
     1  // Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Sylabs Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // This software is licensed under a 3-clause BSD license. Please consult the
     3  // file distributed with the sources of this project regarding your
     4  // rights to use or distribute this software.
     6  //TODO Provide some guidelines for writing these docs
     8  package docs
    10  // Global content for help and man pages
    11  const (
    13  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    14  	// main singularity command
    15  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    16  	SingularityUse   string = `singularity [global options...]`
    17  	SingularityShort string = `
    18  Linux container platform optimized for High Performance Computing (HPC) and
    19  Enterprise Performance Computing (EPC)`
    20  	SingularityLong string = `
    21    Singularity containers provide an application virtualization layer enabling
    22    mobility of compute via both application and environment portability. With
    23    Singularity one is capable of building a root file system that runs on any 
    24    other Linux system where Singularity is installed.`
    25  	SingularityExample string = `
    26    $ singularity help <command>
    27        Additional help for any Singularity subcommand can be seen by appending
    28        the subcommand name to the above command.`
    30  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    31  	// build
    32  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    33  	BuildUse   string = `build [local options...] <IMAGE PATH> <BUILD SPEC>`
    34  	BuildShort string = `Build a Singularity image`
    35  	BuildLong  string = `
    37    IMAGE PATH:
    39    When Singularity builds the container, output can be one of a few formats:
    41        default:    The compressed Singularity read only image format (default)
    42        sandbox:    This is a read-write container within a directory structure
    44    note: It is a common workflow to use the "sandbox" mode for development of the
    45    container, and then build it as a default Singularity image for production 
    46    use. The default format is immutable.
    48    BUILD SPEC:
    50    The build spec target is a definition (def) file, local image, or URI that can 
    51    be used to create a Singularity container. Several different local target 
    52    formats exist:
    54        def file  : This is a recipe for building a container (examples below)
    55        directory:  A directory structure containing a (ch)root file system
    56        image:      A local image on your machine (will convert to sif if
    57                    it is legacy format)
    59    Targets can also be remote and defined by a URI of the following formats:
    61        library://  an image library (default
    62        docker://   a Docker registry (default Docker Hub)
    63        shub://     a Singularity registry (default Singularity Hub)`
    65  	BuildExample string = `
    67    DEF FILE BASE OS:
    69        Library:
    70            Bootstrap: library
    71            From: debian:9
    73        Docker:
    74            Bootstrap: docker
    75            From: tensorflow/tensorflow:latest
    76            IncludeCmd: yes # Use the CMD as runscript instead of ENTRYPOINT
    78        Singularity Hub:
    79            Bootstrap: shub
    80            From: singularityhub/centos
    82        YUM/RHEL:
    83            Bootstrap: yum
    84            OSVersion: 7
    85            MirrorURL:{OSVERSION}/%{OSVERSION}/os/x86_64/
    86            Include: yum
    88        Debian/Ubuntu:
    89            Bootstrap: debootstrap
    90            OSVersion: trusty
    91            MirrorURL:
    93        Local Image:
    94            Bootstrap: localimage
    95            From: /home/dave/starter.img
    97        Scratch:
    98            Bootstrap: scratch # Populate the container with a minimal rootfs in %setup
   102        %pre
   103            echo "This is a scriptlet that will be executed on the host, as root before"
   104            echo "the container has been bootstrapped. This section is not commonly used."
   106        %setup
   107            echo "This is a scriptlet that will be executed on the host, as root, after"
   108            echo "the container has been bootstrapped. To install things into the container"
   109            echo "reference the file system location with $SINGULARITY_ROOTFS."
   111        %post
   112            echo "This scriptlet section will be executed from within the container after"
   113            echo "the bootstrap/base has been created and setup."
   115        %test
   116            echo "Define any test commands that should be executed after container has been"
   117            echo "built. This scriptlet will be executed from within the running container"
   118            echo "as the root user. Pay attention to the exit/return value of this scriptlet"
   119            echo "as any non-zero exit code will be assumed as failure."
   120            exit 0
   122        %runscript
   123            echo "Define actions for the container to be executed with the run command or"
   124            echo "when container is executed."
   126        %startscript
   127            echo "Define actions for container to perform when started as an instance."
   129        %labels
   130            HELLO MOTO
   131            KEY VALUE
   133        %files
   134            /path/on/host/file.txt /path/on/container/file.txt
   135            relative_file.txt /path/on/container/relative_file.txt
   137        %environment
   138            LUKE=goodguy
   139            VADER=badguy
   140            HAN=someguy
   141            export HAN VADER LUKE
   143        %help
   144            This is a text file to be displayed with the run-help command.
   146    COMMANDS:
   148        Build a sif file from a Singularity recipe file:
   149            $ singularity build /tmp/debian0.sif /path/to/debian.def
   151        Build a sif image from the Library:
   152            $ singularity build /tmp/debian1.sif library://debian:latest
   154        Build a base sandbox from DockerHub, make changes to it, then build sif
   155            $ singularity build --sandbox /tmp/debian docker://debian:latest
   156            $ singularity exec --writable /tmp/debian apt-get install python
   157            $ singularity build /tmp/debian2.sif /tmp/debian`
   159  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   160  	// Cache
   161  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   162  	CacheUse   string = `cache`
   163  	CacheShort string = `Manage the local cache`
   164  	CacheLong  string = `
   165    Manage your local singularity cache. You can list/clean using the specific types.`
   166  	CacheExample string = `
   167    All group commands have their own help output:
   169    $ singularity cache
   170    $ singularity cache --help`
   172  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   173  	// Cache clean
   174  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   175  	CacheCleanUse   string = `clean [clean options...]`
   176  	CacheCleanShort string = `Clean your local Singularity cache`
   177  	CacheCleanLong  string = `
   178    This will clean your local cache (stored at $HOME/.singularity/cache if SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR is not set).
   179    By default only blob cache is cleaned, use '--all' to clean the entire cache.`
   180  	CacheCleanExample string = `
   181    All group commands have their own help output:
   183    $ singularity help cache clean --name cache_name.sif
   184    $ singularity help cache clean --type=library,oci
   185    $ singularity cache clean --help`
   187  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   188  	// Cache List
   189  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   190  	CacheListUse   string = `list [list options...]`
   191  	CacheListShort string = `List your local Singularity cache`
   192  	CacheListLong  string = `
   193    This will list your local cache (stored at $HOME/.singularity/cache if SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR is not set).`
   194  	CacheListExample string = `
   195    All group commands have their own help output:
   197    $ singularity help cache list
   198    $ singularity help cache list --type=library,oci
   199    $ singularity cache list --help`
   201  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   202  	// key
   203  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   204  	KeyUse string = `key [key options...]`
   206  	// keys : for the hidden `keys` command
   207  	KeysUse  string = `keys [keys options...]`
   208  	KeyShort string = `Manage OpenPGP keys`
   209  	KeyLong  string = `
   210    The 'key' command allows you to manage local OpenPGP key stores by creating
   211    a new store and new key pairs. You can also list available keys from the
   212    default store. Finally, the key command offers subcommands to communicate
   213    with an HKP key server to fetch and upload public keys.`
   214  	KeyExample string = `
   215    All group commands have their own help output:
   217    $ singularity help key newpair
   218    $ singularity key list --help`
   220  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   221  	// key newpair
   222  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   223  	KeyNewPairUse   string = `newpair`
   224  	KeyNewPairShort string = `Create a new OpenPGP key pair`
   225  	KeyNewPairLong  string = `
   226    The 'key newpair' command allows you to create a new key or public/private
   227    keys to be stored in the default user local key store location (e.g., 
   228    $HOME/.singularity/sypgp).`
   229  	KeyNewPairExample string = `
   230    $ singularity key newpair`
   232  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   233  	// key list
   234  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   235  	KeyListUse   string = `list`
   236  	KeyListShort string = `List keys from the default key store`
   237  	KeyListLong  string = `
   238    The 'key list' command allows you to list public/private key pairs from the 
   239    default user local key store location (e.g., $HOME/.singularity/sypgp).`
   240  	KeyListExample string = `
   241    $ singularity key list`
   243  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   244  	// key search
   245  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   246  	KeySearchUse   string = `search [search options...] <search_string>`
   247  	KeySearchShort string = `Search for keys matching string argument`
   248  	KeySearchLong  string = `
   249    The 'key search' command allows you to connect to a key server and look for 
   250    public keys matching the string argument passed to the command line.`
   251  	KeySearchExample string = `
   252    $ singularity key search`
   254  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   255  	// key pull
   256  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   257  	KeyPullUse   string = `pull [pull options...] <fingerprint>`
   258  	KeyPullShort string = `Fetch an OpenPGP public key from a key server`
   259  	KeyPullLong  string = `
   260    The 'key pull' command allows you to connect to a key server look for and 
   261    download a public key. Key rings are stored into (e.g., 
   262    $HOME/.singularity/sypgp).`
   263  	KeyPullExample string = `
   264    $ singularity key pull D87FE3AF5C1F063FCBCC9B02F812842B5EEE5934`
   266  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   267  	// key push
   268  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   269  	KeyPushUse   string = `push [push options...] <fingerprint>`
   270  	KeyPushShort string = `Upload an OpenPGP public key to a key server`
   271  	KeyPushLong  string = `
   272    The 'key push' command allows you to connect to a key server and upload 
   273    public keys from the local key store.`
   274  	KeyPushExample string = `
   275    $ singularity key push D87FE3AF5C1F063FCBCC9B02F812842B5EEE5934`
   277  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   278  	// capability
   279  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   280  	CapabilityUse   string = `capability`
   281  	CapabilityShort string = `Manage Linux capabilities for users and groups`
   282  	CapabilityLong  string = `
   283    Capabilities allow you to have fine grained control over the permissions that
   284    your containers need to run.
   286    NOTE: capability add/drop commands requires root to run.`
   287  	CapabilityExample string = `
   288    All group commands have their own help output:
   290    $ singularity help capability add
   291    $ singularity capability add --help`
   293  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   294  	// capability add
   295  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   296  	CapabilityAddUse   string = `add [add options...] <capabilities>`
   297  	CapabilityAddShort string = `Add capabilities to a user or group (requires root)`
   298  	CapabilityAddLong  string = `
   299    Add Linux capabilities to a user or group. NOTE: This command requires root to run.
   301    The capabilities argument must be separated by commas and is not case sensitive.
   303    To see available capabilities, type "singularity capability avail" or refer to
   304    capabilities manual "man 7 capabilities".`
   305  	CapabilityAddExample string = `
   306    $ sudo singularity capability add --user nobody AUDIT_READ,chown
   307    $ sudo singularity capability add --group nobody cap_audit_write
   309    To add all capabilities to a user:
   311    $ sudo singularity capability add --user nobody all`
   313  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   314  	// capability drop
   315  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   316  	CapabilityDropUse   string = `drop [drop options...] <capabilities>`
   317  	CapabilityDropShort string = `Remove capabilities from a user or group (requires root)`
   318  	CapabilityDropLong  string = `
   319    Remove Linux capabilities from an user/group. NOTE: This command requires root to run.
   321    The capabilities argument must be separated by commas and is not case sensitive.
   323    To see available capabilities, type "singularity capability avail" or refer to
   324    capabilities manual "man 7 capabilities"`
   325  	CapabilityDropExample string = `
   326    $ sudo singularity capability drop --user nobody AUDIT_READ,CHOWN
   327    $ sudo singularity capability drop --group nobody audit_write
   329    To drop all capabilities for a user:
   331    $ sudo singularity capability drop --user nobody all`
   333  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   334  	// capability list
   335  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   336  	CapabilityListUse   string = `list [user/group]`
   337  	CapabilityListShort string = `Show capabilities for a given user or group`
   338  	CapabilityListLong  string = `
   339    Show the capabilities for a user or group.`
   340  	CapabilityListExample string = `
   341    To list capabilities set for user or group nobody:
   343    $ singularity capability list nobody
   345    To list capabilities for all users/groups:
   347    $ singularity capability list`
   349  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   350  	// capability avail
   351  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   352  	CapabilityAvailUse   string = `avail [capabilities]`
   353  	CapabilityAvailShort string = `Show description for available capabilities`
   354  	CapabilityAvailLong  string = `
   355    Show description for available Linux capabilities.`
   356  	CapabilityAvailExample string = `
   357    Show description for all available capabilities:
   359    $ singularity capability avail
   361    Show CAP_CHOWN description:
   363    $ singularity capability avail CAP_CHOWN
   365    Show CAP_CHOWN/CAP_NET_RAW description:
   367    $ singularity capability avail CAP_CHOWN,CAP_NET_RAW`
   369  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   370  	// exec
   371  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   372  	formats string = `
   374    *.sif               Singularity Image Format (SIF). Native to Singularity 3.0+
   376    *.sqsh              SquashFS format.  Native to Singularity 2.4+
   378    *.img               ext3 format. Native to Singularity versions < 2.4.
   380    directory/          sandbox format. Directory containing a valid root file 
   381                        system and optionally Singularity meta-data.
   383    instance://*        A local running instance of a container. (See the instance
   384                        command group.)
   386    library://*         A container hosted on a Library (default 
   389    docker://*          A container hosted on Docker Hub
   391    shub://*            A container hosted on Singularity Hub`
   392  	ExecUse   string = `exec [exec options...] <container> <command>`
   393  	ExecShort string = `Run a command within a container`
   394  	ExecLong  string = `
   395    singularity exec supports the following formats:` + formats
   396  	ExecExamples string = `
   397    $ singularity exec /tmp/debian.sif cat /etc/debian_version
   398    $ singularity exec /tmp/debian.sif python ./
   399    $ cat | singularity exec /tmp/debian.sif python
   400    $ sudo singularity exec --writable /tmp/debian.sif apt-get update
   401    $ singularity exec instance://my_instance ps -ef
   402    $ singularity exec library://centos cat /etc/os-release`
   404  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   405  	// instance
   406  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   407  	InstanceUse   string = `instance`
   408  	InstanceShort string = `Manage containers running as services`
   409  	InstanceLong  string = `
   410    Instances allow you to run containers as background processes. This can be
   411    useful for running services such as web servers or databases.`
   412  	InstanceExample string = `
   413    All group commands have their own help output:
   415    $ singularity help instance start
   416    $ singularity instance start --help`
   418  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   419  	// instance list
   420  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   421  	InstanceListUse   string = `list [list options...]`
   422  	InstanceListShort string = `List all running and named Singularity instances`
   423  	InstanceListLong  string = `
   424    The instance list command allows you to view the Singularity container
   425    instances that are currently running in the background.`
   426  	InstanceListExample string = `
   427    $ singularity instance list
   429    test            11963     /home/mibauer/singularity/sinstance/test.sif
   431    $ sudo singularity instance list -u mibauer
   433    test            11963     /home/mibauer/singularity/sinstance/test.sif
   434    test2           16219     /home/mibauer/singularity/sinstance/test.sif`
   436  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   437  	// instance start
   438  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   439  	InstanceStartUse   string = `start [start options...] <container path> <instance name> [startscript args...]`
   440  	InstanceStartShort string = `Start a named instance of the given container image`
   441  	InstanceStartLong  string = `
   442    The instance start command allows you to create a new named instance from an
   443    existing container image that will begin running in the background. If a
   444    startscript is defined in the container metadata the commands in that script
   445    will be executed with the instance start command as well. You can optionally
   446    pass arguments to startscript
   448    singularity instance start accepts the following container formats` + formats
   449  	InstanceStartExample string = `
   450    $ singularity instance start /tmp/my-sql.sif mysql
   452    $ singularity shell instance://mysql
   453    Singularity my-sql.sif> pwd
   454    /home/mibauer/mysql
   455    Singularity my-sql.sif> ps
   456    PID TTY          TIME CMD
   457      1 pts/0    00:00:00 sinit
   458      2 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
   459      3 pts/0    00:00:00 ps
   460    Singularity my-sql.sif>
   462    $ singularity instance stop /tmp/my-sql.sif mysql
   463    Stopping /tmp/my-sql.sif mysql`
   465  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   466  	// instance stop
   467  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   468  	InstanceStopUse   string = `stop [stop options...] [instance]`
   469  	InstanceStopShort string = `Stop a named instance of a given container image`
   470  	InstanceStopLong  string = `
   471    The command singularity instance stop allows you to stop and clean up a named,
   472    running instance of a given container image.`
   473  	InstanceStopExample string = `
   474    $ singularity instance start my-sql.sif mysql1
   475    $ singularity instance start my-sql.sif mysql2
   476    $ singularity instance stop mysql*
   477    Stopping mysql1 instance of my-sql.sif (PID=23845)
   478    Stopping mysql2 instance of my-sql.sif (PID=23858)
   480    $ singularity instance start my-sql.sif mysql1
   482    Force instance to shutdown
   483    $ singularity instance stop -f mysql1 (may corrupt data)
   485    Send SIGTERM to the instance
   486    $ singularity instance stop -s SIGTERM mysql1
   487    $ singularity instance stop -s TERM mysql1
   488    $ singularity instance stop -s 15 mysql1`
   490  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   491  	// pull
   492  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   493  	PullUse   string = `pull [pull options...] [output file] <URI>`
   494  	PullShort string = `Pull an image from a URI`
   495  	PullLong  string = `
   496    The 'pull' command allows you to download or build a container from a given
   497    URI.  Supported URIs include:
   499    library: Pull an image from the currently configured library
   500        library://[user[collection/[container[:tag]]]]
   502    docker: Pull an image from Docker Hub
   503        docker://user/image:tag
   505    shub: Pull an image from Singularity Hub to CWD
   506        shub://user/image:tag`
   507  	PullExample string = `
   508    From Sylabs cloud library
   509    $ singularity pull alpine.sif library://alpine:latest
   511    From Docker
   512    $ singularity pull tensorflow.sif docker://tensorflow/tensorflow:latest
   514    From Shub
   515    $ singularity pull singularity-images.sif shub://vsoch/singularity-images`
   517  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   518  	// push
   519  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   520  	PushUse   string = `push [push options...] <container image> library://[user[collection/[container[:tag]]]]`
   521  	PushShort string = `Push a container to a Library URI`
   522  	PushLong  string = `
   523    The Singularity push command allows you to upload your sif image to a library
   524    of your choosing`
   525  	PushExample string = `
   526    $ singularity push /home/user/my.sif library://user/collection/my.sif:latest`
   528  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   529  	// search
   530  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   531  	SearchUse   string = `search [search options...] <search query>`
   532  	SearchShort string = `Search a Library for images`
   533  	SearchLong  string = `
   534    The Singularity search command allows you to search within a container library 
   535    of your choosing.  The container library defaults to 
   536 when no other library argument is given.`
   537  	SearchExample string = `
   538    $ singularity search lolcow`
   540  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   541  	// run
   542  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   543  	RunUse   string = `run [run options...] <container>`
   544  	RunShort string = `Run the user-defined default command within a container`
   545  	RunLong  string = `
   546    This command will launch a Singularity container and execute a runscript
   547    if one is defined for that container. The runscript is a metadata file within
   548    the container that contains shell commands. If the file is present (and
   549    executable) then this command will execute that file within the container
   550    automatically. All arguments following the container name will be passed
   551    directly to the runscript.
   553    singularity run accepts the following container formats:` + formats
   554  	RunExamples string = `
   555    # Here we see that the runscript prints "Hello world: "
   556    $ singularity exec /tmp/debian.sif cat /singularity
   557    #!/bin/sh
   558    echo "Hello world: "
   560    # It runs with our inputs when we run the image
   561    $ singularity run /tmp/debian.sif one two three
   562    Hello world: one two three
   564    # Note that this does the same thing
   565    $ ./tmp/debian.sif one two three`
   567  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   568  	// shell
   569  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   570  	ShellUse   string = `shell [shell options...] <container>`
   571  	ShellShort string = `Run a shell within a container`
   572  	ShellLong  string = `
   573    singularity shell supports the following formats:` + formats
   574  	ShellExamples string = `
   575    $ singularity shell /tmp/Debian.sif
   576    Singularity/Debian.sif> pwd
   577    /home/gmk/test
   578    Singularity/Debian.sif> exit
   580    $ singularity shell -C /tmp/Debian.sif
   581    Singularity/Debian.sif> pwd
   582    /home/gmk
   583    Singularity/Debian.sif> ls -l
   584    total 0
   585    Singularity/Debian.sif> exit
   587    $ sudo singularity shell -w /tmp/Debian.sif
   588    $ sudo singularity shell --writable /tmp/Debian.sif
   590    $ singularity shell instance://my_instance
   592    $ singularity shell instance://my_instance
   593    Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...
   594    Singularity container:~> ps -ef
   595    UID        PID  PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
   596    ubuntu       1     0  0 20:00 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/singularity/bin/sinit
   597    ubuntu       2     0  0 20:01 pts/8    00:00:00 /bin/bash --norc
   598    ubuntu       3     2  0 20:02 pts/8    00:00:00 ps -ef`
   600  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   601  	// sign
   602  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   603  	SignUse   string = `sign [sign options...] <image path>`
   604  	SignShort string = `Attach a cryptographic signature to an image`
   605  	SignLong  string = `
   606    The sign command allows a user to create a cryptographic signature on either a 
   607    single data object or a list of data objects within the same SIF group. By 
   608    default without parameters, the command searches for the primary partition and 
   609    creates a verification block that is then added to the SIF container file.`
   610  	SignExample string = `
   611    $ singularity sign container.sif`
   613  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   614  	// verify
   615  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   616  	VerifyUse   string = `verify [verify options...] <image path>`
   617  	VerifyShort string = `Verify cryptographic signatures attached to an image`
   618  	VerifyLong  string = `
   619    The verify command allows a user to verify cryptographic signatures on SIF 
   620    container files. There may be multiple signatures for data objects and 
   621    multiple data objects signed. By default the command searches for the primary 
   622    partition signature. If found, a list of all verification blocks applied on 
   623    the primary partition is gathered so that data integrity (hashing) and 
   624    signature verification is done for all those blocks.`
   625  	VerifyExample string = `
   626    $ singularity verify container.sif`
   627  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   628  	// Run-help
   629  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   630  	RunHelpUse   string = `run-help <image path>`
   631  	RunHelpShort string = `Show the user-defined help for an image`
   632  	RunHelpLong  string = `
   633    Show the help for an image.
   635    The help text is from the '%help' section of the definition file. If you are using the '--apps' option,
   636    the help text is instead from that app's '%apphelp' section.`
   637  	RunHelpExample string = `
   638    $ cat my_container.def
   639    Bootstrap: docker
   640    From: busybox
   642    %help
   643        Some help for this container
   645    %apphelp foo
   646        Some help for application 'foo' in this container
   648    $ sudo singularity build my_container.sif my_container.def
   649    Using container recipe deffile: my_container.def
   650    [...snip...]
   651    Cleaning up...
   653    $ singularity run-help my_container.sif
   655      Some help for this container
   657    $ singularity run-help --app foo my_container.sif
   659      Some help for application in this container`
   660  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   661  	// Inspect
   662  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   663  	InspectUse   string = `inspect [inspect options...] <image path>`
   664  	InspectShort string = `Show metadata for an image`
   665  	InspectLong  string = `
   666    Inspect will show you labels, environment variables, and scripts associated 
   667    with the image determined by the flags you pass.`
   668  	InspectExample string = `
   669    $ singularity inspect ubuntu.sif`
   671  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   672  	// Apps
   673  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   674  	AppsUse   string = `apps <image path>`
   675  	AppsShort string = `List available apps within a container`
   676  	AppsLong  string = `
   677    List applications (apps) installed in a container, located at
   678    /scif/apps. See
   680    To access apps, use shell, exec, run, inspect with --app <appname>
   682    The following environment variables are available to you when called 
   683    from the shell inside the container. The top variables are relevant 
   684    to the active app (--app <app>) and the bottom available for all 
   685    apps regardless of the active app:
   689        SCIF_APPNAME       the name of the application
   690        SCIF_APPROOT       the application base (/scif/apps/<app>)
   691        SCIF_APPMETA       the application metadata folder
   692        SCIF_APPDATA       the data base folder for active app
   693          SCIF_APPINPUT    expected input folder within data base folder
   694          SCIF_APPOUTPUT   the output data folder within data base folder
   698        SCIF_DATA             scif defined data base for all apps (/scif/data)
   699        SCIF_APPS             scif defined install bases for all apps (/scif/apps)
   700        SCIF_APPROOT_<app>    root for application <app>
   701        SCIF_APPDATA_<app>    data root for application <app>
   704  For additional help, please visit our public documentation pages which are
   705  found at:
   708  	AppsExample string = `
   709    $ singularity apps ubuntu.img
   710     bar
   711     foo`
   712  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   713  	// Test
   714  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   715  	RunTestUse   string = `test [exec options...] <image path>`
   716  	RunTestShort string = `Run the user-defined tests within a container`
   717  	RunTestLong  string = `
   718    The 'test' command allows you to execute a testscript (if available) inside of
   719    a given container 
   721    NOTE:
   722        For instances if there is a daemon process running inside the container,
   723        then subsequent container commands will all run within the same 
   724        namespaces. This means that the --writable and --contain options will not 
   725        be honored as the namespaces have already been configured by the 
   726        'singularity start' command.
   727  `
   728  	RunTestExample string = `
   729    Set the '%test' section with a definition file like so:
   730    %test
   731        echo "hello from test" "$@"
   733    $ singularity test /tmp/debian.sif command
   734        hello from test command
   736    For additional help, please visit our public documentation pages which are
   737    found at:
   741  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   742  	// OCI
   743  	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   744  	OciUse   string = `oci`
   745  	OciShort string = `Manage OCI containers`
   746  	OciLong  string = `
   747    Allow you to manage containers from OCI bundle directories.
   749    NOTE: all oci commands requires to run as root`
   750  	OciExample string = `
   751    All group commands have their own help output:
   753    $ singularity oci create -b ~/bundle mycontainer
   754    $ singularity oci start mycontainer`
   756  	OciCreateUse   string = `create [create options...] <container_ID>`
   757  	OciCreateShort string = `Create a container from a bundle directory (root user only)`
   758  	OciCreateLong  string = `
   759    Create invoke create operation to create a container instance from an OCI bundle directory`
   760  	OciCreateExample string = `
   761    $ singularity oci create -b ~/bundle mycontainer`
   763  	OciStartUse   string = `start <container_ID>`
   764  	OciStartShort string = `Start container process (root user only)`
   765  	OciStartLong  string = `
   766    Start invoke start operation to start a previously created container identified by container ID.`
   767  	OciStartExample string = `
   768    $ singularity oci start mycontainer`
   770  	OciStateUse   string = `state <container_ID>`
   771  	OciStateShort string = `Query state of a container (root user only)`
   772  	OciStateLong  string = `
   773    State invoke state operation to query state of a created/running/stopped container identified by container ID.`
   774  	OciStateExample string = `
   775    $ singularity oci state mycontainer`
   777  	OciKillUse   string = `kill <container_ID> [-s] signal`
   778  	OciKillShort string = `Kill a container (root user only)`
   779  	OciKillLong  string = `
   780    Kill invoke kill operation to kill processes running within container identified by container ID.`
   781  	OciKillExample string = `
   782    $ singularity oci kill mycontainer INT
   783    $ singularity oci kill mycontainer -s INT`
   785  	OciDeleteUse   string = `delete <container_ID>`
   786  	OciDeleteShort string = `Delete container (root user only)`
   787  	OciDeleteLong  string = `
   788    Delete invoke delete operation to delete resources that were created for container identified by container ID.`
   789  	OciDeleteExample string = `
   790    $ singularity oci delete mycontainer`
   792  	OciAttachUse   string = `attach <container_ID>`
   793  	OciAttachShort string = `Attach console to a running container process (root user only)`
   794  	OciAttachLong  string = `
   795    Attach will attach console to a running container process running within container identified by container ID.`
   796  	OciAttachExample string = `
   797    $ singularity oci attach mycontainer`
   799  	OciExecUse   string = `exec <container_ID> <command> <args>`
   800  	OciExecShort string = `Execute a command within container (root user only)`
   801  	OciExecLong  string = `
   802    Exec will execute the provided command/arguments within container identified by container ID.`
   803  	OciExecExample string = `
   804    $ singularity oci exec mycontainer id`
   806  	OciRunUse   string = `run [run options...] <container_ID>`
   807  	OciRunShort string = `Create/start/attach/delete a container from a bundle directory (root user only)`
   808  	OciRunLong  string = `
   809    Run will invoke equivalent of create/start/attach/delete commands in a row.`
   810  	OciRunExample string = `
   811    $ singularity oci run -b ~/bundle mycontainer
   813    is equivalent to :
   815    $ singularity oci create -b ~/bundle mycontainer
   816    $ singularity oci start mycontainer
   817    $ singularity oci attach mycontainer
   818    $ singularity oci delete mycontainer`
   820  	OciUpdateUse   string = `update [update options...] <container_ID>`
   821  	OciUpdateShort string = `Update container cgroups resources (root user only)`
   822  	OciUpdateLong  string = `
   823    Update will update cgroups resources for the specified container ID.
   824    Container must be in a RUNNING or CREATED state.`
   825  	OciUpdateExample string = `
   826    $ singularity oci update --from-file /tmp/cgroups-update.json mycontainer
   828    or to update from stdin :
   830    $ cat /tmp/cgroups-update.json | singularity oci update --from-file - mycontainer`
   832  	OciPauseUse   string = `pause <container_ID>`
   833  	OciPauseShort string = `Suspends all processes inside the container (root user only)`
   834  	OciPauseLong  string = `
   835    Pause will suspend all processes for the specified container ID.`
   836  	OciPauseExample string = `
   837    $ singularity oci pause mycontainer`
   839  	OciResumeUse   string = `resume <container_ID>`
   840  	OciResumeShort string = `Resumes all processes previously paused inside the container (root user only)`
   841  	OciResumeLong  string = `
   842    Resume will resume all processes previously paused for the specified container ID.`
   843  	OciResumeExample string = `
   844    $ singularity oci resume mycontainer`
   846  	OciMountUse   string = `mount <sif_image> <bundle_path>`
   847  	OciMountShort string = `Mount create an OCI bundle from SIF image (root user only)`
   848  	OciMountLong  string = `
   849    Mount will mount and create an OCI bundle from a SIF image.`
   850  	OciMountExample string = `
   851    $ singularity oci mount /tmp/example.sif /var/lib/singularity/bundles/example`
   853  	OciUmountUse   string = `umount <bundle_path>`
   854  	OciUmountShort string = `Umount delete bundle (root user only)`
   855  	OciUmountLong  string = `
   856    Umount will umount an OCI bundle previously mounted with singularity oci mount.`
   857  	OciUmountExample string = `
   858    $ singularity oci umount /var/lib/singularity/bundles/example`
   859  )