
     1  // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
     2  // or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
     3  // distributed with this work for additional information
     4  // regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
     5  // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
     6  // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
     7  // with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8  //
     9  //
    10  //
    11  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15  // limitations under the License.
    17  package hashing
    19  import (
    20    ""
    21    ""
    22  )
    24  {{range .In}}
    25  type payload{{.Name}} struct {
    26  	val     {{.name}}
    27  	memoIdx int32
    28  }
    30  type entry{{.Name}} struct {
    31  	h       uint64
    32  	payload payload{{.Name}}
    33  }
    35  func (e entry{{.Name}}) Valid() bool { return e.h != sentinel }
    37  // {{.Name}}HashTable is a hashtable specifically for {{.name}} that
    38  // is utilized with the MemoTable to generalize interactions for easier
    39  // implementation of dictionaries without losing performance.
    40  type {{.Name}}HashTable struct {
    41  	cap     uint64
    42  	capMask uint64
    43  	size    uint64
    45  	entries []entry{{.Name}}
    46  }
    48  // New{{.Name}}HashTable returns a new hash table for {{.name}} values
    49  // initialized with the passed in capacity or 32 whichever is larger.
    50  func New{{.Name}}HashTable(cap uint64) *{{.Name}}HashTable {
    51  	initCap := uint64(bitutil.NextPowerOf2(int(max(cap, 32))))
    52  	ret := &{{.Name}}HashTable{cap: initCap, capMask: initCap - 1, size: 0}
    53  	ret.entries = make([]entry{{.Name}}, initCap)
    54  	return ret
    55  }
    57  // Reset drops all of the values in this hash table and re-initializes it
    58  // with the specified initial capacity as if by calling New, but without having
    59  // to reallocate the object.
    60  func (h *{{.Name}}HashTable) Reset(cap uint64) {
    61  	h.cap = uint64(bitutil.NextPowerOf2(int(max(cap, 32))))
    62  	h.capMask = h.cap - 1
    63  	h.size = 0
    64  	h.entries = make([]entry{{.Name}}, h.cap)
    65  }
    67  // CopyValues is used for copying the values out of the hash table into the
    68  // passed in slice, in the order that they were first inserted
    69  func (h *{{.Name}}HashTable) CopyValues(out []{{.name}}) {
    70    h.CopyValuesSubset(0, out)
    71  }
    73  // CopyValuesSubset copies a subset of the values in the hashtable out, starting
    74  // with the value at start, in the order that they were inserted.
    75  func (h *{{.Name}}HashTable) CopyValuesSubset(start int, out []{{.name}}) {
    76    h.VisitEntries(func(e *entry{{.Name}}) {
    77      idx := e.payload.memoIdx - int32(start)
    78      if idx >= 0 {
    79        out[idx] = e.payload.val
    80      }
    81    })
    82  }
    84  func (h *{{.Name}}HashTable) WriteOut(out []byte) {
    85    h.WriteOutSubset(0, out)
    86  }
    88  func (h *{{.Name}}HashTable) WriteOutSubset(start int, out []byte) {
    89    data := arrow.{{.Name}}Traits.CastFromBytes(out)
    90    h.VisitEntries(func(e *entry{{.Name}}) {
    91      idx := e.payload.memoIdx - int32(start)
    92      if idx >= 0 {
    93        data[idx] = utils.ToLE{{.Name}}(e.payload.val)
    94      }
    95    })
    96  }
    98  func (h *{{.Name}}HashTable) needUpsize() bool { return h.size*uint64(loadFactor) >= h.cap }
   100  func ({{.Name}}HashTable) fixHash(v uint64) uint64 {
   101  	if v == sentinel {
   102  		return 42
   103  	}
   104  	return v
   105  }
   107  // Lookup retrieves the entry for a given hash value assuming it's payload value returns
   108  // true when passed to the cmp func. Returns a pointer to the entry for the given hash value,
   109  // and a boolean as to whether it was found. It is not safe to use the pointer if the bool is false.
   110  func (h *{{.Name}}HashTable) Lookup(v uint64, cmp func({{.name}}) bool) (*entry{{.Name}}, bool) {
   111  	idx, ok := h.lookup(v, h.capMask, cmp)
   112  	return &h.entries[idx], ok
   113  }
   115  func (h *{{.Name}}HashTable) lookup(v uint64, szMask uint64, cmp func({{.name}}) bool) (uint64, bool) {
   116  	const perturbShift uint8 = 5
   118  	var (
   119  		idx     uint64
   120  		perturb uint64
   121  		e       *entry{{.Name}}
   122  	)
   124  	v = h.fixHash(v)
   125  	idx = v & szMask
   126  	perturb = (v >> uint64(perturbShift)) + 1
   128  	for {
   129  		e = &h.entries[idx]
   130  		if e.h == v && cmp(e.payload.val) {
   131  			return idx, true
   132  		}
   134  		if e.h == sentinel {
   135  			return idx, false
   136  		}
   138  		// perturbation logic inspired from CPython's set/dict object
   139  		// the goal is that all 64 bits of unmasked hash value eventually
   140  		// participate int he probing sequence, to minimize clustering
   141  		idx = (idx + perturb) & szMask
   142  		perturb = (perturb >> uint64(perturbShift)) + 1
   143  	}
   144  }
   146  func (h *{{.Name}}HashTable) upsize(newcap uint64) error {
   147  	newMask := newcap - 1
   149  	oldEntries := h.entries
   150  	h.entries = make([]entry{{.Name}}, newcap)
   151  	for _, e := range oldEntries {
   152  		if e.Valid() {
   153  			idx, _ := h.lookup(e.h, newMask, func({{.name}}) bool { return false })
   154  			h.entries[idx] = e
   155  		}
   156  	}
   157  	h.cap = newcap
   158  	h.capMask = newMask
   159  	return nil
   160  }
   162  // Insert updates the given entry with the provided hash value, payload value and memo index.
   163  // The entry pointer must have been retrieved via lookup in order to actually insert properly.
   164  func (h *{{.Name}}HashTable) Insert(e *entry{{.Name}}, v uint64, val {{.name}}, memoIdx int32) error {
   165  	e.h = h.fixHash(v)
   166  	e.payload.val = val
   167  	e.payload.memoIdx = memoIdx
   168  	h.size++
   170  	if h.needUpsize() {
   171  		h.upsize(h.cap * uint64(loadFactor) * 2)
   172  	}
   173  	return nil
   174  }
   176  // VisitEntries will call the passed in function on each *valid* entry in the hash table,
   177  // a valid entry being one which has had a value inserted into it.
   178  func (h *{{.Name}}HashTable) VisitEntries(visit func(*entry{{.Name}})) {
   179  	for _, e := range h.entries {
   180  		if e.Valid() {
   181  			visit(&e)
   182  		}
   183  	}
   184  }
   186  // {{.Name}}MemoTable is a wrapper over the appropriate hashtable to provide an interface
   187  // conforming to the MemoTable interface defined in the encoding package for general interactions
   188  // regarding dictionaries.
   189  type {{.Name}}MemoTable struct {
   190    tbl *{{.Name}}HashTable
   191    nullIdx int32
   192  }
   194  // New{{.Name}}MemoTable returns a new memotable with num entries pre-allocated to reduce further
   195  // allocations when inserting.
   196  func New{{.Name}}MemoTable(num int64) *{{.Name}}MemoTable {
   197    return &{{.Name}}MemoTable{tbl: New{{.Name}}HashTable(uint64(num)), nullIdx: KeyNotFound}
   198  }
   200  // Reset allows this table to be re-used by dumping all the data currently in the table.
   201  func (s *{{.Name}}MemoTable) Reset() {
   202    s.tbl.Reset(32)
   203    s.nullIdx = KeyNotFound
   204  }
   206  // Size returns the current number of inserted elements into the table including if a null
   207  // has been inserted.
   208  func (s *{{.Name}}MemoTable) Size() int {
   209    sz := int(s.tbl.size)
   210    if _, ok := s.GetNull(); ok {
   211      sz++
   212    }
   213    return sz
   214  }
   216  // GetNull returns the index of an inserted null or KeyNotFound along with a bool
   217  // that will be true if found and false if not.
   218  func (s *{{.Name}}MemoTable) GetNull() (int, bool) {
   219    return int(s.nullIdx), s.nullIdx != KeyNotFound
   220  }
   222  // GetOrInsertNull will return the index of the null entry or insert a null entry
   223  // if one currently doesn't exist. The found value will be true if there was already
   224  // a null in the table, and false if it inserted one.
   225  func (s *{{.Name}}MemoTable) GetOrInsertNull() (idx int, found bool) {
   226    idx, found = s.GetNull()
   227    if !found {
   228      idx = s.Size()
   229      s.nullIdx = int32(idx)
   230    }
   231    return
   232  }
   234  // CopyValues will copy the values from the memo table out into the passed in slice
   235  // which must be of the appropriate type.
   236  func (s *{{.Name}}MemoTable) CopyValues(out interface{}) {
   237    s.CopyValuesSubset(0, out)
   238  }
   240  // CopyValuesSubset is like CopyValues but only copies a subset of values starting
   241  // at the provided start index
   242  func (s *{{.Name}}MemoTable) CopyValuesSubset(start int, out interface{}) {
   243    s.tbl.CopyValuesSubset(start, out.([]{{.name}}))
   244  }
   246  func (s *{{.Name}}MemoTable) WriteOut(out []byte) {
   247    s.tbl.WriteOut(out)
   248  }
   250  func (s *{{.Name}}MemoTable) WriteOutSubset(start int, out []byte) {
   251    s.tbl.WriteOutSubset(start, out)
   252  }
   254  // Get returns the index of the requested value in the hash table or KeyNotFound
   255  // along with a boolean indicating if it was found or not.
   256  func (s *{{.Name}}MemoTable) Get(val interface{}) (int, bool) {
   257  {{if or (eq .Name "Int32") (eq .Name "Int64") }}
   258    h := hashInt(uint64(val.({{.name}})), 0)
   259    if e, ok := s.tbl.Lookup(h, func(v {{.name}}) bool { return val.({{.name}}) == v }); ok {
   260  {{ else -}}
   261    var cmp func({{.name}}) bool
   262    {{if eq .Name "Float32"}}
   263    if math.IsNaN(float64(val.(float32))) {
   264      cmp = isNan32Cmp
   265      // use consistent internal bit pattern for NaN regardless of the pattern
   266      // that is passed to us. NaN is NaN is NaN
   267      val = float32(math.NaN())
   268    {{ else -}}
   269    if math.IsNaN(val.(float64)) {
   270      cmp = math.IsNaN
   271      // use consistent internal bit pattern for NaN regardless of the pattern
   272      // that is passed to us. NaN is NaN is NaN
   273      val = math.NaN()
   274    {{end -}}
   275    } else {
   276      cmp = func(v {{.name}}) bool { return val.({{.name}}) == v }
   277    }
   279    h := hash{{.Name}}(val.({{.name}}), 0)  
   280    if e, ok := s.tbl.Lookup(h, cmp); ok {
   281  {{ end -}}
   282      return int(e.payload.memoIdx), ok
   283    }
   284    return KeyNotFound, false
   285  }
   287  // GetOrInsert will return the index of the specified value in the table, or insert the
   288  // value into the table and return the new index. found indicates whether or not it already
   289  // existed in the table (true) or was inserted by this call (false).
   290  func (s *{{.Name}}MemoTable) GetOrInsert(val interface{}) (idx int, found bool, err error) {
   291    {{if or (eq .Name "Int32") (eq .Name "Int64") }}
   292    h := hashInt(uint64(val.({{.name}})), 0)
   293    e, ok := s.tbl.Lookup(h, func(v {{.name}}) bool {
   294      return val.({{.name}}) == v
   295    })
   296  {{ else }}  
   297    var cmp func({{.name}}) bool
   298    {{if eq .Name "Float32"}}
   299    if math.IsNaN(float64(val.(float32))) {
   300      cmp = isNan32Cmp
   301      // use consistent internal bit pattern for NaN regardless of the pattern
   302      // that is passed to us. NaN is NaN is NaN
   303      val = float32(math.NaN()) 
   304    {{ else -}}
   305    if math.IsNaN(val.(float64)) {  
   306      cmp = math.IsNaN
   307      // use consistent internal bit pattern for NaN regardless of the pattern
   308      // that is passed to us. NaN is NaN is NaN
   309      val = math.NaN()
   310    {{end -}}
   311    } else {
   312      cmp = func(v {{.name}}) bool { return val.({{.name}}) == v }
   313    }
   315    h := hash{{.Name}}(val.({{.name}}), 0)
   316    e, ok := s.tbl.Lookup(h, cmp)
   317  {{ end }}
   318    if ok {
   319      idx = int(e.payload.memoIdx)
   320      found = true
   321    } else {
   322      idx = s.Size()
   323      s.tbl.Insert(e, h, val.({{.name}}), int32(idx))
   324    }
   325    return
   326  }
   327  {{end}}