
     1  Custom Menu Commands
     2  ====================
     4  Aretext allows you to define custom menu items to run shell commands. This provides a simple, yet powerful, way to extend the editor.
     6  Adding Custom Menu Comands
     7  --------------------------
     9  You can add new menu commands by [editing the config file]( to add this rule:
    11  ```yaml
    12  - name: custom menu rule
    13    pattern: "**/myproject/**"
    14    config:
    15      menuCommands:
    16      - name: my custom menu command
    17        shellCmd: echo 'hello world!' | less
    18        mode: terminal  # or "silent" or "insert" or "fileLocations"
    19  ```
    21  After restarting the editor, the new command will be available in the command menu. Selecting the new command will launch a shell to execute the given command (in this case, echoing "hello world").
    23  The shell program can be configured by environment variables: `$ARETEXT_SHELL` has highest priority, then `$SHELL`. If neither environment variable is set, aretext uses `sh`.
    25  The "mode" parameter controls how aretext handles the command's input and output. The table below shows the available modes:
    27  | Mode          | Input | Output                 | Use Cases                                                                     |
    28  |---------------|-------|------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
    29  | terminal      | tty   | tty                    | `make`, `git commit`, `go test`, `man`, ...                                   |
    30  | silent        | none  | none                   | `go fmt`, tmux commands, copy to system clipboard, ...                        |
    31  | insert        | none  | insert into document   | paste from system clipboard, insert snippet, comment/uncomment selection, ... |
    32  | insertChoice  | none  | insert choice menu     | choose a word to insert from a dictionary like `/usr/share/dict/words`, ...   |
    33  | fileLocations | none  | file location menu     | grep for word under cursor, ...                                               |
    34  | workingDir    | none  | working directory menu | select the current working directory from a preset list                       |
    36  In addition, the following environment variables are provided to the shell command:
    38  -	`$FILEPATH` is the absolute path to the current file.
    39  -	`$WORD` is the current word under the cursor.
    40  -	`$LINE` is the line number of the cursor, starting from one.
    41  -	`$COLUMN` is the column position of the cursor in bytes, starting from one.
    42  -	`$SELECTION` is the currently selected text (if any).
    44  If there are multiple commands with the same name, only the last of these commands will appear in the menu.
    46  Examples
    47  --------
    49  ### Build a project with make
    51  Add a menu command to build a project using `make`. Piping to `less` allows us to page through the output.
    53  ```yaml
    54  - name: custom make cmd
    55    pattern: "**/myproject/**"
    56    config:
    57      menuCommands:
    58      - name: build
    59        shellCmd: make | less
    60        save: true  # save the file before running `make`
    61  ```
    63  ### Copy and paste using the system clipboard
    65  Most systems provide command-line utilities for interacting with the system clipboard. Custom menu commands can invoke these tools to copy the current selection and paste into the document.
    67  On Linux (Wayland):
    69  ```yaml
    70  - name: linux wayland clipboard commands
    71    pattern: "**"
    72    config:
    73      menuCommands:
    74      - name: copy to clipboard
    75        shellCmd: wl-copy "$SELECTION"
    76        mode: silent
    77      - name: paste from clipboard
    78        shellCmd: wl-paste
    79        mode: insert
    80  ```
    82  On macOS:
    84  ```yaml
    85  - name: macos clipboard commands
    86    pattern: "**"
    87    config:
    88      menuCommands:
    89        - name: copy to clipboard
    90          shellCmd: printenv SELECTION | pbcopy
    91          mode: silent
    92        - name: paste from clipboard
    93          shellCmd: pbpaste
    94          mode: insert
    95  ```
    97  Using tmux:
    99  ```yaml
   100  - name: tmux clipboard commands
   101    pattern: "**"
   102    config:
   103      menuCommands:
   104      - name: copy to clipboard
   105        shellCmd: printenv SELECTION | tmux load-buffer -
   106        mode: silent
   107      - name: paste from clipboard
   108        shellCmd: tmux show-buffer
   109        mode: insert
   110  ```
   112  ### Format the current file
   114  Many programming languages provide command line tools to automatically format code. You can add a custom menu command to run these tools on the current file.
   116  For example, this command uses `go fmt` to format a Go file:
   118  ```yaml
   119  - name: custom fmt command
   120    pattern: "**/*.go"
   121    config:
   122      menuCommands:
   123      - name: go fmt current file
   124        shellCmd: go fmt $FILEPATH | less
   125        save: true  # save the file before running `go fmt`
   126  ```
   128  ### Git blame the current file
   130  When working in a git repository, you might want to know who last edited a line of code. You can find this using `git blame` on the current file.
   132  ```yaml
   133  - name: git blame command
   134    pattern: "**"
   135    config:
   136      menuCommands:
   137      - name: git blame
   138        shellCmd: git blame "$FILEPATH" | less +$LINE
   139  ```
   141  ### Insert a snippet
   143  You can add a custom menu command to insert a snippet of code.
   145  For example, suppose you have written a template for a Go test. You can then create a menu command to `cat` the contents of the file into the document:
   147  ```yaml
   148  - name: custom snippet command
   149    pattern: "**/*.go"
   150    config:
   151      menuCommands:
   152      - name: insert test snippet
   153        shellCmd: cat ~/snippets/go-test.go
   154        mode: insert
   155  ```
   157  ### Grep for the word under the cursor
   159  You can add a custom menu command to grep for the word under the cursor. The following example uses [ripgrep]( to perform the search:
   161  ```yaml
   162  - name: custom grep command
   163    pattern: "**"
   164    config:
   165      menuCommands:
   166      - name: rg word
   167        shellCmd: rg $WORD --vimgrep  # or `grep $WORD -n -R .`
   168        mode: fileLocations
   169  ```
   171  Once the search has completed, aretext loads the locations into a searchable menu. This allows you to easily navigate to a particular result.
   173  The "fileLocations" mode works with any command that outputs file locations as lines with the format: `<file>:<line>:<snippet>` or `<file>:<line>:<col>:<snippet>`. You can use grep, ripgrep, or a script you write yourself!
   175  ### Open a document in a new tmux window
   177  If you use [tmux](, you can add a custom menu command to open the current document in a new window.
   179  ```yaml
   180  - name: tmux window commands
   181    pattern: "**"
   182    config:
   183      menuCommands:
   184      - name: split window horizontal
   185        shellCmd: tmux split-window -h "aretext -line $LINE $FILEPATH"
   186        mode: silent
   187      - name: split window vertical
   188        shellCmd: tmux split-window -v "aretext -line $LINE $FILEPATH
   189        mode: silent
   190  ```