
     1  # GetCorporationsCorporationIdBlueprints200Ok
     3  ## Properties
     4  Name | Type | Description | Notes
     5  ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
     6  **ItemId** | **int64** | Unique ID for this item. | [default to null]
     7  **LocationFlag** | **string** | Type of the location_id | [default to null]
     8  **LocationId** | **int64** | References a station, a ship or an item_id if this blueprint is located within a container. | [default to null]
     9  **MaterialEfficiency** | **int32** | Material Efficiency Level of the blueprint. | [default to null]
    10  **Quantity** | **int32** | A range of numbers with a minimum of -2 and no maximum value where -1 is an original and -2 is a copy. It can be a positive integer if it is a stack of blueprint originals fresh from the market (e.g. no activities performed on them yet). | [default to null]
    11  **Runs** | **int32** | Number of runs remaining if the blueprint is a copy, -1 if it is an original. | [default to null]
    12  **TimeEfficiency** | **int32** | Time Efficiency Level of the blueprint. | [default to null]
    13  **TypeId** | **int32** | type_id integer | [default to null]
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