
     1  // This file originates from the SatoshiLabs Trezor `common` repository at:
     2  //
     3  // dated 28.07.2017, commit dd8ec3231fb5f7992360aff9bdfe30bb58130f4b.
     5  syntax = "proto2";
     7  /**
     8   * Types for TREZOR communication
     9   *
    10   * @author	Marek Palatinus <>
    11   * @version	1.2
    12   */
    14  // Sugar for easier handling in Java
    15  option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf";
    16  option java_outer_classname = "TrezorType";
    18  import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
    20  /**
    21   * Options for specifying message direction and type of wire (normal/debug)
    22   */
    23  extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions {
    24  	optional bool wire_in = 50002;		// message can be transmitted via wire from PC to TREZOR
    25  	optional bool wire_out = 50003;		// message can be transmitted via wire from TREZOR to PC
    26  	optional bool wire_debug_in = 50004;	// message can be transmitted via debug wire from PC to TREZOR
    27  	optional bool wire_debug_out = 50005;	// message can be transmitted via debug wire from TREZOR to PC
    28  	optional bool wire_tiny = 50006;	// message is handled by TREZOR when the USB stack is in tiny mode
    29  	optional bool wire_bootloader = 50007;  // message is only handled by TREZOR Bootloader
    30  }
    32  /**
    33   * Type of failures returned by Failure message
    34   * @used_in Failure
    35   */
    36  enum FailureType {
    37  	Failure_UnexpectedMessage = 1;
    38  	Failure_ButtonExpected = 2;
    39  	Failure_DataError = 3;
    40  	Failure_ActionCancelled = 4;
    41  	Failure_PinExpected = 5;
    42  	Failure_PinCancelled = 6;
    43  	Failure_PinInvalid = 7;
    44  	Failure_InvalidSignature = 8;
    45  	Failure_ProcessError = 9;
    46  	Failure_NotEnoughFunds = 10;
    47  	Failure_NotInitialized = 11;
    48  	Failure_FirmwareError = 99;
    49  }
    51  /**
    52   * Type of script which will be used for transaction output
    53   * @used_in TxOutputType
    54   */
    55  enum OutputScriptType {
    56  	PAYTOADDRESS = 0;	// used for all addresses (bitcoin, p2sh, witness)
    57  	PAYTOSCRIPTHASH = 1;	// p2sh address (deprecated; use PAYTOADDRESS)
    58  	PAYTOMULTISIG = 2;	// only for change output
    59  	PAYTOOPRETURN = 3;	// op_return
    60  	PAYTOWITNESS = 4;	// only for change output
    61  	PAYTOP2SHWITNESS = 5;	// only for change output
    62  }
    64  /**
    65   * Type of script which will be used for transaction output
    66   * @used_in TxInputType
    67   */
    68  enum InputScriptType {
    69  	SPENDADDRESS = 0;		// standard p2pkh address
    70  	SPENDMULTISIG = 1;		// p2sh multisig address
    71  	EXTERNAL = 2;			// reserved for external inputs (coinjoin)
    72  	SPENDWITNESS = 3;		// native segwit
    73  	SPENDP2SHWITNESS = 4;		// segwit over p2sh (backward compatible)
    74  }
    76  /**
    77   * Type of information required by transaction signing process
    78   * @used_in TxRequest
    79   */
    80  enum RequestType {
    81  	TXINPUT = 0;
    82  	TXOUTPUT = 1;
    83  	TXMETA = 2;
    84  	TXFINISHED = 3;
    85  	TXEXTRADATA = 4;
    86  }
    88  /**
    89   * Type of button request
    90   * @used_in ButtonRequest
    91   */
    92  enum ButtonRequestType {
    93  	ButtonRequest_Other = 1;
    94  	ButtonRequest_FeeOverThreshold = 2;
    95  	ButtonRequest_ConfirmOutput = 3;
    96  	ButtonRequest_ResetDevice = 4;
    97  	ButtonRequest_ConfirmWord = 5;
    98  	ButtonRequest_WipeDevice = 6;
    99  	ButtonRequest_ProtectCall = 7;
   100  	ButtonRequest_SignTx = 8;
   101  	ButtonRequest_FirmwareCheck = 9;
   102  	ButtonRequest_Address = 10;
   103  	ButtonRequest_PublicKey = 11;
   104  }
   106  /**
   107   * Type of PIN request
   108   * @used_in PinMatrixRequest
   109   */
   110  enum PinMatrixRequestType {
   111  	PinMatrixRequestType_Current = 1;
   112  	PinMatrixRequestType_NewFirst = 2;
   113  	PinMatrixRequestType_NewSecond = 3;
   114  }
   116  /**
   117   * Type of recovery procedure. These should be used as bitmask, e.g.,
   118   * `RecoveryDeviceType_ScrambledWords | RecoveryDeviceType_Matrix`
   119   * listing every method supported by the host computer.
   120   *
   121   * Note that ScrambledWords must be supported by every implementation
   122   * for backward compatibility; there is no way to not support it.
   123   *
   124   * @used_in RecoveryDevice
   125   */
   126  enum RecoveryDeviceType {
   127  	// use powers of two when extending this field
   128  	RecoveryDeviceType_ScrambledWords = 0;		// words in scrambled order
   129  	RecoveryDeviceType_Matrix = 1;				// matrix recovery type
   130  }
   132  /**
   133   * Type of Recovery Word request
   134   * @used_in WordRequest
   135   */
   136  enum WordRequestType {
   137  	WordRequestType_Plain = 0;
   138  	WordRequestType_Matrix9 = 1;
   139  	WordRequestType_Matrix6 = 2;
   140  }
   142  /**
   143   * Structure representing BIP32 (hierarchical deterministic) node
   144   * Used for imports of private key into the device and exporting public key out of device
   145   * @used_in PublicKey
   146   * @used_in LoadDevice
   147   * @used_in DebugLinkState
   148   * @used_in Storage
   149   */
   150  message HDNodeType {
   151  	required uint32 depth = 1;
   152  	required uint32 fingerprint = 2;
   153  	required uint32 child_num = 3;
   154  	required bytes chain_code = 4;
   155  	optional bytes private_key = 5;
   156  	optional bytes public_key = 6;
   157  }
   159  message HDNodePathType {
   160  	required HDNodeType node = 1;						// BIP-32 node in deserialized form
   161  	repeated uint32 address_n = 2;						// BIP-32 path to derive the key from node
   162  }
   164  /**
   165   * Structure representing Coin
   166   * @used_in Features
   167   */
   168  message CoinType {
   169  	optional string coin_name = 1;
   170  	optional string coin_shortcut = 2;
   171  	optional uint32 address_type = 3 [default=0];
   172  	optional uint64 maxfee_kb = 4;
   173  	optional uint32 address_type_p2sh = 5 [default=5];
   174  	optional string signed_message_header = 8;
   175  	optional uint32 xpub_magic = 9 [default=76067358];	// default=0x0488b21e
   176  	optional uint32 xprv_magic = 10 [default=76066276];	// default=0x0488ade4
   177  	optional bool segwit = 11;
   178  	optional uint32 forkid = 12;
   179  }
   181  /**
   182   * Type of redeem script used in input
   183   * @used_in TxInputType
   184   */
   185  message MultisigRedeemScriptType {
   186  	repeated HDNodePathType pubkeys = 1;					// pubkeys from multisig address (sorted lexicographically)
   187  	repeated bytes signatures = 2;						// existing signatures for partially signed input
   188  	optional uint32 m = 3;							// "m" from n, how many valid signatures is necessary for spending
   189  }
   191  /**
   192   * Structure representing transaction input
   193   * @used_in SimpleSignTx
   194   * @used_in TransactionType
   195   */
   196  message TxInputType {
   197  	repeated uint32 address_n = 1;						// BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node
   198  	required bytes prev_hash = 2;						// hash of previous transaction output to spend by this input
   199  	required uint32 prev_index = 3;						// index of previous output to spend
   200  	optional bytes script_sig = 4;						// script signature, unset for tx to sign
   201  	optional uint32 sequence = 5 [default=4294967295];			// sequence (default=0xffffffff)
   202  	optional InputScriptType script_type = 6 [default=SPENDADDRESS];	// defines template of input script
   203  	optional MultisigRedeemScriptType multisig = 7;				// Filled if input is going to spend multisig tx
   204  	optional uint64 amount = 8;						// amount of previous transaction output (for segwit only)
   205  }
   207  /**
   208   * Structure representing transaction output
   209   * @used_in SimpleSignTx
   210   * @used_in TransactionType
   211   */
   212  message TxOutputType {
   213  	optional string address = 1;			// target coin address in Base58 encoding
   214  	repeated uint32 address_n = 2;			// BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node; has higher priority than "address"
   215  	required uint64 amount = 3;			// amount to spend in satoshis
   216  	required OutputScriptType script_type = 4;	// output script type
   217  	optional MultisigRedeemScriptType multisig = 5; // defines multisig address; script_type must be PAYTOMULTISIG
   218  	optional bytes op_return_data = 6;		// defines op_return data; script_type must be PAYTOOPRETURN, amount must be 0
   219  }
   221  /**
   222   * Structure representing compiled transaction output
   223   * @used_in TransactionType
   224   */
   225  message TxOutputBinType {
   226  	required uint64 amount = 1;
   227  	required bytes script_pubkey = 2;
   228  }
   230  /**
   231   * Structure representing transaction
   232   * @used_in SimpleSignTx
   233   */
   234  message TransactionType {
   235  	optional uint32 version = 1;
   236  	repeated TxInputType inputs = 2;
   237  	repeated TxOutputBinType bin_outputs = 3;
   238  	repeated TxOutputType outputs = 5;
   239  	optional uint32 lock_time = 4;
   240  	optional uint32 inputs_cnt = 6;
   241  	optional uint32 outputs_cnt = 7;
   242  	optional bytes extra_data = 8;
   243  	optional uint32 extra_data_len = 9;
   244  }
   246  /**
   247   * Structure representing request details
   248   * @used_in TxRequest
   249   */
   250  message TxRequestDetailsType {
   251  	optional uint32 request_index = 1;	// device expects TxAck message from the computer
   252  	optional bytes tx_hash = 2;		// tx_hash of requested transaction
   253  	optional uint32 extra_data_len = 3;	// length of requested extra data
   254  	optional uint32 extra_data_offset = 4;	// offset of requested extra data
   255  }
   257  /**
   258   * Structure representing serialized data
   259   * @used_in TxRequest
   260   */
   261  message TxRequestSerializedType {
   262  	optional uint32 signature_index = 1;	// 'signature' field contains signed input of this index
   263  	optional bytes signature = 2;		// signature of the signature_index input
   264  	optional bytes serialized_tx = 3;	// part of serialized and signed transaction
   265  }
   267  /**
   268   * Structure representing identity data
   269   * @used_in IdentityType
   270   */
   271  message IdentityType {
   272  	optional string proto = 1;			// proto part of URI
   273  	optional string user = 2;			// user part of URI
   274  	optional string host = 3;			// host part of URI
   275  	optional string port = 4;			// port part of URI
   276  	optional string path = 5;			// path part of URI
   277  	optional uint32 index = 6 [default=0];		// identity index
   278  }