
     1  # Hyperledger Fabric Ordering Service
     3  The Hyperledger Fabric ordering service provides an atomic broadcast ordering service for consumption by the peers. This means that many clients can submit messages to the ordering service, and the same sequence of ordered batches will be delivered to all clients in response.
     5  ## Protocol definition
     7  The atomic broadcast ordering protocol for Hyperledger Fabric is described in `hyperledger/fabric-protos/orderer/ab.proto`. There are two services: the `Broadcast` service for injecting messages into the system and the `Deliver` service for receiving ordered batches from the service.
     9  ## Service types
    11  * Solo ordering service (testing): The solo ordering service is intended to be an extremely easy to deploy, non-production ordering service. It consists of a single process which serves all clients, so consensus is not required as there is a single central authority.  There is correspondingly no high availability or scalability. This makes solo ideal for development and testing, but not for deployment.
    12  * Kafka-based ordering service (production): The Kafka-based ordering service leverages the Kafka pub/sub system to perform the ordering, but wraps this in the familiar `ab.proto` definition so that the peer orderer client code does not to be written specifically for Kafka. Kafka is currently the preferred choice for production deployments which demand high throughput and high availability, but do not require byzantine fault tolerance.
    13  * PBFT ordering service (pending): The PBFT ordering service will use the Hyperledger Fabric PBFT implementation (currently under development) to order messages in a byzantine fault tolerant way.
    15  ### Choosing a service type
    17  In order to set a service type, the ordering service administrator needs to set the right value in the genesis block that the ordering service nodes will be bootstrapped from.
    19  Specifically, the value corresponding to the `ConsensusType` key of the `Values` map of the `Orderer` config group on the system channel should be set to either `solo`, `kafka` or `etcdraft`.
    21  For details on the configuration structure of channels, refer to the [Channel Configuration](../docs/source/configtx.rst) guide.
    23  `configtxgen` is a tool that allows for the creation of a genesis block using profiles, or grouped configuration parameters — refer to the [Configuring using the connfigtxgen tool](../docs/source/configtxgen.rst) guide for more.
    25  The location of this block can be set using the `ORDERER_GENERAL_BOOTSTRAPFILE` environment variable. As is the case with all the configuration paths for Fabric binaries, this location is relative to the path set via the `FABRIC_CFG_PATH` environment variable.
    27  ## Ledger
    29  In order to tolerate crash faults, orderer uses file-based ledger to persist blocks on the file system. The block locations on disk are 'indexed' in a lightweight LevelDB database by number so that clients can efficiently retrieve a block by number.
    31  ## Experimenting with the orderer service
    33  To experiment with the orderer service you may build the orderer binary by simply typing `go build` in the `hyperledger/fabric/orderer` directory. You may then invoke the orderer binary with no parameters, or you can override the bind address and port by setting the environment variables `ORDERER_GENERAL_LISTENADDRESS` and `ORDERER_GENERAL_ LISTENPORT` respectively.
    35  There are sample clients in the `fabric/orderer/sample_clients` directory.
    37  * The `broadcast_timestamp` client sends a message containing the timestamp to the `Broadcast` service.
    38  * The `deliver_stdout` client prints received batches to stdout from the `Deliver` interface.
    40  These may both be built simply by typing `go build` in their respective directories. Note that neither of these clients supports config (so editing the source manually to adjust address and port is required), or signing (so they can only work against channels where no ACL is enforced).
    42  ### Profiling
    44  Profiling the ordering service is possible through a standard HTTP interface documented [here]( The profiling service can be configured using the **orderer.yaml** file, or through environment variables. To enable profiling set `ORDERER_GENERAL_PROFILE_ENABLED=true`, and optionally set `ORDERER_GENERAL_PROFILE_ADDRESS` to the desired network address for the profiling service. The default address is `` as in the Golang documentation.
    46  Note that failures of the profiling service, either at startup or anytime during the run, will cause the overall orderer service to fail. Therefore it is currently not recommended to enable profiling in production settings.
    48  <a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.
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