
     1  package webhook
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"net/http"
     6  	"net/url"
     7  	"path/filepath"
     8  	"regexp"
     9  	"strings"
    11  	gogsclient ""
    12  	log ""
    13  	""
    14  	bitbucketserver ""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	metav1 ""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	appclientset ""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  )
    29  type settingsSource interface {
    30  	GetAppInstanceLabelKey() (string, error)
    31  }
    33  type ArgoCDWebhookHandler struct {
    34  	cache           *cache.Cache
    35  	ns              string
    36  	appClientset    appclientset.Interface
    37  	github          *github.Webhook
    38  	gitlab          *gitlab.Webhook
    39  	bitbucket       *bitbucket.Webhook
    40  	bitbucketserver *bitbucketserver.Webhook
    41  	gogs            *gogs.Webhook
    42  	settingsSrc     settingsSource
    43  }
    45  func NewHandler(namespace string, appClientset appclientset.Interface, set *settings.ArgoCDSettings, settingsSrc settingsSource, cache *cache.Cache) *ArgoCDWebhookHandler {
    46  	githubWebhook, err := github.New(github.Options.Secret(set.WebhookGitHubSecret))
    47  	if err != nil {
    48  		log.Warnf("Unable to init the Github webhook")
    49  	}
    50  	gitlabWebhook, err := gitlab.New(gitlab.Options.Secret(set.WebhookGitLabSecret))
    51  	if err != nil {
    52  		log.Warnf("Unable to init the Gitlab webhook")
    53  	}
    54  	bitbucketWebhook, err := bitbucket.New(bitbucket.Options.UUID(set.WebhookBitbucketUUID))
    55  	if err != nil {
    56  		log.Warnf("Unable to init the Bitbucket webhook")
    57  	}
    58  	bitbucketserverWebhook, err := bitbucketserver.New(bitbucketserver.Options.Secret(set.WebhookBitbucketServerSecret))
    59  	if err != nil {
    60  		log.Warnf("Unable to init the Bitbucket Server webhook")
    61  	}
    62  	gogsWebhook, err := gogs.New(gogs.Options.Secret(set.WebhookGogsSecret))
    63  	if err != nil {
    64  		log.Warnf("Unable to init the Gogs webhook")
    65  	}
    67  	acdWebhook := ArgoCDWebhookHandler{
    68  		ns:              namespace,
    69  		appClientset:    appClientset,
    70  		github:          githubWebhook,
    71  		gitlab:          gitlabWebhook,
    72  		bitbucket:       bitbucketWebhook,
    73  		bitbucketserver: bitbucketserverWebhook,
    74  		gogs:            gogsWebhook,
    75  		settingsSrc:     settingsSrc,
    76  		cache:           cache,
    77  	}
    79  	return &acdWebhook
    80  }
    82  // affectedRevisionInfo examines a payload from a webhook event, and extracts the repo web URL,
    83  // the revision, and whether or not this affected origin/HEAD (the default branch of the repository)
    84  func affectedRevisionInfo(payloadIf interface{}) (webURLs []string, revision string, change changeInfo, touchedHead bool, changedFiles []string) {
    85  	parseRef := func(ref string) string {
    86  		refParts := strings.SplitN(ref, "/", 3)
    87  		return refParts[len(refParts)-1]
    88  	}
    90  	switch payload := payloadIf.(type) {
    91  	case github.PushPayload:
    92  		// See:
    93  		webURLs = append(webURLs, payload.Repository.HTMLURL)
    94  		revision = parseRef(payload.Ref)
    95  		change.shaAfter = parseRef(payload.After)
    96  		change.shaBefore = parseRef(payload.Before)
    97  		touchedHead = bool(payload.Repository.DefaultBranch == revision)
    98  		for _, commit := range payload.Commits {
    99  			changedFiles = append(changedFiles, commit.Added...)
   100  			changedFiles = append(changedFiles, commit.Modified...)
   101  			changedFiles = append(changedFiles, commit.Removed...)
   102  		}
   103  	case gitlab.PushEventPayload:
   104  		// See:
   105  		webURLs = append(webURLs, payload.Project.WebURL)
   106  		revision = parseRef(payload.Ref)
   107  		change.shaAfter = parseRef(payload.After)
   108  		change.shaBefore = parseRef(payload.Before)
   109  		touchedHead = bool(payload.Project.DefaultBranch == revision)
   110  		for _, commit := range payload.Commits {
   111  			changedFiles = append(changedFiles, commit.Added...)
   112  			changedFiles = append(changedFiles, commit.Modified...)
   113  			changedFiles = append(changedFiles, commit.Removed...)
   114  		}
   115  	case gitlab.TagEventPayload:
   116  		// See:
   117  		// NOTE: this is untested
   118  		webURLs = append(webURLs, payload.Project.WebURL)
   119  		revision = parseRef(payload.Ref)
   120  		change.shaAfter = parseRef(payload.After)
   121  		change.shaBefore = parseRef(payload.Before)
   122  		touchedHead = bool(payload.Project.DefaultBranch == revision)
   123  		for _, commit := range payload.Commits {
   124  			changedFiles = append(changedFiles, commit.Added...)
   125  			changedFiles = append(changedFiles, commit.Modified...)
   126  			changedFiles = append(changedFiles, commit.Removed...)
   127  		}
   128  	case bitbucket.RepoPushPayload:
   129  		// See:
   130  		// NOTE: this is untested
   131  		webURLs = append(webURLs, payload.Repository.Links.HTML.Href)
   132  		// TODO: bitbucket includes multiple changes as part of a single event.
   133  		// We only pick the first but need to consider how to handle multiple
   134  		for _, change := range payload.Push.Changes {
   135  			revision = change.New.Name
   136  			break
   137  		}
   138  		// Not actually sure how to check if the incoming change affected HEAD just by examining the
   139  		// payload alone. To be safe, we just return true and let the controller check for himself.
   140  		touchedHead = true
   142  	// Bitbucket does not include a list of changed files anywhere in it's payload
   143  	// so we cannot update changedFiles for this type of payload
   144  	case bitbucketserver.RepositoryReferenceChangedPayload:
   146  		// Webhook module does not parse the inner links
   147  		for _, l := range payload.Repository.Links["clone"].([]interface{}) {
   148  			link := l.(map[string]interface{})
   149  			if link["name"] == "http" {
   150  				webURLs = append(webURLs, link["href"].(string))
   151  			}
   152  			if link["name"] == "ssh" {
   153  				webURLs = append(webURLs, link["href"].(string))
   154  			}
   155  		}
   157  		// TODO: bitbucket includes multiple changes as part of a single event.
   158  		// We only pick the first but need to consider how to handle multiple
   159  		for _, change := range payload.Changes {
   160  			revision = parseRef(change.Reference.ID)
   161  			break
   162  		}
   163  		// Not actually sure how to check if the incoming change affected HEAD just by examining the
   164  		// payload alone. To be safe, we just return true and let the controller check for himself.
   165  		touchedHead = true
   167  		// Bitbucket does not include a list of changed files anywhere in it's payload
   168  		// so we cannot update changedFiles for this type of payload
   170  	case gogsclient.PushPayload:
   171  		webURLs = append(webURLs, payload.Repo.HTMLURL)
   172  		revision = parseRef(payload.Ref)
   173  		change.shaAfter = parseRef(payload.After)
   174  		change.shaBefore = parseRef(payload.Before)
   175  		touchedHead = bool(payload.Repo.DefaultBranch == revision)
   176  		for _, commit := range payload.Commits {
   177  			changedFiles = append(changedFiles, commit.Added...)
   178  			changedFiles = append(changedFiles, commit.Modified...)
   179  			changedFiles = append(changedFiles, commit.Removed...)
   180  		}
   181  	}
   182  	return webURLs, revision, change, touchedHead, changedFiles
   183  }
   185  type changeInfo struct {
   186  	shaBefore string
   187  	shaAfter  string
   188  }
   190  // HandleEvent handles webhook events for repo push events
   191  func (a *ArgoCDWebhookHandler) HandleEvent(payload interface{}) {
   192  	webURLs, revision, change, touchedHead, changedFiles := affectedRevisionInfo(payload)
   193  	// NOTE: the webURL does not include the .git extension
   194  	if len(webURLs) == 0 {
   195  		log.Info("Ignoring webhook event")
   196  		return
   197  	}
   198  	for _, webURL := range webURLs {
   199  		log.Infof("Received push event repo: %s, revision: %s, touchedHead: %v", webURL, revision, touchedHead)
   200  	}
   201  	appIf := a.appClientset.ArgoprojV1alpha1().Applications(a.ns)
   202  	apps, err := appIf.List(context.Background(), metav1.ListOptions{})
   203  	if err != nil {
   204  		log.Warnf("Failed to list applications: %v", err)
   205  		return
   206  	}
   208  	appInstanceLabelKey, err := a.settingsSrc.GetAppInstanceLabelKey()
   209  	if err != nil {
   210  		log.Warnf("Failed to get appInstanceLabelKey: %v", err)
   211  		return
   212  	}
   214  	for _, webURL := range webURLs {
   215  		urlObj, err := url.Parse(webURL)
   216  		if err != nil {
   217  			log.Warnf("Failed to parse repoURL '%s'", webURL)
   218  			continue
   219  		}
   221  		regexpStr := `(?i)(http://|https://|\w+@|ssh://(\w+@)?)` + urlObj.Hostname() + "(:[0-9]+|)[:/]" + urlObj.Path[1:] + "(\\.git)?"
   222  		repoRegexp, err := regexp.Compile(regexpStr)
   223  		if err != nil {
   224  			log.Warnf("Failed to compile regexp for repoURL '%s'", webURL)
   225  			continue
   226  		}
   228  		for _, app := range apps.Items {
   229  			if appRevisionHasChanged(&app, revision, touchedHead) && appUsesURL(&app, webURL, repoRegexp) {
   230  				if appFilesHaveChanged(&app, changedFiles) {
   231  					_, err = argo.RefreshApp(appIf, app.ObjectMeta.Name, v1alpha1.RefreshTypeNormal)
   232  					if err != nil {
   233  						log.Warnf("Failed to refresh app '%s' for controller reprocessing: %v", app.ObjectMeta.Name, err)
   234  						continue
   235  					}
   236  				} else if change.shaBefore != "" && change.shaAfter != "" {
   237  					var cachedManifests cache.CachedManifestResponse
   238  					if err := a.cache.GetManifests(change.shaBefore, &app.Spec.Source, app.Spec.Destination.Namespace, appInstanceLabelKey, app.Name, &cachedManifests); err == nil {
   239  						if err = a.cache.SetManifests(change.shaAfter, &app.Spec.Source, app.Spec.Destination.Namespace, appInstanceLabelKey, app.Name, &cachedManifests); err != nil {
   240  							log.Warnf("Failed to store cached manifests of previous revision for app '%s': %v", app.Name, err)
   241  						}
   242  					}
   243  				}
   244  			}
   245  		}
   246  	}
   247  }
   249  func getAppRefreshPaths(app *v1alpha1.Application) []string {
   250  	var paths []string
   251  	if val, ok := app.Annotations[common.AnnotationKeyManifestGeneratePaths]; ok && val != "" {
   252  		for _, item := range strings.Split(val, ";") {
   253  			if item == "" {
   254  				continue
   255  			}
   256  			if filepath.IsAbs(item) {
   257  				item = item[1:]
   258  			} else {
   259  				item = filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(app.Spec.Source.Path, item))
   260  			}
   261  			paths = append(paths, item)
   262  		}
   263  	}
   264  	return paths
   265  }
   267  func appFilesHaveChanged(app *v1alpha1.Application, changedFiles []string) bool {
   268  	// an empty slice of changed files means that the payload didn't include a list
   269  	// of changed files and w have to assume that a refresh is required
   270  	if len(changedFiles) == 0 {
   271  		return true
   272  	}
   274  	// Check to see if the app has requested refreshes only on a specific prefix
   275  	refreshPaths := getAppRefreshPaths(app)
   277  	if len(refreshPaths) == 0 {
   278  		// Apps without a given refreshed paths always be refreshed, regardless of changed files
   279  		// this is the "default" behavior
   280  		return true
   281  	}
   283  	// At last one changed file must be under refresh path
   284  	for _, f := range changedFiles {
   285  		f = ensureAbsPath(f)
   286  		for _, item := range refreshPaths {
   287  			item = ensureAbsPath(item)
   289  			if _, err := security.EnforceToCurrentRoot(item, f); err == nil {
   290  				log.WithField("application", app.Name).Debugf("Application uses files that have changed")
   291  				return true
   292  			}
   293  		}
   294  	}
   296  	log.WithField("application", app.Name).Debugf("Application does not use any of the files that have changed")
   297  	return false
   298  }
   300  func ensureAbsPath(input string) string {
   301  	if !filepath.IsAbs(input) {
   302  		return string(filepath.Separator) + input
   303  	}
   304  	return input
   305  }
   307  func appRevisionHasChanged(app *v1alpha1.Application, revision string, touchedHead bool) bool {
   308  	targetRev := app.Spec.Source.TargetRevision
   309  	if targetRev == "HEAD" || targetRev == "" { // revision is head
   310  		return touchedHead
   311  	}
   313  	return targetRev == revision
   314  }
   316  func appUsesURL(app *v1alpha1.Application, webURL string, repoRegexp *regexp.Regexp) bool {
   317  	if !repoRegexp.MatchString(app.Spec.Source.RepoURL) {
   318  		log.Debugf("%s does not match %s", app.Spec.Source.RepoURL, repoRegexp.String())
   319  		return false
   320  	}
   322  	log.Debugf("%s uses repoURL %s", app.Spec.Source.RepoURL, webURL)
   323  	return true
   324  }
   326  func (a *ArgoCDWebhookHandler) Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   328  	var payload interface{}
   329  	var err error
   331  	switch {
   332  	//Gogs needs to be checked before Github since it carries both Gogs and (incompatible) Github headers
   333  	case r.Header.Get("X-Gogs-Event") != "":
   334  		payload, err = a.gogs.Parse(r, gogs.PushEvent)
   335  	case r.Header.Get("X-GitHub-Event") != "":
   336  		payload, err = a.github.Parse(r, github.PushEvent)
   337  	case r.Header.Get("X-Gitlab-Event") != "":
   338  		payload, err = a.gitlab.Parse(r, gitlab.PushEvents, gitlab.TagEvents)
   339  	case r.Header.Get("X-Hook-UUID") != "":
   340  		payload, err = a.bitbucket.Parse(r, bitbucket.RepoPushEvent)
   341  	case r.Header.Get("X-Event-Key") != "":
   342  		payload, err = a.bitbucketserver.Parse(r, bitbucketserver.RepositoryReferenceChangedEvent)
   343  	default:
   344  		log.Debug("Ignoring unknown webhook event")
   345  		return
   346  	}
   348  	if err != nil {
   349  		log.Infof("Webhook processing failed: %s", err)
   350  		return
   351  	}
   353  	a.HandleEvent(payload)
   354  }