
     1  package archive
     3  //
     4  //var (
     5  //	SequencerGenerationRetryTimes = 7
     6  //)
     7  //
     8  //// partner is a participant in the consensus group.
     9  //// partner does not care which consensus method is being used in the bottom layer.
    10  //// it only provides necessary functions and infomation to support consensus module.
    11  //// e.g., produce proposal, broadcast messages, receive message and update consensus state
    12  //// When there comes a term change, reset bftPartnerMyself, dkg
    13  //type AnnsensusPartner struct {
    14  //	accountNonceProvider    AccountNonceProvider
    15  //	accountProvider         ConsensusAccountProvider
    16  //	peerCommunicator        bft.BftPeerCommunicator // AnnsensusPartner is a BftPeerCommunicator, bftPeerCommunicator is a peerCommunicator
    17  //	bftPartnerMyself        *bft.BftPartner
    18  //	dkg                     *archive.DkgPartner
    19  //	termProvider            TermIdProvider
    20  //	heightProvider          HeightProvider
    21  //	sequencerProducer       SequencerProducer
    22  //	consensusReachedChannel chan bft.ConsensusDecision
    23  //	quit                    chan bool
    24  //}
    25  //
    26  //func NewAnnsensusPartner(accountNonceProvider AccountNonceProvider, peerCommunicator bft.BftPeerCommunicator,
    27  //	termProvider TermIdProvider, accountProvider ConsensusAccountProvider, sequencerProducer SequencerProducer) *AnnsensusPartner {
    28  //	// init bft related components
    29  //
    30  //	// init dkg related components
    31  //	// init annsensus partner as an integration center
    32  //	ap := &AnnsensusPartner{
    33  //		accountNonceProvider:    accountNonceProvider,
    34  //		accountProvider:         accountProvider,
    35  //		peerCommunicator:        peerCommunicator,
    36  //		bftPartnerMyself:        nil,
    37  //		dkg:                     nil,
    38  //		termProvider:            termProvider,
    39  //		heightProvider:          nil,
    40  //		sequencerProducer:       sequencerProducer,
    41  //		consensusReachedChannel: make(chan bft.ConsensusDecision),
    42  //		quit:                    make(chan bool),
    43  //	}
    44  //	trustfulPeerCommunicator := communicator.NewTrustfulBftPeerCommunicator(signer, termProvider, accountProvider)
    45  //
    46  //	ap := &AnnsensusPartner{
    47  //		peerCommunicator:     trustfulPeerCommunicator,
    48  //		bftPartnerMyself:     bft.NewDefaultBFTPartner(nParticipants, id, blockTime),
    49  //		accountNonceProvider: accountNonceProvider,
    50  //	}
    51  //	ap.bftPartnerMyself.RegisterConsensusReachedListener(ap)
    52  //
    53  //	return ap
    54  //}
    55  //
    56  //func (o *AnnsensusPartner) Start() {
    57  //	// start loop
    58  //	goroutine.New(o.loop)
    59  //}
    60  //
    61  //func (o *AnnsensusPartner) Stop() {
    62  //	panic("implement me")
    63  //}
    64  //
    65  //func (o *AnnsensusPartner) Name() string {
    66  //	panic("implement me")
    67  //}
    68  //
    69  //// MakeDecision here is the final validator for recovering BLS threshold signature for this Proposal.
    70  //// It is not the same as the one in verifiers. Those are for normal tx validation for all nodes.
    71  //func (o *AnnsensusPartner) MakeDecision(proposal bft.Proposal, state *bft.HeightRoundState) (bft.ConsensusDecision, error) {
    72  //	var sigShares [][]byte
    73  //	sequencerProposal := proposal.(*bft.SequencerProposal)
    74  //	// reform bls signature
    75  //	for i, commit := range state.PreCommits {
    76  //		if commit == nil {
    77  //			logrus.WithField("partner", i).WithField("hr", state.MessageProposal.HeightRound).
    78  //				Trace("parnter commit is nil")
    79  //			continue
    80  //		}
    81  //		//logrus.WithField("len", len(commit.BlsSignature)).WithField("sigs", hexutil.Encode(commit.BlsSignature)).
    82  //		//	Trace("commit", commit)
    83  //		sigShares = append(sigShares, commit.BlsSignature)
    84  //	}
    85  //	// TODO: concurrency check for currentTerm
    86  //	currentTerm := o.termProvider.CurrentTerm()
    87  //
    88  //	jointSig, err := o.dkg.RecoverAndVerifySignature(sigShares, sequencerProposal.GetId().ToBytes(), currentTerm)
    89  //	if err != nil {
    90  //		logrus.WithField("termId", currentTerm).WithError(err).Warn("joint sig verification failed")
    91  //		return nil, err
    92  //	}
    93  //	sequencerProposal.Signature = jointSig
    94  //	// TODO: may set the pubkey
    95  //	sequencerProposal.Proposing = false
    96  //	return sequencerProposal, nil
    97  //}
    98  //
    99  //func (o *AnnsensusPartner) GetConsensusDecisionMadeEventChannel() chan bft.ConsensusDecision {
   100  //	return o.consensusReachedChannel
   101  //}
   102  //
   103  //// ValidateProposal is called once a proposal is received from consensus peers
   104  ////
   105  //func (o *AnnsensusPartner) ValidateProposal(proposal bft.Proposal) error {
   106  //	// validate sequencer
   107  //	err := o.sequencerProducer.ValidateSequencer(proposal.(*bft.SequencerProposal).Sequencer)
   108  //	return err
   109  //}
   110  //
   111  //func (o *AnnsensusPartner) ProduceProposal() (proposal bft.Proposal, validCondition bft.ProposalCondition) {
   112  //	me := o.accountProvider.Account()
   113  //	nonce := o.accountNonceProvider.GetNonce(me)
   114  //	logrus.WithField("nonce", nonce).Debug("gen seq")
   115  //	targetHeight := o.heightProvider.CurrentHeight() + 1
   116  //	targetTermId := o.termProvider.HeightTerm(targetHeight)
   117  //	blsPub, err := o.dkg.GetJoinPublicKey(targetTermId).MarshalBinary()
   118  //
   119  //	if err != nil {
   120  //		logrus.WithField("term", targetTermId).WithField("height", targetHeight).
   121  //			WithError(err).Error("error on getting joint public key")
   122  //		panic(err)
   123  //	}
   124  //	var seq *tx_types.Sequencer
   125  //
   126  //	for i := 0; i < SequencerGenerationRetryTimes; i++ {
   127  //		innerSequencer, err, genAgain := o.sequencerProducer.GenerateSequencer(me.Address, targetHeight, nonce, &me.PrivateKey, blsPub)
   128  //		if err != nil {
   129  //			logrus.WithError(err).WithField("times", i).Warn("gen sequencer failed")
   130  //			if !genAgain {
   131  //				break
   132  //			}
   133  //			logrus.WithField("retry", i).Warn("try to generate sequencer again")
   134  //		} else {
   135  //			seq = innerSequencer
   136  //		}
   137  //	}
   138  //	if seq == nil {
   139  //		logrus.WithField("height", targetHeight).WithField("term", targetTermId).Error("failed to generate sequencer")
   140  //		return
   141  //	}
   142  //	return &bft.SequencerProposal{Sequencer: *seq}, bft.ProposalCondition{ValidHeight: targetHeight}
   143  //}
   144  //
   145  //func (o *AnnsensusPartner) loop() {
   146  //	// wait for term ready
   147  //	// Am I in the term and so that I should participate in the consensus?
   148  //	// if yes, init bft
   149  //	// once a decision is made, consume, broadcast, and wait for another term ready.
   150  //	// term will be ready once seq has been written into the ledger and next term is decided.
   151  //	for {
   152  //		select {
   153  //		case <-o.quit:
   154  //			break
   155  //		case newTerm := <-o.termProvider.GetTermChangeEventChannel():
   156  //			// term changed, init term
   157  //			o.handleTermChanged(newTerm)
   158  //		case decision := <-o.consensusReachedChannel:
   159  //			o.handleConsensusReached(decision)
   160  //		}
   161  //	}
   162  //}
   163  //
   164  //func (o *AnnsensusPartner) handleConsensusReached(decision bft.ConsensusDecision) {
   165  //	// decision is made, broadcast to others
   166  //	fmt.Println(decision)
   167  //	logrus.Warn("Here you need to broadcast decision to other non-consensus nodes")
   168  //}
   169  //
   170  //func (o *AnnsensusPartner) handleTermChanged(term *term.Term) {
   171  //	// init a bft
   172  //	bft := bft.NewDefaultBFTPartner()
   173  //	fmt.Println(term)
   174  //}