in the ring buffer to make the
   655  	   hashing not depend on uninitialized data. This makes compression
   656  	   deterministic and it prevents uninitialized memory warnings in Valgrind.
   657  	   Even without erasing, the output would be valid (but nondeterministic).
   659  	   Background information: The compressor stores short (at most 8 bytes)
   660  	   substrings of the input already read in a hash table, and detects
   661  	   repetitions by looking up such substrings in the hash table. If it
   662  	   can find a substring, it checks whether the substring is really there
   663  	   in the ring buffer (or it's just a hash collision). Should the hash
   664  	   table become corrupt, this check makes sure that the output is
   665  	   still valid, albeit the compression ratio would be bad.
   667  	   The compressor populates the hash table from the ring buffer as it's
   668  	   reading new bytes from the input. However, at the last few indexes of
   669  	   the ring buffer, there are not enough bytes to build full-length
   670  	   substrings from. Since the hash table always contains full-length
   671  	   substrings, we erase with dummy zeros here to make sure that those
   672  	   substrings will contain zeros at the end instead of uninitialized
   673  	   data.
   675  	   Please note that erasing is not necessary (because the
   676  	   memory region is already initialized since he ring buffer
   677  	   has a `tail' that holds a copy of the beginning,) so we
   678  	   skip erasing if we have already gone around at least once in
   679  	   the ring buffer.
   681  	   Only clear during the first round of ring-buffer writes. On
   682  	   subsequent rounds data in the ring-buffer would be affected. */
   683  	if ringbuffer_.pos_ <= ringbuffer_.mask_ {
   684  		/* This is the first time when the ring buffer is being written.
   685  		   We clear 7 bytes just after the bytes that have been copied from
   686  		   the input buffer.
   688  		   The ring-buffer has a "tail" that holds a copy of the beginning,
   689  		   but only once the ring buffer has been fully written once, i.e.,
   690  		   pos <= mask. For the first time, we need to write values
   691  		   in this tail (where index may be larger than mask), so that
   692  		   we have exactly defined behavior and don't read uninitialized
   693  		   memory. Due to performance reasons, hashing reads data using a
   694  		   LOAD64, which can go 7 bytes beyond the bytes written in the
   695  		   ring-buffer. */
   696  		for i := 0; i < int(7); i++ {
   697  			ringbuffer_.buffer_[ringbuffer_.pos_:][i] = 0
   698  		}
   699  	}
   700  }
   702  /* Marks all input as processed.
   703     Returns true if position wrapping occurs. */
   704  func updateLastProcessedPos(s *Writer) bool {
   705  	var wrapped_last_processed_pos uint32 = wrapPosition(s.last_processed_pos_)
   706  	var wrapped_input_pos uint32 = wrapPosition(s.input_pos_)
   707  	s.last_processed_pos_ = s.input_pos_
   708  	return wrapped_input_pos < wrapped_last_processed_pos
   709  }
   711  func extendLastCommand(s *Writer, bytes *uint32, wrapped_last_processed_pos *uint32) {
   712  	var last_command *command = &s.commands[len(s.commands)-1]
   713  	var data []byte = s.ringbuffer_.buffer_
   714  	var mask uint32 = s.ringbuffer_.mask_
   715  	var max_backward_distance uint64 = ((uint64(1)) << s.params.lgwin) - windowGap
   716  	var last_copy_len uint64 = uint64(last_command.copy_len_) & 0x1FFFFFF
   717  	var last_processed_pos uint64 = s.last_processed_pos_ - last_copy_len
   718  	var max_distance uint64
   719  	if last_processed_pos < max_backward_distance {
   720  		max_distance = last_processed_pos
   721  	} else {
   722  		max_distance = max_backward_distance
   723  	}
   724  	var cmd_dist uint64 = uint64(s.dist_cache_[0])
   725  	var distance_code uint32 = commandRestoreDistanceCode(last_command, &s.params.dist)
   726  	if distance_code < numDistanceShortCodes || uint64(distance_code-(numDistanceShortCodes-1)) == cmd_dist {
   727  		if cmd_dist <= max_distance {
   728  			for *bytes != 0 && data[*wrapped_last_processed_pos&mask] == data[(uint64(*wrapped_last_processed_pos)-cmd_dist)&uint64(mask)] {
   729  				last_command.copy_len_++
   730  				(*bytes)--
   731  				(*wrapped_last_processed_pos)++
   732  			}
   733  		}
   735  		/* The copy length is at most the metablock size, and thus expressible. */
   736  		getLengthCode(uint(last_command.insert_len_), uint(int(last_command.copy_len_&0x1FFFFFF)+int(last_command.copy_len_>>25)), (last_command.dist_prefix_&0x3FF == 0), &last_command.cmd_prefix_)
   737  	}
   738  }
   740  /*
   741     Processes the accumulated input data and writes
   742     the new output meta-block to s.dest, if one has been
   743     created (otherwise the processed input data is buffered internally).
   744     If |is_last| or |force_flush| is true, an output meta-block is
   745     always created. However, until |is_last| is true encoder may retain up
   746     to 7 bits of the last byte of output. To force encoder to dump the remaining
   747     bits use WriteMetadata() to append an empty meta-data block.
   748     Returns false if the size of the input data is larger than
   749     input_block_size().
   750  */
   751  func encodeData(s *Writer, is_last bool, force_flush bool) bool {
   752  	var delta uint64 = unprocessedInputSize(s)
   753  	var bytes uint32 = uint32(delta)
   754  	var wrapped_last_processed_pos uint32 = wrapPosition(s.last_processed_pos_)
   755  	var data []byte
   756  	var mask uint32
   757  	var literal_context_mode int
   759  	data = s.ringbuffer_.buffer_
   760  	mask = s.ringbuffer_.mask_
   762  	/* Adding more blocks after "last" block is forbidden. */
   763  	if s.is_last_block_emitted_ {
   764  		return false
   765  	}
   766  	if is_last {
   767  		s.is_last_block_emitted_ = true
   768  	}
   770  	if delta > uint64(inputBlockSize(s)) {
   771  		return false
   772  	}
   774  	if s.params.quality == fastTwoPassCompressionQuality {
   775  		if s.command_buf_ == nil || cap(s.command_buf_) < int(kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize) {
   776  			s.command_buf_ = make([]uint32, kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize)
   777  			s.literal_buf_ = make([]byte, kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize)
   778  		} else {
   779  			s.command_buf_ = s.command_buf_[:kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize]
   780  			s.literal_buf_ = s.literal_buf_[:kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize]
   781  		}
   782  	}
   784  	if s.params.quality == fastOnePassCompressionQuality || s.params.quality == fastTwoPassCompressionQuality {
   785  		var storage []byte
   786  		var storage_ix uint = uint(s.last_bytes_bits_)
   787  		var table_size uint
   788  		var table []int
   790  		if delta == 0 && !is_last {
   791  			/* We have no new input data and we don't have to finish the stream, so
   792  			   nothing to do. */
   793  			return true
   794  		}
   796  		storage = s.getStorage(int(2*bytes + 503))
   797  		storage[0] = byte(s.last_bytes_)
   798  		storage[1] = byte(s.last_bytes_ >> 8)
   799  		table = getHashTable(s, s.params.quality, uint(bytes), &table_size)
   800  		if s.params.quality == fastOnePassCompressionQuality {
   801  			compressFragmentFast(data[wrapped_last_processed_pos&mask:], uint(bytes), is_last, table, table_size, s.cmd_depths_[:], s.cmd_bits_[:], &s.cmd_code_numbits_, s.cmd_code_[:], &storage_ix, storage)
   802  		} else {
   803  			compressFragmentTwoPass(data[wrapped_last_processed_pos&mask:], uint(bytes), is_last, s.command_buf_, s.literal_buf_, table, table_size, &storage_ix, storage)
   804  		}
   806  		s.last_bytes_ = uint16(storage[storage_ix>>3])
   807  		s.last_bytes_bits_ = byte(storage_ix & 7)
   808  		updateLastProcessedPos(s)
   809  		s.writeOutput(storage[:storage_ix>>3])
   810  		return true
   811  	}
   812  	{
   813  		/* Theoretical max number of commands is 1 per 2 bytes. */
   814  		newsize := len(s.commands) + int(bytes)/2 + 1
   815  		if newsize > cap(s.commands) {
   816  			/* Reserve a bit more memory to allow merging with a next block
   817  			   without reallocation: that would impact speed. */
   818  			newsize += int(bytes/4) + 16
   820  			new_commands := make([]command, len(s.commands), newsize)
   821  			if s.commands != nil {
   822  				copy(new_commands, s.commands)
   823  			}
   825  			s.commands = new_commands
   826  		}
   827  	}
   829  	initOrStitchToPreviousBlock(&s.hasher_, data, uint(mask), &s.params, uint(wrapped_last_processed_pos), uint(bytes), is_last)
   831  	literal_context_mode = chooseContextMode(&s.params, data, uint(wrapPosition(s.last_flush_pos_)), uint(mask), uint(s.input_pos_-s.last_flush_pos_))
   833  	if len(s.commands) != 0 && s.last_insert_len_ == 0 {
   834  		extendLastCommand(s, &bytes, &wrapped_last_processed_pos)
   835  	}
   837  	if s.params.quality == zopflificationQuality {
   838  		assert(s.params.hasher.type_ == 10)
   839  		createZopfliBackwardReferences(uint(bytes), uint(wrapped_last_processed_pos), data, uint(mask), &s.params, s.hasher_.(*h10), s.dist_cache_[:], &s.last_insert_len_, &s.commands, &s.num_literals_)
   840  	} else if s.params.quality == hqZopflificationQuality {
   841  		assert(s.params.hasher.type_ == 10)
   842  		createHqZopfliBackwardReferences(uint(bytes), uint(wrapped_last_processed_pos), data, uint(mask), &s.params, s.hasher_, s.dist_cache_[:], &s.last_insert_len_, &s.commands, &s.num_literals_)
   843  	} else {
   844  		createBackwardReferences(uint(bytes), uint(wrapped_last_processed_pos), data, uint(mask), &s.params, s.hasher_, s.dist_cache_[:], &s.last_insert_len_, &s.commands, &s.num_literals_)
   845  	}
   846  	{
   847  		var max_length uint = maxMetablockSize(&s.params)
   848  		var max_literals uint = max_length / 8
   849  		max_commands := int(max_length / 8)
   850  		var processed_bytes uint = uint(s.input_pos_ - s.last_flush_pos_)
   851  		var next_input_fits_metablock bool = (processed_bytes+inputBlockSize(s) <= max_length)
   852  		var should_flush bool = (s.params.quality < minQualityForBlockSplit && s.num_literals_+uint(len(s.commands)) >= maxNumDelayedSymbols)
   853  		/* If maximal possible additional block doesn't fit metablock, flush now. */
   854  		/* TODO: Postpone decision until next block arrives? */
   856  		/* If block splitting is not used, then flush as soon as there is some
   857  		   amount of commands / literals produced. */
   858  		if !is_last && !force_flush && !should_flush && next_input_fits_metablock && s.num_literals_ < max_literals && len(s.commands) < max_commands {
   859  			/* Merge with next input block. Everything will happen later. */
   860  			if updateLastProcessedPos(s) {
   861  				hasherReset(s.hasher_)
   862  			}
   864  			return true
   865  		}
   866  	}
   868  	/* Create the last insert-only command. */
   869  	if s.last_insert_len_ > 0 {
   870  		s.commands = append(s.commands, makeInsertCommand(s.last_insert_len_))
   871  		s.num_literals_ += s.last_insert_len_
   872  		s.last_insert_len_ = 0
   873  	}
   875  	if !is_last && s.input_pos_ == s.last_flush_pos_ {
   876  		/* We have no new input data and we don't have to finish the stream, so
   877  		   nothing to do. */
   878  		return true
   879  	}
   881  	assert(s.input_pos_ >= s.last_flush_pos_)
   882  	assert(s.input_pos_ > s.last_flush_pos_ || is_last)
   883  	assert(s.input_pos_-s.last_flush_pos_ <= 1<<24)
   884  	{
   885  		var metablock_size uint32 = uint32(s.input_pos_ - s.last_flush_pos_)
   886  		var storage []byte = s.getStorage(int(2*metablock_size + 503))
   887  		var storage_ix uint = uint(s.last_bytes_bits_)
   888  		storage[0] = byte(s.last_bytes_)
   889  		storage[1] = byte(s.last_bytes_ >> 8)
   890  		writeMetaBlockInternal(data, uint(mask), s.last_flush_pos_, uint(metablock_size), is_last, literal_context_mode, &s.params, s.prev_byte_, s.prev_byte2_, s.num_literals_, s.commands, s.saved_dist_cache_[:], s.dist_cache_[:], &storage_ix, storage)
   891  		s.last_bytes_ = uint16(storage[storage_ix>>3])
   892  		s.last_bytes_bits_ = byte(storage_ix & 7)
   893  		s.last_flush_pos_ = s.input_pos_
   894  		if updateLastProcessedPos(s) {
   895  			hasherReset(s.hasher_)
   896  		}
   898  		if s.last_flush_pos_ > 0 {
   899  			s.prev_byte_ = data[(uint32(s.last_flush_pos_)-1)&mask]
   900  		}
   902  		if s.last_flush_pos_ > 1 {
   903  			s.prev_byte2_ = data[uint32(s.last_flush_pos_-2)&mask]
   904  		}
   906  		s.commands = s.commands[:0]
   907  		s.num_literals_ = 0
   909  		/* Save the state of the distance cache in case we need to restore it for
   910  		   emitting an uncompressed block. */
   911  		copy(s.saved_dist_cache_[:], s.dist_cache_[:])
   913  		s.writeOutput(storage[:storage_ix>>3])
   914  		return true
   915  	}
   916  }
   918  /* Dumps remaining output bits and metadata header to |header|.
   919     Returns number of produced bytes.
   920     REQUIRED: |header| should be 8-byte aligned and at least 16 bytes long.
   921     REQUIRED: |block_size| <= (1 << 24). */
   922  func writeMetadataHeader(s *Writer, block_size uint, header []byte) uint {
   923  	storage_ix := uint(s.last_bytes_bits_)
   924  	header[0] = byte(s.last_bytes_)
   925  	header[1] = byte(s.last_bytes_ >> 8)
   926  	s.last_bytes_ = 0
   927  	s.last_bytes_bits_ = 0
   929  	writeBits(1, 0, &storage_ix, header)
   930  	writeBits(2, 3, &storage_ix, header)
   931  	writeBits(1, 0, &storage_ix, header)
   932  	if block_size == 0 {
   933  		writeBits(2, 0, &storage_ix, header)
   934  	} else {
   935  		var nbits uint32
   936  		if block_size == 1 {
   937  			nbits = 0
   938  		} else {
   939  			nbits = log2FloorNonZero(uint(uint32(block_size)-1)) + 1
   940  		}
   941  		var nbytes uint32 = (nbits + 7) / 8
   942  		writeBits(2, uint64(nbytes), &storage_ix, header)
   943  		writeBits(uint(8*nbytes), uint64(block_size)-1, &storage_ix, header)
   944  	}
   946  	return (storage_ix + 7) >> 3
   947  }
   949  func injectBytePaddingBlock(s *Writer) {
   950  	var seal uint32 = uint32(s.last_bytes_)
   951  	var seal_bits uint = uint(s.last_bytes_bits_)
   952  	s.last_bytes_ = 0
   953  	s.last_bytes_bits_ = 0
   955  	/* is_last = 0, data_nibbles = 11, reserved = 0, meta_nibbles = 00 */
   956  	seal |= 0x6 << seal_bits
   958  	seal_bits += 6
   960  	destination := s.tiny_buf_.u8[:]
   962  	destination[0] = byte(seal)
   963  	if seal_bits > 8 {
   964  		destination[1] = byte(seal >> 8)
   965  	}
   966  	if seal_bits > 16 {
   967  		destination[2] = byte(seal >> 16)
   968  	}
   969  	s.writeOutput(destination[:(seal_bits+7)>>3])
   970  }
   972  func checkFlushComplete(s *Writer) {
   973  	if s.stream_state_ == streamFlushRequested && s.err == nil {
   974  		s.stream_state_ = streamProcessing
   975  	}
   976  }
   978  func encoderCompressStreamFast(s *Writer, op int, available_in *uint, next_in *[]byte) bool {
   979  	var block_size_limit uint = uint(1) << s.params.lgwin
   980  	var buf_size uint = brotli_min_size_t(kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize, brotli_min_size_t(*available_in, block_size_limit))
   981  	var command_buf []uint32 = nil
   982  	var literal_buf []byte = nil
   983  	if s.params.quality != fastOnePassCompressionQuality && s.params.quality != fastTwoPassCompressionQuality {
   984  		return false
   985  	}
   987  	if s.params.quality == fastTwoPassCompressionQuality {
   988  		if s.command_buf_ == nil || cap(s.command_buf_) < int(buf_size) {
   989  			s.command_buf_ = make([]uint32, buf_size)
   990  			s.literal_buf_ = make([]byte, buf_size)
   991  		} else {
   992  			s.command_buf_ = s.command_buf_[:buf_size]
   993  			s.literal_buf_ = s.literal_buf_[:buf_size]
   994  		}
   996  		command_buf = s.command_buf_
   997  		literal_buf = s.literal_buf_
   998  	}
  1000  	for {
  1001  		if s.stream_state_ == streamFlushRequested && s.last_bytes_bits_ != 0 {
  1002  			injectBytePaddingBlock(s)
  1003  			continue
  1004  		}
  1006  		/* Compress block only when stream is not
  1007  		   finished, there is no pending flush request, and there is either
  1008  		   additional input or pending operation. */
  1009  		if s.stream_state_ == streamProcessing && (*available_in != 0 || op != int(operationProcess)) {
  1010  			var block_size uint = brotli_min_size_t(block_size_limit, *available_in)
  1011  			var is_last bool = (*available_in == block_size) && (op == int(operationFinish))
  1012  			var force_flush bool = (*available_in == block_size) && (op == int(operationFlush))
  1013  			var max_out_size uint = 2*block_size + 503
  1014  			var storage []byte = nil
  1015  			var storage_ix uint = uint(s.last_bytes_bits_)
  1016  			var table_size uint
  1017  			var table []int
  1019  			if force_flush && block_size == 0 {
  1020  				s.stream_state_ = streamFlushRequested
  1021  				continue
  1022  			}
  1024  			storage = s.getStorage(int(max_out_size))
  1026  			storage[0] = byte(s.last_bytes_)
  1027  			storage[1] = byte(s.last_bytes_ >> 8)
  1028  			table = getHashTable(s, s.params.quality, block_size, &table_size)
  1030  			if s.params.quality == fastOnePassCompressionQuality {
  1031  				compressFragmentFast(*next_in, block_size, is_last, table, table_size, s.cmd_depths_[:], s.cmd_bits_[:], &s.cmd_code_numbits_, s.cmd_code_[:], &storage_ix, storage)
  1032  			} else {
  1033  				compressFragmentTwoPass(*next_in, block_size, is_last, command_buf, literal_buf, table, table_size, &storage_ix, storage)
  1034  			}
  1036  			*next_in = (*next_in)[block_size:]
  1037  			*available_in -= block_size
  1038  			var out_bytes uint = storage_ix >> 3
  1039  			s.writeOutput(storage[:out_bytes])
  1041  			s.last_bytes_ = uint16(storage[storage_ix>>3])
  1042  			s.last_bytes_bits_ = byte(storage_ix & 7)
  1044  			if force_flush {
  1045  				s.stream_state_ = streamFlushRequested
  1046  			}
  1047  			if is_last {
  1048  				s.stream_state_ = streamFinished
  1049  			}
  1050  			continue
  1051  		}
  1053  		break
  1054  	}
  1056  	checkFlushComplete(s)
  1057  	return true
  1058  }
  1060  func processMetadata(s *Writer, available_in *uint, next_in *[]byte) bool {
  1061  	if *available_in > 1<<24 {
  1062  		return false
  1063  	}
  1065  	/* Switch to metadata block workflow, if required. */
  1066  	if s.stream_state_ == streamProcessing {
  1067  		s.remaining_metadata_bytes_ = uint32(*available_in)
  1068  		s.stream_state_ = streamMetadataHead
  1069  	}
  1071  	if s.stream_state_ != streamMetadataHead && s.stream_state_ != streamMetadataBody {
  1072  		return false
  1073  	}
  1075  	for {
  1076  		if s.stream_state_ == streamFlushRequested && s.last_bytes_bits_ != 0 {
  1077  			injectBytePaddingBlock(s)
  1078  			continue
  1079  		}
  1081  		if s.input_pos_ != s.last_flush_pos_ {
  1082  			var result bool = encodeData(s, false, true)
  1083  			if !result {
  1084  				return false
  1085  			}
  1086  			continue
  1087  		}
  1089  		if s.stream_state_ == streamMetadataHead {
  1090  			n := writeMetadataHeader(s, uint(s.remaining_metadata_bytes_), s.tiny_buf_.u8[:])
  1091  			s.writeOutput(s.tiny_buf_.u8[:n])
  1092  			s.stream_state_ = streamMetadataBody
  1093  			continue
  1094  		} else {
  1095  			/* Exit workflow only when there is no more input and no more output.
  1096  			   Otherwise client may continue producing empty metadata blocks. */
  1097  			if s.remaining_metadata_bytes_ == 0 {
  1098  				s.remaining_metadata_bytes_ = math.MaxUint32
  1099  				s.stream_state_ = streamProcessing
  1100  				break
  1101  			}
  1103  			/* This guarantees progress in "TakeOutput" workflow. */
  1104  			var c uint32 = brotli_min_uint32_t(s.remaining_metadata_bytes_, 16)
  1105  			copy(s.tiny_buf_.u8[:], (*next_in)[:c])
  1106  			*next_in = (*next_in)[c:]
  1107  			*available_in -= uint(c)
  1108  			s.remaining_metadata_bytes_ -= c
  1109  			s.writeOutput(s.tiny_buf_.u8[:c])
  1111  			continue
  1112  		}
  1113  	}
  1115  	return true
  1116  }
  1118  func updateSizeHint(s *Writer, available_in uint) {
  1119  	if s.params.size_hint == 0 {
  1120  		var delta uint64 = unprocessedInputSize(s)
  1121  		var tail uint64 = uint64(available_in)
  1122  		var limit uint32 = 1 << 30
  1123  		var total uint32
  1124  		if (delta >= uint64(limit)) || (tail >= uint64(limit)) || ((delta + tail) >= uint64(limit)) {
  1125  			total = limit
  1126  		} else {
  1127  			total = uint32(delta + tail)
  1128  		}
  1130  		s.params.size_hint = uint(total)
  1131  	}
  1132  }
  1134  func encoderCompressStream(s *Writer, op int, available_in *uint, next_in *[]byte) bool {
  1135  	if !ensureInitialized(s) {
  1136  		return false
  1137  	}
  1139  	/* Unfinished metadata block; check requirements. */
  1140  	if s.remaining_metadata_bytes_ != math.MaxUint32 {
  1141  		if uint32(*available_in) != s.remaining_metadata_bytes_ {
  1142  			return false
  1143  		}
  1144  		if op != int(operationEmitMetadata) {
  1145  			return false
  1146  		}
  1147  	}
  1149  	if op == int(operationEmitMetadata) {
  1150  		updateSizeHint(s, 0) /* First data metablock might be emitted here. */
  1151  		return processMetadata(s, available_in, next_in)
  1152  	}
  1154  	if s.stream_state_ == streamMetadataHead || s.stream_state_ == streamMetadataBody {
  1155  		return false
  1156  	}
  1158  	if s.stream_state_ != streamProcessing && *available_in != 0 {
  1159  		return false
  1160  	}
  1162  	if s.params.quality == fastOnePassCompressionQuality || s.params.quality == fastTwoPassCompressionQuality {
  1163  		return encoderCompressStreamFast(s, op, available_in, next_in)
  1164  	}
  1166  	for {
  1167  		var remaining_block_size uint = remainingInputBlockSize(s)
  1169  		if remaining_block_size != 0 && *available_in != 0 {
  1170  			var copy_input_size uint = brotli_min_size_t(remaining_block_size, *available_in)
  1171  			copyInputToRingBuffer(s, copy_input_size, *next_in)
  1172  			*next_in = (*next_in)[copy_input_size:]
  1173  			*available_in -= copy_input_size
  1174  			continue
  1175  		}
  1177  		if s.stream_state_ == streamFlushRequested && s.last_bytes_bits_ != 0 {
  1178  			injectBytePaddingBlock(s)
  1179  			continue
  1180  		}
  1182  		/* Compress data only when stream is not
  1183  		   finished and there is no pending flush request. */
  1184  		if s.stream_state_ == streamProcessing {
  1185  			if remaining_block_size == 0 || op != int(operationProcess) {
  1186  				var is_last bool = ((*available_in == 0) && op == int(operationFinish))
  1187  				var force_flush bool = ((*available_in == 0) && op == int(operationFlush))
  1188  				var result bool
  1189  				updateSizeHint(s, *available_in)
  1190  				result = encodeData(s, is_last, force_flush)
  1191  				if !result {
  1192  					return false
  1193  				}
  1194  				if force_flush {
  1195  					s.stream_state_ = streamFlushRequested
  1196  				}
  1197  				if is_last {
  1198  					s.stream_state_ = streamFinished
  1199  				}
  1200  				continue
  1201  			}
  1202  		}
  1204  		break
  1205  	}
  1207  	checkFlushComplete(s)
  1208  	return true
  1209  }
  1211  func (w *Writer) writeOutput(data []byte) {
  1212  	if w.err != nil {
  1213  		return
  1214  	}
  1216  	_, w.err = w.dst.Write(data)
  1217  	if w.err == nil {
  1218  		checkFlushComplete(w)
  1219  	}
  1220  }