
     1  package settings
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"crypto/rand"
     6  	"crypto/sha256"
     7  	"crypto/tls"
     8  	"crypto/x509"
     9  	"encoding/base64"
    10  	"fmt"
    11  	"math/big"
    12  	"net/url"
    13  	"path"
    14  	"reflect"
    15  	"strconv"
    16  	"strings"
    17  	"sync"
    18  	"time"
    20  	log ""
    21  	apiv1 ""
    22  	apierr ""
    23  	apierrors ""
    24  	metav1 ""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	v1 ""
    28  	""
    29  	v1listers ""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    33  	enginecache ""
    34  	timeutil ""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	tlsutil ""
    44  )
    46  // ArgoCDSettings holds in-memory runtime configuration options.
    47  type ArgoCDSettings struct {
    48  	// URL is the externally facing URL users will visit to reach Argo CD.
    49  	// The value here is used when configuring SSO. Omitting this value will disable SSO.
    50  	URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
    51  	// Indicates if status badge is enabled or not.
    52  	StatusBadgeEnabled bool `json:"statusBadgeEnable"`
    53  	// Indicates if status badge custom root URL should be used.
    54  	StatusBadgeRootUrl string `json:"statusBadgeRootUrl,omitempty"`
    55  	// DexConfig contains portions of a dex config yaml
    56  	DexConfig string `json:"dexConfig,omitempty"`
    57  	// OIDCConfigRAW holds OIDC configuration as a raw string
    58  	OIDCConfigRAW string `json:"oidcConfig,omitempty"`
    59  	// ServerSignature holds the key used to generate JWT tokens.
    60  	ServerSignature []byte `json:"serverSignature,omitempty"`
    61  	// Certificate holds the certificate/private key for the Argo CD API server.
    62  	// If nil, will run insecure without TLS.
    63  	Certificate *tls.Certificate `json:"-"`
    64  	// CertificateIsExternal indicates whether Certificate was loaded from external secret
    65  	CertificateIsExternal bool `json:"-"`
    66  	// WebhookGitLabSecret holds the shared secret for authenticating GitHub webhook events
    67  	WebhookGitHubSecret string `json:"webhookGitHubSecret,omitempty"`
    68  	// WebhookGitLabSecret holds the shared secret for authenticating GitLab webhook events
    69  	WebhookGitLabSecret string `json:"webhookGitLabSecret,omitempty"`
    70  	// WebhookBitbucketUUID holds the UUID for authenticating Bitbucket webhook events
    71  	WebhookBitbucketUUID string `json:"webhookBitbucketUUID,omitempty"`
    72  	// WebhookBitbucketServerSecret holds the shared secret for authenticating BitbucketServer webhook events
    73  	WebhookBitbucketServerSecret string `json:"webhookBitbucketServerSecret,omitempty"`
    74  	// WebhookGogsSecret holds the shared secret for authenticating Gogs webhook events
    75  	WebhookGogsSecret string `json:"webhookGogsSecret,omitempty"`
    76  	// WebhookAzureDevOpsUsername holds the username for authenticating Azure DevOps webhook events
    77  	WebhookAzureDevOpsUsername string `json:"webhookAzureDevOpsUsername,omitempty"`
    78  	// WebhookAzureDevOpsPassword holds the password for authenticating Azure DevOps webhook events
    79  	WebhookAzureDevOpsPassword string `json:"webhookAzureDevOpsPassword,omitempty"`
    80  	// Secrets holds all secrets in argocd-secret as a map[string]string
    81  	Secrets map[string]string `json:"secrets,omitempty"`
    82  	// KustomizeBuildOptions is a string of kustomize build parameters
    83  	KustomizeBuildOptions string `json:"kustomizeBuildOptions,omitempty"`
    84  	// Indicates if anonymous user is enabled or not
    85  	AnonymousUserEnabled bool `json:"anonymousUserEnabled,omitempty"`
    86  	// Specifies token expiration duration
    87  	UserSessionDuration time.Duration `json:"userSessionDuration,omitempty"`
    88  	// UiCssURL local or remote path to user-defined CSS to customize ArgoCD UI
    89  	UiCssURL string `json:"uiCssURL,omitempty"`
    90  	// Content of UI Banner
    91  	UiBannerContent string `json:"uiBannerContent,omitempty"`
    92  	// URL for UI Banner
    93  	UiBannerURL string `json:"uiBannerURL,omitempty"`
    94  	// Make Banner permanent and not closeable
    95  	UiBannerPermanent bool `json:"uiBannerPermanent,omitempty"`
    96  	// Position of UI Banner
    97  	UiBannerPosition string `json:"uiBannerPosition,omitempty"`
    98  	// PasswordPattern for password regular expression
    99  	PasswordPattern string `json:"passwordPattern,omitempty"`
   100  	// BinaryUrls contains the URLs for downloading argocd binaries
   101  	BinaryUrls map[string]string `json:"binaryUrls,omitempty"`
   102  	// InClusterEnabled indicates whether to allow in-cluster server address
   103  	InClusterEnabled bool `json:"inClusterEnabled"`
   104  	// ServerRBACLogEnforceEnable temporary var indicates whether rbac will be enforced on logs
   105  	ServerRBACLogEnforceEnable bool `json:"serverRBACLogEnforceEnable"`
   106  	// ExecEnabled indicates whether the UI exec feature is enabled
   107  	ExecEnabled bool `json:"execEnabled"`
   108  	// ExecShells restricts which shells are allowed for `exec` and in which order they are tried
   109  	ExecShells []string `json:"execShells"`
   110  	// TrackingMethod defines the resource tracking method to be used
   111  	TrackingMethod string `json:"application.resourceTrackingMethod,omitempty"`
   112  	// OIDCTLSInsecureSkipVerify determines whether certificate verification is skipped when verifying tokens with the
   113  	// configured OIDC provider (either external or the bundled Dex instance). Setting this to `true` will cause JWT
   114  	// token verification to pass despite the OIDC provider having an invalid certificate. Only set to `true` if you
   115  	// understand the risks.
   116  	OIDCTLSInsecureSkipVerify bool `json:"oidcTLSInsecureSkipVerify"`
   117  	// AppsInAnyNamespaceEnabled indicates whether applications are allowed to be created in any namespace
   118  	AppsInAnyNamespaceEnabled bool `json:"appsInAnyNamespaceEnabled"`
   119  	// ExtensionConfig configurations related to ArgoCD proxy extensions. The value
   120  	// is a yaml string defined in extension.ExtensionConfigs struct.
   121  	ExtensionConfig string `json:"extensionConfig,omitempty"`
   122  }
   124  type GoogleAnalytics struct {
   125  	TrackingID     string `json:"trackingID,omitempty"`
   126  	AnonymizeUsers bool   `json:"anonymizeUsers,omitempty"`
   127  }
   129  type GlobalProjectSettings struct {
   130  	ProjectName   string               `json:"projectName,omitempty"`
   131  	LabelSelector metav1.LabelSelector `json:"labelSelector,omitempty"`
   132  }
   134  // Help settings
   135  type Help struct {
   136  	// the URL for getting chat help, this will typically be your Slack channel for support
   137  	ChatURL string `json:"chatUrl,omitempty"`
   138  	// the text for getting chat help, defaults to "Chat now!"
   139  	ChatText string `json:"chatText,omitempty"`
   140  	// the URLs for downloading argocd binaries
   141  	BinaryURLs map[string]string `json:"binaryUrl,omitempty"`
   142  }
   144  // oidcConfig is the same as the public OIDCConfig, except the public one excludes the AllowedAudiences and the
   145  // SkipAudienceCheckWhenTokenHasNoAudience fields.
   146  // AllowedAudiences should be accessed via ArgoCDSettings.OAuth2AllowedAudiences.
   147  // SkipAudienceCheckWhenTokenHasNoAudience should be accessed via ArgoCDSettings.SkipAudienceCheckWhenTokenHasNoAudience.
   148  type oidcConfig struct {
   149  	OIDCConfig
   150  	AllowedAudiences                        []string `json:"allowedAudiences,omitempty"`
   151  	SkipAudienceCheckWhenTokenHasNoAudience *bool    `json:"skipAudienceCheckWhenTokenHasNoAudience,omitempty"`
   152  }
   154  func (o *oidcConfig) toExported() *OIDCConfig {
   155  	if o == nil {
   156  		return nil
   157  	}
   158  	return &OIDCConfig{
   159  		Name:                     o.Name,
   160  		Issuer:                   o.Issuer,
   161  		ClientID:                 o.ClientID,
   162  		ClientSecret:             o.ClientSecret,
   163  		CLIClientID:              o.CLIClientID,
   164  		UserInfoPath:             o.UserInfoPath,
   165  		EnableUserInfoGroups:     o.EnableUserInfoGroups,
   166  		UserInfoCacheExpiration:  o.UserInfoCacheExpiration,
   167  		RequestedScopes:          o.RequestedScopes,
   168  		RequestedIDTokenClaims:   o.RequestedIDTokenClaims,
   169  		LogoutURL:                o.LogoutURL,
   170  		RootCA:                   o.RootCA,
   171  		EnablePKCEAuthentication: o.EnablePKCEAuthentication,
   172  	}
   173  }
   175  type OIDCConfig struct {
   176  	Name                     string                 `json:"name,omitempty"`
   177  	Issuer                   string                 `json:"issuer,omitempty"`
   178  	ClientID                 string                 `json:"clientID,omitempty"`
   179  	ClientSecret             string                 `json:"clientSecret,omitempty"`
   180  	CLIClientID              string                 `json:"cliClientID,omitempty"`
   181  	EnableUserInfoGroups     bool                   `json:"enableUserInfoGroups,omitempty"`
   182  	UserInfoPath             string                 `json:"userInfoPath,omitempty"`
   183  	UserInfoCacheExpiration  string                 `json:"userInfoCacheExpiration,omitempty"`
   184  	RequestedScopes          []string               `json:"requestedScopes,omitempty"`
   185  	RequestedIDTokenClaims   map[string]*oidc.Claim `json:"requestedIDTokenClaims,omitempty"`
   186  	LogoutURL                string                 `json:"logoutURL,omitempty"`
   187  	RootCA                   string                 `json:"rootCA,omitempty"`
   188  	EnablePKCEAuthentication bool                   `json:"enablePKCEAuthentication,omitempty"`
   189  }
   191  // DEPRECATED. Helm repository credentials are now managed using RepoCredentials
   192  type HelmRepoCredentials struct {
   193  	URL            string                   `json:"url,omitempty"`
   194  	Name           string                   `json:"name,omitempty"`
   195  	UsernameSecret *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"usernameSecret,omitempty"`
   196  	PasswordSecret *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"passwordSecret,omitempty"`
   197  	CertSecret     *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"certSecret,omitempty"`
   198  	KeySecret      *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"keySecret,omitempty"`
   199  }
   201  // KustomizeVersion holds information about additional Kustomize version
   202  type KustomizeVersion struct {
   203  	// Name holds Kustomize version name
   204  	Name string
   205  	// Path holds corresponding binary path
   206  	Path string
   207  	// BuildOptions that are specific to Kustomize version
   208  	BuildOptions string
   209  }
   211  // KustomizeSettings holds kustomize settings
   212  type KustomizeSettings struct {
   213  	BuildOptions string
   214  	Versions     []KustomizeVersion
   215  }
   217  var (
   218  	ByClusterURLIndexer     = "byClusterURL"
   219  	byClusterURLIndexerFunc = func(obj interface{}) ([]string, error) {
   220  		s, ok := obj.(*apiv1.Secret)
   221  		if !ok {
   222  			return nil, nil
   223  		}
   224  		if s.Labels == nil || s.Labels[common.LabelKeySecretType] != common.LabelValueSecretTypeCluster {
   225  			return nil, nil
   226  		}
   227  		if s.Data == nil {
   228  			return nil, nil
   229  		}
   230  		if url, ok := s.Data["server"]; ok {
   231  			return []string{strings.TrimRight(string(url), "/")}, nil
   232  		}
   233  		return nil, nil
   234  	}
   235  	ByClusterNameIndexer     = "byClusterName"
   236  	byClusterNameIndexerFunc = func(obj interface{}) ([]string, error) {
   237  		s, ok := obj.(*apiv1.Secret)
   238  		if !ok {
   239  			return nil, nil
   240  		}
   241  		if s.Labels == nil || s.Labels[common.LabelKeySecretType] != common.LabelValueSecretTypeCluster {
   242  			return nil, nil
   243  		}
   244  		if s.Data == nil {
   245  			return nil, nil
   246  		}
   247  		if name, ok := s.Data["name"]; ok {
   248  			return []string{string(name)}, nil
   249  		}
   250  		return nil, nil
   251  	}
   252  	ByProjectClusterIndexer = "byProjectCluster"
   253  	ByProjectRepoIndexer    = "byProjectRepo"
   254  	byProjectIndexerFunc    = func(secretType string) func(obj interface{}) ([]string, error) {
   255  		return func(obj interface{}) ([]string, error) {
   256  			s, ok := obj.(*apiv1.Secret)
   257  			if !ok {
   258  				return nil, nil
   259  			}
   260  			if s.Labels == nil || s.Labels[common.LabelKeySecretType] != secretType {
   261  				return nil, nil
   262  			}
   263  			if s.Data == nil {
   264  				return nil, nil
   265  			}
   266  			if project, ok := s.Data["project"]; ok {
   267  				return []string{string(project)}, nil
   268  			}
   269  			return nil, nil
   270  		}
   271  	}
   272  )
   274  func (ks *KustomizeSettings) GetOptions(source v1alpha1.ApplicationSource) (*v1alpha1.KustomizeOptions, error) {
   275  	binaryPath := ""
   276  	buildOptions := ""
   277  	if source.Kustomize != nil && source.Kustomize.Version != "" {
   278  		for _, ver := range ks.Versions {
   279  			if ver.Name == source.Kustomize.Version {
   280  				// add version specific path and build options
   281  				binaryPath = ver.Path
   282  				buildOptions = ver.BuildOptions
   283  				break
   284  			}
   285  		}
   286  		if binaryPath == "" {
   287  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("kustomize version %s is not registered", source.Kustomize.Version)
   288  		}
   289  	} else {
   290  		// add build options for the default version
   291  		buildOptions = ks.BuildOptions
   292  	}
   293  	return &v1alpha1.KustomizeOptions{
   294  		BuildOptions: buildOptions,
   295  		BinaryPath:   binaryPath,
   296  	}, nil
   297  }
   299  // Credentials for accessing a Git repository
   300  type Repository struct {
   301  	// The URL to the repository
   302  	URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
   303  	// the type of the repo, "git" or "helm", assumed to be "git" if empty or absent
   304  	Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
   305  	// helm only
   306  	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
   307  	// Name of the secret storing the username used to access the repo
   308  	UsernameSecret *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"usernameSecret,omitempty"`
   309  	// Name of the secret storing the password used to access the repo
   310  	PasswordSecret *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"passwordSecret,omitempty"`
   311  	// Name of the secret storing the SSH private key used to access the repo. Git only
   312  	SSHPrivateKeySecret *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"sshPrivateKeySecret,omitempty"`
   313  	// Whether to connect the repository in an insecure way (deprecated)
   314  	InsecureIgnoreHostKey bool `json:"insecureIgnoreHostKey,omitempty"`
   315  	// Whether to connect the repository in an insecure way
   316  	Insecure bool `json:"insecure,omitempty"`
   317  	// Whether the repo is git-lfs enabled. Git only.
   318  	EnableLFS bool `json:"enableLfs,omitempty"`
   319  	// Name of the secret storing the TLS client cert data
   320  	TLSClientCertDataSecret *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"tlsClientCertDataSecret,omitempty"`
   321  	// Name of the secret storing the TLS client cert's key data
   322  	TLSClientCertKeySecret *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"tlsClientCertKeySecret,omitempty"`
   323  	// Whether the repo is helm-oci enabled. Git only.
   324  	EnableOci bool `json:"enableOci,omitempty"`
   325  	// Github App Private Key PEM data
   326  	GithubAppPrivateKeySecret *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"githubAppPrivateKeySecret,omitempty"`
   327  	// Github App ID of the app used to access the repo
   328  	GithubAppId int64 `json:"githubAppID,omitempty"`
   329  	// Github App Installation ID of the installed GitHub App
   330  	GithubAppInstallationId int64 `json:"githubAppInstallationID,omitempty"`
   331  	// Github App Enterprise base url if empty will default to
   332  	GithubAppEnterpriseBaseURL string `json:"githubAppEnterpriseBaseUrl,omitempty"`
   333  	// Proxy specifies the HTTP/HTTPS proxy used to access the repo
   334  	Proxy string `json:"proxy,omitempty"`
   335  	// GCPServiceAccountKey specifies the service account key in JSON format to be used for getting credentials to Google Cloud Source repos
   336  	GCPServiceAccountKey *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"gcpServiceAccountKey,omitempty"`
   337  	// ForceHttpBasicAuth determines whether Argo CD should force use of basic auth for HTTP connected repositories
   338  	ForceHttpBasicAuth bool `json:"forceHttpBasicAuth,omitempty"`
   339  }
   341  // Credential template for accessing repositories
   342  type RepositoryCredentials struct {
   343  	// The URL pattern the repository URL has to match
   344  	URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
   345  	// Name of the secret storing the username used to access the repo
   346  	UsernameSecret *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"usernameSecret,omitempty"`
   347  	// Name of the secret storing the password used to access the repo
   348  	PasswordSecret *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"passwordSecret,omitempty"`
   349  	// Name of the secret storing the SSH private key used to access the repo. Git only
   350  	SSHPrivateKeySecret *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"sshPrivateKeySecret,omitempty"`
   351  	// Name of the secret storing the TLS client cert data
   352  	TLSClientCertDataSecret *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"tlsClientCertDataSecret,omitempty"`
   353  	// Name of the secret storing the TLS client cert's key data
   354  	TLSClientCertKeySecret *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"tlsClientCertKeySecret,omitempty"`
   355  	// Github App Private Key PEM data
   356  	GithubAppPrivateKeySecret *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"githubAppPrivateKeySecret,omitempty"`
   357  	// Github App ID of the app used to access the repo
   358  	GithubAppId int64 `json:"githubAppID,omitempty"`
   359  	// Github App Installation ID of the installed GitHub App
   360  	GithubAppInstallationId int64 `json:"githubAppInstallationID,omitempty"`
   361  	// Github App Enterprise base url if empty will default to
   362  	GithubAppEnterpriseBaseURL string `json:"githubAppEnterpriseBaseUrl,omitempty"`
   363  	// EnableOCI specifies whether helm-oci support should be enabled for this repo
   364  	EnableOCI bool `json:"enableOCI,omitempty"`
   365  	// the type of the repositoryCredentials, "git" or "helm", assumed to be "git" if empty or absent
   366  	Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
   367  	// GCPServiceAccountKey specifies the service account key in JSON format to be used for getting credentials to Google Cloud Source repos
   368  	GCPServiceAccountKey *apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"gcpServiceAccountKey,omitempty"`
   369  	// ForceHttpBasicAuth determines whether Argo CD should force use of basic auth for HTTP connected repositories
   370  	ForceHttpBasicAuth bool `json:"forceHttpBasicAuth,omitempty"`
   371  }
   373  // DeepLink structure
   374  type DeepLink struct {
   375  	// URL that the deep link will redirect to
   376  	URL string `json:"url"`
   377  	// Title that will be displayed in the UI corresponding to that link
   378  	Title string `json:"title"`
   379  	// Description (optional) a description for what the deep link is about
   380  	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
   381  	// IconClass (optional) a font-awesome icon class to be used when displaying the links in dropdown menus.
   382  	IconClass *string `json:"icon.class,omitempty"`
   383  	// Condition (optional) a conditional statement depending on which the deep link shall be rendered
   384  	Condition *string `json:"if,omitempty"`
   385  }
   387  const (
   388  	// settingServerSignatureKey designates the key for a server secret key inside a Kubernetes secret.
   389  	settingServerSignatureKey = "server.secretkey"
   390  	// gaTrackingID holds Google Analytics tracking id
   391  	gaTrackingID = "ga.trackingid"
   392  	// the URL for getting chat help, this will typically be your Slack channel for support
   393  	helpChatURL = "help.chatUrl"
   394  	// the text for getting chat help, defaults to "Chat now!"
   395  	helpChatText = "help.chatText"
   396  	// gaAnonymizeUsers specifies if user ids should be anonymized (hashed) before sending to Google Analytics. True unless value is set to 'false'
   397  	gaAnonymizeUsers = "ga.anonymizeusers"
   398  	// settingServerCertificate designates the key for the public cert used in TLS
   399  	settingServerCertificate = "tls.crt"
   400  	// settingServerPrivateKey designates the key for the private key used in TLS
   401  	settingServerPrivateKey = "tls.key"
   402  	// settingURLKey designates the key where Argo CD's external URL is set
   403  	settingURLKey = "url"
   404  	// repositoriesKey designates the key where ArgoCDs repositories list is set
   405  	repositoriesKey = "repositories"
   406  	// repositoryCredentialsKey designates the key where ArgoCDs repositories credentials list is set
   407  	repositoryCredentialsKey = "repository.credentials"
   408  	// helmRepositoriesKey designates the key where list of helm repositories is set
   409  	helmRepositoriesKey = "helm.repositories"
   410  	// settingDexConfigKey designates the key for the dex config
   411  	settingDexConfigKey = "dex.config"
   412  	// settingsOIDCConfigKey designates the key for OIDC config
   413  	settingsOIDCConfigKey = "oidc.config"
   414  	// statusBadgeEnabledKey holds the key which enables of disables status badge feature
   415  	statusBadgeEnabledKey = "statusbadge.enabled"
   416  	// statusBadgeRootUrlKey holds the key for the root badge URL override
   417  	statusBadgeRootUrlKey = "statusbadge.url"
   418  	// settingsWebhookGitHubSecret is the key for the GitHub shared webhook secret
   419  	settingsWebhookGitHubSecretKey = "webhook.github.secret"
   420  	// settingsWebhookGitLabSecret is the key for the GitLab shared webhook secret
   421  	settingsWebhookGitLabSecretKey = "webhook.gitlab.secret"
   422  	// settingsWebhookBitbucketUUID is the key for Bitbucket webhook UUID
   423  	settingsWebhookBitbucketUUIDKey = "webhook.bitbucket.uuid"
   424  	// settingsWebhookBitbucketServerSecret is the key for BitbucketServer webhook secret
   425  	settingsWebhookBitbucketServerSecretKey = "webhook.bitbucketserver.secret"
   426  	// settingsWebhookGogsSecret is the key for Gogs webhook secret
   427  	settingsWebhookGogsSecretKey = "webhook.gogs.secret"
   428  	// settingsWebhookAzureDevOpsUsernameKey is the key for Azure DevOps webhook username
   429  	settingsWebhookAzureDevOpsUsernameKey = "webhook.azuredevops.username"
   430  	// settingsWebhookAzureDevOpsPasswordKey is the key for Azure DevOps webhook password
   431  	settingsWebhookAzureDevOpsPasswordKey = "webhook.azuredevops.password"
   432  	// settingsApplicationInstanceLabelKey is the key to configure injected app instance label key
   433  	settingsApplicationInstanceLabelKey = "application.instanceLabelKey"
   434  	// settingsResourceTrackingMethodKey is the key to configure tracking method for application resources
   435  	settingsResourceTrackingMethodKey = "application.resourceTrackingMethod"
   436  	// resourcesCustomizationsKey is the key to the map of resource overrides
   437  	resourceCustomizationsKey = "resource.customizations"
   438  	// resourceExclusions is the key to the list of excluded resources
   439  	resourceExclusionsKey = "resource.exclusions"
   440  	// resourceInclusions is the key to the list of explicitly watched resources
   441  	resourceInclusionsKey = "resource.inclusions"
   442  	// resourceIgnoreResourceUpdatesEnabledKey is the key to a boolean determining whether the resourceIgnoreUpdates feature is enabled
   443  	resourceIgnoreResourceUpdatesEnabledKey = "resource.ignoreResourceUpdatesEnabled"
   444  	// resourceCustomLabelKey is the key to a custom label to show in node info, if present
   445  	resourceCustomLabelsKey = "resource.customLabels"
   446  	// kustomizeBuildOptionsKey is a string of kustomize build parameters
   447  	kustomizeBuildOptionsKey = "kustomize.buildOptions"
   448  	// kustomizeVersionKeyPrefix is a kustomize version key prefix
   449  	kustomizeVersionKeyPrefix = "kustomize.version"
   450  	// kustomizePathPrefixKey is a kustomize path for a specific version
   451  	kustomizePathPrefixKey = "kustomize.path"
   452  	// anonymousUserEnabledKey is the key which enables or disables anonymous user
   453  	anonymousUserEnabledKey = "users.anonymous.enabled"
   454  	// userSessionDurationKey is the key which specifies token expiration duration
   455  	userSessionDurationKey = "users.session.duration"
   456  	// diffOptions is the key where diff options are configured
   457  	resourceCompareOptionsKey = "resource.compareoptions"
   458  	// settingUiCssURLKey designates the key for user-defined CSS URL for UI customization
   459  	settingUiCssURLKey = "ui.cssurl"
   460  	// settingUiBannerContentKey designates the key for content of user-defined info banner for UI
   461  	settingUiBannerContentKey = "ui.bannercontent"
   462  	// settingUiBannerURLKey designates the key for the link for user-defined info banner for UI
   463  	settingUiBannerURLKey = "ui.bannerurl"
   464  	// settingUiBannerPermanentKey designates the key for whether the banner is permanent and not closeable
   465  	settingUiBannerPermanentKey = "ui.bannerpermanent"
   466  	// settingUiBannerPositionKey designates the key for the position of the banner
   467  	settingUiBannerPositionKey = "ui.bannerposition"
   468  	// settingsBinaryUrlsKey designates the key for the argocd binary URLs
   469  	settingsBinaryUrlsKey = ""
   470  	// globalProjectsKey designates the key for global project settings
   471  	globalProjectsKey = "globalProjects"
   472  	// initialPasswordSecretName is the name of the secret that will hold the initial admin password
   473  	initialPasswordSecretName = "argocd-initial-admin-secret"
   474  	// initialPasswordSecretField is the name of the field in initialPasswordSecretName to store the password
   475  	initialPasswordSecretField = "password"
   476  	// initialPasswordLength defines the length of the generated initial password
   477  	initialPasswordLength = 16
   478  	// externalServerTLSSecretName defines the name of the external secret holding the server's TLS certificate
   479  	externalServerTLSSecretName = "argocd-server-tls"
   480  	// partOfArgoCDSelector holds label selector that should be applied to config maps and secrets used to manage Argo CD
   481  	partOfArgoCDSelector = ""
   482  	// settingsPasswordPatternKey is the key to configure user password regular expression
   483  	settingsPasswordPatternKey = "passwordPattern"
   484  	// inClusterEnabledKey is the key to configure whether to allow in-cluster server address
   485  	inClusterEnabledKey = "cluster.inClusterEnabled"
   486  	// settingsServerRBACLogEnforceEnable is the key to configure whether logs RBAC enforcement is enabled
   487  	settingsServerRBACLogEnforceEnableKey = "server.rbac.log.enforce.enable"
   488  	// helmValuesFileSchemesKey is the key to configure the list of supported helm values file schemas
   489  	helmValuesFileSchemesKey = "helm.valuesFileSchemes"
   490  	// execEnabledKey is the key to configure whether the UI exec feature is enabled
   491  	execEnabledKey = "exec.enabled"
   492  	// execShellsKey is the key to configure which shells are allowed for `exec` and in what order they are tried
   493  	execShellsKey = "exec.shells"
   494  	// oidcTLSInsecureSkipVerifyKey is the key to configure whether TLS cert verification is skipped for OIDC connections
   495  	oidcTLSInsecureSkipVerifyKey = "oidc.tls.insecure.skip.verify"
   496  	// ApplicationDeepLinks is the application deep link key
   497  	ApplicationDeepLinks = "application.links"
   498  	// ProjectDeepLinks is the project deep link key
   499  	ProjectDeepLinks = "project.links"
   500  	// ResourceDeepLinks is the resource deep link key
   501  	ResourceDeepLinks = "resource.links"
   502  	extensionConfig   = "extension.config"
   503  	// RespectRBAC is the key to configure argocd to respect rbac while watching for resources
   504  	RespectRBAC            = "resource.respectRBAC"
   505  	RespectRBACValueStrict = "strict"
   506  	RespectRBACValueNormal = "normal"
   507  )
   509  var (
   510  	sourceTypeToEnableGenerationKey = map[v1alpha1.ApplicationSourceType]string{
   511  		v1alpha1.ApplicationSourceTypeKustomize: "kustomize.enable",
   512  		v1alpha1.ApplicationSourceTypeHelm:      "helm.enable",
   513  		v1alpha1.ApplicationSourceTypeDirectory: "jsonnet.enable",
   514  	}
   515  )
   517  // SettingsManager holds config info for a new manager with which to access Kubernetes ConfigMaps.
   518  type SettingsManager struct {
   519  	ctx             context.Context
   520  	clientset       kubernetes.Interface
   521  	secrets         v1listers.SecretLister
   522  	secretsInformer cache.SharedIndexInformer
   523  	configmaps      v1listers.ConfigMapLister
   524  	namespace       string
   525  	// subscribers is a list of subscribers to settings updates
   526  	subscribers []chan<- *ArgoCDSettings
   527  	// mutex protects concurrency sensitive parts of settings manager: access to subscribers list and initialization flag
   528  	mutex                 *sync.Mutex
   529  	initContextCancel     func()
   530  	reposCache            []Repository
   531  	repoCredsCache        []RepositoryCredentials
   532  	reposOrClusterChanged func()
   533  }
   535  type incompleteSettingsError struct {
   536  	message string
   537  }
   539  type IgnoreStatus string
   541  const (
   542  	// IgnoreResourceStatusInCRD ignores status changes for all CRDs
   543  	IgnoreResourceStatusInCRD IgnoreStatus = "crd"
   544  	// IgnoreResourceStatusInAll ignores status changes for all resources
   545  	IgnoreResourceStatusInAll IgnoreStatus = "all"
   546  	// IgnoreResourceStatusInNone ignores status changes for no resources
   547  	IgnoreResourceStatusInNone IgnoreStatus = "off"
   548  )
   550  type ArgoCDDiffOptions struct {
   551  	IgnoreAggregatedRoles bool `json:"ignoreAggregatedRoles,omitempty"`
   553  	// If set to true then differences caused by status are ignored.
   554  	IgnoreResourceStatusField IgnoreStatus `json:"ignoreResourceStatusField,omitempty"`
   556  	// If set to true then ignoreDifferences are applied to ignore application refresh on resource updates.
   557  	IgnoreDifferencesOnResourceUpdates bool `json:"ignoreDifferencesOnResourceUpdates,omitempty"`
   558  }
   560  func (e *incompleteSettingsError) Error() string {
   561  	return e.message
   562  }
   564  func (mgr *SettingsManager) onRepoOrClusterChanged() {
   565  	if mgr.reposOrClusterChanged != nil {
   566  		go mgr.reposOrClusterChanged()
   567  	}
   568  }
   570  func (mgr *SettingsManager) RespectRBAC() (int, error) {
   571  	cm, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
   572  	if err != nil {
   573  		return enginecache.RespectRbacDisabled, err
   574  	}
   575  	if cm.Data[RespectRBAC] != "" {
   576  		switch cm.Data[RespectRBAC] {
   577  		case RespectRBACValueNormal:
   578  			return enginecache.RespectRbacNormal, nil
   579  		case RespectRBACValueStrict:
   580  			return enginecache.RespectRbacStrict, nil
   581  		default:
   582  			return enginecache.RespectRbacDisabled, fmt.Errorf("invalid value for %s: %s", RespectRBAC, cm.Data[RespectRBAC])
   583  		}
   584  	}
   585  	return enginecache.RespectRbacDisabled, nil
   586  }
   588  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetSecretsLister() (v1listers.SecretLister, error) {
   589  	err := mgr.ensureSynced(false)
   590  	if err != nil {
   591  		return nil, err
   592  	}
   593  	return mgr.secrets, nil
   594  }
   596  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetSecretsInformer() (cache.SharedIndexInformer, error) {
   597  	err := mgr.ensureSynced(false)
   598  	if err != nil {
   599  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error ensuring that the secrets manager is synced: %w", err)
   600  	}
   601  	return mgr.secretsInformer, nil
   602  }
   604  func (mgr *SettingsManager) updateSecret(callback func(*apiv1.Secret) error) error {
   605  	err := mgr.ensureSynced(false)
   606  	if err != nil {
   607  		return err
   608  	}
   609  	argoCDSecret, err := mgr.secrets.Secrets(mgr.namespace).Get(common.ArgoCDSecretName)
   610  	createSecret := false
   611  	if err != nil {
   612  		if !apierr.IsNotFound(err) {
   613  			return err
   614  		}
   615  		argoCDSecret = &apiv1.Secret{
   616  			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   617  				Name: common.ArgoCDSecretName,
   618  			},
   619  			Data: make(map[string][]byte),
   620  		}
   621  		createSecret = true
   622  	}
   623  	if argoCDSecret.Data == nil {
   624  		argoCDSecret.Data = make(map[string][]byte)
   625  	}
   627  	updatedSecret := argoCDSecret.DeepCopy()
   628  	err = callback(updatedSecret)
   629  	if err != nil {
   630  		return err
   631  	}
   633  	if !createSecret && reflect.DeepEqual(argoCDSecret.Data, updatedSecret.Data) {
   634  		return nil
   635  	}
   637  	if createSecret {
   638  		_, err = mgr.clientset.CoreV1().Secrets(mgr.namespace).Create(context.Background(), updatedSecret, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   639  	} else {
   640  		_, err = mgr.clientset.CoreV1().Secrets(mgr.namespace).Update(context.Background(), updatedSecret, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
   641  	}
   642  	if err != nil {
   643  		return err
   644  	}
   646  	return mgr.ResyncInformers()
   647  }
   649  func (mgr *SettingsManager) updateConfigMap(callback func(*apiv1.ConfigMap) error) error {
   650  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
   651  	createCM := false
   652  	if err != nil {
   653  		if !apierr.IsNotFound(err) {
   654  			return err
   655  		}
   656  		argoCDCM = &apiv1.ConfigMap{
   657  			ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
   658  				Name: common.ArgoCDConfigMapName,
   659  			},
   660  		}
   661  		createCM = true
   662  	}
   663  	if argoCDCM.Data == nil {
   664  		argoCDCM.Data = make(map[string]string)
   665  	}
   666  	beforeUpdate := argoCDCM.DeepCopy()
   667  	err = callback(argoCDCM)
   668  	if err != nil {
   669  		return err
   670  	}
   671  	if reflect.DeepEqual(beforeUpdate.Data, argoCDCM.Data) {
   672  		return nil
   673  	}
   675  	if createCM {
   676  		_, err = mgr.clientset.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(mgr.namespace).Create(context.Background(), argoCDCM, metav1.CreateOptions{})
   677  	} else {
   678  		_, err = mgr.clientset.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(mgr.namespace).Update(context.Background(), argoCDCM, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
   679  	}
   681  	if err != nil {
   682  		return err
   683  	}
   685  	mgr.invalidateCache()
   687  	return mgr.ResyncInformers()
   688  }
   690  func (mgr *SettingsManager) getConfigMap() (*apiv1.ConfigMap, error) {
   691  	err := mgr.ensureSynced(false)
   692  	if err != nil {
   693  		return nil, err
   694  	}
   695  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.configmaps.ConfigMaps(mgr.namespace).Get(common.ArgoCDConfigMapName)
   696  	if err != nil {
   697  		return nil, err
   698  	}
   699  	if argoCDCM.Data == nil {
   700  		argoCDCM.Data = make(map[string]string)
   701  	}
   702  	return argoCDCM, err
   703  }
   705  // Returns the ConfigMap with the given name from the cluster.
   706  // The ConfigMap must be labeled with " argocd" in
   707  // order to be retrievable.
   708  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetConfigMapByName(configMapName string) (*apiv1.ConfigMap, error) {
   709  	err := mgr.ensureSynced(false)
   710  	if err != nil {
   711  		return nil, err
   712  	}
   713  	configMap, err := mgr.configmaps.ConfigMaps(mgr.namespace).Get(configMapName)
   714  	if err != nil {
   715  		return nil, err
   716  	}
   717  	return configMap, err
   718  }
   720  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetResourcesFilter() (*ResourcesFilter, error) {
   721  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
   722  	if err != nil {
   723  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving argocd-cm: %w", err)
   724  	}
   725  	rf := &ResourcesFilter{}
   726  	if value, ok := argoCDCM.Data[resourceInclusionsKey]; ok {
   727  		includedResources := make([]FilteredResource, 0)
   728  		err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &includedResources)
   729  		if err != nil {
   730  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling included resources %w", err)
   731  		}
   732  		rf.ResourceInclusions = includedResources
   733  	}
   735  	if value, ok := argoCDCM.Data[resourceExclusionsKey]; ok {
   736  		excludedResources := make([]FilteredResource, 0)
   737  		err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &excludedResources)
   738  		if err != nil {
   739  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling excluded resources %w", err)
   740  		}
   741  		rf.ResourceExclusions = excludedResources
   742  	}
   743  	return rf, nil
   744  }
   746  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetAppInstanceLabelKey() (string, error) {
   747  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
   748  	if err != nil {
   749  		return "", err
   750  	}
   751  	label := argoCDCM.Data[settingsApplicationInstanceLabelKey]
   752  	if label == "" {
   753  		return common.LabelKeyAppInstance, nil
   754  	}
   755  	return label, nil
   756  }
   758  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetTrackingMethod() (string, error) {
   759  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
   760  	if err != nil {
   761  		return "", err
   762  	}
   763  	return argoCDCM.Data[settingsResourceTrackingMethodKey], nil
   764  }
   766  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetPasswordPattern() (string, error) {
   767  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
   768  	if err != nil {
   769  		return "", err
   770  	}
   771  	label := argoCDCM.Data[settingsPasswordPatternKey]
   772  	if label == "" {
   773  		return common.PasswordPatten, nil
   774  	}
   775  	return label, nil
   776  }
   778  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetServerRBACLogEnforceEnable() (bool, error) {
   779  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
   780  	if err != nil {
   781  		return false, err
   782  	}
   784  	if argoCDCM.Data[settingsServerRBACLogEnforceEnableKey] == "" {
   785  		return false, nil
   786  	}
   788  	return strconv.ParseBool(argoCDCM.Data[settingsServerRBACLogEnforceEnableKey])
   789  }
   791  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetDeepLinks(deeplinkType string) ([]DeepLink, error) {
   792  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
   793  	if err != nil {
   794  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving argocd-cm: %w", err)
   795  	}
   796  	deepLinks := make([]DeepLink, 0)
   797  	if value, ok := argoCDCM.Data[deeplinkType]; ok {
   798  		err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &deepLinks)
   799  		if err != nil {
   800  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling deep links %w", err)
   801  		}
   802  	}
   803  	return deepLinks, nil
   804  }
   806  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetEnabledSourceTypes() (map[string]bool, error) {
   807  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
   808  	if err != nil {
   809  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get argo-cd config map: %w", err)
   810  	}
   811  	res := map[string]bool{}
   812  	for sourceType := range sourceTypeToEnableGenerationKey {
   813  		res[string(sourceType)] = true
   814  	}
   815  	for sourceType, key := range sourceTypeToEnableGenerationKey {
   816  		if val, ok := argoCDCM.Data[key]; ok && val != "" {
   817  			res[string(sourceType)] = val == "true"
   818  		}
   819  	}
   820  	// plugin based manifest generation cannot be disabled
   821  	res[string(v1alpha1.ApplicationSourceTypePlugin)] = true
   822  	return res, nil
   823  }
   825  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetIgnoreResourceUpdatesOverrides() (map[string]v1alpha1.ResourceOverride, error) {
   826  	compareOptions, err := mgr.GetResourceCompareOptions()
   827  	if err != nil {
   828  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get compare options: %w", err)
   829  	}
   831  	resourceOverrides, err := mgr.GetResourceOverrides()
   832  	if err != nil {
   833  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get resource overrides: %w", err)
   834  	}
   836  	for k, v := range resourceOverrides {
   837  		resourceUpdates := v.IgnoreResourceUpdates
   838  		if compareOptions.IgnoreDifferencesOnResourceUpdates {
   839  			resourceUpdates.JQPathExpressions = append(resourceUpdates.JQPathExpressions, v.IgnoreDifferences.JQPathExpressions...)
   840  			resourceUpdates.JSONPointers = append(resourceUpdates.JSONPointers, v.IgnoreDifferences.JSONPointers...)
   841  			resourceUpdates.ManagedFieldsManagers = append(resourceUpdates.ManagedFieldsManagers, v.IgnoreDifferences.ManagedFieldsManagers...)
   842  		}
   843  		// Set the IgnoreDifferences because these are the overrides used by Normalizers
   844  		v.IgnoreDifferences = resourceUpdates
   845  		v.IgnoreResourceUpdates = v1alpha1.OverrideIgnoreDiff{}
   846  		resourceOverrides[k] = v
   847  	}
   849  	if compareOptions.IgnoreDifferencesOnResourceUpdates {
   850  		log.Info("Using diffing customizations to ignore resource updates")
   851  	}
   853  	addIgnoreDiffItemOverrideToGK(resourceOverrides, "*/*", "/metadata/resourceVersion")
   854  	addIgnoreDiffItemOverrideToGK(resourceOverrides, "*/*", "/metadata/generation")
   855  	addIgnoreDiffItemOverrideToGK(resourceOverrides, "*/*", "/metadata/managedFields")
   857  	return resourceOverrides, nil
   858  }
   860  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetIsIgnoreResourceUpdatesEnabled() (bool, error) {
   861  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
   862  	if err != nil {
   863  		return false, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving config map: %w", err)
   864  	}
   866  	if argoCDCM.Data[resourceIgnoreResourceUpdatesEnabledKey] == "" {
   867  		return false, nil
   868  	}
   870  	return strconv.ParseBool(argoCDCM.Data[resourceIgnoreResourceUpdatesEnabledKey])
   871  }
   873  // GetResourceOverrides loads Resource Overrides from argocd-cm ConfigMap
   874  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetResourceOverrides() (map[string]v1alpha1.ResourceOverride, error) {
   875  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
   876  	if err != nil {
   877  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving config map: %w", err)
   878  	}
   879  	resourceOverrides := map[string]v1alpha1.ResourceOverride{}
   880  	if value, ok := argoCDCM.Data[resourceCustomizationsKey]; ok && value != "" {
   881  		err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &resourceOverrides)
   882  		if err != nil {
   883  			return nil, err
   884  		}
   885  	}
   887  	err = mgr.appendResourceOverridesFromSplitKeys(argoCDCM.Data, resourceOverrides)
   888  	if err != nil {
   889  		return nil, err
   890  	}
   892  	var diffOptions ArgoCDDiffOptions
   893  	if value, ok := argoCDCM.Data[resourceCompareOptionsKey]; ok {
   894  		err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &diffOptions)
   895  		if err != nil {
   896  			return nil, err
   897  		}
   898  	}
   900  	crdGK := ""
   901  	crdPrsvUnkn := "/spec/preserveUnknownFields"
   903  	switch diffOptions.IgnoreResourceStatusField {
   904  	case "", "crd":
   905  		addStatusOverrideToGK(resourceOverrides, crdGK)
   906  		addIgnoreDiffItemOverrideToGK(resourceOverrides, crdGK, crdPrsvUnkn)
   907  	case "all":
   908  		addStatusOverrideToGK(resourceOverrides, "*/*")
   909  		log.Info("Ignore status for all objects")
   911  	case "off", "false":
   912  		log.Info("Not ignoring status for any object")
   914  	default:
   915  		addStatusOverrideToGK(resourceOverrides, crdGK)
   916  		log.Warnf("Unrecognized value for ignoreResourceStatusField - %s, ignore status for CustomResourceDefinitions", diffOptions.IgnoreResourceStatusField)
   917  	}
   919  	return resourceOverrides, nil
   920  }
   922  func addStatusOverrideToGK(resourceOverrides map[string]v1alpha1.ResourceOverride, groupKind string) {
   923  	if val, ok := resourceOverrides[groupKind]; ok {
   924  		val.IgnoreDifferences.JSONPointers = append(val.IgnoreDifferences.JSONPointers, "/status")
   925  		resourceOverrides[groupKind] = val
   926  	} else {
   927  		resourceOverrides[groupKind] = v1alpha1.ResourceOverride{
   928  			IgnoreDifferences: v1alpha1.OverrideIgnoreDiff{JSONPointers: []string{"/status"}},
   929  		}
   930  	}
   931  }
   933  func addIgnoreDiffItemOverrideToGK(resourceOverrides map[string]v1alpha1.ResourceOverride, groupKind, ignoreItem string) {
   934  	if val, ok := resourceOverrides[groupKind]; ok {
   935  		val.IgnoreDifferences.JSONPointers = append(val.IgnoreDifferences.JSONPointers, ignoreItem)
   936  		resourceOverrides[groupKind] = val
   937  	} else {
   938  		resourceOverrides[groupKind] = v1alpha1.ResourceOverride{
   939  			IgnoreDifferences: v1alpha1.OverrideIgnoreDiff{JSONPointers: []string{ignoreItem}},
   940  		}
   941  	}
   942  }
   944  func (mgr *SettingsManager) appendResourceOverridesFromSplitKeys(cmData map[string]string, resourceOverrides map[string]v1alpha1.ResourceOverride) error {
   945  	for k, v := range cmData {
   946  		if !strings.HasPrefix(k, resourceCustomizationsKey) {
   947  			continue
   948  		}
   950  		// config map key should be of format resource.customizations.<type>.<group-kind>
   951  		parts := strings.SplitN(k, ".", 4)
   952  		if len(parts) < 4 {
   953  			continue
   954  		}
   956  		overrideKey, err := convertToOverrideKey(parts[3])
   957  		if err != nil {
   958  			return err
   959  		}
   961  		if overrideKey == "all" {
   962  			overrideKey = "*/*"
   963  		}
   965  		overrideVal, ok := resourceOverrides[overrideKey]
   966  		if !ok {
   967  			overrideVal = v1alpha1.ResourceOverride{}
   968  		}
   970  		customizationType := parts[2]
   971  		switch customizationType {
   972  		case "health":
   973  			overrideVal.HealthLua = v
   974  		case "useOpenLibs":
   975  			useOpenLibs, err := strconv.ParseBool(v)
   976  			if err != nil {
   977  				return err
   978  			}
   979  			overrideVal.UseOpenLibs = useOpenLibs
   980  		case "actions":
   981  			overrideVal.Actions = v
   982  		case "ignoreDifferences":
   983  			overrideIgnoreDiff := v1alpha1.OverrideIgnoreDiff{}
   984  			err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &overrideIgnoreDiff)
   985  			if err != nil {
   986  				return err
   987  			}
   988  			overrideVal.IgnoreDifferences = overrideIgnoreDiff
   989  		case "ignoreResourceUpdates":
   990  			overrideIgnoreUpdate := v1alpha1.OverrideIgnoreDiff{}
   991  			err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &overrideIgnoreUpdate)
   992  			if err != nil {
   993  				return err
   994  			}
   995  			overrideVal.IgnoreResourceUpdates = overrideIgnoreUpdate
   996  		case "knownTypeFields":
   997  			var knownTypeFields []v1alpha1.KnownTypeField
   998  			err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &knownTypeFields)
   999  			if err != nil {
  1000  				return err
  1001  			}
  1002  			overrideVal.KnownTypeFields = knownTypeFields
  1003  		default:
  1004  			return fmt.Errorf("resource customization type %s not supported", customizationType)
  1005  		}
  1006  		resourceOverrides[overrideKey] = overrideVal
  1007  	}
  1008  	return nil
  1009  }
  1011  // Convert group-kind format to <group/kind>, allowed key format examples
  1012  //
  1013  //
  1014  func convertToOverrideKey(groupKind string) (string, error) {
  1015  	parts := strings.Split(groupKind, "_")
  1016  	if len(parts) == 2 {
  1017  		return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", parts[0], parts[1]), nil
  1018  	} else if len(parts) == 1 && groupKind != "" {
  1019  		return groupKind, nil
  1020  	}
  1021  	return "", fmt.Errorf("group kind should be in format `resource.customizations.<type>.<group_kind>` or resource.customizations.<type>.<kind>`, got group kind: '%s'", groupKind)
  1022  }
  1024  func GetDefaultDiffOptions() ArgoCDDiffOptions {
  1025  	return ArgoCDDiffOptions{IgnoreAggregatedRoles: false, IgnoreDifferencesOnResourceUpdates: false}
  1026  }
  1028  // GetResourceCompareOptions loads the resource compare options settings from the ConfigMap
  1029  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetResourceCompareOptions() (ArgoCDDiffOptions, error) {
  1030  	// We have a sane set of default diff options
  1031  	diffOptions := GetDefaultDiffOptions()
  1033  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
  1034  	if err != nil {
  1035  		return diffOptions, err
  1036  	}
  1038  	if value, ok := argoCDCM.Data[resourceCompareOptionsKey]; ok {
  1039  		err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &diffOptions)
  1040  		if err != nil {
  1041  			return diffOptions, err
  1042  		}
  1043  	}
  1045  	return diffOptions, nil
  1046  }
  1048  // GetHelmSettings returns helm settings
  1049  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetHelmSettings() (*v1alpha1.HelmOptions, error) {
  1050  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
  1051  	if err != nil {
  1052  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get argo-cd config map: %v", err)
  1053  	}
  1054  	helmOptions := &v1alpha1.HelmOptions{}
  1055  	if value, ok := argoCDCM.Data[helmValuesFileSchemesKey]; ok {
  1056  		for _, item := range strings.Split(value, ",") {
  1057  			if item := strings.TrimSpace(item); item != "" {
  1058  				helmOptions.ValuesFileSchemes = append(helmOptions.ValuesFileSchemes, item)
  1059  			}
  1060  		}
  1061  	} else {
  1062  		helmOptions.ValuesFileSchemes = []string{"https", "http"}
  1063  	}
  1064  	return helmOptions, nil
  1065  }
  1067  // GetKustomizeSettings loads the kustomize settings from argocd-cm ConfigMap
  1068  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetKustomizeSettings() (*KustomizeSettings, error) {
  1069  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
  1070  	if err != nil {
  1071  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving argocd-cm: %w", err)
  1072  	}
  1073  	kustomizeVersionsMap := map[string]KustomizeVersion{}
  1074  	buildOptions := map[string]string{}
  1075  	settings := &KustomizeSettings{}
  1077  	// extract build options for the default version
  1078  	if options, ok := argoCDCM.Data[kustomizeBuildOptionsKey]; ok {
  1079  		settings.BuildOptions = options
  1080  	}
  1082  	// extract per-version binary paths and build options
  1083  	for k, v := range argoCDCM.Data {
  1084  		// extract version and path from kustomize.version.<version>
  1085  		if strings.HasPrefix(k, kustomizeVersionKeyPrefix) {
  1086  			err = addKustomizeVersion(kustomizeVersionKeyPrefix, k, v, kustomizeVersionsMap)
  1087  			if err != nil {
  1088  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to add kustomize version from %q: %w", k, err)
  1089  			}
  1090  		}
  1092  		// extract version and path from kustomize.path.<version>
  1093  		if strings.HasPrefix(k, kustomizePathPrefixKey) {
  1094  			err = addKustomizeVersion(kustomizePathPrefixKey, k, v, kustomizeVersionsMap)
  1095  			if err != nil {
  1096  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to add kustomize version from %q: %w", k, err)
  1097  			}
  1098  		}
  1100  		// extract version and build options from kustomize.buildOptions.<version>
  1101  		if strings.HasPrefix(k, kustomizeBuildOptionsKey) && k != kustomizeBuildOptionsKey {
  1102  			buildOptions[k[len(kustomizeBuildOptionsKey)+1:]] = v
  1103  		}
  1104  	}
  1106  	for _, v := range kustomizeVersionsMap {
  1107  		if _, ok := buildOptions[v.Name]; ok {
  1108  			v.BuildOptions = buildOptions[v.Name]
  1109  		}
  1110  		settings.Versions = append(settings.Versions, v)
  1111  	}
  1112  	return settings, nil
  1113  }
  1115  func addKustomizeVersion(prefix, name, path string, kvMap map[string]KustomizeVersion) error {
  1116  	version := name[len(prefix)+1:]
  1117  	if _, ok := kvMap[version]; ok {
  1118  		return fmt.Errorf("found duplicate kustomize version: %s", version)
  1119  	}
  1120  	kvMap[version] = KustomizeVersion{
  1121  		Name: version,
  1122  		Path: path,
  1123  	}
  1124  	return nil
  1125  }
  1127  // DEPRECATED. Helm repository credentials are now managed using RepoCredentials
  1128  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetHelmRepositories() ([]HelmRepoCredentials, error) {
  1129  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
  1130  	if err != nil {
  1131  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving config map: %w", err)
  1132  	}
  1133  	helmRepositories := make([]HelmRepoCredentials, 0)
  1134  	helmRepositoriesStr := argoCDCM.Data[helmRepositoriesKey]
  1135  	if helmRepositoriesStr != "" {
  1136  		err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(helmRepositoriesStr), &helmRepositories)
  1137  		if err != nil {
  1138  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling helm repositories: %w", err)
  1139  		}
  1140  	}
  1141  	return helmRepositories, nil
  1142  }
  1144  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetRepositories() ([]Repository, error) {
  1146  	mgr.mutex.Lock()
  1147  	reposCache := mgr.reposCache
  1148  	mgr.mutex.Unlock()
  1149  	if reposCache != nil {
  1150  		return reposCache, nil
  1151  	}
  1153  	// Get the config map outside of the lock
  1154  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
  1155  	if err != nil {
  1156  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get argo-cd config map: %w", err)
  1157  	}
  1159  	mgr.mutex.Lock()
  1160  	defer mgr.mutex.Unlock()
  1161  	repositories := make([]Repository, 0)
  1162  	repositoriesStr := argoCDCM.Data[repositoriesKey]
  1163  	if repositoriesStr != "" {
  1164  		err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(repositoriesStr), &repositories)
  1165  		if err != nil {
  1166  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal repositories from config map key %q: %w", repositoriesKey, err)
  1167  		}
  1168  	}
  1169  	mgr.reposCache = repositories
  1171  	return mgr.reposCache, nil
  1172  }
  1174  func (mgr *SettingsManager) SaveRepositories(repos []Repository) error {
  1175  	return mgr.updateConfigMap(func(argoCDCM *apiv1.ConfigMap) error {
  1176  		if len(repos) > 0 {
  1177  			yamlStr, err := yaml.Marshal(repos)
  1178  			if err != nil {
  1179  				return err
  1180  			}
  1181  			argoCDCM.Data[repositoriesKey] = string(yamlStr)
  1182  		} else {
  1183  			delete(argoCDCM.Data, repositoriesKey)
  1184  		}
  1185  		return nil
  1186  	})
  1187  }
  1189  func (mgr *SettingsManager) SaveRepositoryCredentials(creds []RepositoryCredentials) error {
  1190  	return mgr.updateConfigMap(func(argoCDCM *apiv1.ConfigMap) error {
  1191  		if len(creds) > 0 {
  1192  			yamlStr, err := yaml.Marshal(creds)
  1193  			if err != nil {
  1194  				return err
  1195  			}
  1196  			argoCDCM.Data[repositoryCredentialsKey] = string(yamlStr)
  1197  		} else {
  1198  			delete(argoCDCM.Data, repositoryCredentialsKey)
  1199  		}
  1200  		return nil
  1201  	})
  1202  }
  1204  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetRepositoryCredentials() ([]RepositoryCredentials, error) {
  1206  	mgr.mutex.Lock()
  1207  	repoCredsCache := mgr.repoCredsCache
  1208  	mgr.mutex.Unlock()
  1209  	if repoCredsCache != nil {
  1210  		return repoCredsCache, nil
  1211  	}
  1213  	// Get the config map outside of the lock
  1214  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
  1215  	if err != nil {
  1216  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving config map: %w", err)
  1217  	}
  1219  	mgr.mutex.Lock()
  1220  	defer mgr.mutex.Unlock()
  1221  	creds := make([]RepositoryCredentials, 0)
  1222  	credsStr := argoCDCM.Data[repositoryCredentialsKey]
  1223  	if credsStr != "" {
  1224  		err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(credsStr), &creds)
  1225  		if err != nil {
  1226  			return nil, err
  1227  		}
  1228  	}
  1229  	mgr.repoCredsCache = creds
  1231  	return mgr.repoCredsCache, nil
  1232  }
  1234  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetGoogleAnalytics() (*GoogleAnalytics, error) {
  1235  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
  1236  	if err != nil {
  1237  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving config map: %w", err)
  1238  	}
  1239  	return &GoogleAnalytics{
  1240  		TrackingID:     argoCDCM.Data[gaTrackingID],
  1241  		AnonymizeUsers: argoCDCM.Data[gaAnonymizeUsers] != "false",
  1242  	}, nil
  1243  }
  1245  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetHelp() (*Help, error) {
  1246  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
  1247  	if err != nil {
  1248  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving config map: %w", err)
  1249  	}
  1250  	chatText, ok := argoCDCM.Data[helpChatText]
  1251  	if !ok {
  1252  		chatText = "Chat now!"
  1253  	}
  1254  	chatURL, ok := argoCDCM.Data[helpChatURL]
  1255  	if !ok {
  1256  		chatText = ""
  1257  	}
  1258  	return &Help{
  1259  		ChatURL:    chatURL,
  1260  		ChatText:   chatText,
  1261  		BinaryURLs: getDownloadBinaryUrlsFromConfigMap(argoCDCM),
  1262  	}, nil
  1263  }
  1265  // GetSettings retrieves settings from the ArgoCDConfigMap and secret.
  1266  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetSettings() (*ArgoCDSettings, error) {
  1267  	err := mgr.ensureSynced(false)
  1268  	if err != nil {
  1269  		return nil, err
  1270  	}
  1271  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.configmaps.ConfigMaps(mgr.namespace).Get(common.ArgoCDConfigMapName)
  1272  	if err != nil {
  1273  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving argocd-cm: %w", err)
  1274  	}
  1275  	argoCDSecret, err := mgr.secrets.Secrets(mgr.namespace).Get(common.ArgoCDSecretName)
  1276  	if err != nil {
  1277  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving argocd-secret: %w", err)
  1278  	}
  1279  	selector, err := labels.Parse(partOfArgoCDSelector)
  1280  	if err != nil {
  1281  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing Argo CD selector %w", err)
  1282  	}
  1283  	secrets, err := mgr.secrets.Secrets(mgr.namespace).List(selector)
  1284  	if err != nil {
  1285  		return nil, err
  1286  	}
  1287  	var settings ArgoCDSettings
  1288  	var errs []error
  1289  	updateSettingsFromConfigMap(&settings, argoCDCM)
  1290  	if err := mgr.updateSettingsFromSecret(&settings, argoCDSecret, secrets); err != nil {
  1291  		errs = append(errs, err)
  1292  	}
  1293  	if len(errs) > 0 {
  1294  		return &settings, errs[0]
  1295  	}
  1297  	return &settings, nil
  1298  }
  1300  // Clears cached settings on configmap/secret change
  1301  func (mgr *SettingsManager) invalidateCache() {
  1302  	mgr.mutex.Lock()
  1303  	defer mgr.mutex.Unlock()
  1305  	mgr.reposCache = nil
  1306  	mgr.repoCredsCache = nil
  1307  }
  1309  func (mgr *SettingsManager) initialize(ctx context.Context) error {
  1310  	tweakConfigMap := func(options *metav1.ListOptions) {
  1311  		cmLabelSelector := fields.ParseSelectorOrDie(partOfArgoCDSelector)
  1312  		options.LabelSelector = cmLabelSelector.String()
  1313  	}
  1315  	eventHandler := cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
  1316  		UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
  1317  			mgr.invalidateCache()
  1318  			mgr.onRepoOrClusterChanged()
  1319  		},
  1320  		AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
  1321  			mgr.onRepoOrClusterChanged()
  1322  		},
  1323  		DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
  1324  			mgr.onRepoOrClusterChanged()
  1325  		},
  1326  	}
  1327  	indexers := cache.Indexers{
  1328  		cache.NamespaceIndex:    cache.MetaNamespaceIndexFunc,
  1329  		ByClusterURLIndexer:     byClusterURLIndexerFunc,
  1330  		ByClusterNameIndexer:    byClusterNameIndexerFunc,
  1331  		ByProjectClusterIndexer: byProjectIndexerFunc(common.LabelValueSecretTypeCluster),
  1332  		ByProjectRepoIndexer:    byProjectIndexerFunc(common.LabelValueSecretTypeRepository),
  1333  	}
  1334  	cmInformer := v1.NewFilteredConfigMapInformer(mgr.clientset, mgr.namespace, 3*time.Minute, indexers, tweakConfigMap)
  1335  	secretsInformer := v1.NewSecretInformer(mgr.clientset, mgr.namespace, 3*time.Minute, indexers)
  1336  	_, err := cmInformer.AddEventHandler(eventHandler)
  1337  	if err != nil {
  1338  		log.Error(err)
  1339  	}
  1341  	_, err = secretsInformer.AddEventHandler(eventHandler)
  1342  	if err != nil {
  1343  		log.Error(err)
  1344  	}
  1346  	log.Info("Starting configmap/secret informers")
  1347  	go func() {
  1348  		cmInformer.Run(ctx.Done())
  1349  		log.Info("configmap informer cancelled")
  1350  	}()
  1351  	go func() {
  1352  		secretsInformer.Run(ctx.Done())
  1353  		log.Info("secrets informer cancelled")
  1354  	}()
  1356  	if !cache.WaitForCacheSync(ctx.Done(), cmInformer.HasSynced, secretsInformer.HasSynced) {
  1357  		return fmt.Errorf("Timed out waiting for settings cache to sync")
  1358  	}
  1359  	log.Info("Configmap/secret informer synced")
  1361  	tryNotify := func() {
  1362  		newSettings, err := mgr.GetSettings()
  1363  		if err != nil {
  1364  			log.Warnf("Unable to parse updated settings: %v", err)
  1365  		} else {
  1366  			mgr.notifySubscribers(newSettings)
  1367  		}
  1368  	}
  1369  	now := time.Now()
  1370  	handler := cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
  1371  		AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
  1372  			if metaObj, ok := obj.(metav1.Object); ok {
  1373  				if metaObj.GetCreationTimestamp().After(now) {
  1374  					tryNotify()
  1375  				}
  1376  			}
  1378  		},
  1379  		UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
  1380  			oldMeta, oldOk := oldObj.(metav1.Common)
  1381  			newMeta, newOk := newObj.(metav1.Common)
  1382  			if oldOk && newOk && oldMeta.GetResourceVersion() != newMeta.GetResourceVersion() {
  1383  				tryNotify()
  1384  			}
  1385  		},
  1386  	}
  1387  	_, err = secretsInformer.AddEventHandler(handler)
  1388  	if err != nil {
  1389  		log.Error(err)
  1390  	}
  1391  	_, err = cmInformer.AddEventHandler(handler)
  1392  	if err != nil {
  1393  		log.Error(err)
  1394  	}
  1395  	mgr.secrets = v1listers.NewSecretLister(secretsInformer.GetIndexer())
  1396  	mgr.secretsInformer = secretsInformer
  1397  	mgr.configmaps = v1listers.NewConfigMapLister(cmInformer.GetIndexer())
  1398  	return nil
  1399  }
  1401  func (mgr *SettingsManager) ensureSynced(forceResync bool) error {
  1402  	mgr.mutex.Lock()
  1403  	defer mgr.mutex.Unlock()
  1404  	if !forceResync && mgr.secrets != nil && mgr.configmaps != nil {
  1405  		return nil
  1406  	}
  1408  	if mgr.initContextCancel != nil {
  1409  		mgr.initContextCancel()
  1410  	}
  1411  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(mgr.ctx)
  1412  	mgr.initContextCancel = cancel
  1413  	return mgr.initialize(ctx)
  1414  }
  1416  func getDownloadBinaryUrlsFromConfigMap(argoCDCM *apiv1.ConfigMap) map[string]string {
  1417  	binaryUrls := map[string]string{}
  1418  	for _, archType := range []string{"darwin-amd64", "darwin-arm64", "windows-amd64", "linux-amd64", "linux-arm64", "linux-ppc64le", "linux-s390x"} {
  1419  		if val, ok := argoCDCM.Data[settingsBinaryUrlsKey+"."+archType]; ok {
  1420  			binaryUrls[archType] = val
  1421  		}
  1422  	}
  1423  	return binaryUrls
  1424  }
  1426  // updateSettingsFromConfigMap transfers settings from a Kubernetes configmap into an ArgoCDSettings struct.
  1427  func updateSettingsFromConfigMap(settings *ArgoCDSettings, argoCDCM *apiv1.ConfigMap) {
  1428  	settings.DexConfig = argoCDCM.Data[settingDexConfigKey]
  1429  	settings.OIDCConfigRAW = argoCDCM.Data[settingsOIDCConfigKey]
  1430  	settings.KustomizeBuildOptions = argoCDCM.Data[kustomizeBuildOptionsKey]
  1431  	settings.StatusBadgeEnabled = argoCDCM.Data[statusBadgeEnabledKey] == "true"
  1432  	settings.StatusBadgeRootUrl = argoCDCM.Data[statusBadgeRootUrlKey]
  1433  	settings.AnonymousUserEnabled = argoCDCM.Data[anonymousUserEnabledKey] == "true"
  1434  	settings.UiCssURL = argoCDCM.Data[settingUiCssURLKey]
  1435  	settings.UiBannerContent = argoCDCM.Data[settingUiBannerContentKey]
  1436  	settings.UiBannerPermanent = argoCDCM.Data[settingUiBannerPermanentKey] == "true"
  1437  	settings.UiBannerPosition = argoCDCM.Data[settingUiBannerPositionKey]
  1438  	settings.ServerRBACLogEnforceEnable = argoCDCM.Data[settingsServerRBACLogEnforceEnableKey] == "true"
  1439  	settings.BinaryUrls = getDownloadBinaryUrlsFromConfigMap(argoCDCM)
  1440  	if err := validateExternalURL(argoCDCM.Data[settingURLKey]); err != nil {
  1441  		log.Warnf("Failed to validate URL in configmap: %v", err)
  1442  	}
  1443  	settings.URL = argoCDCM.Data[settingURLKey]
  1444  	if err := validateExternalURL(argoCDCM.Data[settingUiBannerURLKey]); err != nil {
  1445  		log.Warnf("Failed to validate UI banner URL in configmap: %v", err)
  1446  	}
  1447  	settings.UiBannerURL = argoCDCM.Data[settingUiBannerURLKey]
  1448  	settings.UserSessionDuration = time.Hour * 24
  1449  	if userSessionDurationStr, ok := argoCDCM.Data[userSessionDurationKey]; ok {
  1450  		if val, err := timeutil.ParseDuration(userSessionDurationStr); err != nil {
  1451  			log.Warnf("Failed to parse '%s' key: %v", userSessionDurationKey, err)
  1452  		} else {
  1453  			settings.UserSessionDuration = *val
  1454  		}
  1455  	}
  1456  	settings.PasswordPattern = argoCDCM.Data[settingsPasswordPatternKey]
  1457  	if settings.PasswordPattern == "" {
  1458  		settings.PasswordPattern = common.PasswordPatten
  1459  	}
  1460  	settings.InClusterEnabled = argoCDCM.Data[inClusterEnabledKey] != "false"
  1461  	settings.ExecEnabled = argoCDCM.Data[execEnabledKey] == "true"
  1462  	execShells := argoCDCM.Data[execShellsKey]
  1463  	if execShells != "" {
  1464  		settings.ExecShells = strings.Split(execShells, ",")
  1465  	} else {
  1466  		// Fall back to default. If you change this list, also change docs/operator-manual/argocd-cm.yaml.
  1467  		settings.ExecShells = []string{"bash", "sh", "powershell", "cmd"}
  1468  	}
  1469  	settings.TrackingMethod = argoCDCM.Data[settingsResourceTrackingMethodKey]
  1470  	settings.OIDCTLSInsecureSkipVerify = argoCDCM.Data[oidcTLSInsecureSkipVerifyKey] == "true"
  1471  	settings.ExtensionConfig = argoCDCM.Data[extensionConfig]
  1472  }
  1474  // validateExternalURL ensures the external URL that is set on the configmap is valid
  1475  func validateExternalURL(u string) error {
  1476  	if u == "" {
  1477  		return nil
  1478  	}
  1479  	URL, err := url.Parse(u)
  1480  	if err != nil {
  1481  		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse URL: %v", err)
  1482  	}
  1483  	if URL.Scheme != "http" && URL.Scheme != "https" {
  1484  		return fmt.Errorf("URL must include http or https protocol")
  1485  	}
  1486  	return nil
  1487  }
  1489  // updateSettingsFromSecret transfers settings from a Kubernetes secret into an ArgoCDSettings struct.
  1490  func (mgr *SettingsManager) updateSettingsFromSecret(settings *ArgoCDSettings, argoCDSecret *apiv1.Secret, secrets []*apiv1.Secret) error {
  1491  	var errs []error
  1492  	secretKey, ok := argoCDSecret.Data[settingServerSignatureKey]
  1493  	if ok {
  1494  		settings.ServerSignature = secretKey
  1495  	} else {
  1496  		errs = append(errs, &incompleteSettingsError{message: "server.secretkey is missing"})
  1497  	}
  1498  	if githubWebhookSecret := argoCDSecret.Data[settingsWebhookGitHubSecretKey]; len(githubWebhookSecret) > 0 {
  1499  		settings.WebhookGitHubSecret = string(githubWebhookSecret)
  1500  	}
  1501  	if gitlabWebhookSecret := argoCDSecret.Data[settingsWebhookGitLabSecretKey]; len(gitlabWebhookSecret) > 0 {
  1502  		settings.WebhookGitLabSecret = string(gitlabWebhookSecret)
  1503  	}
  1504  	if bitbucketWebhookUUID := argoCDSecret.Data[settingsWebhookBitbucketUUIDKey]; len(bitbucketWebhookUUID) > 0 {
  1505  		settings.WebhookBitbucketUUID = string(bitbucketWebhookUUID)
  1506  	}
  1507  	if bitbucketserverWebhookSecret := argoCDSecret.Data[settingsWebhookBitbucketServerSecretKey]; len(bitbucketserverWebhookSecret) > 0 {
  1508  		settings.WebhookBitbucketServerSecret = string(bitbucketserverWebhookSecret)
  1509  	}
  1510  	if gogsWebhookSecret := argoCDSecret.Data[settingsWebhookGogsSecretKey]; len(gogsWebhookSecret) > 0 {
  1511  		settings.WebhookGogsSecret = string(gogsWebhookSecret)
  1512  	}
  1513  	if azureDevOpsUsername := argoCDSecret.Data[settingsWebhookAzureDevOpsUsernameKey]; len(azureDevOpsUsername) > 0 {
  1514  		settings.WebhookAzureDevOpsUsername = string(azureDevOpsUsername)
  1515  	}
  1516  	if azureDevOpsPassword := argoCDSecret.Data[settingsWebhookAzureDevOpsPasswordKey]; len(azureDevOpsPassword) > 0 {
  1517  		settings.WebhookAzureDevOpsPassword = string(azureDevOpsPassword)
  1518  	}
  1520  	// The TLS certificate may be externally managed. We try to load it from an
  1521  	// external secret first. If the external secret doesn't exist, we either
  1522  	// load it from argocd-secret or generate (and persist) a self-signed one.
  1523  	cert, err := mgr.externalServerTLSCertificate()
  1524  	if err != nil {
  1525  		errs = append(errs, &incompleteSettingsError{message: fmt.Sprintf("could not read from secret %s/%s: %v", mgr.namespace, externalServerTLSSecretName, err)})
  1526  	} else {
  1527  		if cert != nil {
  1528  			settings.Certificate = cert
  1529  			settings.CertificateIsExternal = true
  1530  			log.Infof("Loading TLS configuration from secret %s/%s", mgr.namespace, externalServerTLSSecretName)
  1531  		} else {
  1532  			serverCert, certOk := argoCDSecret.Data[settingServerCertificate]
  1533  			serverKey, keyOk := argoCDSecret.Data[settingServerPrivateKey]
  1534  			if certOk && keyOk {
  1535  				cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(serverCert, serverKey)
  1536  				if err != nil {
  1537  					errs = append(errs, &incompleteSettingsError{message: fmt.Sprintf("invalid x509 key pair %s/%s in secret: %s", settingServerCertificate, settingServerPrivateKey, err)})
  1538  				} else {
  1539  					settings.Certificate = &cert
  1540  					settings.CertificateIsExternal = false
  1541  				}
  1542  			}
  1543  		}
  1544  	}
  1545  	secretValues := make(map[string]string, len(argoCDSecret.Data))
  1546  	for _, s := range secrets {
  1547  		for k, v := range s.Data {
  1548  			secretValues[fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", s.Name, k)] = string(v)
  1549  		}
  1550  	}
  1551  	for k, v := range argoCDSecret.Data {
  1552  		secretValues[k] = string(v)
  1553  	}
  1554  	settings.Secrets = secretValues
  1555  	if len(errs) > 0 {
  1556  		return errs[0]
  1557  	}
  1558  	return nil
  1559  }
  1561  // externalServerTLSCertificate will try and load a TLS certificate from an
  1562  // external secret, instead of tls.crt and tls.key in argocd-secret. If both
  1563  // return values are nil, no external secret has been configured.
  1564  func (mgr *SettingsManager) externalServerTLSCertificate() (*tls.Certificate, error) {
  1565  	var cert tls.Certificate
  1566  	secret, err := mgr.secrets.Secrets(mgr.namespace).Get(externalServerTLSSecretName)
  1567  	if err != nil {
  1568  		if apierr.IsNotFound(err) {
  1569  			return nil, nil
  1570  		}
  1571  	}
  1572  	tlsCert, certOK := secret.Data[settingServerCertificate]
  1573  	tlsKey, keyOK := secret.Data[settingServerPrivateKey]
  1574  	if certOK && keyOK {
  1575  		cert, err = tls.X509KeyPair(tlsCert, tlsKey)
  1576  		if err != nil {
  1577  			return nil, err
  1578  		}
  1579  	}
  1580  	return &cert, nil
  1581  }
  1583  // SaveSettings serializes ArgoCDSettings and upserts it into K8s secret/configmap
  1584  func (mgr *SettingsManager) SaveSettings(settings *ArgoCDSettings) error {
  1585  	err := mgr.updateConfigMap(func(argoCDCM *apiv1.ConfigMap) error {
  1586  		if settings.URL != "" {
  1587  			argoCDCM.Data[settingURLKey] = settings.URL
  1588  		} else {
  1589  			delete(argoCDCM.Data, settingURLKey)
  1590  		}
  1591  		if settings.DexConfig != "" {
  1592  			argoCDCM.Data[settingDexConfigKey] = settings.DexConfig
  1593  		} else {
  1594  			delete(argoCDCM.Data, settings.DexConfig)
  1595  		}
  1596  		if settings.OIDCConfigRAW != "" {
  1597  			argoCDCM.Data[settingsOIDCConfigKey] = settings.OIDCConfigRAW
  1598  		} else {
  1599  			delete(argoCDCM.Data, settingsOIDCConfigKey)
  1600  		}
  1601  		if settings.UiCssURL != "" {
  1602  			argoCDCM.Data[settingUiCssURLKey] = settings.UiCssURL
  1603  		}
  1604  		if settings.UiBannerContent != "" {
  1605  			argoCDCM.Data[settingUiBannerContentKey] = settings.UiBannerContent
  1606  		} else {
  1607  			delete(argoCDCM.Data, settingUiBannerContentKey)
  1608  		}
  1609  		if settings.UiBannerURL != "" {
  1610  			argoCDCM.Data[settingUiBannerURLKey] = settings.UiBannerURL
  1611  		} else {
  1612  			delete(argoCDCM.Data, settingUiBannerURLKey)
  1613  		}
  1614  		return nil
  1615  	})
  1617  	if err != nil {
  1618  		return err
  1619  	}
  1621  	return mgr.updateSecret(func(argoCDSecret *apiv1.Secret) error {
  1622  		argoCDSecret.Data[settingServerSignatureKey] = settings.ServerSignature
  1623  		if settings.WebhookGitHubSecret != "" {
  1624  			argoCDSecret.Data[settingsWebhookGitHubSecretKey] = []byte(settings.WebhookGitHubSecret)
  1625  		}
  1626  		if settings.WebhookGitLabSecret != "" {
  1627  			argoCDSecret.Data[settingsWebhookGitLabSecretKey] = []byte(settings.WebhookGitLabSecret)
  1628  		}
  1629  		if settings.WebhookBitbucketUUID != "" {
  1630  			argoCDSecret.Data[settingsWebhookBitbucketUUIDKey] = []byte(settings.WebhookBitbucketUUID)
  1631  		}
  1632  		if settings.WebhookBitbucketServerSecret != "" {
  1633  			argoCDSecret.Data[settingsWebhookBitbucketServerSecretKey] = []byte(settings.WebhookBitbucketServerSecret)
  1634  		}
  1635  		if settings.WebhookGogsSecret != "" {
  1636  			argoCDSecret.Data[settingsWebhookGogsSecretKey] = []byte(settings.WebhookGogsSecret)
  1637  		}
  1638  		if settings.WebhookAzureDevOpsUsername != "" {
  1639  			argoCDSecret.Data[settingsWebhookAzureDevOpsUsernameKey] = []byte(settings.WebhookAzureDevOpsUsername)
  1640  		}
  1641  		if settings.WebhookAzureDevOpsPassword != "" {
  1642  			argoCDSecret.Data[settingsWebhookAzureDevOpsPasswordKey] = []byte(settings.WebhookAzureDevOpsPassword)
  1643  		}
  1644  		// we only write the certificate to the secret if it's not externally
  1645  		// managed.
  1646  		if settings.Certificate != nil && !settings.CertificateIsExternal {
  1647  			cert, key := tlsutil.EncodeX509KeyPair(*settings.Certificate)
  1648  			argoCDSecret.Data[settingServerCertificate] = cert
  1649  			argoCDSecret.Data[settingServerPrivateKey] = key
  1650  		} else {
  1651  			delete(argoCDSecret.Data, settingServerCertificate)
  1652  			delete(argoCDSecret.Data, settingServerPrivateKey)
  1653  		}
  1654  		return nil
  1655  	})
  1656  }
  1658  // Save the SSH known host data into the corresponding ConfigMap
  1659  func (mgr *SettingsManager) SaveSSHKnownHostsData(ctx context.Context, knownHostsList []string) error {
  1660  	err := mgr.ensureSynced(false)
  1661  	if err != nil {
  1662  		return err
  1663  	}
  1665  	certCM, err := mgr.GetConfigMapByName(common.ArgoCDKnownHostsConfigMapName)
  1666  	if err != nil {
  1667  		return err
  1668  	}
  1670  	if certCM.Data == nil {
  1671  		certCM.Data = make(map[string]string)
  1672  	}
  1674  	sshKnownHostsData := strings.Join(knownHostsList, "\n") + "\n"
  1675  	certCM.Data["ssh_known_hosts"] = sshKnownHostsData
  1676  	_, err = mgr.clientset.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(mgr.namespace).Update(ctx, certCM, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
  1677  	if err != nil {
  1678  		return err
  1679  	}
  1681  	return mgr.ResyncInformers()
  1682  }
  1684  func (mgr *SettingsManager) SaveTLSCertificateData(ctx context.Context, tlsCertificates map[string]string) error {
  1685  	err := mgr.ensureSynced(false)
  1686  	if err != nil {
  1687  		return err
  1688  	}
  1690  	certCM, err := mgr.GetConfigMapByName(common.ArgoCDTLSCertsConfigMapName)
  1691  	if err != nil {
  1692  		return err
  1693  	}
  1695  	certCM.Data = tlsCertificates
  1696  	_, err = mgr.clientset.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(mgr.namespace).Update(ctx, certCM, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
  1697  	if err != nil {
  1698  		return err
  1699  	}
  1701  	return mgr.ResyncInformers()
  1702  }
  1704  func (mgr *SettingsManager) SaveGPGPublicKeyData(ctx context.Context, gpgPublicKeys map[string]string) error {
  1705  	err := mgr.ensureSynced(false)
  1706  	if err != nil {
  1707  		return err
  1708  	}
  1710  	keysCM, err := mgr.GetConfigMapByName(common.ArgoCDGPGKeysConfigMapName)
  1711  	if err != nil {
  1712  		return err
  1713  	}
  1715  	keysCM.Data = gpgPublicKeys
  1716  	_, err = mgr.clientset.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(mgr.namespace).Update(ctx, keysCM, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
  1717  	if err != nil {
  1718  		return err
  1719  	}
  1721  	return mgr.ResyncInformers()
  1723  }
  1725  type SettingsManagerOpts func(mgs *SettingsManager)
  1727  func WithRepoOrClusterChangedHandler(handler func()) SettingsManagerOpts {
  1728  	return func(mgr *SettingsManager) {
  1729  		mgr.reposOrClusterChanged = handler
  1730  	}
  1731  }
  1733  // NewSettingsManager generates a new SettingsManager pointer and returns it
  1734  func NewSettingsManager(ctx context.Context, clientset kubernetes.Interface, namespace string, opts ...SettingsManagerOpts) *SettingsManager {
  1736  	mgr := &SettingsManager{
  1737  		ctx:       ctx,
  1738  		clientset: clientset,
  1739  		namespace: namespace,
  1740  		mutex:     &sync.Mutex{},
  1741  	}
  1742  	for i := range opts {
  1743  		opts[i](mgr)
  1744  	}
  1746  	return mgr
  1747  }
  1749  func (mgr *SettingsManager) ResyncInformers() error {
  1750  	return mgr.ensureSynced(true)
  1751  }
  1753  // IsSSOConfigured returns whether or not single-sign-on is configured
  1754  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) IsSSOConfigured() bool {
  1755  	if a.IsDexConfigured() {
  1756  		return true
  1757  	}
  1758  	if a.OIDCConfig() != nil {
  1759  		return true
  1760  	}
  1761  	return false
  1762  }
  1764  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) IsDexConfigured() bool {
  1765  	if a.URL == "" {
  1766  		return false
  1767  	}
  1768  	dexCfg, err := UnmarshalDexConfig(a.DexConfig)
  1769  	if err != nil {
  1770  		log.Warnf("invalid dex yaml config: %s", err.Error())
  1771  		return false
  1772  	}
  1773  	return len(dexCfg) > 0
  1774  }
  1776  // GetServerEncryptionKey generates a new server encryption key using the server signature as a passphrase
  1777  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) GetServerEncryptionKey() ([]byte, error) {
  1778  	return crypto.KeyFromPassphrase(string(a.ServerSignature))
  1779  }
  1781  func UnmarshalDexConfig(config string) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
  1782  	var dexCfg map[string]interface{}
  1783  	err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(config), &dexCfg)
  1784  	return dexCfg, err
  1785  }
  1787  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) oidcConfig() *oidcConfig {
  1788  	if a.OIDCConfigRAW == "" {
  1789  		return nil
  1790  	}
  1791  	configMap := map[string]interface{}{}
  1792  	err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(a.OIDCConfigRAW), &configMap)
  1793  	if err != nil {
  1794  		log.Warnf("invalid oidc config: %v", err)
  1795  		return nil
  1796  	}
  1798  	configMap = ReplaceMapSecrets(configMap, a.Secrets)
  1799  	data, err := yaml.Marshal(configMap)
  1800  	if err != nil {
  1801  		log.Warnf("invalid oidc config: %v", err)
  1802  		return nil
  1803  	}
  1805  	config, err := unmarshalOIDCConfig(string(data))
  1806  	if err != nil {
  1807  		log.Warnf("invalid oidc config: %v", err)
  1808  		return nil
  1809  	}
  1811  	return &config
  1812  }
  1814  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) OIDCConfig() *OIDCConfig {
  1815  	config := a.oidcConfig()
  1816  	if config == nil {
  1817  		return nil
  1818  	}
  1819  	return config.toExported()
  1820  }
  1822  func unmarshalOIDCConfig(configStr string) (oidcConfig, error) {
  1823  	var config oidcConfig
  1824  	err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(configStr), &config)
  1825  	return config, err
  1826  }
  1828  func ValidateOIDCConfig(configStr string) error {
  1829  	_, err := unmarshalOIDCConfig(configStr)
  1830  	return err
  1831  }
  1833  // TLSConfig returns a tls.Config with the configured certificates
  1834  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) TLSConfig() *tls.Config {
  1835  	if a.Certificate == nil {
  1836  		return nil
  1837  	}
  1838  	certPool := x509.NewCertPool()
  1839  	pemCertBytes, _ := tlsutil.EncodeX509KeyPair(*a.Certificate)
  1840  	ok := certPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(pemCertBytes)
  1841  	if !ok {
  1842  		panic("bad certs")
  1843  	}
  1844  	return &tls.Config{
  1845  		RootCAs: certPool,
  1846  	}
  1847  }
  1849  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) IssuerURL() string {
  1850  	if oidcConfig := a.OIDCConfig(); oidcConfig != nil {
  1851  		return oidcConfig.Issuer
  1852  	}
  1853  	if a.DexConfig != "" {
  1854  		return a.URL + common.DexAPIEndpoint
  1855  	}
  1856  	return ""
  1857  }
  1859  // UserInfoGroupsEnabled returns whether group claims should be fetch from UserInfo endpoint
  1860  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) UserInfoGroupsEnabled() bool {
  1861  	if oidcConfig := a.OIDCConfig(); oidcConfig != nil {
  1862  		return oidcConfig.EnableUserInfoGroups
  1863  	}
  1864  	return false
  1865  }
  1867  // UserInfoPath returns the sub-path on which the IDP exposes the UserInfo endpoint
  1868  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) UserInfoPath() string {
  1869  	if oidcConfig := a.OIDCConfig(); oidcConfig != nil {
  1870  		return oidcConfig.UserInfoPath
  1871  	}
  1872  	return ""
  1873  }
  1875  // UserInfoCacheExpiration returns the expiry time of the UserInfo cache
  1876  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) UserInfoCacheExpiration() time.Duration {
  1877  	if oidcConfig := a.OIDCConfig(); oidcConfig != nil && oidcConfig.UserInfoCacheExpiration != "" {
  1878  		userInfoCacheExpiration, err := time.ParseDuration(oidcConfig.UserInfoCacheExpiration)
  1879  		if err != nil {
  1880  			log.Warnf("Failed to parse 'oidc.config.userInfoCacheExpiration' key: %v", err)
  1881  		}
  1882  		return userInfoCacheExpiration
  1883  	}
  1884  	return 0
  1885  }
  1887  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) OAuth2ClientID() string {
  1888  	if oidcConfig := a.OIDCConfig(); oidcConfig != nil {
  1889  		return oidcConfig.ClientID
  1890  	}
  1891  	if a.DexConfig != "" {
  1892  		return common.ArgoCDClientAppID
  1893  	}
  1894  	return ""
  1895  }
  1897  // OAuth2AllowedAudiences returns a list of audiences that are allowed for the OAuth2 client. If the user has not
  1898  // explicitly configured the list of audiences (or has configured an empty list), then the OAuth2 client ID is returned
  1899  // as the only allowed audience. When using the bundled Dex, that client ID is always "argo-cd".
  1900  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) OAuth2AllowedAudiences() []string {
  1901  	if config := a.oidcConfig(); config != nil {
  1902  		if len(config.AllowedAudiences) == 0 {
  1903  			allowedAudiences := []string{config.ClientID}
  1904  			if config.CLIClientID != "" {
  1905  				allowedAudiences = append(allowedAudiences, config.CLIClientID)
  1906  			}
  1907  			return allowedAudiences
  1908  		}
  1909  		return config.AllowedAudiences
  1910  	}
  1911  	if a.DexConfig != "" {
  1912  		return []string{common.ArgoCDClientAppID, common.ArgoCDCLIClientAppID}
  1913  	}
  1914  	return nil
  1915  }
  1917  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) SkipAudienceCheckWhenTokenHasNoAudience() bool {
  1918  	if config := a.oidcConfig(); config != nil {
  1919  		if config.SkipAudienceCheckWhenTokenHasNoAudience != nil {
  1920  			return *config.SkipAudienceCheckWhenTokenHasNoAudience
  1921  		}
  1922  		return false
  1923  	}
  1924  	// When using the bundled Dex, the audience check is required. Dex will always send JWTs with an audience.
  1925  	return false
  1926  }
  1928  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) OAuth2ClientSecret() string {
  1929  	if oidcConfig := a.OIDCConfig(); oidcConfig != nil {
  1930  		return oidcConfig.ClientSecret
  1931  	}
  1932  	if a.DexConfig != "" {
  1933  		return a.DexOAuth2ClientSecret()
  1934  	}
  1935  	return ""
  1936  }
  1938  // OIDCTLSConfig returns the TLS config for the OIDC provider. If an external provider is configured, returns a TLS
  1939  // config using the root CAs (if any) specified in the OIDC config. If an external OIDC provider is not configured,
  1940  // returns the API server TLS config, because the API server proxies requests to Dex.
  1941  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) OIDCTLSConfig() *tls.Config {
  1942  	var tlsConfig *tls.Config
  1944  	oidcConfig := a.OIDCConfig()
  1945  	if oidcConfig != nil {
  1946  		tlsConfig = &tls.Config{}
  1947  		if oidcConfig.RootCA != "" {
  1948  			certPool := x509.NewCertPool()
  1949  			ok := certPool.AppendCertsFromPEM([]byte(oidcConfig.RootCA))
  1950  			if !ok {
  1951  				log.Warn("failed to append certificates from PEM: proceeding without custom rootCA")
  1952  			} else {
  1953  				tlsConfig.RootCAs = certPool
  1954  			}
  1955  		}
  1956  	} else {
  1957  		tlsConfig = a.TLSConfig()
  1958  	}
  1959  	if tlsConfig != nil && a.OIDCTLSInsecureSkipVerify {
  1960  		tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = true
  1961  	}
  1962  	return tlsConfig
  1963  }
  1965  func appendURLPath(inputURL string, inputPath string) (string, error) {
  1966  	u, err := url.Parse(inputURL)
  1967  	if err != nil {
  1968  		return "", err
  1969  	}
  1970  	u.Path = path.Join(u.Path, inputPath)
  1971  	return u.String(), nil
  1972  }
  1974  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) RedirectURL() (string, error) {
  1975  	return appendURLPath(a.URL, common.CallbackEndpoint)
  1976  }
  1978  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) DexRedirectURL() (string, error) {
  1979  	return appendURLPath(a.URL, common.DexCallbackEndpoint)
  1980  }
  1982  // DexOAuth2ClientSecret calculates an arbitrary, but predictable OAuth2 client secret string derived
  1983  // from the server secret. This is called by the dex startup wrapper (argocd-dex rundex), as well
  1984  // as the API server, such that they both independently come to the same conclusion of what the
  1985  // OAuth2 shared client secret should be.
  1986  func (a *ArgoCDSettings) DexOAuth2ClientSecret() string {
  1987  	h := sha256.New()
  1988  	_, err := h.Write(a.ServerSignature)
  1989  	if err != nil {
  1990  		panic(err)
  1991  	}
  1992  	sha := h.Sum(nil)
  1993  	return base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(sha)[:40]
  1994  }
  1996  // Subscribe registers a channel in which to subscribe to settings updates
  1997  func (mgr *SettingsManager) Subscribe(subCh chan<- *ArgoCDSettings) {
  1998  	mgr.mutex.Lock()
  1999  	defer mgr.mutex.Unlock()
  2000  	mgr.subscribers = append(mgr.subscribers, subCh)
  2001  	log.Infof("%v subscribed to settings updates", subCh)
  2002  }
  2004  // Unsubscribe unregisters a channel from receiving of settings updates
  2005  func (mgr *SettingsManager) Unsubscribe(subCh chan<- *ArgoCDSettings) {
  2006  	mgr.mutex.Lock()
  2007  	defer mgr.mutex.Unlock()
  2008  	for i, ch := range mgr.subscribers {
  2009  		if ch == subCh {
  2010  			mgr.subscribers = append(mgr.subscribers[:i], mgr.subscribers[i+1:]...)
  2011  			log.Infof("%v unsubscribed from settings updates", subCh)
  2012  			return
  2013  		}
  2014  	}
  2015  }
  2017  func (mgr *SettingsManager) notifySubscribers(newSettings *ArgoCDSettings) {
  2018  	mgr.mutex.Lock()
  2019  	defer mgr.mutex.Unlock()
  2020  	if len(mgr.subscribers) > 0 {
  2021  		subscribers := make([]chan<- *ArgoCDSettings, len(mgr.subscribers))
  2022  		copy(subscribers, mgr.subscribers)
  2023  		// make sure subscribes are notified in a separate thread to avoid potential deadlock
  2024  		go func() {
  2025  			log.Infof("Notifying %d settings subscribers: %v", len(subscribers), subscribers)
  2026  			for _, sub := range subscribers {
  2027  				sub <- newSettings
  2028  			}
  2029  		}()
  2030  	}
  2031  }
  2033  func isIncompleteSettingsError(err error) bool {
  2034  	_, ok := err.(*incompleteSettingsError)
  2035  	return ok
  2036  }
  2038  // InitializeSettings is used to initialize empty admin password, signature, certificate etc if missing
  2039  func (mgr *SettingsManager) InitializeSettings(insecureModeEnabled bool) (*ArgoCDSettings, error) {
  2040  	const letters = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-"
  2042  	cdSettings, err := mgr.GetSettings()
  2043  	if err != nil && !isIncompleteSettingsError(err) {
  2044  		return nil, err
  2045  	}
  2046  	if cdSettings == nil {
  2047  		cdSettings = &ArgoCDSettings{}
  2048  	}
  2049  	if cdSettings.ServerSignature == nil {
  2050  		// set JWT signature
  2051  		signature, err := util.MakeSignature(32)
  2052  		if err != nil {
  2053  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error setting JWT signature: %w", err)
  2054  		}
  2055  		cdSettings.ServerSignature = signature
  2056  		log.Info("Initialized server signature")
  2057  	}
  2058  	err = mgr.UpdateAccount(common.ArgoCDAdminUsername, func(adminAccount *Account) error {
  2059  		if adminAccount.Enabled {
  2060  			now := time.Now().UTC()
  2061  			if adminAccount.PasswordHash == "" {
  2062  				randBytes := make([]byte, initialPasswordLength)
  2063  				for i := 0; i < initialPasswordLength; i++ {
  2064  					num, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(int64(len(letters))))
  2065  					if err != nil {
  2066  						return err
  2067  					}
  2068  					randBytes[i] = letters[num.Int64()]
  2069  				}
  2070  				initialPassword := string(randBytes)
  2072  				hashedPassword, err := password.HashPassword(initialPassword)
  2073  				if err != nil {
  2074  					return err
  2075  				}
  2076  				ku := kube.NewKubeUtil(mgr.clientset, mgr.ctx)
  2077  				err = ku.CreateOrUpdateSecretField(mgr.namespace, initialPasswordSecretName, initialPasswordSecretField, initialPassword)
  2078  				if err != nil {
  2079  					return err
  2080  				}
  2081  				adminAccount.PasswordHash = hashedPassword
  2082  				adminAccount.PasswordMtime = &now
  2083  				log.Info("Initialized admin password")
  2084  			}
  2085  			if adminAccount.PasswordMtime == nil || adminAccount.PasswordMtime.IsZero() {
  2086  				adminAccount.PasswordMtime = &now
  2087  				log.Info("Initialized admin mtime")
  2088  			}
  2089  		} else {
  2090  			log.Info("admin disabled")
  2091  		}
  2092  		return nil
  2093  	})
  2094  	if err != nil {
  2095  		return nil, err
  2096  	}
  2098  	if cdSettings.Certificate == nil && !insecureModeEnabled {
  2099  		// generate TLS cert
  2100  		hosts := []string{
  2101  			"localhost",
  2102  			"argocd-server",
  2103  			fmt.Sprintf("argocd-server.%s", mgr.namespace),
  2104  			fmt.Sprintf("argocd-server.%s.svc", mgr.namespace),
  2105  			fmt.Sprintf("argocd-server.%s.svc.cluster.local", mgr.namespace),
  2106  		}
  2107  		certOpts := tlsutil.CertOptions{
  2108  			Hosts:        hosts,
  2109  			Organization: "Argo CD",
  2110  			IsCA:         false,
  2111  		}
  2112  		cert, err := tlsutil.GenerateX509KeyPair(certOpts)
  2113  		if err != nil {
  2114  			return nil, err
  2115  		}
  2116  		cdSettings.Certificate = cert
  2117  		log.Info("Initialized TLS certificate")
  2118  	}
  2120  	err = mgr.SaveSettings(cdSettings)
  2121  	if apierrors.IsConflict(err) {
  2122  		// assume settings are initialized by another instance of api server
  2123  		log.Warnf("conflict when initializing settings. assuming updated by another replica")
  2124  		return mgr.GetSettings()
  2125  	}
  2126  	return cdSettings, nil
  2127  }
  2129  // ReplaceMapSecrets takes a json object and recursively looks for any secret key references in the
  2130  // object and replaces the value with the secret value
  2131  func ReplaceMapSecrets(obj map[string]interface{}, secretValues map[string]string) map[string]interface{} {
  2132  	newObj := make(map[string]interface{})
  2133  	for k, v := range obj {
  2134  		switch val := v.(type) {
  2135  		case map[string]interface{}:
  2136  			newObj[k] = ReplaceMapSecrets(val, secretValues)
  2137  		case []interface{}:
  2138  			newObj[k] = replaceListSecrets(val, secretValues)
  2139  		case string:
  2140  			newObj[k] = ReplaceStringSecret(val, secretValues)
  2141  		default:
  2142  			newObj[k] = val
  2143  		}
  2144  	}
  2145  	return newObj
  2146  }
  2148  func replaceListSecrets(obj []interface{}, secretValues map[string]string) []interface{} {
  2149  	newObj := make([]interface{}, len(obj))
  2150  	for i, v := range obj {
  2151  		switch val := v.(type) {
  2152  		case map[string]interface{}:
  2153  			newObj[i] = ReplaceMapSecrets(val, secretValues)
  2154  		case []interface{}:
  2155  			newObj[i] = replaceListSecrets(val, secretValues)
  2156  		case string:
  2157  			newObj[i] = ReplaceStringSecret(val, secretValues)
  2158  		default:
  2159  			newObj[i] = val
  2160  		}
  2161  	}
  2162  	return newObj
  2163  }
  2165  // ReplaceStringSecret checks if given string is a secret key reference ( starts with $ ) and returns corresponding value from provided map
  2166  func ReplaceStringSecret(val string, secretValues map[string]string) string {
  2167  	if val == "" || !strings.HasPrefix(val, "$") {
  2168  		return val
  2169  	}
  2170  	secretKey := val[1:]
  2171  	secretVal, ok := secretValues[secretKey]
  2172  	if !ok {
  2173  		log.Warnf("config referenced '%s', but key does not exist in secret", val)
  2174  		return val
  2175  	}
  2176  	return strings.TrimSpace(secretVal)
  2177  }
  2179  // GetGlobalProjectsSettings loads the global project settings from argocd-cm ConfigMap
  2180  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetGlobalProjectsSettings() ([]GlobalProjectSettings, error) {
  2181  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
  2182  	if err != nil {
  2183  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving argocd-cm: %w", err)
  2184  	}
  2185  	globalProjectSettings := make([]GlobalProjectSettings, 0)
  2186  	if value, ok := argoCDCM.Data[globalProjectsKey]; ok {
  2187  		if value != "" {
  2188  			err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &globalProjectSettings)
  2189  			if err != nil {
  2190  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling global project settings: %w", err)
  2191  			}
  2192  		}
  2193  	}
  2194  	return globalProjectSettings, nil
  2195  }
  2197  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetNamespace() string {
  2198  	return mgr.namespace
  2199  }
  2201  func (mgr *SettingsManager) GetResourceCustomLabels() ([]string, error) {
  2202  	argoCDCM, err := mgr.getConfigMap()
  2203  	if err != nil {
  2204  		return []string{}, fmt.Errorf("failed getting configmap: %v", err)
  2205  	}
  2206  	labels := argoCDCM.Data[resourceCustomLabelsKey]
  2207  	if labels != "" {
  2208  		return strings.Split(labels, ","), nil
  2209  	}
  2210  	return []string{}, nil
  2211  }