
     1  //// Copyright © 2019 Annchain Authors <EMAIL ADDRESS>
     2  ////
     3  //// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  //// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  //// You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  ////
     7  ////
     8  ////
     9  //// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  //// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  //// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  //// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  //// limitations under the License.
    14  package archive
    16  //
    17  //import (
    18  //	"bytes"
    19  //	"errors"
    20  //	"fmt"
    21  //	""
    22  //	""
    23  //	""
    24  //	""
    25  //	""
    26  //	""
    27  //	""
    28  //	""
    29  //	""
    30  //	""
    31  //	""
    32  //	""
    33  //	""
    34  //	""
    35  //	""
    36  //	"sort"
    37  //	"sync"
    38  //	"sync/atomic"
    39  //	"time"
    40  //
    41  //	""
    42  //	""
    43  //	""
    44  //)
    45  //
    46  //// Annsensus processes campaign election.
    47  //type AnnSensus struct {
    48  //	//id           int
    49  //	campaignFlag bool
    50  //	cryptoType   ogcrypto.CryptoType
    51  //
    52  //	//dkg  *dkg.DkgPartner
    53  //	term *term.Term
    54  //	//bft  *bft.BFT // tendermint protocal
    55  //
    56  //	dkgPulicKeyChan      chan kyber.Point // channel for receiving dkg response.
    57  //	newTxHandlers        []chan types.Txi // channels to send txs.
    58  //	ConsensusTXConfirmed chan []types.Txi // receiving consensus txs from dag confirm.
    59  //	startTermChange      chan bool
    60  //
    61  //	Hub  announcer.MessageSender
    62  //	Idag og.IDag
    63  //
    64  //	MyAccount      *account.Account
    65  //	Threshold      int
    66  //	NbParticipants int
    67  //
    68  //	mu sync.RWMutex
    69  //
    70  //	close                         chan struct{}
    71  //	genesisAccounts               ogcrypto.PublicKeys
    72  //	isGenesisPartner              bool
    73  //	genesisBftIsRunning           uint32
    74  //	UpdateEvent                   chan bool // syner update event
    75  //	newTermChan                   chan bool
    76  //	genesisPkChan                 chan *p2p_message.MessageConsensusDkgGenesisPublicKey
    77  //	NewPeerConnectedEventListener chan string
    78  //	ProposalSeqChan               chan common.Hash
    79  //	HandleNewTxi                  func(tx types.Txi, peerId string)
    80  //
    81  //	TxEnable           bool
    82  //	NewLatestSequencer chan bool
    83  //
    84  //	ConfigFilePath    string
    85  //	termChangeChan    chan *tx_types.TermChange
    86  //	currentTermChange *tx_types.TermChange
    87  //
    88  //	addedGenesisCampaign bool
    89  //	initDone             bool
    90  //}
    91  //
    92  //func NewAnnSensus(termChangeInterval int, disableConsensus bool, cryptoType ogcrypto.CryptoType, campaign bool, partnerNum int,
    93  //	genesisAccounts ogcrypto.PublicKeys, configFile string, disableTermChange bool) *AnnSensus {
    94  //	ann := &AnnSensus{}
    95  //	//ann.disable = disableConsensus
    96  //	//if disableConsensus {
    97  //	//	disableTermChange = true
    98  //	//}
    99  //	//ann.disableTermChange = disableTermChange
   100  //	//if termChangeInterval <= 0 && !ann.disableTermChange {
   101  //	//	panic("require termChangeInterval ")
   102  //	//}
   103  //	//if len(genesisAccounts) < partnerNum && !ann.disableTermChange {
   104  //	//	panic("need more account")
   105  //	//}
   106  //	ann.close = make(chan struct{})
   107  //	ann.newTxHandlers = []chan types.Txi{}
   108  //	ann.campaignFlag = campaign
   109  //	ann.NbParticipants = partnerNum
   110  //	ann.ConsensusTXConfirmed = make(chan []types.Txi)
   111  //	ann.cryptoType = cryptoType
   112  //	ann.dkgPulicKeyChan = make(chan kyber.Point)
   113  //	ann.UpdateEvent = make(chan bool)
   114  //
   115  //	ann.genesisAccounts = genesisAccounts
   116  //	sort.Sort(ann.genesisAccounts)
   117  //	ann.term = term.NewTerm(0, partnerNum, termChangeInterval)
   118  //	ann.newTermChan = make(chan bool)
   119  //	ann.genesisPkChan = make(chan *p2p_message.MessageConsensusDkgGenesisPublicKey)
   120  //	ann.NewPeerConnectedEventListener = make(chan string)
   121  //
   122  //	ann.ProposalSeqChan = make(chan common.Hash)
   123  //	ann.NewLatestSequencer = make(chan bool)
   124  //	ann.startTermChange = make(chan bool)
   125  //
   126  //	ann.termChangeChan = make(chan *tx_types.TermChange)
   127  //	//todo fix this later ,bft consensus
   128  //	//"The latest gossip on BFT consensus " 2f+1
   129  //	//if partnerNum < 2 {
   130  //	//	panic(fmt.Sprintf("BFT needs at least 2 nodes, currently %d", partnerNum))
   131  //	//}
   132  //	dkger := archive.NewDkgPartner(!disableConsensus, partnerNum, bft.MajorityTwoThird(partnerNum), ann.dkgPulicKeyChan, ann.genesisPkChan, ann.term)
   133  //	dkger.ConfigFilePath = configFile
   134  //	ann.dkg = dkger
   135  //	log.WithField("NbParticipants ", ann.NbParticipants).Info("new ann")
   136  //
   137  //	return ann
   138  //}
   139  //
   140  //func (as *AnnSensus) InitAccount(myAccount *account.Account, sequencerTime time.Duration,
   141  //	judgeNonce func(me *account.Account) uint64, txCreator *txmaker.OGTxCreator, Idag og.IDag, onSelfGenTxi chan types.Txi,
   142  //	handleNewTxi func(txi types.Txi, peerId string), sender announcer.MessageSender) {
   143  //	as.MyAccount = myAccount
   144  //	as.Hub = sender
   145  //	as.dkg.Hub = sender
   146  //	as.Idag = Idag
   147  //	var myId int
   148  //	if !as.disable {
   149  //		for id, pk := range as.genesisAccounts {
   150  //			if bytes.Equal(pk.KeyBytes, as.MyAccount.PublicKey.KeyBytes) {
   151  //				as.isGenesisPartner = true
   152  //				myId = id
   153  //				log.WithField("my id ", id).Info("i am a genesis partner")
   154  //			}
   155  //		}
   156  //	}
   157  //	as.dkg.SetId(myId)
   158  //	as.dkg.SetAccount(as.MyAccount)
   159  //	as.bft = bft.NewBFT(as.NbParticipants, myId, sequencerTime, judgeNonce, txCreator, Idag, myAccount, onSelfGenTxi, as.dkg)
   160  //	as.addBftPartner()
   161  //	as.bft.Hub = sender
   162  //	as.HandleNewTxi = handleNewTxi
   163  //}
   164  //
   165  //func (as *AnnSensus) Start() {
   166  //	//log.Info("AnnSensus Start")
   167  //	//if as.disable {
   168  //	//	log.Warn("annsensus disabled")
   169  //	//	return
   170  //	//}
   171  //	as.dkg.Start()
   172  //	as.bft.Start()
   173  //	goroutine.New(as.loop)
   174  //	goroutine.New(as.termChangeLoop)
   175  //}
   176  //
   177  //func (as *AnnSensus) Stop() {
   178  //	log.Info("AnnSensus will Stop")
   179  //	if as.disable {
   180  //		return
   181  //	}
   182  //	as.bft.Stop()
   183  //	as.dkg.Stop()
   184  //	close(as.close)
   185  //}
   186  //
   187  //func (as *AnnSensus) Name() string {
   188  //	return "AnnSensus"
   189  //}
   190  //
   191  //func (as *AnnSensus) GetBenchmarks() map[string]interface{} {
   192  //	return map[string]interface{}{
   193  //		"newTxHandlers":        len(as.newTxHandlers),
   194  //		"consensusTXConfirmed": len(as.ConsensusTXConfirmed),
   195  //	}
   196  //	// TODO
   197  //	return nil
   198  //}
   199  //
   200  //func (as *AnnSensus) GetCandidate(addr common.Address) *tx_types.Campaign {
   201  //	return as.term.GetCandidate(addr)
   202  //}
   203  //
   204  //func (as *AnnSensus) Candidates() map[common.Address]*tx_types.Campaign {
   205  //	return as.term.Candidates()
   206  //}
   207  //
   208  //func (as *AnnSensus) GetAlsoran(addr common.Address) *tx_types.Campaign {
   209  //	return as.term.GetAlsoran(addr)
   210  //}
   211  //
   212  //func (as *AnnSensus) Alsorans() map[common.Address]*tx_types.Campaign {
   213  //	return as.term.Alsorans()
   214  //}
   215  //
   216  //// RegisterNewTxHandler add a channel into AnnSensus.newTxHandlers. These
   217  //// channels are responsible to process new txs produced by annsensus.
   218  //func (as *AnnSensus) RegisterNewTxHandler(c chan types.Txi) {
   219  //	as.newTxHandlers = append(as.newTxHandlers, c)
   220  //}
   221  //
   222  //// ProdCampaignOn let annsensus start producing campaign.
   223  //func (as *AnnSensus) ProduceCampaignOn() {
   224  //	as.produceCampaign()
   225  //}
   226  //
   227  //// campaign continuously generate camp tx until AnnSensus.CampaingnOff is called.
   228  //func (as *AnnSensus) produceCampaign() {
   229  //	//generate new dkg public key for every campaign
   230  //	if as.term.HasCampaign(as.MyAccount.Address) {
   231  //		log.WithField("als", as.term.Alsorans()).WithField("cps ",
   232  //			as.term.Campaigns()).WithField("candidates", as.term.Candidates()).Debug("has campaign")
   233  //		return
   234  //	}
   235  //	candidatePublicKey := as.dkg.GenerateDkg()
   236  //	// generate campaign.
   237  //	camp := as.genCamp(candidatePublicKey)
   238  //	if camp == nil {
   239  //		log.Warn("gen camp fail")
   240  //		return
   241  //	}
   242  //	log.WithField("pk ", hexutil.Encode(candidatePublicKey[:5])).WithField("cp ", camp).Debug("gen campaign")
   243  //	// send camp
   244  //	goroutine.New(func() {
   245  //		for _, c := range as.newTxHandlers {
   246  //			c <- camp
   247  //		}
   248  //	})
   249  //
   250  //}
   251  //
   252  //// commit takes a list of campaigns as input and record these
   253  //// camps' information. It checks if the number of camps reaches
   254  //// the threshold. If so, start term changing flow.
   255  //func (as *AnnSensus) commit(camps []*tx_types.Campaign) {
   256  //
   257  //	for i, c := range camps {
   258  //		if as.isTermChanging() {
   259  //			// add those unsuccessful camps into alsoran list.
   260  //			log.Debug("is termchanging")
   261  //			as.AddAlsorans(camps[i:])
   262  //			return
   263  //		}
   264  //
   265  //		err := as.AddCampaign(c)
   266  //		if err != nil {
   267  //			log.WithError(err).Debug("add campaign err")
   268  //			//continue
   269  //		}
   270  //		if !as.canChangeTerm() {
   271  //			continue
   272  //		}
   273  //		// start term changing.
   274  //		as.term.SwitchFlag(true)
   275  //		log.Debug("will term Change")
   276  //		as.startTermChange <- true
   277  //
   278  //	}
   279  //}
   280  //
   281  //// AddCandidate adds campaign into annsensus if the campaign meets the
   282  //// candidate requirements.
   283  //func (as *AnnSensus) AddCampaign(cp *tx_types.Campaign) error {
   284  //
   285  //	if as.term.HasCampaign(cp.Sender()) {
   286  //		log.WithField("id", as.dkg.GetId()).WithField("campaign", cp).Debug("duplicate campaign")
   287  //		return fmt.Errorf("duplicate")
   288  //	}
   289  //
   290  //	pubkey := cp.GetDkgPublicKey()
   291  //	if pubkey == nil {
   292  //		log.WithField("nil PartPubf for campaign", cp).Warn("add campaign")
   293  //		return fmt.Errorf("pubkey is nil")
   294  //	}
   295  //
   296  //	//as.dkg.AddPartner(cp, &as.MyAccount.PublicKey)
   297  //	as.term.AddCampaign(cp)
   298  //	log.WithField("me", as.dkg.GetId()).WithField("add cp", cp).Debug("added")
   299  //	return nil
   300  //}
   301  //
   302  //// AddAlsorans adds a list of campaigns into annsensus as alsorans.
   303  //// Campaigns will be regard as alsoran when current candidates cached
   304  //// already reaches the term change requirements.
   305  //func (as *AnnSensus) AddAlsorans(cps []*tx_types.Campaign) {
   306  //	as.term.AddAlsorans(cps)
   307  //}
   308  //
   309  //// isTermChanging checks if the annsensus system is currently
   310  //// changing its senators term.
   311  //func (as *AnnSensus) isTermChanging() bool {
   312  //	return as.term.Changing()
   313  //}
   314  //
   315  //// canChangeTerm returns true if the candidates cached reaches the
   316  //// term change requirments.
   317  //func (as *AnnSensus) canChangeTerm() bool {
   318  //	ok := as.term.CanChange(as.Idag.LatestSequencer().Height, atomic.LoadUint32(&as.genesisBftIsRunning) == 1)
   319  //	return ok
   320  //}
   321  //
   322  //func (as *AnnSensus) termChangeLoop() {
   323  //	// start term change gossip
   324  //
   325  //	for {
   326  //		select {
   327  //		case <-as.close:
   328  //			log.Info("got quit signal , annsensus termchange stopped")
   329  //			return
   330  //
   331  //		case <-as.startTermChange:
   332  //			log := as.dkg.Log()
   333  //			cp := as.term.GetCampaign(as.MyAccount.Address)
   334  //			if cp == nil {
   335  //				log.Warn("cannot found campaign, i ma not a partner , no dkg gossip")
   336  //			}
   337  //			as.dkg.Reset(cp)
   338  //			as.dkg.SelectCandidates(as.Idag.LatestSequencer())
   339  //			if !as.dkg.IsValidPartner() {
   340  //				log.Debug("i am not a lucky dkg partner quit")
   341  //				as.term.SwitchFlag(false)
   342  //				continue
   343  //			}
   344  //			log.Debug("start dkg gossip")
   345  //			goroutine.New(as.dkg.StartGossip)
   346  //
   347  //		case pk := <-as.dkgPulicKeyChan:
   348  //			log := as.dkg.Log()
   349  //			log.WithField("pk ", pk).Info("got a bls public key from dkg")
   350  //			//after dkg  gossip finished, set term change flag
   351  //			//term change is finished
   352  //			as.term.SwitchFlag(false)
   353  //			sigset := as.dkg.GetBlsSigsets()
   354  //			log.WithField("sig sets ", sigset).Info("got sigsets")
   355  //			//continue //for test case commit this
   356  //			tc := as.genTermChg(pk, sigset)
   357  //			if tc == nil {
   358  //				log.Error("tc is nil")
   359  //				continue
   360  //			}
   361  //			if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&as.genesisBftIsRunning, 1, 0) {
   362  //				as.term.ChangeTerm(tc, as.Idag.GetHeight())
   363  //				goroutine.New(func() {
   364  //					as.newTermChan <- true
   365  //					//as.newTermChan <- struct{}{}
   366  //					//as.ConsensusTXConfirmed <- types.Txis{tc}
   367  //				})
   368  //				atomic.StoreUint32(&as.genesisBftIsRunning, 0)
   369  //
   370  //				continue
   371  //			}
   372  //			//save the tc and sent it in next sequencer
   373  //			//may be it is a solution for the bug :
   374  //			//while syncing with bloom filter
   375  //
   376  //			as.currentTermChange = tc
   377  //
   378  //		}
   379  //	}
   380  //
   381  //}
   382  //
   383  //// pickTermChg picks a valid TermChange from a tc list.
   384  //func (as *AnnSensus) pickTermChg(tcs []*tx_types.TermChange) (*tx_types.TermChange, error) {
   385  //	if len(tcs) == 0 {
   386  //		return nil, errors.New("nil tcs")
   387  //	}
   388  //	var niceTc *tx_types.TermChange
   389  //	for _, tc := range tcs {
   390  //		if niceTc != nil && niceTc.IsSameTermInfo(tc) {
   391  //			continue
   392  //		}
   393  //		if tc.TermID == as.term.ID()+1 {
   394  //			niceTc = tc
   395  //		}
   396  //	}
   397  //	if niceTc == nil {
   398  //		log.WithField("tc term id ", tcs[0].TermID).WithField("term id ", as.term.ID()).Warn("pic fail")
   399  //		return nil, errors.New("not found")
   400  //	}
   401  //	return niceTc, nil
   402  //}
   403  //
   404  ////genTermChg
   405  //func (as *AnnSensus) genTermChg(pk kyber.Point, sigset []*tx_types.SigSet) *tx_types.TermChange {
   406  //	base := types.TxBase{
   407  //		Type: types.TxBaseTypeTermChange,
   408  //	}
   409  //	var pkbls []byte
   410  //	var err error
   411  //	if pk != nil {
   412  //		pkbls, err = pk.MarshalBinary()
   413  //		if err != nil {
   414  //			log.WithError(err).Warn("pk error")
   415  //			return nil
   416  //		}
   417  //	}
   418  //
   419  //	tc := &tx_types.TermChange{
   420  //		TxBase: base,
   421  //		TermID: as.term.ID() + 1,
   422  //		Issuer: &as.MyAccount.Address,
   423  //		PkBls:  pkbls,
   424  //		SigSet: sigset,
   425  //	}
   426  //	return tc
   427  //}
   428  //
   429  //func (as *AnnSensus) addGenesisCampaigns() {
   430  //
   431  //	if as.addedGenesisCampaign {
   432  //
   433  //		log.Info("already added genesis campaign")
   434  //		return
   435  //	}
   436  //	as.addedGenesisCampaign = true
   437  //
   438  //	for id, pk := range as.genesisAccounts {
   439  //		addr := pk.Address()
   440  //		cp := tx_types.Campaign{
   441  //			//DkgPublicKey: pkMsg.DkgPublicKey,
   442  //			Issuer: &addr,
   443  //			TxBase: types.TxBase{
   444  //				PublicKey: pk.KeyBytes,
   445  //				Weight:    uint64(id*10 + 10),
   446  //			},
   447  //		}
   448  //		as.term.AddCandidate(&cp, pk)
   449  //	}
   450  //}
   451  //
   452  //func (as *AnnSensus) addBftPartner() {
   453  //	log.Debug("add bft partners")
   454  //	//should participate in genesis bft process
   455  //	as.dkg.On()
   456  //
   457  //	var peers []bft.BFTPartner
   458  //	for i, pk := range as.genesisAccounts {
   459  //		//the third param is not used in peer
   460  //		peers = append(peers, bft.NewOgBftPeer(pk, as.NbParticipants, i, time.Second))
   461  //	}
   462  //	as.bft.BFTPartner.SetPeers(peers)
   463  //}
   464  //
   465  //func (as *AnnSensus) loop() {
   466  //	//var camp bool
   467  //
   468  //	// sequencer entry
   469  //	var genesisCamps []*tx_types.Campaign
   470  //	var peerNum int
   471  //
   472  //	var lastHeight uint64
   473  //	var termId uint64
   474  //	var genesisPublickeyProcessFinished bool
   475  //	var sentCampaign uint64
   476  //
   477  //	var eventInit bool
   478  //	var loadDone bool
   479  //	var waitNewTerm bool
   480  //	//var lastheight uint64
   481  //
   482  //	for {
   483  //		select {
   484  //		case <-as.close:
   485  //			log.Info("got quit signal, annsensus loop stopped")
   486  //			return
   487  //
   488  //		//TODO sequencer generate a random seed ,use random seed to select candidate peers
   489  //		case txs := <-as.ConsensusTXConfirmed:
   490  //			log.WithField(" txs ", txs).Debug("got consensus txs")
   491  //			if as.disableTermChange {
   492  //				log.Debug("term change is disabled , quiting")
   493  //				continue
   494  //			}
   495  //			var cps []*tx_types.Campaign
   496  //			var tcs []*tx_types.TermChange
   497  //			for _, tx := range txs {
   498  //				if tx.GetType() == types.TxBaseTypeCampaign {
   499  //					cp := tx.(*tx_types.Campaign)
   500  //					cps = append(cps, cp)
   501  //					if bytes.Equal(cp.Issuer.KeyBytes[:], as.MyAccount.Address.KeyBytes[:]) {
   502  //						if sentCampaign > 0 {
   503  //							log.Debug("i sent a campaign")
   504  //							sentCampaign = 0
   505  //						}
   506  //					}
   507  //				} else if tx.GetType() == types.TxBaseTypeTermChange {
   508  //					tcs = append(tcs, tx.(*tx_types.TermChange))
   509  //				}
   510  //			}
   511  //			// TODO:
   512  //			// here exists a bug:
   513  //			// the isTermChanging check should be here not in commit()
   514  //
   515  //			if len(tcs) > 0 {
   516  //				tc, err := as.pickTermChg(tcs)
   517  //				if err != nil {
   518  //					log.Errorf("the received termChanges are not correct.")
   519  //					goto HandleCampaign
   520  //				}
   521  //				if as.isTermChanging() {
   522  //					log.Debug("is term changing")
   523  //					goto HandleCampaign
   524  //				}
   525  //				err = as.term.ChangeTerm(tc, as.Idag.LatestSequencer().Height)
   526  //				if err != nil {
   527  //					log.Errorf("change term error: %v", err)
   528  //					goto HandleCampaign
   529  //				}
   530  //				//if i am not a dkg partner , dkg publick key will got from termChange tx
   531  //				if !as.dkg.IsValidPartner() {
   532  //					pk, err := bn256.UnmarshalBinaryPointG2(tc.PkBls)
   533  //					if err != nil {
   534  //						log.WithError(err).Warn("unmarshal failed dkg joint public key")
   535  //						continue
   536  //					}
   537  //					as.dkg.SetJointPk(pk)
   538  //				}
   539  //				//send the signal if i am a partner of consensus nodes
   540  //				//if as.dkg.isValidPartner {
   541  //				goroutine.New(func() {
   542  //					as.newTermChan <- true
   543  //				})
   544  //				//} else {
   545  //				//	log.Debug("is not a valid partner")
   546  //				//}
   547  //
   548  //			}
   549  //		HandleCampaign:
   550  //			//handle term change should be after handling campaign
   551  //			if len(cps) > 0 {
   552  //				as.commit(cps)
   553  //				log.Infof("already candidates: %d, alsorans: %d", len(as.Candidates()), len(as.Alsorans()))
   554  //			}
   555  //
   556  //		case <-as.newTermChan:
   557  //			// sequencer generate entry.
   558  //
   559  //			// TODO:
   560  //			// 1. check if yourself is the miner.
   561  //			// 2. produce raw_seq and broadcast it to network.
   562  //			// 3. start bft until someone produce a seq with BLS sig.
   563  //			log.Info("got newTermChange signal")
   564  //			as.bft.Reset(as.dkg.TermId, as.term.GetFormerPks(), int(as.dkg.GetId()))
   565  //			// 3. start pbft until someone produce a seq with BLS sig.
   566  //			//TODO how to save consensus data
   567  //			if as.dkg.TermId == 1 {
   568  //			}
   569  //
   570  //			if as.dkg.IsValidPartner() {
   571  //				as.dkg.SaveConsensusData()
   572  //				as.bft.StartGossip()
   573  //			} else {
   574  //				log.Debug("is not a valid partner")
   575  //			}
   576  //
   577  //		//
   578  //		//case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 300):
   579  //		//	height := as.Idag.LatestSequencer().Height
   580  //		//	if height <= lastheight {
   581  //		//		//should updated
   582  //		//		continue
   583  //		//	}
   584  //		//	lastheight = height
   585  //		//	if height > 2 && height%15 == 0 {
   586  //		//		//may i send campaign ?
   587  //		//		as.ProdCampaignOn()
   588  //		//	}
   589  //
   590  //		case <-as.NewLatestSequencer:
   591  //			var tc *tx_types.TermChange
   592  //
   593  //			tc = as.currentTermChange
   594  //			as.currentTermChange = nil
   595  //
   596  //			if tc != nil {
   597  //				for _, c := range as.newTxHandlers {
   598  //					c <- tc
   599  //				}
   600  //			}
   601  //
   602  //			if !as.isTermChanging() {
   603  //				if as.canChangeTerm() {
   604  //					// start term changing.
   605  //					as.term.SwitchFlag(true)
   606  //					log.Debug("will termChange")
   607  //					as.startTermChange <- true
   608  //				}
   609  //			}
   610  //
   611  //			if !as.campaignFlag || as.disableTermChange {
   612  //				continue
   613  //			}
   614  //			height := as.Idag.LatestSequencer().Height
   615  //			if height <= lastHeight {
   616  //				//should updated
   617  //				continue
   618  //			}
   619  //			if sentCampaign < height+2 && sentCampaign > 0 {
   620  //				//we sent campaign but did't receive them
   621  //				//sent again
   622  //				log.WithField("in term ", as.term.ID()).Debug("will generate campaign")
   623  //				as.ProduceCampaignOn()
   624  //				sentCampaign = height
   625  //			}
   626  //			//if term id is updated , we can produce campaign tx
   627  //			lastHeight = height
   628  //			if termId < as.term.ID() {
   629  //				termId = as.term.ID()
   630  //				//may i send campaign ?
   631  //				if sentCampaign == height {
   632  //					continue
   633  //				}
   634  //				log.WithField("in term ", as.term.ID()).Debug("will generate campaign in new term")
   635  //				as.ProduceCampaignOn()
   636  //				sentCampaign = height
   637  //			}
   638  //
   639  //		case isUptoDate := <-as.UpdateEvent:
   640  //			as.TxEnable = isUptoDate
   641  //			height := as.Idag.LatestSequencer().Height
   642  //			log.WithField("height ", height).WithField("v ", isUptoDate).Info("get isUptoDate event")
   643  //			if eventInit {
   644  //				continue
   645  //			}
   646  //
   647  //			if as.isGenesisPartner {
   648  //				//participate in bft process
   649  //				if height == 0 && isUptoDate {
   650  //					atomic.StoreUint32(&as.genesisBftIsRunning, 1)
   651  //					//wait until connect enought peers
   652  //					eventInit = true
   653  //					if !as.initDone && as.NbParticipants == 2 && peerNum == as.NbParticipants-1 {
   654  //						goroutine.New(func() {
   655  //							as.NewPeerConnectedEventListener <- "temp peer"
   656  //						})
   657  //					}
   658  //					continue
   659  //				}
   660  //				//in this case  , node is a genesis partner, load data
   661  //
   662  //				if pk := as.dkg.GetJoinPublicKey(as.dkg.TermId); pk == nil && !loadDone {
   663  //					loadDone = true
   664  //					//load consensus data
   665  //					config, err := as.dkg.LoadConsensusData()
   666  //					if err != nil {
   667  //						log.WithError(err).Error("load error")
   668  //						panic(err)
   669  //					}
   670  //					as.dkg.SetConfig(config)
   671  //					log.Debug("will set config")
   672  //					as.addGenesisCampaigns()
   673  //					var sigSets []*tx_types.SigSet
   674  //					for k := range config.SigSets {
   675  //						sigSets = append(sigSets, config.SigSets[k])
   676  //					}
   677  //					tc := as.genTermChg(pk, sigSets)
   678  //					as.term.ChangeTerm(tc, height)
   679  //				}
   680  //				if isUptoDate {
   681  //					//after updated , start bft process, skip bfd gossip
   682  //					log.Debug("start bft")
   683  //					eventInit = true
   684  //					waitNewTerm = true
   685  //					//TODO  newTermChange if we got new Termchange
   686  //					if as.NbParticipants == 2 && peerNum == as.NbParticipants-1 {
   687  //						goroutine.New(func() {
   688  //							as.NewPeerConnectedEventListener <- "temp peer"
   689  //						})
   690  //					}
   691  //
   692  //				}
   693  //			} else {
   694  //				//not a consensus partner , obtain genesis dkg public key from network
   695  //				//
   696  //				if as.term.Started() {
   697  //					eventInit = true
   698  //					continue
   699  //				}
   700  //				msg := p2p_message.MessageTermChangeRequest{
   701  //					Id: message.MsgCounter.Get(),
   702  //				}
   703  //				as.Hub.BroadcastMessage(message.MessageTypeTermChangeRequest, &msg)
   704  //
   705  //			}
   706  //
   707  //		case peerID := <-as.NewPeerConnectedEventListener:
   708  //
   709  //			if !as.isGenesisPartner && !eventInit {
   710  //				msg := p2p_message.MessageTermChangeRequest{
   711  //					Id: message.MsgCounter.Get(),
   712  //				}
   713  //				as.Hub.BroadcastMessage(message.MessageTypeTermChangeRequest, &msg)
   714  //			}
   715  //			if as.initDone {
   716  //				continue
   717  //			}
   718  //			if peerID != "temp peer" {
   719  //				peerNum++
   720  //			}
   721  //
   722  //			log.WithField("num", peerNum).Debug("peer num")
   723  //			if (peerNum == as.NbParticipants-1 || peerID == "temp peer") && atomic.LoadUint32(&as.genesisBftIsRunning) == 1 {
   724  //				log.Info("start dkg genesis consensus")
   725  //				goroutine.New(func() {
   726  //					as.dkg.SendGenesisPublicKey(as.genesisAccounts)
   727  //				})
   728  //				as.initDone = true
   729  //			}
   730  //			if waitNewTerm && peerNum == as.NbParticipants-1 {
   731  //				waitNewTerm = false
   732  //				goroutine.New(func() {
   733  //					as.newTermChan <- true
   734  //				})
   735  //			}
   736  //
   737  //			//for genesis consensus , obtain tc from network
   738  //		case tc := <-as.termChangeChan:
   739  //			if eventInit {
   740  //				log.WithField("tc ", tc).Warn("already handle genesis tc")
   741  //			}
   742  //			pk, err := bn256.UnmarshalBinaryPointG2(tc.PkBls)
   743  //			if err != nil {
   744  //				log.WithError(err).Warn("unmarshal failed dkg joint public key")
   745  //				continue
   746  //			}
   747  //			if as.addedGenesisCampaign {
   748  //				log.Debug("one term change is enough")
   749  //				continue
   750  //			}
   751  //			as.dkg.SetJointPk(pk)
   752  //			eventInit = true
   753  //			as.addGenesisCampaigns()
   754  //			as.term.ChangeTerm(tc, as.Idag.GetHeight())
   755  //
   756  //			//
   757  //		case pkMsg := <-as.genesisPkChan:
   758  //			if genesisPublickeyProcessFinished {
   759  //				log.WithField("pkMsg ", pkMsg).Warn("already finished, don't send again")
   760  //				continue
   761  //			}
   762  //			id := -1
   763  //			for i, pk := range as.genesisAccounts {
   764  //				if bytes.Equal(pkMsg.PublicKey, pk.KeyBytes) {
   765  //					id = i
   766  //					break
   767  //				}
   768  //			}
   769  //			if id < 0 {
   770  //				log.Warn("not valid genesis pk")
   771  //				continue
   772  //			}
   773  //			addr := as.genesisAccounts[id].Address()
   774  //			cp := &tx_types.Campaign{
   775  //				DkgPublicKey: pkMsg.DkgPublicKey,
   776  //				Issuer:       &addr,
   777  //				TxBase: types.TxBase{
   778  //					PublicKey: pkMsg.PublicKey,
   779  //					Weight:    uint64(id*10 + 10),
   780  //				},
   781  //			}
   782  //			err := cp.UnmarshalDkgKey(bn256.UnmarshalBinaryPointG2)
   783  //			if err != nil {
   784  //				log.WithField("pk data ", hexutil.Encode(cp.DkgPublicKey)).WithError(err).Warn("unmarshal error")
   785  //				continue
   786  //			}
   787  //
   788  //
   789  //			genesisCamps = append(genesisCamps, cp)
   790  //
   791  //			log.WithField("id ", id).Debug("got geneis pk")
   792  //			if len(genesisCamps) == as.NbParticipants {
   793  //				goroutine.New(func() {
   794  //					as.commit(genesisCamps)
   795  //				})
   796  //				genesisPublickeyProcessFinished = true
   797  //			}
   798  //
   799  //		case hash := <-as.ProposalSeqChan:
   800  //			log.WithField("hash ", hash.TerminalString()).Debug("got proposal seq hash")
   801  //			as.bft.HandleProposal(hash)
   802  //
   803  //		}
   804  //	}
   805  //
   806  //}
   807  //
   808  //type ConsensusInfo struct {
   809  //	Dkg *archive.DKGInfo `json:"dkg"`
   810  //	Bft *bft.BFTInfo     `json:"bft"`
   811  //}
   812  //
   813  //func (a *AnnSensus) GetInfo() *ConsensusInfo {
   814  //	var info ConsensusInfo
   815  //	info.Dkg, info.Bft = a.dkg.GetInfo(), a.bft.GetInfo()
   816  //	return &info
   817  //}
   818  //
   819  //func (a *AnnSensus) GetBftStatus() interface{} {
   820  //	if a.bft == nil {
   821  //		return nil
   822  //	}
   823  //	return a.bft.GetStatus()
   824  //}