
     1  // Copyright 2012-2016 Apcera Inc. All rights reserved.
     3  package tarhelper
     5  import (
     6  	"archive/tar"
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"io"
     9  	"os"
    10  	"os/user"
    11  	"path/filepath"
    12  	"runtime"
    13  	"strconv"
    14  	"strings"
    15  	"syscall"
    16  )
    18  // The type of compression that this archive will be us
    19  type Compression string
    21  const (
    22  	NONE   = Compression("")
    23  	BZIP2  = Compression("bzip2")
    24  	GZIP   = Compression("gzip")
    25  	DETECT = Compression("detect")
    27  	WindowsMaxPathLen = 260 // characters
    28  )
    30  // UntarCustomHandler are used to inject custom behavior for handling in a tar
    31  // file. For more information, see Untar.CustomerHandlers description.
    32  type UntarCustomHandler func(rootpath string, header *tar.Header, reader io.Reader) (bool, error)
    34  type resolvedLink struct {
    35  	src string
    36  	dst string
    37  }
    39  // Untar manages state of a TAR archive to be extracted.
    40  type Untar struct {
    41  	// The directory that the files will be extracted into. This will
    42  	// be the root for all paths contained within the tar file.
    43  	target string
    45  	// The source reader.
    46  	source io.Reader
    48  	// A list of currently resolved links. This is used to ensure when creating
    49  	// a file that follows through a symlink, we create the file relative to the
    50  	// location of the AbsoluteRoot.
    51  	resolvedLinks []resolvedLink
    53  	// The AbsoluteRoot is intended to be the root of the target and allows us
    54  	// to create files that follow through links that are absolute paths, but
    55  	// ensure the file is created relative to the AbsoluteRoot and not the root
    56  	// on the host system.
    57  	AbsoluteRoot string
    59  	// The Compression being used in this tar.
    60  	Compression Compression
    62  	// The archive/tar reader that we will use to extract each
    63  	// element from the tar file. This will be set when Extract()
    64  	// is called.
    65  	archive *tar.Reader
    67  	// Set to true if extraction should attempt to preserve
    68  	// permissions as recorded in the tar file. If this is false then
    69  	// files will be created with a default of 755 for directories and 644
    70  	// for files.
    71  	PreservePermissions bool
    73  	// Set to true if extraction should attempt to restore owners of files
    74  	// and directories from the archive.  Any Uid/Gid over 500 will be set
    75  	// to the MappedUserID/MappedGroupID setting.  If this is set to false
    76  	// it will default to all files going to the MappedUserID/MappedGroupID.
    77  	PreserveOwners bool
    79  	// SkipSpecialDevices can be used to skip extracting special devices defiend
    80  	// within the tarball. This includes things like character or block devices.
    81  	SkipSpecialDevices bool
    83  	// The default UID to set files with an owner over 500 to. If PreserveOwners
    84  	// is false, this will be the UID assigned for all files in the archive.
    85  	// This defaults to the UID of the current running user.
    86  	MappedUserID int
    88  	// The default GID to set files with an owner over 500 to. If PreserveOwners
    89  	// is false, this will be the GID assigned for all files in the archive.
    90  	// This defaults to the GID of the current running user.
    91  	MappedGroupID int
    93  	// IncludedPermissionMask is combined with the uploaded file mask as a way to
    94  	// ensure a base level of permissions for all objects.
    95  	IncludedPermissionMask os.FileMode
    97  	// PathWhitelist provides a list of files that will only be extracted from the
    98  	// provided tarball. If PathWhitelist is not set, then all files will be
    99  	// allowed. If it is set, then only files matching the specified files
   100  	// (/etc/file) or directories (/etc/dir/) will be allowed.
   101  	PathWhitelist []string
   103  	// OwnerMappingFunc is used to give the caller the ability to control the
   104  	// mapping of UIDs in the tar into what they should be on the host. It is only
   105  	// used when PreserveOwners is true. The function is passed in the UID of the
   106  	// file being extracted and is expected to return a UID to use for the actual
   107  	// file. It can also return an error if it is unable to choose a UID or the
   108  	// UID is not allowed.
   109  	OwnerMappingFunc func(int) (int, error)
   111  	// GroupMappingFunc is used to give the caller the ability to control the
   112  	// mapping of GIDs in the tar into what they should be on the host. It is only
   113  	// used when PreserveOwners is true. The function is passed in the GID of the
   114  	// file being extracted and is expected to return a GID to use for the actual
   115  	// file. It can also return an error if it is unable to choose a GID or the
   116  	// GID is not allowed.
   117  	GroupMappingFunc func(int) (int, error)
   119  	// CustomHandlers is used to allow the code calling tarhelper to inject custom
   120  	// logic for how to handle certain entries within the tar file. The Untar
   121  	// handler will loop over and call to these functions. They return a boolean
   122  	// which should be true when the built in logic for handling the tar entry
   123  	// should be skipped. They also return an error which will cause the untar
   124  	// function to abort and bubble up the handler's error. The functions are
   125  	// passed the root path where the tar is being extracted on disk, the
   126  	// *tar.Header entry, and an io.Reader to the entry's contents (if it is a
   127  	// file).
   128  	CustomHandlers []UntarCustomHandler
   129  }
   131  // NewUntar returns an Untar to use to extract the contents of r into targetDir.
   132  // Extraction is handled by Extract().
   133  func NewUntar(r io.Reader, targetDir string) *Untar {
   134  	u := &Untar{
   135  		source:              r,
   136  		target:              targetDir,
   137  		PreservePermissions: true,
   138  		PreserveOwners:      false,
   139  		AbsoluteRoot:        "/",
   140  		resolvedLinks:       make([]resolvedLink, 0),
   141  		OwnerMappingFunc:    defaultMappingFunc,
   142  		GroupMappingFunc:    defaultMappingFunc,
   143  	}
   145  	// loop up the current user for mapping of files
   146  	// only do it if err != nil
   147  	if usr, err := user.Current(); err != nil {
   148  		if usr == nil {
   149  			u.MappedUserID = 500
   150  			u.MappedGroupID = 500
   151  		} else {
   152  			if u.MappedUserID, err = strconv.Atoi(usr.Uid); err != nil {
   153  				u.MappedUserID = 500
   154  			}
   155  			if u.MappedGroupID, err = strconv.Atoi(usr.Gid); err != nil {
   156  				u.MappedGroupID = 500
   157  			}
   158  		}
   159  	} else {
   160  		u.MappedUserID = 500
   161  		u.MappedGroupID = 500
   162  	}
   164  	return u
   165  }
   167  // Extract unpacks the tar reader that was passed into New(). This is
   168  // broken out from new to give the caller time to set various
   169  // settings in the Untar object.
   170  func (u *Untar) Extract() error {
   171  	// check for detect mode before the main setup, we'll change compression
   172  	// to the intended type and setup a new reader to re-read the header
   173  	switch u.Compression {
   174  	case NONE:
   175  		u.archive = tar.NewReader(u.source)
   177  	case DETECT:
   178  		arch, err := DetectArchiveCompression(u.source)
   179  		if err != nil {
   180  			return err
   181  		}
   182  		u.archive = arch
   184  	default:
   185  		// Look up the compression handler
   186  		comp, exists := decompressorTypes[string(u.Compression)]
   187  		if !exists {
   188  			return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized decompression type %q", u.Compression)
   189  		}
   191  		// Create the reader
   192  		arch, err := comp.NewReader(u.source)
   193  		if err != nil {
   194  			return err
   195  		}
   196  		defer func() {
   197  			if cl, ok := arch.(io.ReadCloser); ok {
   198  				cl.Close()
   199  			}
   200  		}()
   201  		u.archive = tar.NewReader(arch)
   202  	}
   204  	for {
   205  		header, err := u.archive.Next()
   206  		if err == io.EOF {
   207  			// EOF, ok, break to return
   208  			break
   209  		}
   210  		if err != nil {
   211  			// See note on logging above.
   212  			return err
   213  		}
   215  		err = u.processEntry(header)
   216  		if err != nil {
   217  			// See note on logging above.
   218  			return err
   219  		}
   220  	}
   222  	return nil
   223  }
   225  // Checks the security of the given name. Anything that looks
   226  // fishy will be rejected.
   227  func checkName(name string) error {
   228  	if len(name) == 0 {
   229  		return fmt.Errorf("No name given for tar element.")
   230  	}
   231  	comp := strings.Split(name, string(os.PathSeparator))
   232  	if len(comp) > 0 && comp[0] == "" {
   233  		return fmt.Errorf("No absolute paths allowed.")
   234  	}
   235  	for i, c := range comp {
   236  		switch {
   237  		case c == "" && i != len(comp)-1:
   238  			// don't allow an empty name, unless it is the last element... handles
   239  			// cases where we may have "./" come in as the name
   240  			return fmt.Errorf("Empty name in file path.")
   241  		case c == "..":
   242  			return fmt.Errorf("Double dots not allowed in path.")
   243  		}
   244  	}
   245  	return nil
   246  }
   248  // Checks the security of the given link name. Anything that looks fishy
   249  // will be rejected.
   250  func checkLinkName(dest, src, targetBase string) error {
   251  	if len(dest) == 0 {
   252  		return fmt.Errorf("No name given for tar element.")
   253  	}
   254  	return nil
   255  }
   257  // Processes a single header/body combination from the tar
   258  // archive being processed in Extract() above.
   259  func (u *Untar) processEntry(header *tar.Header) error {
   260  	// Check the security of the name being given to us by tar.
   261  	// If the name contains any bad things then we force
   262  	// an error in order to protect ourselves.
   263  	if err := checkName(header.Name); err != nil {
   264  		return err
   265  	}
   267  	// Ensure that the file is allowed against the current whitelist, if one is
   268  	// specified.
   269  	if !u.checkEntryAgainstWhitelist(header) {
   270  		return nil
   271  	}
   273  	name := filepath.Join(, header.Name)
   275  	// resolve the destination and then reset the name based on the resolution
   276  	destDir, err := u.resolveDestination(filepath.Dir(name))
   277  	if err != nil {
   278  		return err
   279  	}
   281  	name = filepath.Join(destDir, filepath.Base(name))
   283  	// The path length of the extracted file might exceed Windows maximum of
   284  	// 260 chars.
   285  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   286  		absPath, err := filepath.Abs(name)
   287  		if err != nil {
   288  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to validate path length of extracted file %q: %v", name, err)
   289  		}
   291  		if len(absPath) > WindowsMaxPathLen {
   292  			return fmt.Errorf("path length of extracted file is %d chars (windows max: %d chars)", len(absPath), WindowsMaxPathLen)
   293  		}
   294  	}
   296  	// look at the type to see how we want to remove existing entries
   297  	switch {
   298  	case header.Typeflag == tar.TypeDir:
   299  		// if we are extracting a directory, we want to see if the directory
   300  		// already exists... if it exists but isn't a directory, we need
   301  		// to remove it
   302  		fi, _ := os.Stat(name)
   303  		if fi != nil {
   304  			if !fi.IsDir() {
   305  				os.RemoveAll(name)
   306  			}
   307  		}
   308  	default:
   309  		os.RemoveAll(name)
   310  	}
   312  	// process the uid/gid ownership
   313  	uid, gid := u.MappedUserID, u.MappedGroupID
   314  	if u.PreserveOwners {
   315  		if uid, err = u.OwnerMappingFunc(header.Uid); err != nil {
   316  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to map UID for file: %v", err)
   317  		}
   318  		if gid, err = u.GroupMappingFunc(header.Gid); err != nil {
   319  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to map GID for file: %v", err)
   320  		}
   321  	}
   322  	header.Uid, header.Gid = uid, gid
   324  	// Loop over custom handlers to see if any of them should be used to process the entry.
   325  	for _, handler := range u.CustomHandlers {
   326  		var reader io.Reader
   327  		if header.Typeflag == tar.TypeReg || header.Typeflag == tar.TypeRegA {
   328  			reader = u.archive
   329  		}
   330  		bypass, err := handler(, header, reader)
   331  		if err != nil {
   332  			return err
   333  		}
   334  		if bypass {
   335  			return nil
   336  		}
   337  	}
   339  	// handle individual types
   340  	switch {
   341  	case header.Typeflag == tar.TypeDir:
   342  		// Handle directories
   343  		// don't return error if it already exists
   344  		mode := os.FileMode(0755)
   345  		if u.PreservePermissions {
   346  			mode = header.FileInfo().Mode() | u.IncludedPermissionMask
   347  		}
   349  		// create the directory
   350  		err := os.MkdirAll(name, mode)
   351  		if err != nil {
   352  			return err
   353  		}
   355  		// Perform a chmod after creation to ensure modes are applied directly,
   356  		// regardless of umask.
   357  		if err := os.Chmod(name, mode); err != nil {
   358  			return err
   359  		}
   361  	case header.Typeflag == tar.TypeSymlink:
   362  		// Handle symlinks
   363  		err := checkLinkName(header.Linkname, name,
   364  		if err != nil {
   365  			return err
   366  		}
   368  		// have seen links to themselves
   369  		if name == header.Linkname {
   370  			break
   371  		}
   373  		// make the link
   374  		if err := os.Symlink(header.Linkname, name); err != nil {
   375  			return err
   376  		}
   378  	case header.Typeflag == tar.TypeLink:
   379  		// handle creation of hard links
   380  		if err := checkLinkName(header.Linkname, name,; err != nil {
   381  			return err
   382  		}
   384  		// find the full path, need to ensure it exists
   385  		link := filepath.Join(, header.Linkname)
   387  		// do the link... no permissions or owners, those carry over
   388  		if err := os.Link(link, name); err != nil {
   389  			return err
   390  		}
   392  	case header.Typeflag == tar.TypeReg || header.Typeflag == tar.TypeRegA:
   393  		flags := os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREATE | os.O_EXCL
   394  		// determine the mode to use
   395  		mode := os.FileMode(0644)
   396  		if u.PreservePermissions {
   397  			mode = header.FileInfo().Mode() | u.IncludedPermissionMask
   398  		}
   400  		// open the file
   401  		f, err := os.OpenFile(name, flags, mode)
   402  		if err != nil {
   403  			return err
   404  		}
   405  		defer f.Close()
   407  		// Perform a chmod after creation to ensure modes are applied directly,
   408  		// regardless of umask.
   409  		if err := os.Chmod(name, mode); err != nil {
   410  			return err
   411  		}
   413  		// SETUID/SETGID needs to be defered...
   414  		// The standard chown call is after handling the files, since we want to
   415  		// just have it one place, and after the file exists.  However, chown
   416  		// will clear the setuid/setgid bit on a file.
   417  		if header.Mode&c_ISUID != 0 {
   418  			defer lazyChmod(name, os.ModeSetuid)
   419  		}
   420  		if header.Mode&c_ISGID != 0 {
   421  			defer lazyChmod(name, os.ModeSetgid)
   422  		}
   424  		// copy the contents
   425  		n, err := io.Copy(f, u.archive)
   426  		if err != nil {
   427  			return err
   428  		} else if n != header.Size {
   429  			return fmt.Errorf("Short write while copying file %s", name)
   430  		}
   432  	case header.Typeflag == tar.TypeBlock || header.Typeflag == tar.TypeChar || header.Typeflag == tar.TypeFifo:
   433  		// check to see if the flag to skip character/block devices is set, and
   434  		// simply return if it is
   435  		if u.SkipSpecialDevices {
   436  			return nil
   437  		}
   439  		// determine how to OR the mode
   440  		devmode := uint32(0)
   441  		switch header.Typeflag {
   442  		case tar.TypeChar:
   443  			devmode = syscall.S_IFCHR
   444  		case tar.TypeBlock:
   445  			devmode = syscall.S_IFBLK
   446  		case tar.TypeFifo:
   447  			devmode = syscall.S_IFIFO
   448  		}
   450  		// determine the mode to use
   451  		mode := os.FileMode(0644)
   452  		if u.PreservePermissions {
   453  			mode = header.FileInfo().Mode() | u.IncludedPermissionMask
   454  		}
   456  		// syscall to mknod
   457  		dev := makedev(header.Devmajor, header.Devminor)
   458  		if err := osMknod(name, devmode|uint32(mode), dev); err != nil {
   459  			return err
   460  		}
   462  		// Perform a chmod after creation to ensure modes are applied directly,
   463  		// regardless of umask.
   464  		if err := os.Chmod(name, mode|os.FileMode(devmode)); err != nil {
   465  			return err
   466  		}
   468  	default:
   469  		return fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized type: %d", header.Typeflag)
   470  	}
   472  	// apply the uid/gid
   473  	switch header.Typeflag {
   474  	case tar.TypeSymlink:
   475  		os.Lchown(name, header.Uid, header.Gid)
   476  	case tar.TypeLink:
   477  		// don't chown on hard links or symlinks. doing this also removes setuid
   478  		// from mode and the hard link will already pick up the same owner
   479  	default:
   480  		os.Chown(name, header.Uid, header.Gid)
   481  	}
   483  	return nil
   484  }
   486  func (u *Untar) resolveDestination(name string) (string, error) {
   487  	pathParts := strings.Split(name, string(os.PathSeparator))
   489  	// On Windows, Split will remove the '\' from "C:\". This would cause
   490  	// Extract to extract to the wrong directory. Here we detect this issue and
   491  	// insert the missing trailing '\' when necessary.
   492  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && filepath.IsAbs(name) {
   493  		pathParts[0] += string(os.PathSeparator)
   494  	}
   496  	// walk the path parts to find at what point the resolvedLinks deviates
   497  	i := 0
   498  	for i, _ = range pathParts {
   499  		if (i < len(u.resolvedLinks)) && pathParts[i] == u.resolvedLinks[i].src {
   500  			continue
   501  		}
   502  		break
   503  	}
   505  	// truncate the slice to only the matching pieces
   506  	u.resolvedLinks = u.resolvedLinks[0:i]
   508  	// special handling for an empty array...
   509  	// normally it begins with the previous dest, but if it is empty we need to
   510  	// start with resolving the first path piece
   511  	if len(u.resolvedLinks) == 0 {
   512  		p := pathParts[i]
   514  		if p == "" {
   515  			// Path shouldn't start empty; resolve it from the root.
   516  			if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   517  				p = filepath.VolumeName(name)
   518  			} else {
   519  				p = string(os.PathSeparator)
   520  			}
   521  		}
   523  		dst, err := u.convertToDestination(p)
   524  		if err != nil {
   525  			return "", err
   526  		}
   528  		u.resolvedLinks = append(
   529  			u.resolvedLinks,
   530  			resolvedLink{src: pathParts[i], dst: dst})
   531  		i++
   532  	}
   534  	// build up the resolution for the rest of the pieces
   535  	for j := i; j < len(pathParts); j++ {
   536  		testPath := filepath.Join(
   537  			u.resolvedLinks[len(u.resolvedLinks)-1].dst,
   538  			pathParts[j])
   540  		dst, err := u.convertToDestination(testPath)
   541  		if err != nil {
   542  			return "", err
   543  		}
   545  		u.resolvedLinks = append(
   546  			u.resolvedLinks,
   547  			resolvedLink{src: pathParts[j], dst: dst})
   548  	}
   550  	// the last entry is the full resolution
   551  	return u.resolvedLinks[len(u.resolvedLinks)-1].dst, nil
   552  }
   554  func (u *Untar) convertToDestination(dir string) (string, error) {
   555  	// Lstat the current element to see if it is a symlink
   556  	if dir == "" {
   557  		dir = "."
   558  	}
   559  	lstat, err := os.Lstat(dir)
   560  	if err != nil {
   561  		// If the error is that the path doesn't exist, we will go ahead and create
   562  		// it. Normally, tar files have a directory entry before it mentions files
   563  		// in that directory. This isn't always true. Case in point, Darwin's "tar"
   564  		// vs its "gnutar", "tar" doesn't if you just do "tar -czf foo.tar foo"
   565  		// where foo is a directory with files in it. It will reference the files in
   566  		// "foo" and never "foo" itself.
   567  		//
   568  		// NOTE: by the time this is executed, the location of the directory has
   569  		// already been validated as safe.
   570  		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
   571  			if err := u.recursivelyCreateDir(dir); err != nil {
   572  				return "", err
   573  			}
   574  			lstat, err = os.Lstat(dir)
   575  		}
   576  	}
   577  	if err != nil {
   578  		return "", err
   579  	}
   581  	// check symlink mode
   582  	if lstat.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink {
   583  		// it is a symlink, now we want to read it and store the dest
   584  		link, err := os.Readlink(dir)
   585  		if err != nil {
   586  			return "", err
   587  		}
   589  		// if the path is absolute, we want it based on the AbsoluteRoot
   590  		if filepath.IsAbs(link) {
   591  			link = filepath.Join(u.AbsoluteRoot, ".", link)
   592  		} else {
   593  			// clean up the path to be a more complete dest from the target
   594  			link = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(dir), ".", link)
   595  		}
   597  		// return the link
   598  		return link, nil
   599  	}
   601  	// not a symlink, so return the dir
   602  	return dir, nil
   603  }
   605  // recursivelyCreateDir is used to recursively create multiple elements of a
   606  // path individually to ensure the uid/gid mapping functions get applied and
   607  // they have the proper owners.
   608  func (u *Untar) recursivelyCreateDir(dir string) error {
   609  	// process the uid/gid ownership
   610  	uid := u.MappedUserID
   611  	gid := u.MappedGroupID
   612  	if u.PreserveOwners {
   613  		var err error
   614  		if uid, err = u.OwnerMappingFunc(uid); err != nil {
   615  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to map UID for file: %v", err)
   616  		}
   617  		if gid, err = u.GroupMappingFunc(gid); err != nil {
   618  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to map GID for file: %v", err)
   619  		}
   620  	}
   622  	abs := filepath.IsAbs(dir)
   623  	parts := strings.Split(dir, string(os.PathSeparator))
   624  	if abs {
   625  		parts = parts[1:]
   626  	}
   628  	for i := range parts {
   629  		p := filepath.Join(parts[:i+1]...)
   630  		if abs {
   631  			p = string(os.PathSeparator) + p
   632  		}
   634  		if err := os.Mkdir(p, os.FileMode(0755)); err != nil {
   635  			if os.IsExist(err) {
   636  				continue
   637  			}
   638  			return err
   639  		}
   640  		// We don't error check on chown incase the process is
   641  		// unprivledged. Additionally, only chown when we actually created it.
   642  		os.Chown(p, uid, gid)
   643  	}
   644  	return nil
   645  }
   647  // checkEntryAgainstWhitelist will check if the specified file should be allowed
   648  // to be extracted against the current PathWhitelist. If no PathWhitelist is
   649  // allowed, then it will allow all files.
   650  func (u *Untar) checkEntryAgainstWhitelist(header *tar.Header) bool {
   651  	if len(u.PathWhitelist) == 0 {
   652  		return true
   653  	}
   655  	name := "/" + filepath.Clean(header.Name)
   657  	for _, p := range u.PathWhitelist {
   658  		// Whitelist: "/foo"  File: "/foo"
   659  		if p == name {
   660  			return true
   661  		}
   663  		if strings.HasSuffix(p, "/") {
   664  			// Whitelist: "/usr/bin/"  Dir: "/usr/bin"
   665  			if p == name+"/" && header.Typeflag == tar.TypeDir {
   666  				return true
   667  			}
   669  			// Whitelist: "/usr/bin/"  File: "/usr/bin/bash"
   670  			if strings.HasPrefix(name, p) {
   671  				return true
   672  			}
   673  		}
   674  	}
   676  	return false
   677  }
   679  func lazyChmod(name string, m os.FileMode) {
   680  	if fi, err := os.Stat(name); err == nil {
   681  		os.Chmod(name, fi.Mode()|m)
   682  	}
   683  }