(about) 1 # API Docs 2 3 You can find the Swagger docs by setting the path to `/swagger-ui` in your Argo CD UI's. E.g. [http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui](http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui). 4 5 ## Authorization 6 7 You'll need to authorize your API using a bearer token. To get a token: 8 9 ```bash 10 $ curl $ARGOCD_SERVER/api/v1/session -d $'{"username":"admin","password":"password"}' 11 {"token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1Njc4MTIzODcsImlzcyI6ImFyZ29jZCIsIm5iZiI6MTU2NzgxMjM4Nywic3ViIjoiYWRtaW4ifQ.ejyTgFxLhuY9mOBtKhcnvobg3QZXJ4_RusN_KIdVwao"} 12 ``` 13 14 > <=v1.2 15 16 Then pass using the HTTP `SetCookie` header, prefixing with `argocd.token`: 17 18 ```bash 19 $ curl $ARGOCD_SERVER/api/v1/applications --cookie "argocd.token=$ARGOCD_TOKEN" 20 {"metadata":{"selfLink":"/apis/","resourceVersion":"37755"},"items":...} 21 ``` 22 23 > v1.3 24 25 Then pass using the HTTP `Authorization` header, prefixing with `Bearer `: 26 27 ```bash 28 $ curl $ARGOCD_SERVER/api/v1/applications -H "Authorization: Bearer $ARGOCD_TOKEN" 29 {"metadata":{"selfLink":"/apis/","resourceVersion":"37755"},"items":...} 30 ``` 31