(about) 1 00 PingReceivedEventType eventbus.EventType = iota 2 3 01 PongReceivedEventType 4 02 QueryStatusRequestReceivedEventType // global status query request is got 5 03 QueryStatusResponseReceivedEventType // global status query response is got 6 04 HeightBehindEventType // my height is lower than others. 7 05 TxReceivedEventType // a new tx list is received. 8 9 06 SequencerReceivedEventType // a new seq is received. 10 07 ArchiveReceivedEventType 11 08 ActionReceivedEventType 12 09 NewTxDependencyFulfilledEventType // a new tx is fully resolved (thus can be broadcasted) 13 10 NeedSyncEventType // a hash is needed but not found locally (thus need sync) 14 15 11 HeightSyncRequestReceivedEventType // someone is requesting a height 16 12 TxsFetchedForResponseEventType // txs are fetched from db and ready for response 17 13 NewTxLocallyGeneratedEventType // a new tx is generated from local 18 14 NewSequencerLocallyGeneratedEventType // a new seq is generated from local (by annsensus) 19 20 15 NewTxReceivedInPoolEventType // a new tx is received in the pool and to be processed. (including sequencer) 21 //BatchConfirmed 22 16 SequencerConfirmedEventType // a sequencer is received and validated to be on the graph 23 24 25 00 OgMessageTypeStatus OgMessageType = iota + 0 26 01 OgMessageTypePing 27 02 OgMessageTypePong 28 03 OgMessageTypeBatchSyncRequest 29 04 OgMessageTypeSyncResponse 30 05 MessageTypeFetchByHashRequest 31 06 MessageTypeFetchByHashResponse 32 07 OgMessageTypeQueryStatusRequest 33 08 OgMessageTypeQueryStatusResponse 34 09 OgMessageTypeNewResource 35 10 OgMessageTypeHeightSyncRequest