
     1  # GnuPG signature verification
     3  ## Overview
     5  As of v1.7 it is possible to configure ArgoCD to only sync against commits
     6  that are signed in Git using GnuPG. Signature verification is configured on
     7  project level.
     9  If a project is configured to enforce signature verification, all applications
    10  associated with this project must have the commits in the source repositories
    11  signed with a GnuPG public key known to ArgoCD. ArgoCD will refuse to sync to
    12  any revision that does not have a valid signature made by one of the configured
    13  keys. The controller will emit a `ResourceComparison` error if it tries to sync
    14  to a revision that is either not signed, or is signed by an unknown or not
    15  allowed public key.
    17  By default, signature verification is enabled but not enforced. If you wish to
    18  completely disable the GnuPG functionality in ArgoCD, you have to set the
    19  environment variable `ARGOCD_GPG_ENABLED` to `"false"` in the pod templates of
    20  the `argocd-server`, `argocd-repo-server` and `argocd-application-controller`
    21  deployment manifests.
    23  Verification of GnuPG signatures is only supported with Git repositories. It is
    24  not possible using Helm repositories.
    26  !!!note "A few words about trust"
    27      ArgoCD uses a very simple trust model for the keys you import: Once the key
    28      is imported, ArgoCD will trust it. ArgoCD does not support more complex
    29      trust models, and it is not necessary (nor possible) to sign the public keys
    30      you are going to import into ArgoCD.
    32  ## Signature verification targets
    34  If signature verification is enforced, ArgoCD will verify the signature using
    35  following strategy:
    37  * If `target revision` is a pointer to a commit object (i.e. a branch name, the
    38    name of a reference such as `HEAD` or a commit SHA), ArgoCD will perform the
    39    signature verification on the commit object the name points to, i.e. a commit.
    41  * If `target revision` resolves to a tag and the tag is a lightweight tag, the
    42    behaviour is same as if `target revision` would be a pointer to a commit
    43    object. However, if the tag is annotated, the target revision will point to
    44    a *tag* object and thus, the signature verification is performed on the tag
    45    object, i.e. the tag itself must be signed (using `git tag -s`).
    47  ## Enforcing signature verification
    49  To configure enforcing of signature verification, the following steps must be
    50  performed:
    52  * Import the GnuPG public key(s) used for signing commits in ArgoCD
    53  * Configure a project to enforce signature verification for given keys
    55  Once you have configured one or more keys to be required for verification for
    56  a given project, enforcement is active for all applications associated with
    57  this project.
    59  !!!warning
    60      If signature verification is enforced, you will not be able to sync from
    61      local sources (i.e. `argocd app sync --local`) anymore.
    63  ## Importing GnuPG public keys
    65  You can configure the GnuPG public keys that ArgoCD will use for verification
    66  of commit signatures using either the CLI, the web UI or configuring it using
    67  declarative setup.
    69  !!!note
    70      After you have imported a GnuPG key, it may take a while until the key is
    71      propagated within the cluster, even if listed as configured. If you still
    72      cannot sync to commits signed by the already imported key, please see the
    73      troubleshooting section below.
    75  Users wanting to manage the GnuPG public key configuration require the RBAC
    76  permissions for `gpgkeys` resources.
    78  ### Manage public keys using the CLI
    80  To configure GnuPG public keys using the CLI, use the `argocd gpg` command.
    82  #### Listing all configured keys
    84  To list all configured keys known to ArgoCD, use the `argocd gpg list`
    85  sub-command:
    87  ```bash
    88  argocd gpg list
    89  ```
    91  #### Show information about a certain key
    93  To get information about a specific key, use the `argocd gpg get` sub-command:
    95  ```bash
    96  argocd gpg get <key-id>
    97  ```
    99  #### Importing a key
   101  To import a new key to ArgoCD, use the `argocd gpg add` sub-command:
   103  ```bash
   104  argocd gpg add --from <path-to-key>
   105  ```
   107  The key to be imported can be either in binary or ASCII-armored format.
   109  #### Removing a key from configuration
   111  To remove a previously configured key from the configuration, use the
   112  `argocd gpg rm` sub-command:
   114  ```bash
   115  argocd gpg rm <key-id>
   116  ```
   118  ### Manage public keys using the Web UI
   120  Basic key management functionality for listing, importing and removing GnuPG
   121  public keys is implemented in the Web UI. You can find the configuration
   122  module from the **Settings** page in the **GnuPG keys** module.
   124  Please note that when you configure keys using the Web UI, the key must be
   125  imported in ASCII armored format for now.
   127  ### Manage public keys in declarative setup
   129  ArgoCD stores public keys internally in the `argocd-gpg-keys-cm` ConfigMap
   130  resource, with the public GnuPG key's ID as its name and the ASCII armored
   131  key data as string value, i.e. the entry for the GitHub's web-flow signing
   132  key would look like follows:
   134  ```yaml
   135  4AEE18F83AFDEB23: |
   136      -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
   138      mQENBFmUaEEBCACzXTDt6ZnyaVtueZASBzgnAmK13q9Urgch+sKYeIhdymjuMQta
   139      x15OklctmrZtqre5kwPUosG3/B2/ikuPYElcHgGPL4uL5Em6S5C/oozfkYzhwRrT
   140      SQzvYjsE4I34To4UdE9KA97wrQjGoz2Bx72WDLyWwctD3DKQtYeHXswXXtXwKfjQ
   141      7Fy4+Bf5IPh76dA8NJ6UtjjLIDlKqdxLW4atHe6xWFaJ+XdLUtsAroZcXBeWDCPa
   142      buXCDscJcLJRKZVc62gOZXXtPfoHqvUPp3nuLA4YjH9bphbrMWMf810Wxz9JTd3v
   143      yWgGqNY0zbBqeZoGv+TuExlRHT8ASGFS9SVDABEBAAG0NUdpdEh1YiAod2ViLWZs
   144      b3cgY29tbWl0IHNpZ25pbmcpIDxub3JlcGx5QGdpdGh1Yi5jb20+iQEiBBMBCAAW
   145      BQJZlGhBCRBK7hj4Ov3rIwIbAwIZAQAAmQEH/iATWFmi2oxlBh3wAsySNCNV4IPf
   146      DDMeh6j80WT7cgoX7V7xqJOxrfrqPEthQ3hgHIm7b5MPQlUr2q+UPL22t/I+ESF6
   147      9b0QWLFSMJbMSk+BXkvSjH9q8jAO0986/pShPV5DU2sMxnx4LfLfHNhTzjXKokws
   148      +8ptJ8uhMNIDXfXuzkZHIxoXk3rNcjDN5c5X+sK8UBRH092BIJWCOfaQt7v7wig5
   149      4Ra28pM9GbHKXVNxmdLpCFyzvyMuCmINYYADsC848QQFFwnd4EQnupo6QvhEVx1O
   150      j7wDwvuH5dCrLuLwtwXaQh0onG4583p0LGms2Mf5F+Ick6o/4peOlBoZz48=
   151      =Bvzs
   152      -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
   153  ```
   155  ## Configuring a project to enforce signature verification
   157  Once you have imported the GnuPG keys to ArgoCD, you must now configure the
   158  project to enforce the verification of commit signatures with the imported
   159  keys.
   161  ### Configuring using the CLI
   163  #### Adding a key ID to list of allowed keys
   165  To add a key ID to the list of allowed GnuPG keys for a project, you can use
   166  the `argocd proj add-signature-key` command, i.e. the following command would
   167  add the key ID `4AEE18F83AFDEB23` to the project named `myproj`:
   169  ```bash
   170  argocd proj add-signature-key myproj 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
   171  ```
   173  #### Removing a key ID from the list of allowed keys
   175  Similarily, you can remove a key ID from the list of allowed GnuPG keys for a
   176  project using the `argocd proj remove-signature-key` command, i.e. to remove
   177  the key added above from project `myproj`, use the command:
   179  ```bash
   180  argocd proj remove-signature-key myproj 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
   181  ```
   183  #### Showing allowed key IDs for a project
   185  To see which key IDs are allowed for a given project, you can inspect the
   186  output of the `argocd proj get` command, i.e for a project named `gpg`:
   188  ```bash
   189  $ argocd proj get gpg
   190  Name:                        gpg
   191  Description:                 GnuPG verification
   192  Destinations:                *,*
   193  Repositories:                *
   194  Allowed Cluster Resources:   */*
   195  Denied Namespaced Resources: <none>
   196  Signature keys:              4AEE18F83AFDEB23, 07E34825A909B250
   197  Orphaned Resources:          disabled
   198  ```
   200  #### Override list of key IDs
   202  You can also explicitly set the currently allowed keys with one or more new keys
   203  using the `argocd proj set` command in combination with the `--signature-keys`
   204  flag, which you can use to specify a comma separated list of allowed key IDs:
   206  ```bash
   207  argocd proj set myproj --signature-keys 4AEE18F83AFDEB23,07E34825A909B250
   208  ```
   210  The `--signature-keys` flag can also be used on project creation, i.e. the
   211  `argocd proj create` command.
   213  ### Configure using the Web UI
   215  You can configure the GnuPG key IDs required for signature verification using
   216  the web UI, in the Project configuration. Navigate to the **Settings** page
   217  and select the **Projects** module, then click on the project you want to
   218  configure.
   220  From the project's details page, click **Edit** and find the
   221  **Required signature keys** section, where you can add or remove the key IDs
   222  for signature verification. After you have modified your project, click
   223  **Update** to save the changes.
   225  ### Configure using declarative setup
   227  You can specify the key IDs required for signature verification in the project
   228  manifest within the `signatureKeys` section, i.e:
   230  ```yaml
   231  apiVersion:
   232  kind: AppProject
   233  metadata:
   234    name: gpg
   235    namespace: argocd
   236  spec:
   237    clusterResourceWhitelist:
   238    - group: '*'
   239      kind: '*'
   240    description: GnuPG verification
   241    destinations:
   242    - namespace: '*'
   243      server: '*'
   244    namespaceResourceWhitelist:
   245    - group: '*'
   246      kind: '*'
   247    signatureKeys:
   248    - keyID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
   249    sourceRepos:
   250    - '*'
   251  ```
   253  `signatureKeys` is an array of `SignatureKey` objects, whose only property is
   254  `keyID` at the moment.
   256  ## Troubleshooting
   258  ### Disabling the feature
   260  The GnuPG feature can be completely disabled if desired. In order to disable it,
   261  set the environment variable `ARGOCD_GPG_ENABLED` to `false` for the pod
   262  templates of the `argocd-server`, `argocd-repo-server` and
   263   `argocd-application-controller` deployments.
   265  After the pods have been restarted, the GnuPG feature is disabled.
   267  ### GnuPG key ring
   269  The GnuPG key ring used for signature verification is maintained within the
   270  pods of `argocd-repo-server`. The keys in the keyring are synchronized to the
   271  configuration stored in the `argocd-gpg-keys-cm` ConfigMap resource, which is
   272  volume-mounted to the `argocd-repo-server` pods.
   274  !!!note
   275      The GnuPG key ring in the pods is transient and gets recreated from the
   276      configuration on each restart of the pods. You should never add or remove
   277      keys manually to the key ring, because your changes will be lost. Also,
   278      any of the private keys found in the key ring are transient and will be
   279      regenerated upon each restart. The private key is only used to build the
   280      trust DB for the running pod.
   282  To check whether the keys are actually in sync, you can `kubectl exec` into the
   283  repository server's pods and inspect the key ring, which is located at path
   284  `/app/config/gpg/keys`
   286  ```bash
   287  $ kubectl exec -it argocd-repo-server-7d6bdfdf6d-hzqkg bash
   288  argocd@argocd-repo-server-7d6bdfdf6d-hzqkg:~$ GNUPGHOME=/app/config/gpg/keys gpg --list-keys
   289  /app/config/gpg/keys/pubring.kbx
   290  --------------------------------
   291  pub   rsa2048 2020-06-15 [SC] [expires: 2020-12-12]
   292        D48F075D818A813C436914BC9324F0D2144753B1
   293  uid           [ultimate] Anon Ymous (ArgoCD key signing key) <>
   295  pub   rsa2048 2017-08-16 [SC]
   296        5DE3E0509C47EA3CF04A42D34AEE18F83AFDEB23
   297  uid           [ultimate] GitHub (web-flow commit signing) <>
   299  argocd@argocd-repo-server-7d6bdfdf6d-hzqkg:~$
   300  ```
   302  If the key ring stays out of sync with your configuration after you have added
   303  or removed keys for a longer period of time, you might want to restart your
   304  `argocd-repo-server` pods. If such a problem persists, please consider raising
   305  a bug report.