
     1  package goesi
     3  // GetJournalRefID looks up the Journal reference name and returns the internal ID
     4  // WARNING: These are subject to change per CCP.
     5  func GetJournalRefID(referenceName string) int {
     6  	return JournalRefID[referenceName]
     7  }
     9  // JournalRefID Maps journal strings to CCP internal refID. CCP has stated these are subject to change.
    10  // Please submit pull requests for new IDs
    11  var JournalRefID = map[string]int{
    12  	"player_trading":                                  1,
    13  	"market_transaction":                              2,
    14  	"gm_cash_transfer":                                3,
    15  	"mission_reward":                                  7,
    16  	"clone_activation":                                8,
    17  	"inheritance":                                     9,
    18  	"player_donation":                                 10,
    19  	"corporation_payment":                             11,
    20  	"docking_fee":                                     12,
    21  	"office_rental_fee":                               13,
    22  	"factory_slot_rental_fee":                         14,
    23  	"repair_bill":                                     15,
    24  	"bounty":                                          16,
    25  	"bounty_prize":                                    17,
    26  	"insurance":                                       19,
    27  	"mission_expiration":                              20,
    28  	"mission_completion":                              21,
    29  	"shares":                                          22,
    30  	"courier_mission_escrow":                          23,
    31  	"mission_cost":                                    24,
    32  	"agent_miscellaneous":                             25,
    33  	"lp_store":                                        26,
    34  	"agent_location_services":                         27,
    35  	"agent_donation":                                  28,
    36  	"agent_security_services":                         29,
    37  	"agent_mission_collateral_paid":                   30,
    38  	"agent_mission_collateral_refunded":               31,
    39  	"agents_preward":                                  32,
    40  	"agent_mission_reward":                            33,
    41  	"agent_mission_time_bonus_reward":                 34,
    42  	"cspa":                                            35,
    43  	"cspaofflinerefund":                               36,
    44  	"corporation_account_withdrawal":                  37,
    45  	"corporation_dividend_payment":                    38,
    46  	"corporation_registration_fee":                    39,
    47  	"corporation_logo_change_cost":                    40,
    48  	"release_of_impounded_property":                   41,
    49  	"market_escrow":                                   42,
    50  	"agent_services_rendered":                         43,
    51  	"market_fine_paid":                                44,
    52  	"corporation_liquidation":                         45,
    53  	"brokers_fee":                                     46,
    54  	"corporation_bulk_payment":                        47,
    55  	"alliance_registration_fee":                       48,
    56  	"war_fee":                                         49,
    57  	"alliance_maintainance_fee":                       50,
    58  	"contraband_fine":                                 51,
    59  	"clone_transfer":                                  52,
    60  	"acceleration_gate_fee":                           53,
    61  	"transaction_tax":                                 54,
    62  	"jump_clone_installation_fee":                     55,
    63  	"manufacturing":                                   56,
    64  	"researching_technology":                          57,
    65  	"researching_time_productivity":                   58,
    66  	"researching_material_productivity":               59,
    67  	"copying":                                         60,
    68  	"reverse_engineering":                             62,
    69  	"contract_auction_bid":                            63,
    70  	"contract_auction_bid_refund":                     64,
    71  	"contract_collateral":                             65,
    72  	"contract_reward_refund":                          66,
    73  	"contract_auction_sold":                           67,
    74  	"contract_reward":                                 68,
    75  	"contract_collateral_refund":                      69,
    76  	"contract_collateral_payout":                      70,
    77  	"contract_price":                                  71,
    78  	"contract_brokers_fee":                            72,
    79  	"contract_sales_tax":                              73,
    80  	"contract_deposit":                                74,
    81  	"contract_deposit_sales_tax":                      75,
    82  	"contract_auction_bid_corp":                       77,
    83  	"contract_collateral_deposited_corp":              78,
    84  	"contract_price_payment_corp":                     79,
    85  	"contract_brokers_fee_corp":                       80,
    86  	"contract_deposit_corp":                           81,
    87  	"contract_deposit_refund":                         82,
    88  	"contract_reward_deposited":                       83,
    89  	"contract_reward_deposited_corp":                  84,
    90  	"bounty_prizes":                                   85,
    91  	"advertisement_listing_fee":                       86,
    92  	"medal_creation":                                  87,
    93  	"medal_issued":                                    88,
    94  	"dna_modification_fee":                            90,
    95  	"sovereignity_bill":                               91,
    96  	"bounty_prize_corporation_tax":                    92,
    97  	"agent_mission_reward_corporation_tax":            93,
    98  	"agent_mission_time_bonus_reward_corporation_tax": 94,
    99  	"upkeep_adjustment_fee":                           95,
   100  	"planetary_import_tax":                            96,
   101  	"planetary_export_tax":                            97,
   102  	"planetary_construction":                          98,
   103  	"corporate_reward_payout":                         99,
   104  	"bounty_surcharge":                                101,
   105  	"contract_reversal":                               102,
   106  	"corporate_reward_tax":                            103,
   107  	"store_purchase":                                  106,
   108  	"store_purchase_refund":                           107,
   109  	"datacore_fee":                                    112,
   110  	"war_fee_surrender":                               113,
   111  	"war_ally_contract":                               114,
   112  	"bounty_reimbursement":                            115,
   113  	"kill_right_fee":                                  116,
   114  	"security_processing_fee":                         117,
   115  	"industry_job_tax":                                120,
   116  	"infrastructure_hub_maintenance":                  122,
   117  	"asset_safety_recovery_tax":                       123,
   118  	"opportunity_reward":                              124,
   119  	"project_discovery_reward":                        125,
   120  	"project_discovery_tax":                           126,
   121  	"reprocessing_tax":                                127,
   122  	"jump_clone_activation_fee":                       128,
   123  	"operation_bonus":                                 129,
   124  	"resource_wars_reward":                            131,
   125  	"duel_wager_escrow":                               132,
   126  	"duel_wager_payment":                              133,
   127  	"duel_wager_refund":                               134,
   128  	"reaction":                                        135,
   129  	"undefined":                                       0,
   130  	"atm_withdraw":                                    4,
   131  	"atm_deposit":                                     5,
   132  	"backward_compatible":                             6,
   133  	"agents_temporary":                                18,
   134  	"duplicating":                                     61,
   135  	"secure_eve_time_code_exchange":                   76,
   136  	"contract_auction_bid_(corp)":                     77,
   137  	"contract_collateral_deposited_(corp)":            78,
   138  	"contract_price_payment_(corp)":                   79,
   139  	"contract_brokers_fee_(corp)":                     80,
   140  	"contract_deposit_(corp)":                         81,
   141  	"contract_reward_deposited_(corp)":                84,
   142  	"betting":                                         89,
   143  	"plex_sold_for_aurum":                             108,
   144  	"lottery_give_away":                               109,
   145  	"aurum_token_exchanged_for_aur":                   111,
   146  	"escrow_for_industry_team_auction":                118,
   147  	"reimbursement_of_escrow":                         119,
   148  	"modify_isk":                                      10001,
   149  	"primary_marketplace_purchase":                    10002,
   150  	"battle_reward":                                   10003,
   151  	"new_character_starting_funds":                    10004,
   152  	"corporation_account_deposit":                     10006,
   153  	"battle_wp_win_reward":                            10007,
   154  	"battle_wp_loss_reward":                           10008,
   155  	"battle_win_reward":                               10009,
   156  	"battle_loss_reward":                              10010,
   157  	"reset_isk_for_character_reset":                   10011,
   158  	"district_contract_deposit":                       10012,
   159  	"district_contract_deposit_refund":                10013,
   160  	"district_contract_collateral":                    10014,
   161  	"district_contract_collateral_refund":             10015,
   162  	"district_contract_reward":                        10016,
   163  	"district_clone_transportation":                   10017,
   164  	"district_clone_transportation_refund":            10018,
   165  	"district_infrastructure":                         10019,
   166  	"district_clone_sales":                            10020,
   167  	"district_clone_purchase":                         10021,
   168  	"biomass_reward":                                  10022,
   169  	"isk_swap_reward":                                 10023,
   170  	"modify_aur":                                      11001,
   171  	"respec_payment":                                  11002,
   172  	"entitlement":                                     11003,
   173  	"reset_reimbursement":                             11004,
   174  	"reset_aur_for_character_reset":                   11005,
   175  	"daily_mission_cp":                                12001,
   176  	"warbarge_cp":                                     12002,
   177  	"donate_cp":                                       12003,
   178  	"use_cp_for_clone_packs":                          12004,
   179  	"use_cp_for_moving_clones":                        12005,
   180  	"use_cp_for_selling_clones":                       12006,
   181  	"use_cp_for_changing_reinforcement":               12007,
   182  	"use_cp_for_changing_surface_infrastructure":      12008,
   183  	"daily_mission_dk":                                13001,
   184  	"planetary_conquest_dk":                           13002,
   185  	"use_dk_for_purchasing_items":                     13003,
   186  	"use_dk_for_rerolling_market":                     13004,
   187  	"selling_clones_dk":                               13005,
   188  }