
     1  // Copyright (c) 2018, Sylabs Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // This software is licensed under a 3-clause BSD license. Please consult the
     3  // file distributed with the sources of this project regarding your
     4  // rights to use or distribute this software.
     6  package sources
     8  import (
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"os"
    11  	"path/filepath"
    12  )
    14  const (
    15  	// Contents of /.singularity.d/actions/exec
    16  	execFileContent = `#!/bin/sh
    18  for script in /.singularity.d/env/*.sh; do
    19      if [ -f "$script" ]; then
    20          . "$script"
    21      fi
    22  done
    24  exec "$@"
    25  `
    26  	// Contents of /.singularity.d/actions/run
    27  	runFileContent = `#!/bin/sh
    29  for script in /.singularity.d/env/*.sh; do
    30      if [ -f "$script" ]; then
    31          . "$script"
    32      fi
    33  done
    35  if test -n "${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}"; then
    37      if test -x "/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}/scif/runscript"; then
    38          exec "/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}/scif/runscript" "$@"
    39      else
    40          echo "No Singularity runscript for contained app: ${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}"
    41          exit 1
    42      fi
    44  elif test -x "/.singularity.d/runscript"; then
    45      exec "/.singularity.d/runscript" "$@"
    46  else
    47      echo "No Singularity runscript found, executing /bin/sh"
    48      exec /bin/sh "$@"
    49  fi
    50  `
    51  	// Contents of /.singularity.d/actions/shell
    52  	shellFileContent = `#!/bin/sh
    54  for script in /.singularity.d/env/*.sh; do
    55      if [ -f "$script" ]; then
    56          . "$script"
    57      fi
    58  done
    60  if test -n "$SINGULARITY_SHELL" -a -x "$SINGULARITY_SHELL"; then
    61      exec $SINGULARITY_SHELL "$@"
    63      echo "ERROR: Failed running shell as defined by '\$SINGULARITY_SHELL'" 1>&2
    64      exit 1
    66  elif test -x /bin/bash; then
    67      SHELL=/bin/bash
    68      PS1="Singularity $SINGULARITY_NAME:\\w> "
    69      export SHELL PS1
    70      exec /bin/bash --norc "$@"
    71  elif test -x /bin/sh; then
    72      SHELL=/bin/sh
    73      export SHELL
    74      exec /bin/sh "$@"
    75  else
    76      echo "ERROR: /bin/sh does not exist in container" 1>&2
    77  fi
    78  exit 1
    79  `
    80  	// Contents of /.singularity.d/actions/start
    81  	startFileContent = `#!/bin/sh
    83  # if we are here start notify PID 1 to continue
    84  # DON'T REMOVE
    85  kill -CONT 1
    87  for script in /.singularity.d/env/*.sh; do
    88      if [ -f "$script" ]; then
    89          . "$script"
    90      fi
    91  done
    93  if test -x "/.singularity.d/startscript"; then
    94      exec "/.singularity.d/startscript"
    95  fi
    96  `
    97  	// Contents of /.singularity.d/actions/test
    98  	testFileContent = `#!/bin/sh
   100  for script in /.singularity.d/env/*.sh; do
   101      if [ -f "$script" ]; then
   102          . "$script"
   103      fi
   104  done
   107  if test -n "${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}"; then
   109      if test -x "/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}/scif/test"; then
   110          exec "/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}/scif/test" "$@"
   111      else
   112          echo "No Singularity tests for contained app: ${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}"
   113          exit 1
   114      fi
   115  elif test -x "/.singularity.d/test"; then
   116      exec "/.singularity.d/test" "$@"
   117  else
   118      echo "No Singularity container test found, executing /bin/sh"
   119      exec /bin/sh "$@"
   120  fi
   121  `
   122  	// Contents of /.singularity.d/env/
   123  	baseShFileContent = `#!/bin/sh
   124  # 
   125  # Copyright (c) 2017, SingularityWare, LLC. All rights reserved.
   126  #
   127  # Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Gregory M. Kurtzer. All rights reserved.
   128  # 
   129  # Copyright (c) 2016-2017, The Regents of the University of California,
   130  # through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any
   131  # required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy).  All rights reserved.
   132  # 
   133  # This software is licensed under a customized 3-clause BSD license.  Please
   134  # consult file distributed with the sources of this project regarding
   135  # your rights to use or distribute this software.
   136  # 
   137  # NOTICE.  This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of
   138  # Energy and the U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such,
   139  # the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others acting on its
   140  # behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software
   141  # to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare derivative works, and
   142  # perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit other to do so.
   143  # 
   144  # 
   147  `
   148  	// Contents of /.singularity.d/env/ and /.singularity.d/env/
   149  	environmentShFileContent = `#!/bin/sh
   150  #Custom environment shell code should follow
   152  `
   153  	// Contents of /.singularity.d/env/
   154  	appsShFileContent = `#!/bin/sh
   155  #
   156  # Copyright (c) 2017, SingularityWare, LLC. All rights reserved.
   157  #
   158  # See the file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
   159  #
   160  #
   161  # This file is part of the Singularity Linux container project. It is subject to the license
   162  # terms in the file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and
   163  # at No part
   164  # of Singularity, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed
   165  # except according to the terms contained in the file.
   168  if test -n "${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}"; then
   170      # The active app should be exported
   171      export SINGULARITY_APPNAME
   173      if test -d "/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}/"; then
   174          SCIF_APPS="/scif/apps"
   175          SCIF_APPROOT="/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}"
   176          export SCIF_APPROOT SCIF_APPS
   177          PATH="/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}:$PATH"
   179          # Automatically add application bin to path
   180          if test -d "/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}/bin"; then
   181              PATH="/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}/bin:$PATH"
   182          fi
   184          # Automatically add application lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
   185          if test -d "/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}/lib"; then
   186              LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
   187              export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
   188          fi
   190          # Automatically source environment
   191          if [ -f "/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}/scif/env/" ]; then
   192              . "/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}/scif/env/"
   193          fi
   194          if [ -f "/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}/scif/env/" ]; then
   195              . "/scif/apps/${SINGULARITY_APPNAME:-}/scif/env/"
   196          fi
   198          export PATH
   199      else
   200          echo "Could not locate the container application: ${SINGULARITY_APPNAME}"
   201          exit 1
   202      fi
   203  fi
   205  `
   206  	// Contents of /.singularity.d/env/
   207  	base99ShFileContent = `#!/bin/sh
   208  # 
   209  # Copyright (c) 2017, SingularityWare, LLC. All rights reserved.
   210  #
   211  # Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Gregory M. Kurtzer. All rights reserved.
   212  # 
   213  # Copyright (c) 2016-2017, The Regents of the University of California,
   214  # through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any
   215  # required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy).  All rights reserved.
   216  # 
   217  # This software is licensed under a customized 3-clause BSD license.  Please
   218  # consult file distributed with the sources of this project regarding
   219  # your rights to use or distribute this software.
   220  # 
   221  # NOTICE.  This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of
   222  # Energy and the U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such,
   223  # the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others acting on its
   224  # behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software
   225  # to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare derivative works, and
   226  # perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit other to do so.
   227  # 
   228  # 
   231  if [ -z "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ]; then
   232      LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/.singularity.d/libs"
   233  else
   234      LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/.singularity.d/libs"
   235  fi
   237  PS1="Singularity> "
   238  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH PS1
   239  `
   241  	// Contents of /.singularity.d/env/
   242  	base99runtimevarsShFileContent = `#!/bin/sh
   243  # Copyright (c) 2017-2018, SyLabs, Inc. All rights reserved.
   244  #
   245  # This software is licensed under a customized 3-clause BSD license.  Please
   246  # consult file distributed with the sources of this project regarding
   247  # your rights to use or distribute this software.
   248  #
   249  #
   251  if [ -n "${SING_USER_DEFINED_PREPEND_PATH:-}" ]; then
   253  fi
   255  if [ -n "${SING_USER_DEFINED_APPEND_PATH:-}" ]; then
   257  fi
   259  if [ -n "${SING_USER_DEFINED_PATH:-}" ]; then
   261  fi
   267  export PATH
   268  `
   270  	// Contents of /.singularity.d/runscript
   271  	runscriptFileContent = `#!/bin/sh
   273  echo "There is no runscript defined for this container\n";
   274  `
   275  	// Contents of /.singularity.d/startscript
   276  	startscriptFileContent = `#!/bin/sh
   277  `
   278  )
   280  func makeDirs(rootPath string) (err error) {
   281  	if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "libs"), 0755); err != nil {
   282  		return
   283  	}
   284  	if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "actions"), 0755); err != nil {
   285  		return
   286  	}
   287  	if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "env"), 0755); err != nil {
   288  		return
   289  	}
   290  	if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(rootPath, "dev"), 0755); err != nil {
   291  		return
   292  	}
   293  	if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(rootPath, "proc"), 0755); err != nil {
   294  		return
   295  	}
   296  	if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(rootPath, "root"), 0755); err != nil {
   297  		return
   298  	}
   299  	if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(rootPath, "var", "tmp"), 0755); err != nil {
   300  		return
   301  	}
   302  	if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(rootPath, "tmp"), 0755); err != nil {
   303  		return
   304  	}
   305  	if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(rootPath, "etc"), 0755); err != nil {
   306  		return
   307  	}
   308  	if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(rootPath, "sys"), 0755); err != nil {
   309  		return
   310  	}
   311  	if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(rootPath, "home"), 0755); err != nil {
   312  		return
   313  	}
   314  	return
   315  }
   317  func makeSymlinks(rootPath string) (err error) {
   318  	if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(rootPath, "singularity")); err != nil {
   319  		if err = os.Symlink(".singularity.d/runscript", filepath.Join(rootPath, "singularity")); err != nil {
   320  			return err
   321  		}
   322  	}
   323  	if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".run")); err != nil {
   324  		if err = os.Symlink(".singularity.d/actions/run", filepath.Join(rootPath, ".run")); err != nil {
   325  			return err
   326  		}
   327  	}
   328  	if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".exec")); err != nil {
   329  		if err = os.Symlink(".singularity.d/actions/exec", filepath.Join(rootPath, ".exec")); err != nil {
   330  			return err
   331  		}
   332  	}
   333  	if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".test")); err != nil {
   334  		if err = os.Symlink(".singularity.d/actions/test", filepath.Join(rootPath, ".test")); err != nil {
   335  			return err
   336  		}
   337  	}
   338  	if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".shell")); err != nil {
   339  		if err = os.Symlink(".singularity.d/actions/shell", filepath.Join(rootPath, ".shell")); err != nil {
   340  			return err
   341  		}
   342  	}
   343  	if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(rootPath, "environment")); err != nil {
   344  		if err = os.Symlink(".singularity.d/env/", filepath.Join(rootPath, "environment")); err != nil {
   345  			return err
   346  		}
   347  	}
   348  	return
   349  }
   351  func makeFile(name string, perm os.FileMode, s string) (err error) {
   352  	f, err := os.OpenFile(name, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, perm)
   353  	if err != nil {
   354  		return
   355  	}
   356  	defer f.Close()
   358  	_, err = f.WriteString(s)
   359  	return
   360  }
   362  func makeFiles(rootPath string) (err error) {
   363  	if err = makeFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, "etc", "hosts"), 0644, ""); err != nil {
   364  		return
   365  	}
   366  	if err = makeFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, "etc", "resolv.conf"), 0644, ""); err != nil {
   367  		return
   368  	}
   369  	if err = makeFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "actions", "exec"), 0755, execFileContent); err != nil {
   370  		return
   371  	}
   372  	if err = makeFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "actions", "run"), 0755, runFileContent); err != nil {
   373  		return
   374  	}
   375  	if err = makeFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "actions", "shell"), 0755, shellFileContent); err != nil {
   376  		return
   377  	}
   378  	if err = makeFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "actions", "start"), 0755, startFileContent); err != nil {
   379  		return
   380  	}
   381  	if err = makeFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "actions", "test"), 0755, testFileContent); err != nil {
   382  		return
   383  	}
   384  	if err = makeFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "env", ""), 0755, baseShFileContent); err != nil {
   385  		return
   386  	}
   387  	if err = makeFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "env", ""), 0755, environmentShFileContent); err != nil {
   388  		return
   389  	}
   390  	if err = makeFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "env", ""), 0755, appsShFileContent); err != nil {
   391  		return
   392  	}
   393  	if err = makeFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "env", ""), 0755, base99ShFileContent); err != nil {
   394  		return
   395  	}
   396  	if err = makeFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "env", ""), 0755, base99runtimevarsShFileContent); err != nil {
   397  		return
   398  	}
   399  	if err = makeFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "runscript"), 0755, runscriptFileContent); err != nil {
   400  		return
   401  	}
   402  	if err = makeFile(filepath.Join(rootPath, ".singularity.d", "startscript"), 0755, startscriptFileContent); err != nil {
   403  		return
   404  	}
   405  	return
   406  }
   408  func makeBaseEnv(rootPath string) (err error) {
   409  	if err = makeDirs(rootPath); err != nil {
   410  		err = fmt.Errorf("build: failed to make environment dirs: %v", err)
   411  		return
   412  	}
   413  	if err = makeSymlinks(rootPath); err != nil {
   414  		err = fmt.Errorf("build: failed to make environment symlinks: %v", err)
   415  		return
   416  	}
   417  	if err = makeFiles(rootPath); err != nil {
   418  		err = fmt.Errorf("build: failed to make environment files: %v", err)
   419  		return
   420  	}
   422  	return
   423  }