
     1  ---
     2  order: 4
     3  ---
     5  # Metrics
     7  Tendermint can report and serve the Prometheus metrics, which in their turn can
     8  be consumed by Prometheus collector(s).
    10  This functionality is disabled by default.
    12  To enable the Prometheus metrics, set `instrumentation.prometheus=true` in your
    13  config file. Metrics will be served under `/metrics` on 26660 port by default.
    14  Listen address can be changed in the config file (see
    15  `instrumentation.prometheus\_listen\_addr`).
    17  ## List of available metrics
    19  The following metrics are available:
    21  | **Name**                                | **Type**  | **Tags**        | **Description**                                                                                                                            |
    22  |-----------------------------------------|-----------|-----------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
    23  | abci_connection_method_timing           | Histogram | method, type    | Timings for each of the ABCI methods                                                                                                       |
    24  | consensus_height                        | Gauge     |                 | Height of the chain                                                                                                                        |
    25  | consensus_validators                    | Gauge     |                 | Number of validators                                                                                                                       |
    26  | consensus_validators_power              | Gauge     |                 | Total voting power of all validators                                                                                                       |
    27  | consensus_validator_power               | Gauge     |                 | Voting power of the node if in the validator set                                                                                           |
    28  | consensus_validator_last_signed_height  | Gauge     |                 | Last height the node signed a block, if the node is a validator                                                                            |
    29  | consensus_validator_missed_blocks       | Gauge     |                 | Total amount of blocks missed for the node, if the node is a validator                                                                     |
    30  | consensus_missing_validators            | Gauge     |                 | Number of validators who did not sign                                                                                                      |
    31  | consensus_missing_validators_power      | Gauge     |                 | Total voting power of the missing validators                                                                                               |
    32  | consensus_byzantine_validators          | Gauge     |                 | Number of validators who tried to double sign                                                                                              |
    33  | consensus_byzantine_validators_power    | Gauge     |                 | Total voting power of the byzantine validators                                                                                             |
    34  | consensus_block_interval_seconds        | Histogram |                 | Time between this and last block (Block.Header.Time) in seconds                                                                            |
    35  | consensus_rounds                        | Gauge     |                 | Number of rounds                                                                                                                           |
    36  | consensus_num_txs                       | Gauge     |                 | Number of transactions                                                                                                                     |
    37  | consensus_total_txs                     | Gauge     |                 | Total number of transactions committed                                                                                                     |
    38  | consensus_block_parts                   | Counter   | peer_id         | number of blockparts transmitted by peer                                                                                                   |
    39  | consensus_latest_block_height           | gauge     |                 | /status sync_info number                                                                                                                   |
    40  | consensus_fast_syncing                  | gauge     |                 | either 0 (not fast syncing) or 1 (syncing)                                                                                                 |
    41  | consensus_state_syncing                 | gauge     |                 | either 0 (not state syncing) or 1 (syncing)                                                                                                |
    42  | consensus_block_size_bytes              | Gauge     |                 | Block size in bytes                                                                                                                        |
    43  | consensus_step_duration                 | Histogram | step            | Histogram of durations for each step in the consensus protocol                                                                             |
    44  | consensus_block_gossip_receive_latency  | Histogram |                 | Histogram of time taken to receive a block in seconds, measure between when a new block is first discovered to when the block is completed |
    45  | consensus_block_gossip_parts_received   | Counter   | matches_current | Number of block parts received by the node                                                                                                 |
    46  | consensus_quorum_prevote_delay          | Gauge     |                 | Interval in seconds between the proposal timestamp and the timestamp of the earliest prevote that achieved a quorum                        |
    47  | consensus_full_prevote_delay            | Gauge     |                 | Interval in seconds between the proposal timestamp and the timestamp of the latest prevote in a round where all validators voted           |
    48  | consensus_proposal_timestamp_difference | Histogram |                 | Difference between the timestamp in the proposal message and the local time of the validator at the time it received the message           |
    49  | consensus_vote_extension_receive_count  | Counter   | status          | Number of vote extensions received                                                                                                         |
    50  | consensus_proposal_receive_count        | Counter   | status          | Total number of proposals received by the node since process start                                                                         |
    51  | consensus_proposal_create_count         | Counter   |                 | Total number of proposals created by the node since process start                                                                          |
    52  | consensus_round_voting_power_percent    | Gauge     | vote_type       | A value between 0 and 1.0 representing the percentage of the total voting power per vote type received within a round                      |
    53  | consensus_late_votes                    | Counter   | vote_type       | Number of votes received by the node since process start that correspond to earlier heights and rounds than this node is currently in.     |
    54  | evidence_pool_num_evidence              | Gauge     |                 | Number of evidence in the evidence pool                                                                                                    |
    55  | p2p_peers                               | Gauge     |                 | Number of peers node's connected to                                                                                                        |
    56  | p2p_peer_receive_bytes_total            | Counter   | peer_id, chID   | number of bytes per channel received from a given peer                                                                                     |
    57  | p2p_peer_send_bytes_total               | Counter   | peer_id, chID   | number of bytes per channel sent to a given peer                                                                                           |
    58  | p2p_peer_pending_send_bytes             | Gauge     | peer_id         | number of pending bytes to be sent to a given peer                                                                                         |
    59  | p2p_router_peer_queue_recv              | Histogram |                 | The time taken to read off of a peer's queue before sending on the connection                                                              |
    60  | p2p_router_peer_queue_send              | Histogram |                 | The time taken to send on a peer's queue which will later be sent on the connection                                                        |
    61  | p2p_router_channel_queue_send           | Histogram |                 | The time taken to send on a p2p channel's queue which will later be consumed by the corresponding service                                  |
    62  | p2p_router_channel_queue_dropped_msgs   | Counter   | ch_id           | The number of messages dropped from a peer's queue for a specific p2p channel                                                              |
    63  | p2p_peer_queue_msg_size                 | Gauge     | ch_id           | The size of messages sent over a peer's queue for a specific p2p channel                                                                   |
    64  | mempool_size                            | Gauge     |                 | Number of uncommitted transactions                                                                                                         |
    65  | mempool_tx_size_bytes                   | Histogram |                 | transaction sizes in bytes                                                                                                                 |
    66  | mempool_failed_txs                      | Counter   |                 | number of failed transactions                                                                                                              |
    67  | mempool_recheck_times                   | Counter   |                 | number of transactions rechecked in the mempool                                                                                            |
    68  | state_block_processing_time             | Histogram |                 | time between BeginBlock and EndBlock in ms                                                                                                 |
    69  | state_consensus_param_updates           | Counter   |                 | number of consensus parameter updates returned by the application since process start                                                      |
    70  | state_validator_set_updates             | Counter   |                 | number of validator set updates returned by the application since process start                                                            |
    72  ## Useful queries
    74  Percentage of missing + byzantine validators:
    76  ```prometheus
    77  ((consensus_byzantine_validators_power + consensus_missing_validators_power) / consensus_validators_power) * 100
    78  ```
    80  Rate at which the application is responding to each ABCI method call.
    81  ```
    82  sum(rate(tendermint_abci_connection_method_timing_count[5m])) by (method)
    83  ```
    85  The 95th percentile response time for the application to the `deliver_tx` ABCI method call.
    86  ```
    87  histogram_quantile(0.95, sum by(le) (rate(tendermint_abci_connection_method_timing_bucket{method="deliver_tx"}[5m])))
    88  ```