
     1  package term
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	""
     6  	""
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  )
    11  type Senator struct {
    12  	Id           int
    13  	Address      common.Address
    14  	PublicKey    crypto.PublicKey
    15  	BlsPublicKey dkg.PartPub
    16  }
    18  // Term holds all public info about the term.
    19  type Term struct {
    20  	Id                uint32        // term id starts from 0 (genesis)
    21  	PartsNum          int           // participants number
    22  	Threshold         int           // participants number for threshold signature
    23  	Senators          []Senator     // all senators to discuss out a signature
    24  	AllPartPublicKeys []dkg.PartPub // their little public keys
    25  	PublicKey         kyber.Point   // the full public key. Only available after collected all others' dkgs
    26  	ActivateHeight    uint64        // when the term is activated.
    27  	Suite             *bn256.Suite  // curve.
    28  }