
     1  # aretext configuration
     3  # Each rule below defines a pattern to match the file path.
     4  # All matching rules are merged in-order, with configuration from
     5  # later rules replacing or extending configurations from prior rules.
     6  #
     7  # Configuration Reference:
     9  - name: default
    10    pattern: "**"
    11    config:
    12      autoIndent: false
    13      hideDirectories: ["**/.git"]
    14      syntaxLanguage: plaintext
    15      tabExpand: false
    16      tabSize: 4
    17      showTabs: false
    18      showSpaces: false
    19      showLineNumbers: false
    20      lineNumberMode: "absolute"
    21      lineWrap: "character"
    22      styles:
    23        lineNum: {color: "olive"}
    24        tokenOperator: {color: "purple"}
    25        tokenKeyword: {color: "olive"}
    26        tokenNumber: {color: "green"}
    27        tokenString: {color: "maroon"}
    28        tokenComment: {color: "navy"}
    29        tokenCustom1: {color: "teal"}
    30        tokenCustom2: {color: "fuchsia"}
    31        tokenCustom3: {color: "red"}
    32        tokenCustom4: {color: "lime"}
    33        tokenCustom5: {color: "aqua"}
    34        tokenCustom6: {color: "darkgreen"}
    35        tokenCustom7: {color: "darkcyan"}
    36        tokenCustom8: {color: "darkblue"}
    38  #- name: linux wayland clipboard commands
    39  #  pattern: "**"
    40  #  config:
    41  #    menuCommands:
    42  #    - name: copy to clipboard
    43  #      shellCmd: wl-copy "$SELECTION"
    44  #      mode: silent
    45  #    - name: paste from clipboard
    46  #      shellCmd: wl-paste
    47  #      mode: insert
    49  #- name: macos clipboard commands
    50  #  pattern: "**"
    51  #  config:
    52  #    menuCommands:
    53  #    - name: copy to clipboard
    54  #      shellCmd: printenv SELECTION | pbcopy
    55  #      mode: silent
    56  #    - name: paste from clipboard
    57  #      shellCmd: pbpaste
    58  #      mode: insert
    60  #- name: tmux clipboard commands
    61  #  pattern: "**"
    62  #  config:
    63  #    menuCommands:
    64  #    - name: copy to clipboard
    65  #      shellCmd: printenv SELECTION | tmux load-buffer -
    66  #      mode: silent
    67  #    - name: paste from clipboard
    68  #      shellCmd: tmux show-buffer
    69  #      mode: insert
    71  #- name: tmux window commands
    72  #  pattern: "**"
    73  #  config:
    74  #    menuCommands:
    75  #    - name: split window horizontal
    76  #      shellCmd: tmux split-window -h "aretext $FILEPATH"
    77  #      mode: silent
    78  #    - name: split window vertical
    79  #      shellCmd: tmux split-window -v "aretext $FILEPATH"
    80  #      mode: silent
    82  #- name: grep command
    83  #  pattern: "**"
    84  #  config:
    85  #    menuCommands:
    86  #      - name: grep word
    87  #        # using grep
    88  #        shellCmd: grep $WORD -n -R .
    89  #        # using ripgrep
    90  #        # shellCmd: rg $WORD --vimgrep
    91  #        mode: fileLocations
    93  - name: git commit
    94    pattern: "**/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG"
    95    config:
    96      syntaxLanguage: gitcommit
    98  - name: git rebase
    99    pattern: "**/.git/**/git-rebase-todo"
   100    config:
   101      syntaxLanguage: gitrebase
   103  - name: json
   104    pattern: "**/*.json"
   105    config:
   106      autoIndent: true
   107      syntaxLanguage: json
   108      tabExpand: true
   109      tabSize: 2
   110      showLineNumbers: true
   112  - name: yaml
   113    pattern: "**/*.yaml"
   114    config: &yamlConfig
   115      autoIndent: true
   116      syntaxLanguage: yaml
   117      tabExpand: true
   118      tabSize: 2
   119      showLineNumbers: true
   121  - name: yml
   122    pattern: "**/*.yml"
   123    config: *yamlConfig
   125  - name: go
   126    pattern: "**/*.go"
   127    config:
   128      autoIndent: true
   129      syntaxLanguage: go
   130      tabExpand: false
   131      tabSize: 4
   132      showLineNumbers: true
   134  - name: python
   135    pattern: "**/*.py"
   136    config:
   137      autoIndent: true
   138      syntaxLanguage: python
   139      tabExpand: true
   140      tabSize: 4
   141      showLineNumbers: true
   143  - name: rust
   144    pattern: "**/*.rs"
   145    config:
   146      autoIndent: true
   147      syntaxLanguage: rust
   148      tabExpand: true
   149      tabSize: 4
   150      showLineNumbers: true
   152  - name: c
   153    pattern: "**/*.c"
   154    config: &cconfig
   155      autoIndent: true
   156      syntaxLanguage: c
   157      tabExpand: true
   158      tabSize: 4
   159      showLineNumbers: true
   161  - name: c-header
   162    pattern: "**/*.h"
   163    config: *cconfig
   165  - name: shell
   166    pattern: "**/*.sh"
   167    config:
   168      autoIndent: true
   169      syntaxLanguage: bash
   170      tabExpand: true
   171      tabSize: 4
   172      showLineNumbers: true
   174  - name: makefile
   175    pattern: "**/Makefile*"
   176    config:
   177      autoIndent: true
   178      syntaxLanguage: makefile
   179      tabExpand: false
   180      tabSize: 4
   181      showLineNumbers: true
   183  - name: xml
   184    pattern: "**/*.xml"
   185    config: &xmlconfig
   186      autoIndent: true
   187      syntaxLanguage: xml
   188      tabExpand: true
   189      tabSize: 2
   190      showLineNumbers: true
   192  - name: html
   193    pattern: "**/*.html"
   194    config: *xmlconfig
   196  - name: markdown
   197    pattern: "**/*.md"
   198    config:
   199      syntaxLanguage: markdown
   200      lineWrap: "word"
   201      styles:
   202        tokenCustom1: {color: "teal", bold: true}        # Heading
   203        tokenCustom2: {color: "default", italic: true}   # Emphasis
   204        tokenCustom3: {color: "default", bold: true}     # Strong emphasis
   205        tokenCustom4: {color: "purple", underline: true} # Link
   207  # to enable criticmarkup for markdown files,
   208  # replace the "markdown" rule above with this one:
   209  #- name: criticmarkup
   210  #  pattern: "**/*.md"
   211  #  config:
   212  #    syntaxLanguage: criticmarkup
   213  #    lineWrap: "word"
   214  #    styles:
   215  #      tokenCustom1:  {color: "teal", bold: true}        # Heading
   216  #      tokenCustom2:  {color: "default", italic: true}   # Emphasis
   217  #      tokenCustom3:  {color: "default", bold: true}     # Strong emphasis
   218  #      tokenCustom4:  {color: "purple", underline: true} # Link
   219  #      tokenCustom9:  {color: "green"}  # Addition
   220  #      tokenCustom10: {color: "red"}    # Deletion
   221  #      tokenCustom11: {color: "purple"} # Substitution
   222  #      tokenCustom12:                   # Highlight
   223  #        color: "black"
   224  #        backgroundColor: "yellow"
   226  - name: protobuf
   227    pattern: "**/*.proto"
   228    config:
   229      autoIndent: true
   230      syntaxLanguage: protobuf
   231      tabExpand: true
   232      tabSize: 2
   233      showLineNumbers: true
   235  - name: todo
   236    pattern: "**/*.todo" # or "**/todo.txt"
   237    config:
   238      autoIndent: true
   239      syntaxLanguage: todotxt
   240      tabExpand: true
   241      tabSize: 4
   242      showLineNumbers: true
   244  #- name: custom commands for a specific project
   245  #  pattern: "**/myproject/**"
   246  #  config:
   247  #    menuCommands:
   248  #    - name: make
   249  #      shellCmd: make | less