(about) 1 -------- @pointsto pointsto-A-x -------- 2 this *int may point to these objects: 3 a 4 b 5 6 -------- @callstack callstack-A -------- 7 Found a call path from root to calls.A 8 calls.A 9 dynamic function call from calls.apply 10 concurrent static function call from calls.main 11 12 -------- @pointsto pointsto-B-x -------- 13 this *int may point to these objects: 14 a 15 b 16 17 -------- @callers callers-B -------- 18 calls.B is called from these 1 sites: 19 dynamic function call from calls.apply 20 21 -------- @callees callees-apply -------- 22 this dynamic function call dispatches to: 23 calls.A 24 calls.B 25 26 -------- @callers callers-apply -------- 27 calls.apply is called from these 2 sites: 28 concurrent static function call from calls.main 29 deferred static function call from calls.main 30 31 -------- @callers callers-store -------- 32 is called from these 2 sites: 33 static function call from calls.main 34 static function call from calls.main 35 36 -------- @pointsto pointsto-result-f -------- 37 this func() *int may point to these objects: 38 calls.main$1 39 40 -------- @callees -------- 41 this dynamic function call dispatches to: 42 calls.main$1 43 44 -------- @callers -------- 45 is called from these 2 sites: 46 static function call from calls.main 47 static function call from calls.main 48 49 -------- @callees callees-main-apply1 -------- 50 this static function call dispatches to: 51 calls.apply 52 53 -------- @pointsto pointsto-pc -------- 54 this *int may point to these objects: 55 c 56 57 -------- @pointsto pointsto-pd -------- 58 this *int may point to these objects: 59 d 60 61 -------- @callees callees-err-no-call -------- 62 63 Error: there is no function call here 64 -------- @callees callees-err-builtin -------- 65 66 Error: this is a call to the built-in 'print' operator 67 -------- @callees callees-err-conversion -------- 68 69 Error: this is a type conversion, not a function call 70 -------- @callees callees-err-bad-selection -------- 71 72 Error: ambiguous selection within function call (or conversion) 73 -------- @callees callees-err-deadcode1 -------- 74 this static function call dispatches to: 75 calls.main 76 77 -------- @callees callees-err-nil-func -------- 78 dynamic function call on nil value 79 80 -------- @callees callees-err-nil-interface -------- 81 dynamic method call on nil value 82 83 -------- @callees callees-not-a-wrapper -------- 84 this dynamic method call dispatches to: 85 (calls.myint).f 86 87 -------- @callees callees-static-call -------- 88 this static function call dispatches to: 89 90 91 -------- @callees callees-qualified-call -------- 92 this static function call dispatches to: 93 fmt.Println 94 95 -------- @callees callees-static-method-call -------- 96 this static function call dispatches to: 97 (calls.method).f 98 99 -------- @callees callees-implicit-selection-method-call -------- 100 this dynamic method call dispatches to: 101 (calls.method).f 102 103 -------- @callers callers-not-a-wrapper -------- 104 (calls.myint).f is called from these 1 sites: 105 dynamic method call from calls.main 106 107 -------- @callees callees-err-deadcode2 -------- 108 this static function call dispatches to: 109 calls.main 110 111 -------- @callstack callstack-err-deadcode -------- 112 calls.deadcode is unreachable in this analysis scope 113 114 -------- @callees callees-err-deadcode3 -------- 115 116 Error: this call site is unreachable in this analysis 117 -------- @callers callers-global -------- 118 calls.init is called from these 1 sites: 119 the root of the call graph 120 121 -------- @callstack callstack-init -------- 122 Found a call path from root to calls.init#1 123 calls.init#1 124 static function call from calls.init 125