
     1  // Package gomarkdoc formats documentation for one or more packages as markdown
     2  // for usage outside of the main site. It supports custom
     3  // templates for tweaking representation of documentation at fine-grained
     4  // levels, exporting both exported and unexported symbols, and custom formatters
     5  // for different backends.
     6  //
     7  // # Command Line Usage
     8  //
     9  // If you want to use this package as a command-line tool, you can install the
    10  // command by running the following on go 1.16+:
    11  //
    12  //	go install
    13  //
    14  // For older versions of go, you can install using the following method instead:
    15  //
    16  //	GO111MODULE=on go get -u
    17  //
    18  // The command line tool supports configuration for all of the features of the
    19  // importable package:
    20  //
    21  //	$ gomarkdoc --help
    22  //	generate markdown documentation for golang code
    23  //
    24  //	Usage:
    25  //	  gomarkdoc [flags] [package ...]
    26  //
    27  //	Flags:
    28  //	  -c, --check                              Check the output to see if it matches the generated documentation. --output must be specified to use this.
    29  //	      --config string                      File from which to load configuration (default: .gomarkdoc.yml)
    30  //	  -e, --embed                              Embed documentation into existing markdown files if available, otherwise append to file.
    31  //	      --exclude-dirs strings               List of package directories to ignore when producing documentation.
    32  //	      --footer string                      Additional content to inject at the end of each output file.
    33  //	      --footer-file string                 File containing additional content to inject at the end of each output file.
    34  //	  -f, --format string                      Format to use for writing output data. Valid options: github (default), azure-devops, plain (default "github")
    35  //	      --header string                      Additional content to inject at the beginning of each output file.
    36  //	      --header-file string                 File containing additional content to inject at the beginning of each output file.
    37  //	  -h, --help                               help for gomarkdoc
    38  //	  -u, --include-unexported                 Output documentation for unexported symbols, methods and fields in addition to exported ones.
    39  //	  -o, --output string                      File or pattern specifying where to write documentation output. Defaults to printing to stdout.
    40  //	      --repository.default-branch string   Manual override for the git repository URL used in place of automatic detection.
    41  //	      --repository.path string             Manual override for the path from the root of the git repository used in place of automatic detection.
    42  //	      --repository.url string              Manual override for the git repository URL used in place of automatic detection.
    43  //	      --tags strings                       Set of build tags to apply when choosing which files to include for documentation generation.
    44  //	  -t, --template stringToString            Custom template string to use for the provided template name instead of the default template. (default [])
    45  //	      --template-file stringToString       Custom template file to use for the provided template name instead of the default template. (default [])
    46  //	  -v, --verbose count                      Log additional output from the execution of the command. Can be chained for additional verbosity.
    47  //	      --version                            Print the version.
    48  //
    49  // The gomarkdoc command processes each of the provided packages, generating
    50  // documentation for the package in markdown format and writing it to console.
    51  // For example, if you have a package in your current directory and want to
    52  // send it to a documentation markdown file, you might do something like this:
    53  //
    54  //	gomarkdoc --output .
    55  //
    56  // # Package Specifiers
    57  //
    58  // The gomarkdoc tool supports generating documentation for both local packages
    59  // and remote ones. To specify a local package, start the name of the package
    60  // with a period (.) or specify an absolute path on the filesystem. All other
    61  // package signifiers are assumed to be remote packages. You may specify both
    62  // local and remote packages in the same command invocation as separate
    63  // arguments.
    64  //
    65  // If you have a project with many packages but you want to skip documentation
    66  // generation for some, you can use the --exclude-dirs option. This will remove
    67  // any matching directories from the list of directories to process. Excluded
    68  // directories are specified using the same pathing syntax as the packages to
    69  // process. Multiple expressions may be comma-separated or specified by using
    70  // the --exclude-dirs flag multiple times.
    71  //
    72  // For example, in this repository we generate documentation for the entire
    73  // project while excluding our test packages by running:
    74  //
    75  //	gomarkdoc --exclude-dirs ./testData/... ./...
    76  //
    77  // # Output Redirection
    78  //
    79  // By default, the documentation generated by the gomarkdoc command is sent to
    80  // standard output, where it can be redirected to a file. This can be useful if
    81  // you want to perform additional modifications to the documentation or send it
    82  // somewhere other than a file. However, keep in mind that there are some
    83  // inconsistencies in how various shells/platforms handle redirected command
    84  // output (for example, Powershell encodes in UTF-16, not UTF-8). As a result,
    85  // the --output option described below is recommended for most use cases.
    86  //
    87  //	gomarkdoc . >
    88  //
    89  // If you want to redirect output for each processed package to a file, you can
    90  // provide the --output/-o option, which accepts a template specifying how to
    91  // generate the path of the output file. A common usage of this option is when
    92  // generating README documentation for a package with subpackages (which are
    93  // supported via the ... signifier as in other parts of the golang toolchain).
    94  // In addition, this option provides consistent behavior across platforms and
    95  // shells:
    96  //
    97  //	gomarkdoc --output '{{.Dir}}/' ./...
    98  //
    99  // You can see all of the data available to the output template in the
   100  // PackageSpec struct in the
   101  // package.
   102  //
   103  // # Template Overrides
   104  //
   105  // The documentation information that is output is formatted using a series of
   106  // text templates for the various components of the overall documentation which
   107  // get generated. Higher level templates contain lower level templates, but
   108  // any template may be replaced with an override template using the
   109  // --template/-t option. The full list of templates that may be overridden are:
   110  //
   111  //   - file:    generates documentation for a file containing one or more
   112  //     packages, depending on how the tool is configured. This is the
   113  //     root template for documentation generation.
   114  //
   115  //   - package: generates documentation for an entire package.
   116  //
   117  //   - type:    generates documentation for a single type declaration, as well
   118  //     as any related functions/methods.
   119  //
   120  //   - func:    generates documentation for a single function or method. It may
   121  //     be referenced from within a type, or directly in the package,
   122  //     depending on nesting.
   123  //
   124  //   - value:   generates documentation for a single variable or constant
   125  //     declaration block within a package.
   126  //
   127  //   - index:   generates an index of symbols within a package, similar to what
   128  //     is seen for The index links to types, funcs,
   129  //     variables, and constants generated by other templates, so it may
   130  //     need to be overridden as well if any of those templates are
   131  //     changed in a material way.
   132  //
   133  //   - example: generates documentation for a single example for a package or
   134  //     one of its symbols. The example is generated alongside whichever
   135  //     symbol it represents, based on the standard naming conventions
   136  //     outlined in
   137  //
   138  //   - doc:     generates the freeform documentation block for any of the above
   139  //     structures that can contain a documentation section.
   140  //
   141  //   - import:  generates the import code used to pull in a package.
   142  //
   143  // Overriding with the --template-file option uses a key-value pair mapping a
   144  // template name to the file containing the contents of the override template to
   145  // use. Specified template files must exist:
   146  //
   147  //	gomarkdoc --template-file package=custom-package.gotxt --template-file doc=custom-doc.gotxt .
   148  //
   149  // # Additional Options
   150  //
   151  // As with the godoc tool itself, only exported symbols will be shown in
   152  // documentation. This can be expanded to include all symbols in a package by
   153  // adding the --include-unexported/-u flag.
   154  //
   155  //	gomarkdoc -u -o .
   156  //
   157  // If you want to blend the documentation generated by gomarkdoc with your own
   158  // hand-written markdown, you can use the --embed/-e flag to change the
   159  // gomarkdoc tool into an append/embed mode. When documentation is generated,
   160  // gomarkdoc looks for a file in the location where the documentation is to be
   161  // written and embeds the documentation if present. Otherwise, the documentation
   162  // is appended to the end of the file.
   163  //
   164  //	gomarkdoc -o -e .
   165  //
   166  // When running with embed mode enabled, gomarkdoc will look for either this
   167  // single comment:
   168  //
   169  //	<!-- gomarkdoc:embed -->
   170  //
   171  // Or the following pair of comments (in which case all content in between is
   172  // replaced):
   173  //
   174  //	<!-- gomarkdoc:embed:start -->
   175  //
   176  //	This content is replaced with the embedded documentation
   177  //
   178  //	<!-- gomarkdoc:embed:end -->
   179  //
   180  // If you would like to include files that are part of a build tag, you can
   181  // specify build tags with the --tags flag. Tags are also supported through
   182  // GOFLAGS, though command line and configuration file definitions override tags
   183  // specified through GOFLAGS.
   184  //
   185  //	gomarkdoc --tags sometag .
   186  //
   187  // You can also run gomarkdoc in a verification mode with the --check/-c flag.
   188  // This is particularly useful for continuous integration when you want to make
   189  // sure that a commit correctly updated the generated documentation. This flag
   190  // is only supported when the --output/-o flag is specified, as the file
   191  // provided there is what the tool is checking:
   192  //
   193  //	gomarkdoc -o -c .
   194  //
   195  // If you're experiencing difficulty with gomarkdoc or just want to get more
   196  // information about how it's executing underneath, you can add -v to show more
   197  // logs. This can be chained a second time to show even more verbose logs:
   198  //
   199  //	gomarkdoc -vv -o .
   200  //
   201  // Some features of gomarkdoc rely on being able to detect information from the
   202  // git repository containing the project. Since individual local git
   203  // repositories may be configured differently from person to person, you may
   204  // want to manually specify the information for the repository to remove any
   205  // inconsistencies. This can be achieved with the --repository.url,
   206  // --repository.default-branch and --repository.path options. For example, this
   207  // repository would be configured with:
   208  //
   209  //	gomarkdoc --repository.url "" --repository.default-branch master --repository.path / -o .
   210  //
   211  // # Configuring via File
   212  //
   213  // If you want to reuse configuration options across multiple invocations, you
   214  // can specify a file in the folder where you invoke gomarkdoc containing
   215  // configuration information that you would otherwise provide on the command
   216  // line. This file may be a JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, env, or Java properties
   217  // file, but the name is expected to start with .gomarkdoc (e.g.
   218  // .gomarkdoc.yml).
   219  //
   220  // All configuration options are available with the camel-cased form of their
   221  // long name (e.g. --include-unexported becomes includeUnexported). Template
   222  // overrides are specified as a map, rather than a set of key-value pairs
   223  // separated by =. Options provided on the command line override those provided
   224  // in the configuration file if an option is present in both.
   225  //
   226  // # Programmatic Usage
   227  //
   228  // While most users will find the command line utility sufficient for their
   229  // needs, this package may also be used programmatically by installing it
   230  // directly, rather than its command subpackage. The programmatic usage
   231  // provides more flexibility when selecting what packages to work with and what
   232  // components to generate documentation for.
   233  //
   234  // A common usage will look something like this:
   235  //
   236  //	package main
   237  //
   238  //	import (
   239  //		"go/build"
   240  //		"fmt"
   241  //		"os"
   242  //
   243  //		""
   244  //		""
   245  //		""
   246  //	)
   247  //
   248  //	func main() {
   249  //		// Create a renderer to output data
   250  //		out, err := gomarkdoc.NewRenderer()
   251  //		if err != nil {
   252  //			// handle error
   253  //		}
   254  //
   255  //		wd, err := os.Getwd()
   256  //		if err != nil {
   257  //			// handle error
   258  //		}
   259  //
   260  //		buildPkg, err := build.ImportDir(wd, build.ImportComment)
   261  //		if err != nil {
   262  //			// handle error
   263  //		}
   264  //
   265  //		// Create a documentation package from the build representation of our
   266  //		// package.
   267  //		log := logger.New(logger.DebugLevel)
   268  //		pkg, err := lang.NewPackageFromBuild(log, buildPkg)
   269  //		if err != nil {
   270  //			// handle error
   271  //		}
   272  //
   273  //		// Write the documentation out to console.
   274  //		fmt.Println(out.Package(pkg))
   275  //	}
   276  //
   277  // # Examples
   278  //
   279  // This project uses itself to generate the README files in
   280  // and its subdirectories. To see the commands
   281  // that are run to generate documentation for this repository, take a look at
   282  // the Doc() and DocVerify() functions in magefile.go and the .gomarkdoc.yml
   283  // file in the root of this repository. To run these commands in your own
   284  // project, simply replace `go run ./cmd/gomarkdoc` with `gomarkdoc`.
   285  //
   286  // Know of another project that is using gomarkdoc? Open an issue with a
   287  // description of the project and link to the repository and it might be
   288  // featured here!
   289  package gomarkdoc