
     1  from glob import glob
     2  from os import getcwd, chdir, path
     4  import tyk
     5  from tyk.middleware import TykMiddleware
     6  from tyk.object import TykCoProcessObject
     7  from tyk.event import TykEvent
     9  from gateway import TykGateway as tyk
    11  import sys
    12  def except_hook(type, value, traceback):
    13      tyk.log_error("{0}".format(value))
    15  sys.excepthook = except_hook
    17  class TykDispatcher:
    18      '''A simple dispatcher'''
    20      def __init__(self, bundle_root_path):
    21          tyk.log("Initializing dispatcher", "info")
    22          self.bundle_root_path = bundle_root_path
    23          self.bundles = []
    24          self.hook_table = {}
    26      def find_bundle(self, bundle_id):
    27          found = None
    28          for bundle in self.bundles:
    29              if bundle.bundle_id == bundle_id:
    30                  found = bundle
    31                  break
    32          return found
    34      def load_bundle(self, bundle_path):
    35          path_splits = bundle_path.split('/')
    36          bundle_id = path_splits[-1]
    37          bundle = self.find_bundle(bundle_id)
    38          if not bundle:
    39              bundle = TykMiddleware(bundle_id, bundle_root_path=self.bundle_root_path)
    40              self.bundles.append(bundle)
    41          self.update_hook_table(with_bundle=bundle)
    43      def update_hook_table(self, with_bundle=None):
    44          new_hook_table = {}
    45          # Disable any previous bundle associated with an API:
    46          if with_bundle:
    47              # First check if this API exists in the hook table:
    48              hooks = {}
    49              if with_bundle.api_id in self.hook_table:
    50                  hooks = self.hook_table[with_bundle.api_id]
    51              if len(hooks) > 0:
    52                  # Pick the first hook and get the current bundle:
    53                  bundle_in_use = list(hooks.values())[0].middleware
    54                  # If the bundle is already in use, skip the hook table update:
    55                  if bundle_in_use.bundle_id == with_bundle.bundle_id:
    56                      return
    57              self.hook_table[with_bundle.api_id] = with_bundle.build_hooks_and_event_handlers()
    59      def find_hook(self, api_id, hook_name):
    60          hooks = self.hook_table.get(api_id)
    61          # TODO: handle this situation and also nonexistent hooks
    62          if not hooks:
    63              raise Exception('No hooks defined for API: {0}'.format(api_id))
    65          hook = hooks.get(hook_name)
    66          if hook:
    67              return hook.middleware, hook
    68          else:
    69              raise Exception('Hook is not defined: {0}'.format(hook_name))
    71      def dispatch_hook(self, object_msg):
    72          object = TykCoProcessObject(object_msg)
    73          api_id = object.spec['APIID']
    74          middleware, hook_handler = self.find_hook(api_id, object.hook_name)
    75          try:
    76              object = middleware.process(hook_handler, object)
    77          except Exception as e:
    78              raise Exception("Hook '{0}' returned an error: {1}".format(object.hook_name, e))
    79          return object.dump()
    81      def dispatch_event(self, event_json):
    82          try:
    83              event = TykEvent(event_json)
    84              api_id = event.spec['APIID']
    85              middleware, hook_handler = self.find_hook(api_id, event.handler_name)
    86              middleware.process(hook_handler, event)
    87          except Exception as e:
    88              raise Exception("Couldn't dispatch '{0}' event: {1}", event.handler_name, e)
    90      def reload(self):
    91          tyk.log("Reloading event handlers and middlewares.", "info")