
     1  /*
     2  Copyright IBM Corp. 2018 All Rights Reserved.
     4  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     5  */
     7  package cluster
     9  import (
    10  	"context"
    11  	"math"
    12  	"math/rand"
    13  	"reflect"
    14  	"sync"
    15  	"sync/atomic"
    16  	"time"
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  )
    28  // BlockPuller pulls blocks from remote ordering nodes.
    29  // Its operations are not thread safe.
    30  type BlockPuller struct {
    31  	// Configuration
    32  	MaxPullBlockRetries uint64
    33  	MaxTotalBufferBytes int
    34  	Signer              identity.SignerSerializer
    35  	TLSCert             []byte
    36  	Channel             string
    37  	FetchTimeout        time.Duration
    38  	RetryTimeout        time.Duration
    39  	Logger              *flogging.FabricLogger
    40  	Dialer              Dialer
    41  	VerifyBlockSequence BlockSequenceVerifier
    42  	Endpoints           []EndpointCriteria
    43  	// Internal state
    44  	stream       *ImpatientStream
    45  	blockBuff    []*common.Block
    46  	latestSeq    uint64
    47  	endpoint     string
    48  	conn         *grpc.ClientConn
    49  	cancelStream func()
    50  }
    52  // Clone returns a copy of this BlockPuller initialized
    53  // for the given channel
    54  func (p *BlockPuller) Clone() *BlockPuller {
    55  	// Clone by value
    56  	copy := *p
    57  	// Reset internal state
    58 = nil
    59  	copy.blockBuff = nil
    60  	copy.latestSeq = 0
    61  	copy.endpoint = ""
    62  	copy.conn = nil
    63  	copy.cancelStream = nil
    64  	return &copy
    65  }
    67  // Close makes the BlockPuller close the connection and stream
    68  // with the remote endpoint, and wipe the internal block buffer.
    69  func (p *BlockPuller) Close() {
    70  	if p.cancelStream != nil {
    71  		p.cancelStream()
    72  	}
    73  	p.cancelStream = nil
    75  	if p.conn != nil {
    76  		p.conn.Close()
    77  	}
    78  	p.conn = nil
    79  	p.endpoint = ""
    80  	p.latestSeq = 0
    81  	p.blockBuff = nil
    82  }
    84  // PullBlock blocks until a block with the given sequence is fetched
    85  // from some remote ordering node, or until consecutive failures
    86  // of fetching the block exceed MaxPullBlockRetries.
    87  func (p *BlockPuller) PullBlock(seq uint64) *common.Block {
    88  	retriesLeft := p.MaxPullBlockRetries
    89  	for {
    90  		block := p.tryFetchBlock(seq)
    91  		if block != nil {
    92  			return block
    93  		}
    94  		retriesLeft--
    95  		if retriesLeft == 0 && p.MaxPullBlockRetries > 0 {
    96  			p.Logger.Errorf("Failed pulling block [%d]: retry count exhausted(%d)", seq, p.MaxPullBlockRetries)
    97  			return nil
    98  		}
    99  		time.Sleep(p.RetryTimeout)
   100  	}
   101  }
   103  // HeightsByEndpoints returns the block heights by endpoints of orderers
   104  func (p *BlockPuller) HeightsByEndpoints() (map[string]uint64, error) {
   105  	endpointsInfo := p.probeEndpoints(0)
   106  	res := make(map[string]uint64)
   107  	for endpoint, endpointInfo := range endpointsInfo.byEndpoints() {
   108  		endpointInfo.conn.Close()
   109  		res[endpoint] = endpointInfo.lastBlockSeq + 1
   110  	}
   111  	p.Logger.Info("Returning the heights of OSNs mapped by endpoints", res)
   112  	return res, endpointsInfo.err
   113  }
   115  func (p *BlockPuller) tryFetchBlock(seq uint64) *common.Block {
   116  	var reConnected bool
   117  	for p.isDisconnected() {
   118  		reConnected = true
   119  		p.connectToSomeEndpoint(seq)
   120  		if p.isDisconnected() {
   121  			time.Sleep(p.RetryTimeout)
   122  		}
   123  	}
   125  	block := p.popBlock(seq)
   126  	if block != nil {
   127  		return block
   128  	}
   129  	// Else, buffer is empty. So we need to pull blocks
   130  	// to re-fill it.
   131  	if err := p.pullBlocks(seq, reConnected); err != nil {
   132  		p.Logger.Errorf("Failed pulling blocks: %v", err)
   133  		// Something went wrong, disconnect. and return nil
   134  		p.Close()
   135  		// If we have a block in the buffer, return it.
   136  		if len(p.blockBuff) > 0 {
   137  			return p.blockBuff[0]
   138  		}
   139  		return nil
   140  	}
   142  	if err := p.VerifyBlockSequence(p.blockBuff, p.Channel); err != nil {
   143  		p.Close()
   144  		p.Logger.Errorf("Failed verifying received blocks: %v", err)
   145  		return nil
   146  	}
   148  	// At this point, the buffer is full, so shift it and return the first block.
   149  	return p.popBlock(seq)
   150  }
   152  func (p *BlockPuller) setCancelStreamFunc(f func()) {
   153  	p.cancelStream = f
   154  }
   156  func (p *BlockPuller) pullBlocks(seq uint64, reConnected bool) error {
   157  	env, err := p.seekNextEnvelope(seq)
   158  	if err != nil {
   159  		p.Logger.Errorf("Failed creating seek envelope: %v", err)
   160  		return err
   161  	}
   163  	stream, err := p.obtainStream(reConnected, env, seq)
   164  	if err != nil {
   165  		return err
   166  	}
   168  	var totalSize int
   169  	p.blockBuff = nil
   170  	nextExpectedSequence := seq
   171  	for totalSize < p.MaxTotalBufferBytes && nextExpectedSequence <= p.latestSeq {
   172  		resp, err := stream.Recv()
   173  		if err != nil {
   174  			p.Logger.Errorf("Failed receiving next block from %s: %v", p.endpoint, err)
   175  			return err
   176  		}
   178  		block, err := extractBlockFromResponse(resp)
   179  		if err != nil {
   180  			p.Logger.Errorf("Received a bad block from %s: %v", p.endpoint, err)
   181  			return err
   182  		}
   183  		seq := block.Header.Number
   184  		if seq != nextExpectedSequence {
   185  			p.Logger.Errorf("Expected to receive sequence %d but got %d instead", nextExpectedSequence, seq)
   186  			return errors.Errorf("got unexpected sequence from %s - (%d) instead of (%d)", p.endpoint, seq, nextExpectedSequence)
   187  		}
   188  		size := blockSize(block)
   189  		totalSize += size
   190  		p.blockBuff = append(p.blockBuff, block)
   191  		nextExpectedSequence++
   192  		p.Logger.Infof("Got block [%d] of size %d KB from %s", seq, size/1024, p.endpoint)
   193  	}
   194  	return nil
   195  }
   197  func (p *BlockPuller) obtainStream(reConnected bool, env *common.Envelope, seq uint64) (*ImpatientStream, error) {
   198  	var stream *ImpatientStream
   199  	var err error
   200  	if reConnected {
   201  		p.Logger.Infof("Sending request for block [%d] to %s", seq, p.endpoint)
   202  		stream, err = p.requestBlocks(p.endpoint, NewImpatientStream(p.conn, p.FetchTimeout), env)
   203  		if err != nil {
   204  			return nil, err
   205  		}
   206  		// Stream established successfully.
   207  		// In next iterations of this function, reuse it.
   208 = stream
   209  	} else {
   210  		// Reuse previous stream
   211  		stream =
   212  	}
   214  	p.setCancelStreamFunc(stream.cancelFunc)
   215  	return stream, nil
   216  }
   218  // popBlock pops a block from the in-memory buffer and returns it,
   219  // or returns nil if the buffer is empty or the block doesn't match
   220  // the given wanted sequence.
   221  func (p *BlockPuller) popBlock(seq uint64) *common.Block {
   222  	if len(p.blockBuff) == 0 {
   223  		return nil
   224  	}
   225  	block, rest := p.blockBuff[0], p.blockBuff[1:]
   226  	p.blockBuff = rest
   227  	// If the requested block sequence is the wrong one, discard the buffer
   228  	// to start fetching blocks all over again.
   229  	if seq != block.Header.Number {
   230  		p.blockBuff = nil
   231  		return nil
   232  	}
   233  	return block
   234  }
   236  func (p *BlockPuller) isDisconnected() bool {
   237  	return p.conn == nil
   238  }
   240  // connectToSomeEndpoint makes the BlockPuller connect to some endpoint that has
   241  // the given minimum block sequence.
   242  func (p *BlockPuller) connectToSomeEndpoint(minRequestedSequence uint64) {
   243  	// Probe all endpoints in parallel, searching an endpoint with a given minimum block sequence
   244  	// and then sort them by their endpoints to a map.
   245  	endpointsInfo := p.probeEndpoints(minRequestedSequence).byEndpoints()
   246  	if len(endpointsInfo) == 0 {
   247  		p.Logger.Warningf("Could not connect to any endpoint of %v", p.Endpoints)
   248  		return
   249  	}
   251  	// Choose a random endpoint out of the available endpoints
   252  	chosenEndpoint := randomEndpoint(endpointsInfo)
   253  	// Disconnect all connections but this endpoint
   254  	for endpoint, endpointInfo := range endpointsInfo {
   255  		if endpoint == chosenEndpoint {
   256  			continue
   257  		}
   258  		endpointInfo.conn.Close()
   259  	}
   261  	p.conn = endpointsInfo[chosenEndpoint].conn
   262  	p.endpoint = chosenEndpoint
   263  	p.latestSeq = endpointsInfo[chosenEndpoint].lastBlockSeq
   265  	p.Logger.Infof("Connected to %s with last block seq of %d", p.endpoint, p.latestSeq)
   266  }
   268  // probeEndpoints reaches to all endpoints known and returns the latest block sequences
   269  // of the endpoints, as well as gRPC connections to them.
   270  func (p *BlockPuller) probeEndpoints(minRequestedSequence uint64) *endpointInfoBucket {
   271  	endpointsInfo := make(chan *endpointInfo, len(p.Endpoints))
   273  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
   274  	wg.Add(len(p.Endpoints))
   276  	var forbiddenErr uint32
   277  	var unavailableErr uint32
   279  	for _, endpoint := range p.Endpoints {
   280  		go func(endpoint EndpointCriteria) {
   281  			defer wg.Done()
   282  			ei, err := p.probeEndpoint(endpoint, minRequestedSequence)
   283  			if err != nil {
   284  				p.Logger.Warningf("Received error of type '%v' from %s", err, endpoint)
   285  				if err == ErrForbidden {
   286  					atomic.StoreUint32(&forbiddenErr, 1)
   287  				}
   288  				if err == ErrServiceUnavailable {
   289  					atomic.StoreUint32(&unavailableErr, 1)
   290  				}
   291  				return
   292  			}
   293  			endpointsInfo <- ei
   294  		}(endpoint)
   295  	}
   296  	wg.Wait()
   298  	close(endpointsInfo)
   299  	eib := &endpointInfoBucket{
   300  		bucket: endpointsInfo,
   301  		logger: p.Logger,
   302  	}
   304  	if unavailableErr == 1 && len(endpointsInfo) == 0 {
   305  		eib.err = ErrServiceUnavailable
   306  	}
   307  	if forbiddenErr == 1 && len(endpointsInfo) == 0 {
   308  		eib.err = ErrForbidden
   309  	}
   310  	return eib
   311  }
   313  // probeEndpoint returns a gRPC connection and the latest block sequence of an endpoint with the given
   314  // requires minimum sequence, or error if something goes wrong.
   315  func (p *BlockPuller) probeEndpoint(endpoint EndpointCriteria, minRequestedSequence uint64) (*endpointInfo, error) {
   316  	conn, err := p.Dialer.Dial(endpoint)
   317  	if err != nil {
   318  		p.Logger.Warningf("Failed connecting to %s: %v", endpoint, err)
   319  		return nil, err
   320  	}
   322  	lastBlockSeq, err := p.fetchLastBlockSeq(minRequestedSequence, endpoint.Endpoint, conn)
   323  	if err != nil {
   324  		conn.Close()
   325  		return nil, err
   326  	}
   328  	return &endpointInfo{conn: conn, lastBlockSeq: lastBlockSeq, endpoint: endpoint.Endpoint}, nil
   329  }
   331  // randomEndpoint returns a random endpoint of the given endpointInfo
   332  func randomEndpoint(endpointsToHeight map[string]*endpointInfo) string {
   333  	var candidates []string
   334  	for endpoint := range endpointsToHeight {
   335  		candidates = append(candidates, endpoint)
   336  	}
   338  	rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())
   339  	return candidates[rand.Intn(len(candidates))]
   340  }
   342  // fetchLastBlockSeq returns the last block sequence of an endpoint with the given gRPC connection.
   343  func (p *BlockPuller) fetchLastBlockSeq(minRequestedSequence uint64, endpoint string, conn *grpc.ClientConn) (uint64, error) {
   344  	env, err := p.seekLastEnvelope()
   345  	if err != nil {
   346  		p.Logger.Errorf("Failed creating seek envelope for %s: %v", endpoint, err)
   347  		return 0, err
   348  	}
   350  	stream, err := p.requestBlocks(endpoint, NewImpatientStream(conn, p.FetchTimeout), env)
   351  	if err != nil {
   352  		return 0, err
   353  	}
   354  	defer stream.abort()
   356  	resp, err := stream.Recv()
   357  	if err != nil {
   358  		p.Logger.Errorf("Failed receiving the latest block from %s: %v", endpoint, err)
   359  		return 0, err
   360  	}
   362  	block, err := extractBlockFromResponse(resp)
   363  	if err != nil {
   364  		p.Logger.Warningf("Received %v from %s: %v", resp, endpoint, err)
   365  		return 0, err
   366  	}
   367  	stream.CloseSend()
   369  	seq := block.Header.Number
   370  	if seq < minRequestedSequence {
   371  		err := errors.Errorf("minimum requested sequence is %d but %s is at sequence %d", minRequestedSequence, endpoint, seq)
   372  		p.Logger.Infof("Skipping pulling from %s: %v", endpoint, err)
   373  		return 0, err
   374  	}
   376  	p.Logger.Infof("%s is at block sequence of %d", endpoint, seq)
   377  	return block.Header.Number, nil
   378  }
   380  // requestBlocks starts requesting blocks from the given endpoint, using the given ImpatientStreamCreator by sending
   381  // the given envelope.
   382  // It returns a stream that is used to pull blocks, or error if something goes wrong.
   383  func (p *BlockPuller) requestBlocks(endpoint string, newStream ImpatientStreamCreator, env *common.Envelope) (*ImpatientStream, error) {
   384  	stream, err := newStream()
   385  	if err != nil {
   386  		p.Logger.Warningf("Failed establishing deliver stream with %s", endpoint)
   387  		return nil, err
   388  	}
   390  	if err := stream.Send(env); err != nil {
   391  		p.Logger.Errorf("Failed sending seek envelope to %s: %v", endpoint, err)
   392  		stream.abort()
   393  		return nil, err
   394  	}
   395  	return stream, nil
   396  }
   398  func extractBlockFromResponse(resp *orderer.DeliverResponse) (*common.Block, error) {
   399  	switch t := resp.Type.(type) {
   400  	case *orderer.DeliverResponse_Block:
   401  		block := t.Block
   402  		if block == nil {
   403  			return nil, errors.New("block is nil")
   404  		}
   405  		if block.Data == nil {
   406  			return nil, errors.New("block data is nil")
   407  		}
   408  		if block.Header == nil {
   409  			return nil, errors.New("block header is nil")
   410  		}
   411  		if block.Metadata == nil || len(block.Metadata.Metadata) == 0 {
   412  			return nil, errors.New("block metadata is empty")
   413  		}
   414  		return block, nil
   415  	case *orderer.DeliverResponse_Status:
   416  		if t.Status == common.Status_FORBIDDEN {
   417  			return nil, ErrForbidden
   418  		}
   419  		if t.Status == common.Status_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE {
   420  			return nil, ErrServiceUnavailable
   421  		}
   422  		return nil, errors.Errorf("faulty node, received: %v", resp)
   423  	default:
   424  		return nil, errors.Errorf("response is of type %v, but expected a block", reflect.TypeOf(resp.Type))
   425  	}
   426  }
   428  func (p *BlockPuller) seekLastEnvelope() (*common.Envelope, error) {
   429  	return protoutil.CreateSignedEnvelopeWithTLSBinding(
   430  		common.HeaderType_DELIVER_SEEK_INFO,
   431  		p.Channel,
   432  		p.Signer,
   433  		last(),
   434  		int32(0),
   435  		uint64(0),
   436  		util.ComputeSHA256(p.TLSCert),
   437  	)
   438  }
   440  func (p *BlockPuller) seekNextEnvelope(startSeq uint64) (*common.Envelope, error) {
   441  	return protoutil.CreateSignedEnvelopeWithTLSBinding(
   442  		common.HeaderType_DELIVER_SEEK_INFO,
   443  		p.Channel,
   444  		p.Signer,
   445  		nextSeekInfo(startSeq),
   446  		int32(0),
   447  		uint64(0),
   448  		util.ComputeSHA256(p.TLSCert),
   449  	)
   450  }
   452  func last() *orderer.SeekInfo {
   453  	return &orderer.SeekInfo{
   454  		Start:         &orderer.SeekPosition{Type: &orderer.SeekPosition_Newest{Newest: &orderer.SeekNewest{}}},
   455  		Stop:          &orderer.SeekPosition{Type: &orderer.SeekPosition_Specified{Specified: &orderer.SeekSpecified{Number: math.MaxUint64}}},
   456  		Behavior:      orderer.SeekInfo_BLOCK_UNTIL_READY,
   457  		ErrorResponse: orderer.SeekInfo_BEST_EFFORT,
   458  	}
   459  }
   461  func nextSeekInfo(startSeq uint64) *orderer.SeekInfo {
   462  	return &orderer.SeekInfo{
   463  		Start:         &orderer.SeekPosition{Type: &orderer.SeekPosition_Specified{Specified: &orderer.SeekSpecified{Number: startSeq}}},
   464  		Stop:          &orderer.SeekPosition{Type: &orderer.SeekPosition_Specified{Specified: &orderer.SeekSpecified{Number: math.MaxUint64}}},
   465  		Behavior:      orderer.SeekInfo_BLOCK_UNTIL_READY,
   466  		ErrorResponse: orderer.SeekInfo_BEST_EFFORT,
   467  	}
   468  }
   470  func blockSize(block *common.Block) int {
   471  	return len(protoutil.MarshalOrPanic(block))
   472  }
   474  type endpointInfo struct {
   475  	endpoint     string
   476  	conn         *grpc.ClientConn
   477  	lastBlockSeq uint64
   478  }
   480  type endpointInfoBucket struct {
   481  	bucket <-chan *endpointInfo
   482  	logger *flogging.FabricLogger
   483  	err    error
   484  }
   486  func (eib endpointInfoBucket) byEndpoints() map[string]*endpointInfo {
   487  	infoByEndpoints := make(map[string]*endpointInfo)
   488  	for endpointInfo := range eib.bucket {
   489  		if _, exists := infoByEndpoints[endpointInfo.endpoint]; exists {
   490  			eib.logger.Warningf("Duplicate endpoint found(%s), skipping it", endpointInfo.endpoint)
   491  			endpointInfo.conn.Close()
   492  			continue
   493  		}
   494  		infoByEndpoints[endpointInfo.endpoint] = endpointInfo
   495  	}
   496  	return infoByEndpoints
   497  }
   499  // ImpatientStreamCreator creates an ImpatientStream
   500  type ImpatientStreamCreator func() (*ImpatientStream, error)
   502  // ImpatientStream aborts the stream if it waits for too long for a message.
   503  type ImpatientStream struct {
   504  	waitTimeout time.Duration
   505  	orderer.AtomicBroadcast_DeliverClient
   506  	cancelFunc func()
   507  }
   509  func (stream *ImpatientStream) abort() {
   510  	stream.cancelFunc()
   511  }
   513  // Recv blocks until a response is received from the stream or the
   514  // timeout expires.
   515  func (stream *ImpatientStream) Recv() (*orderer.DeliverResponse, error) {
   516  	// Initialize a timeout to cancel the stream when it expires
   517  	timeout := time.NewTimer(stream.waitTimeout)
   518  	defer timeout.Stop()
   520  	responseChan := make(chan errorAndResponse, 1)
   522  	// receive waitGroup ensures the goroutine below exits before
   523  	// this function exits.
   524  	var receive sync.WaitGroup
   525  	receive.Add(1)
   526  	defer receive.Wait()
   528  	go func() {
   529  		defer receive.Done()
   530  		resp, err := stream.AtomicBroadcast_DeliverClient.Recv()
   531  		responseChan <- errorAndResponse{err: err, resp: resp}
   532  	}()
   534  	select {
   535  	case <-timeout.C:
   536  		stream.cancelFunc()
   537  		return nil, errors.Errorf("didn't receive a response within %v", stream.waitTimeout)
   538  	case respAndErr := <-responseChan:
   539  		return respAndErr.resp, respAndErr.err
   540  	}
   541  }
   543  // NewImpatientStream returns a ImpatientStreamCreator that creates impatientStreams.
   544  func NewImpatientStream(conn *grpc.ClientConn, waitTimeout time.Duration) ImpatientStreamCreator {
   545  	return func() (*ImpatientStream, error) {
   546  		abc := orderer.NewAtomicBroadcastClient(conn)
   547  		ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
   549  		stream, err := abc.Deliver(ctx)
   550  		if err != nil {
   551  			cancel()
   552  			return nil, err
   553  		}
   555  		once := &sync.Once{}
   556  		return &ImpatientStream{
   557  			waitTimeout: waitTimeout,
   558  			// The stream might be canceled while Close() is being called, but also
   559  			// while a timeout expires, so ensure it's only called once.
   560  			cancelFunc: func() {
   561  				once.Do(cancel)
   562  			},
   563  			AtomicBroadcast_DeliverClient: stream,
   564  		}, nil
   565  	}
   566  }
   568  type errorAndResponse struct {
   569  	err  error
   570  	resp *orderer.DeliverResponse
   571  }