
     1  syntax = "proto3";
     2  package seitendermint.abci;
     4  option go_package = "";
     6  import "tendermint/crypto/proof.proto";
     7  import "tendermint/crypto/keys.proto";
     8  import "tendermint/types/params.proto";
     9  import "tendermint/types/types.proto";
    10  import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
    11  import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
    13  // This file is copied from
    14  // NOTE: When using custom types, mind the warnings.
    15  //
    17  //----------------------------------------
    18  // Request types
    20  message Request {
    21    oneof value {
    22      RequestEcho                echo                  = 1;
    23      RequestFlush               flush                 = 2;
    24      RequestInfo                info                  = 3;
    25      RequestInitChain           init_chain            = 4;
    26      RequestQuery               query                 = 5;
    27      RequestCheckTx             check_tx              = 7;
    28      RequestCommit              commit                = 10;
    29      RequestListSnapshots       list_snapshots        = 11;
    30      RequestOfferSnapshot       offer_snapshot        = 12;
    31      RequestLoadSnapshotChunk   load_snapshot_chunk   = 13;
    32      RequestApplySnapshotChunk  apply_snapshot_chunk  = 14;
    33      RequestPrepareProposal     prepare_proposal      = 15;
    34      RequestProcessProposal     process_proposal      = 16;
    35      RequestExtendVote          extend_vote           = 17;
    36      RequestVerifyVoteExtension verify_vote_extension = 18;
    37      RequestFinalizeBlock       finalize_block        = 19;
    38      RequestBeginBlock         begin_block          = 20;
    39      RequestDeliverTx          deliver_tx           = 21;
    40      RequestEndBlock           end_block            = 22;
    41      RequestLoadLatest load_latest = 23;
    42    }
    43    reserved 6, 8, 9; // RequestBeginBlock, RequestDeliverTx, RequestEndBlock
    44  }
    46  message RequestEcho {
    47    string message = 1;
    48  }
    50  message RequestFlush {}
    52  message RequestInfo {
    53    string version       = 1;
    54    uint64 block_version = 2;
    55    uint64 p2p_version   = 3;
    56    string abci_version  = 4;
    57  }
    59  message RequestInitChain {
    60    google.protobuf.Timestamp        time             = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
    61    string                           chain_id         = 2;
    62    seitendermint.types.ConsensusParams consensus_params = 3;
    63    repeated ValidatorUpdate         validators       = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
    64    bytes                            app_state_bytes  = 5;
    65    int64                            initial_height   = 6;
    66  }
    68  message RequestQuery {
    69    bytes  data   = 1;
    70    string path   = 2;
    71    int64  height = 3;
    72    bool   prove  = 4;
    73  }
    75  enum CheckTxType {
    76    NEW     = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "New"];
    77    RECHECK = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "Recheck"];
    78  }
    80  message RequestCheckTx {
    81    bytes       tx   = 1;
    82    CheckTxType type = 2;
    83  }
    85  message RequestCommit {}
    87  // lists available snapshots
    88  message RequestListSnapshots {}
    90  // offers a snapshot to the application
    91  message RequestOfferSnapshot {
    92    Snapshot snapshot = 1;  // snapshot offered by peers
    93    bytes    app_hash = 2;  // light client-verified app hash for snapshot height
    94  }
    96  // loads a snapshot chunk
    97  message RequestLoadSnapshotChunk {
    98    uint64 height = 1;
    99    uint32 format = 2;
   100    uint32 chunk  = 3;
   101  }
   103  // Applies a snapshot chunk
   104  message RequestApplySnapshotChunk {
   105    uint32 index  = 1;
   106    bytes  chunk  = 2;
   107    string sender = 3;
   108  }
   110  message RequestPrepareProposal {
   111    // the modified transactions cannot exceed this size.
   112    int64 max_tx_bytes = 1;
   113    // txs is an array of transactions that will be included in a block,
   114    // sent to the app for possible modifications.
   115    repeated bytes            txs                  = 2;
   116    ExtendedCommitInfo        local_last_commit    = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   117    repeated Misbehavior      byzantine_validators = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   118    int64                     height               = 5;
   119    google.protobuf.Timestamp time                 = 6 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
   120    bytes                     next_validators_hash = 7;
   121    // address of the public key of the validator proposing the block.
   122    bytes proposer_address = 8;
   123    bytes app_hash = 9;
   124    bytes validators_hash = 10;
   125    bytes consensus_hash = 11;
   126    bytes data_hash = 12;
   127    bytes evidence_hash = 13;
   128    bytes last_block_hash = 14;
   129    int64 last_block_part_set_total = 15;
   130    bytes last_block_part_set_hash = 16;
   131    bytes last_commit_hash = 17;
   132    bytes last_results_hash = 18;
   133  }
   135  message RequestProcessProposal {
   136    repeated bytes       txs                  = 1;
   137    CommitInfo           proposed_last_commit = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   138    repeated Misbehavior byzantine_validators = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   139    // hash is the merkle root hash of the fields of the proposed block.
   140    bytes                     hash                 = 4;
   141    int64                     height               = 5;
   142    google.protobuf.Timestamp time                 = 6 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
   143    bytes                     next_validators_hash = 7;
   144    // address of the public key of the original proposer of the block.
   145    bytes proposer_address = 8;
   146    bytes app_hash = 10;
   147    bytes validators_hash = 11;
   148    bytes consensus_hash = 12;
   149    bytes data_hash = 13;
   150    bytes evidence_hash = 14;
   151    bytes last_block_hash = 15;
   152    int64 last_block_part_set_total = 16;
   153    bytes last_block_part_set_hash = 17;
   154    bytes last_commit_hash = 18;
   155    bytes last_results_hash = 19;
   156  }
   158  // Extends a vote with application-side injection
   159  message RequestExtendVote {
   160    bytes hash   = 1;
   161    int64 height = 2;
   162  }
   164  // Verify the vote extension
   165  message RequestVerifyVoteExtension {
   166    bytes hash              = 1;
   167    bytes validator_address = 2;
   168    int64 height            = 3;
   169    bytes vote_extension    = 4;
   170  }
   172  message RequestFinalizeBlock {
   173    repeated bytes       txs                  = 1;
   174    CommitInfo           decided_last_commit  = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   175    repeated Misbehavior byzantine_validators = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   176    // hash is the merkle root hash of the fields of the proposed block.
   177    bytes                     hash                 = 4;
   178    int64                     height               = 5;
   179    google.protobuf.Timestamp time                 = 6 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
   180    bytes                     next_validators_hash = 7;
   181    // proposer_address is the address of the public key of the original proposer of the block.
   182    bytes proposer_address = 8;
   183    bytes app_hash = 10;
   184    bytes validators_hash = 11;
   185    bytes consensus_hash = 12;
   186    bytes data_hash = 13;
   187    bytes evidence_hash = 14;
   188    bytes last_block_hash = 15;
   189    int64 last_block_part_set_total = 16;
   190    bytes last_block_part_set_hash = 17;
   191    bytes last_commit_hash = 18;
   192    bytes last_results_hash = 19;
   193  }
   195  message RequestBeginBlock {
   196    bytes                   hash                 = 1;
   197    seitendermint.types.Header header               = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   198    LastCommitInfo          last_commit_info     = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   199    repeated Evidence       byzantine_validators = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   200  }
   202  message RequestDeliverTx {
   203    bytes tx = 1;
   204    bool sig_verified = 2;
   205  }
   207  message RequestEndBlock {
   208    int64 height = 1;
   209  }
   211  message RequestLoadLatest {}
   213  //----------------------------------------
   214  // Response types
   216  message Response {
   217    oneof value {
   218      ResponseException           exception             = 1;
   219      ResponseEcho                echo                  = 2;
   220      ResponseFlush               flush                 = 3;
   221      ResponseInfo                info                  = 4;
   222      ResponseInitChain           init_chain            = 5;
   223      ResponseQuery               query                 = 6;
   224      ResponseCheckTx             check_tx              = 8;
   225      ResponseCommit              commit                = 11;
   226      ResponseListSnapshots       list_snapshots        = 12;
   227      ResponseOfferSnapshot       offer_snapshot        = 13;
   228      ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk   load_snapshot_chunk   = 14;
   229      ResponseApplySnapshotChunk  apply_snapshot_chunk  = 15;
   230      ResponsePrepareProposal     prepare_proposal      = 16;
   231      ResponseProcessProposal     process_proposal      = 17;
   232      ResponseExtendVote          extend_vote           = 18;
   233      ResponseVerifyVoteExtension verify_vote_extension = 19;
   234      ResponseFinalizeBlock       finalize_block        = 20;
   235      ResponseBeginBlock         begin_block          = 21;
   236      ResponseDeliverTx          deliver_tx           = 22;
   237      ResponseEndBlock           end_block            = 23;
   238      ResponseLoadLatest load_latest = 24;
   239    }
   240    reserved 7, 9, 10; // ResponseBeginBlock, ResponseDeliverTx, ResponseEndBlock
   241  }
   243  // nondeterministic
   244  message ResponseException {
   245    string error = 1;
   246  }
   248  message ResponseEcho {
   249    string message = 1;
   250  }
   252  message ResponseFlush {}
   254  message ResponseInfo {
   255    string data = 1;
   257    // this is the software version of the application. TODO: remove?
   258    string version     = 2;
   259    uint64 app_version = 3;
   261    int64 last_block_height   = 4;
   262    bytes last_block_app_hash = 5;
   263  }
   265  message ResponseInitChain {
   266    seitendermint.types.ConsensusParams consensus_params = 1;
   267    repeated ValidatorUpdate         validators       = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   268    bytes                            app_hash         = 3;
   269  }
   271  message ResponseQuery {
   272    uint32 code = 1;
   273    // bytes data = 2; // use "value" instead.
   274    string                     log       = 3;  // nondeterministic
   275    string                     info      = 4;  // nondeterministic
   276    int64                      index     = 5;
   277    bytes                      key       = 6;
   278    bytes                      value     = 7;
   279    seitendermint.crypto.ProofOps proof_ops = 8;
   280    int64                      height    = 9;
   281    string                     codespace = 10;
   282  }
   284  message ResponseBeginBlock {
   285    repeated Event events = 1
   286        [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = "events,omitempty"];
   287  }
   289  message ResponseCheckTx {
   290    uint32         code       = 1;
   291    bytes          data       = 2;
   292    string         log        = 3;  // nondeterministic
   293    int64          gas_wanted = 5;
   294    string         codespace  = 8;
   295    string         sender     = 9;
   296    int64          priority   = 10;
   298    reserved 4, 6, 7, 11; // see
   299  }
   301  message ResponseDeliverTx {
   302    uint32         code       = 1;
   303    bytes          data       = 2;
   304    string         log        = 3;  // nondeterministic
   305    string         info       = 4;  // nondeterministic
   306    int64          gas_wanted = 5 [json_name = "gas_wanted"];
   307    int64          gas_used   = 6 [json_name = "gas_used"];
   308    repeated Event events     = 7
   309        [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = "events,omitempty"];  // nondeterministic
   310    string codespace = 8;
   311  }
   313  message ResponseEndBlock {
   314    repeated ValidatorUpdate validator_updates = 1
   315        [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   316    ConsensusParams consensus_param_updates = 2;
   317    repeated Event  events                  = 3
   318        [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = "events,omitempty"];
   319  }
   321  message ResponseCommit {
   322    // reserve 1
   323    int64 retain_height = 3;
   324  }
   326  message ResponseListSnapshots {
   327    repeated Snapshot snapshots = 1;
   328  }
   330  message ResponseOfferSnapshot {
   331    Result result = 1;
   333    enum Result {
   334      UNKNOWN       = 0;  // Unknown result, abort all snapshot restoration
   335      ACCEPT        = 1;  // Snapshot accepted, apply chunks
   336      ABORT         = 2;  // Abort all snapshot restoration
   337      REJECT        = 3;  // Reject this specific snapshot, try others
   338      REJECT_FORMAT = 4;  // Reject all snapshots of this format, try others
   339      REJECT_SENDER = 5;  // Reject all snapshots from the sender(s), try others
   340    }
   341  }
   343  message ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk {
   344    bytes chunk = 1;
   345  }
   347  message ResponseApplySnapshotChunk {
   348    Result          result         = 1;
   349    repeated uint32 refetch_chunks = 2;  // Chunks to refetch and reapply
   350    repeated string reject_senders = 3;  // Chunk senders to reject and ban
   352    enum Result {
   353      UNKNOWN         = 0;  // Unknown result, abort all snapshot restoration
   354      ACCEPT          = 1;  // Chunk successfully accepted
   355      ABORT           = 2;  // Abort all snapshot restoration
   356      RETRY           = 3;  // Retry chunk (combine with refetch and reject)
   357      RETRY_SNAPSHOT  = 4;  // Retry snapshot (combine with refetch and reject)
   358      REJECT_SNAPSHOT = 5;  // Reject this snapshot, try others
   359    }
   360  }
   362  message ResponsePrepareProposal {
   363    repeated TxRecord                tx_records              = 1;
   364    bytes                            app_hash                = 2;
   365    repeated ExecTxResult            tx_results              = 3;
   366    repeated ValidatorUpdate         validator_updates       = 4;
   367    seitendermint.types.ConsensusParams consensus_param_updates = 5;
   368  }
   370  message ResponseProcessProposal {
   371    ProposalStatus                   status                  = 1;
   372    bytes                            app_hash                = 2;
   373    repeated ExecTxResult            tx_results              = 3;
   374    repeated ValidatorUpdate         validator_updates       = 4;
   375    seitendermint.types.ConsensusParams consensus_param_updates = 5;
   377    enum ProposalStatus {
   378      UNKNOWN = 0;
   379      ACCEPT  = 1;
   380      REJECT  = 2;
   381    }
   382  }
   384  message ResponseExtendVote {
   385    bytes vote_extension = 1;
   386  }
   388  message ResponseVerifyVoteExtension {
   389    VerifyStatus status = 1;
   391    enum VerifyStatus {
   392      UNKNOWN = 0;
   393      ACCEPT  = 1;
   394      REJECT  = 2;
   395    }
   396  }
   398  message ResponseFinalizeBlock {
   399    repeated Event events = 1
   400        [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = "events,omitempty"];
   401    repeated ExecTxResult            tx_results              = 2;
   402    repeated ValidatorUpdate         validator_updates       = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   403    seitendermint.types.ConsensusParams consensus_param_updates = 4;
   404    bytes                            app_hash                = 5;
   405  }
   407  message ResponseLoadLatest {}
   409  //----------------------------------------
   410  // Misc.
   412  message CommitInfo {
   413    int32             round = 1;
   414    repeated VoteInfo votes = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   415  }
   417  message LastCommitInfo {
   418    int32             round = 1;
   419    repeated VoteInfo votes = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   420  }
   422  // ExtendedCommitInfo is similar to CommitInfo except that it is only used in
   423  // the PrepareProposal request such that Tendermint can provide vote extensions
   424  // to the application.
   425  message ExtendedCommitInfo {
   426    // The round at which the block proposer decided in the previous height.
   427    int32 round = 1;
   428    // List of validators' addresses in the last validator set with their voting
   429    // information, including vote extensions.
   430    repeated ExtendedVoteInfo votes = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   431  }
   433  // Event allows application developers to attach additional information to
   434  // ResponseFinalizeBlock, ResponseDeliverTx, ExecTxResult
   435  // Later, transactions may be queried using these events.
   436  message Event {
   437    string                  type       = 1;
   438    repeated EventAttribute attributes = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = "attributes,omitempty"];
   439  }
   441  // EventAttribute is a single key-value pair, associated with an event.
   442  message EventAttribute {
   443    bytes  key   = 1;
   444    bytes  value = 2;
   445    bool   index = 3;  // nondeterministic
   446  }
   448  // ExecTxResult contains results of executing one individual transaction.
   449  //
   450  // * Its structure is equivalent to #ResponseDeliverTx which will be deprecated/deleted
   451  message ExecTxResult {
   452    uint32         code       = 1;
   453    bytes          data       = 2;
   454    string         log        = 3;  // nondeterministic
   455    string         info       = 4;  // nondeterministic
   456    int64          gas_wanted = 5;
   457    int64          gas_used   = 6;
   458    repeated Event events     = 7
   459        [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.jsontag) = "events,omitempty"];  // nondeterministic
   460    string codespace = 8;
   461  }
   463  // TxResult contains results of executing the transaction.
   464  //
   465  // One usage is indexing transaction results.
   466  message TxResult {
   467    int64        height = 1;
   468    uint32       index  = 2;
   469    bytes        tx     = 3;
   470    ExecTxResult result = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   471  }
   473  message TxRecord {
   474    TxAction action = 1;
   475    bytes    tx     = 2;
   477    // TxAction contains App-provided information on what to do with a transaction that is part of a raw proposal
   478    enum TxAction {
   479      UNKNOWN    = 0;  // Unknown action
   480      UNMODIFIED = 1;  // The Application did not modify this transaction.
   481      ADDED      = 2;  // The Application added this transaction.
   482      REMOVED    = 3;  // The Application wants this transaction removed from the proposal and the mempool.
   483    }
   484  }
   486  message BlockParams {
   487    // Note: must be greater than 0
   488    int64 max_bytes = 1;
   489    // Note: must be greater or equal to -1
   490    int64 max_gas = 2;
   491  }
   493  message ConsensusParams {
   494    BlockParams                      block     = 1;
   495    seitendermint.types.EvidenceParams  evidence  = 2;
   496    seitendermint.types.ValidatorParams validator = 3;
   497    seitendermint.types.VersionParams   version   = 4;
   498  }
   500  //----------------------------------------
   501  // Blockchain Types
   503  // Validator
   504  message Validator {
   505    bytes address = 1;  // The first 20 bytes of SHA256(public key)
   506    // PubKey pub_key = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable)=false];
   507    int64 power = 3;  // The voting power
   508  }
   510  // ValidatorUpdate
   511  message ValidatorUpdate {
   512    seitendermint.crypto.PublicKey pub_key = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   513    int64                       power   = 2;
   514  }
   516  // VoteInfo
   517  message VoteInfo {
   518    Validator validator         = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   519    bool      signed_last_block = 2;
   520  }
   522  // ExtendedVoteInfo
   523  message ExtendedVoteInfo {
   524    // The validator that sent the vote.
   525    Validator validator = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   526    // Indicates whether the validator signed the last block, allowing for rewards based on validator availability.
   527    bool signed_last_block = 2;
   528    // Non-deterministic extension provided by the sending validator's application.
   529    bytes vote_extension = 3;
   530  }
   532  enum MisbehaviorType {
   533    UNKNOWN             = 0;
   534    DUPLICATE_VOTE      = 1;
   535    LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK = 2;
   536  }
   538  message Misbehavior {
   539    MisbehaviorType type = 1;
   540    // The offending validator
   541    Validator validator = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   542    // The height when the offense occurred
   543    int64 height = 3;
   544    // The corresponding time where the offense occurred
   545    google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
   546    // Total voting power of the validator set in case the ABCI application does
   547    // not store historical validators.
   548    //
   549    int64 total_voting_power = 5;
   550  }
   552  message Evidence {
   553    MisbehaviorType type = 1;
   554    // The offending validator
   555    Validator validator = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   556    // The height when the offense occurred
   557    int64 height = 3;
   558    // The corresponding time where the offense occurred
   559    google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 4 [
   560      (gogoproto.nullable) = false,
   561      (gogoproto.stdtime)  = true
   562    ];
   563    // Total voting power of the validator set in case the ABCI application does
   564    // not store historical validators.
   565    //
   566    int64 total_voting_power = 5;
   567  }
   569  //----------------------------------------
   570  // State Sync Types
   572  message Snapshot {
   573    uint64 height   = 1;  // The height at which the snapshot was taken
   574    uint32 format   = 2;  // The application-specific snapshot format
   575    uint32 chunks   = 3;  // Number of chunks in the snapshot
   576    bytes  hash     = 4;  // Arbitrary snapshot hash, equal only if identical
   577    bytes  metadata = 5;  // Arbitrary application metadata
   578  }
   580  //----------------------------------------
   581  // Service Definition
   583  service ABCIApplication {
   584    rpc Echo(RequestEcho) returns (ResponseEcho);
   585    rpc Flush(RequestFlush) returns (ResponseFlush);
   586    rpc Info(RequestInfo) returns (ResponseInfo);
   587    rpc CheckTx(RequestCheckTx) returns (ResponseCheckTx);
   588    rpc Query(RequestQuery) returns (ResponseQuery);
   589    rpc Commit(RequestCommit) returns (ResponseCommit);
   590    rpc InitChain(RequestInitChain) returns (ResponseInitChain);
   591    rpc ListSnapshots(RequestListSnapshots) returns (ResponseListSnapshots);
   592    rpc OfferSnapshot(RequestOfferSnapshot) returns (ResponseOfferSnapshot);
   593    rpc LoadSnapshotChunk(RequestLoadSnapshotChunk) returns (ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk);
   594    rpc ApplySnapshotChunk(RequestApplySnapshotChunk) returns (ResponseApplySnapshotChunk);
   595    rpc PrepareProposal(RequestPrepareProposal) returns (ResponsePrepareProposal);
   596    rpc ProcessProposal(RequestProcessProposal) returns (ResponseProcessProposal);
   597    rpc ExtendVote(RequestExtendVote) returns (ResponseExtendVote);
   598    rpc VerifyVoteExtension(RequestVerifyVoteExtension) returns (ResponseVerifyVoteExtension);
   599    rpc FinalizeBlock(RequestFinalizeBlock) returns (ResponseFinalizeBlock);
   600    rpc LoadLatest(RequestLoadLatest) returns (ResponseLoadLatest);
   601  }