
     1  The example bootstrap definition files listed in this directory can be used
     2  to create new container images on a variety of Linux distributions or become
     3  the basis for customization to build reproducible containers for a specific
     4  purpose.
     6  If you wish to contribute a definition file, please send a pull request and
     7  contribute it to the examples/contribs/ directory with the format being
     8  hyphen ('-') delimited of the following format:
    10      1. Base distribution name and version if applicable (e.g. centos7 or
    11          ubuntu_trusty)
    12      2. Target nomenclature that describes the container (e.g. tensorflow)
    13      3. Any relevant version strings to the application or work-flow
    14      4. Always end in .def
    16  An example of this:
    18      examples/contrib/debian84-tensorflow-0.10.def