
     1  name: Test
     3  on:
     4    push:
     5      branches:
     6      - master
     7    pull_request:
     9  jobs:
    10    test:
    11      if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[ci skip tests]')"
    12      runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
    13      env:
    14        GO111MODULE: on
    15        GOFLAGS: "-mod=vendor"
    16        COVERAGE: "true"
    17        REDIS_URL: "redis://localhost:6379/2"
    18      services:
    19        redis:
    20          image: redis:7.0-alpine
    21          ports: ["6379:6379"]
    22          options: --health-cmd="redis-cli ping" --health-interval 1s --health-timeout 3s --health-retries 30
    23      steps:
    24      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
    25      - name: Install system deps
    26        run: |
    27          sudo apt-get update
    28          sudo apt-get install bison
    29      - uses: actions/cache@v1
    30        with:
    31          path: vendor
    32          key: vendor-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum') }}
    33          restore-keys: |
    34            vendor-
    35      - run: go mod vendor
    36      - name: Build mruby
    37        run: bash -c '(cd vendor/ && MRUBY_CONFIG=../../../../../../etc/build_config.rb make libmruby.a)'
    38      - uses: actions/setup-go@v4
    39        with:
    40          go-version-file: go.mod
    41      - name: Run tests
    42        run: make test
    43      - name: Report coverage
    44        uses: coverallsapp/github-action@v2
    45        with:
    46          file: coverage.out
    47          parallel: true
    48          flag-name: ${{ matrix.go-version }}-ubuntu
    49      - name: Build
    50        run: |
    51          make build
    52      - name: Upload linux build
    53        if: (github.ref == 'refs/head/master' || contains(github.event.pull_request.body, '[Build]'))
    54        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
    55        with:
    56          name: anycable-go-Linux-x86_64
    57          path: dist/anycable-go
    59    test-macos:
    60      if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[ci skip tests]')"
    61      runs-on: macos-latest
    62      env:
    63        GO111MODULE: on
    64        GOFLAGS: "-mod=vendor"
    65        COVERAGE: "true"
    66      steps:
    67      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
    68      - uses: actions/setup-go@v4
    69        with:
    70          go-version-file: go.mod
    71      - name: Install system deps
    72        run: |
    73          brew install bison
    74      - uses: actions/cache@v3
    75        with:
    76          path: vendor
    77          key: vendor-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum') }}
    78          restore-keys: |
    79            vendor-
    80      - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
    81        with:
    82          # Use <3.0 since go-mruby's Rakefile has some problems with keyword arguments compatibility
    83          ruby-version: 2.7
    84          bundler-cache: true
    85      - run: go mod vendor
    86      - name: Build mruby
    87        run: bash -c '(cd vendor/ && MRUBY_CONFIG=../../../../../../etc/build_config.rb make libmruby.a)'
    88      - name: Run tests
    89        run: make test
    90      - name: Report coverage
    91        uses: coverallsapp/github-action@v2
    92        with:
    93          file: coverage.out
    94          parallel: true
    95          flag-name: ${{ matrix.go-version }}-macos
    96      - name: Build
    97        run: |
    98          make build
    99      - name: Upload MacOS build
   100        if: (github.ref == 'refs/head/master' || contains(github.event.pull_request.body, '[Build]'))
   101        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
   102        with:
   103          name: anycable-go-Darwin-x86_64
   104          path: dist/anycable-go
   106    test-conformance:
   107      if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[ci skip tests]')"
   108      needs: [test, test-macos]
   109      strategy:
   110        matrix:
   111          test_command:
   112            - benchmarks
   113            - test-features
   114            - test-conformance
   115            - test-conformance-http
   116            - test-conformance-nats
   117            - test-conformance-nats-embedded
   118            - test-conformance-ssl
   119            - test-conformance-broker-http
   120            - test-conformance-broker-redis
   121            - test-conformance-broker-nats
   122            - test-conformance-embedded
   123      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   124      env:
   125        GO111MODULE: on
   126        GOFLAGS: "-mod=vendor"
   127        BUILD_ARGS: "-race"
   128        GORACE: "halt_on_error=1"
   129        COVERAGE: "true"
   130        GOCOVERDIR: "_icoverdir_"
   131        BUNDLE_PATH: ./vendor/bundle
   132        # Specify REDIS_URL explicitly, so Makefile doesn't check the presence of Redis
   133        REDIS_URL: redis://localhost:6379/
   134        ANYCABLE_DISABLE_TELEMETRY: "true"
   135      services:
   136        redis:
   137          image: redis:6.2-alpine
   138          ports: ["6379:6379"]
   139          options: --health-cmd="redis-cli ping" --health-interval 1s --health-timeout 3s --health-retries 30
   140        nats:
   141          image: nats:alpine
   142          ports: ["4222:4222"]
   143      steps:
   144      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
   145      - uses: actions/setup-go@v4
   146        with:
   147          go-version-file: go.mod
   148      - name: Install system deps
   149        run: |
   150          sudo apt-get update
   151          sudo apt-get install bison
   152      - uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
   153        with:
   154          # Use <3.0 since go-mruby's Rakefile has some problems with keyword arguments compatibility
   155          ruby-version: 2.7
   156          bundler-cache: true
   157      - uses: actions/cache@v3
   158        with:
   159          path: vendor
   160          key: vendor-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum') }}
   161          restore-keys: |
   162            vendor-
   163      - run: go mod vendor
   164      - name: Build mruby
   165        run: bash -c '(cd vendor/ && MRUBY_CONFIG=../../../../../../etc/build_config.rb make libmruby.a)'
   166      - name: Install websocket-bench & gops
   167        if: matrix.test_command == 'benchmarks'
   168        env:
   169          GO111MODULE: off
   170        run: |
   171          go get -u
   172          go get -u
   173      - name: Run tests
   174        run: |
   175          bundle install
   176          mkdir _icoverdir_
   177          make ${{ matrix.test_command }}
   178      - name: Format coverage
   179        continue-on-error: true
   180        run: |
   181          go tool covdata textfmt -i _icoverdir_ -o coverage.out
   182      - name: Check if has coverage?
   183        id: coverage
   184        run: |
   185          if [ -s coverage.out ]; then
   186            echo "coverage found"
   187            echo "COVERAGE=yes" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
   188          else
   189            echo "no coverage found"
   190            echo "COVERAGE=no" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
   191          fi
   192      - name: Report coverage
   193        if: steps.coverage.outputs.COVERAGE == 'yes'
   194        uses: coverallsapp/github-action@v2
   195        with:
   196          file: coverage.out
   197          parallel: true
   198          format: golang
   199          flag-name: integration-${{ matrix.test_command }}
   201    coverage:
   202      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   203      needs: [test, test-macos, test-conformance]
   204      steps:
   205        - uses: coverallsapp/github-action@v2
   206          with:
   207            parallel-finished: true