
     1  # This is a TOML config file.
     2  # For more information, see
     4  # NOTE: Any path below can be absolute (e.g. "/var/myawesomeapp/data") or
     5  # relative to the home directory (e.g. "data"). The home directory is
     6  # "$HOME/.tendermint" by default, but could be changed via $TMHOME env variable
     7  # or --home cmd flag.
     9  #######################################################################
    10  ###                   Main Base Config Options                      ###
    11  #######################################################################
    13  # TCP or UNIX socket address of the ABCI application,
    14  # or the name of an ABCI application compiled in with the Tendermint binary
    15  proxy_app = "tcp://"
    17  # A custom human readable name for this node
    18  moniker = "localhost"
    20  # If this node is many blocks behind the tip of the chain, FastSync
    21  # allows them to catchup quickly by downloading blocks in parallel
    22  # and verifying their commits
    23  fast_sync = true
    25  # Database backend: goleveldb | cleveldb | boltdb | rocksdb | badgerdb
    26  # * goleveldb ( - most popular implementation)
    27  #   - pure go
    28  #   - stable
    29  # * cleveldb (uses levigo wrapper)
    30  #   - fast
    31  #   - requires gcc
    32  #   - use cleveldb build tag (go build -tags cleveldb)
    33  # * boltdb (uses etcd's fork of bolt -
    34  #   - EXPERIMENTAL
    35  #   - may be faster is some use-cases (random reads - indexer)
    36  #   - use boltdb build tag (go build -tags boltdb)
    37  # * rocksdb (uses
    38  #   - EXPERIMENTAL
    39  #   - requires gcc
    40  #   - use rocksdb build tag (go build -tags rocksdb)
    41  # * badgerdb (uses
    42  #   - EXPERIMENTAL
    43  #   - use badgerdb build tag (go build -tags badgerdb)
    44  db_backend = "goleveldb"
    46  # Database directory
    47  db_dir = "data"
    49  # Output level for logging, including package level options
    50  log_level = "info"
    52  # Output format: 'plain' (colored text) or 'json'
    53  log_format = "plain"
    55  ##### additional base config options #####
    57  # Path to the JSON file containing the initial validator set and other meta data
    58  genesis_file = "config/genesis.json"
    60  # Path to the JSON file containing the private key to use as a validator in the consensus protocol
    61  priv_validator_key_file = "config/priv_validator_key.json"
    63  # Path to the JSON file containing the last sign state of a validator
    64  priv_validator_state_file = "data/priv_validator_state.json"
    66  # TCP or UNIX socket address for Tendermint to listen on for
    67  # connections from an external PrivValidator process
    68  priv_validator_laddr = ""
    70  # Path to the JSON file containing the private key to use for node authentication in the p2p protocol
    71  node_key_file = "config/node_key.json"
    73  # Mechanism to connect to the ABCI application: socket | grpc
    74  abci = "socket"
    76  # If true, query the ABCI app on connecting to a new peer
    77  # so the app can decide if we should keep the connection or not
    78  filter_peers = false
    81  #######################################################################
    82  ###                 Advanced Configuration Options                  ###
    83  #######################################################################
    85  #######################################################
    86  ###       RPC Server Configuration Options          ###
    87  #######################################################
    88  [rpc]
    90  # TCP or UNIX socket address for the RPC server to listen on
    91  laddr = "tcp://"
    93  # A list of origins a cross-domain request can be executed from
    94  # Default value '[]' disables cors support
    95  # Use '["*"]' to allow any origin
    96  cors_allowed_origins = []
    98  # A list of methods the client is allowed to use with cross-domain requests
    99  cors_allowed_methods = ["HEAD", "GET", "POST", ]
   101  # A list of non simple headers the client is allowed to use with cross-domain requests
   102  cors_allowed_headers = ["Origin", "Accept", "Content-Type", "X-Requested-With", "X-Server-Time", ]
   104  # TCP or UNIX socket address for the gRPC server to listen on
   105  # NOTE: This server only supports /broadcast_tx_commit
   106  grpc_laddr = ""
   108  # Maximum number of simultaneous connections.
   109  # Does not include RPC (HTTP&WebSocket) connections. See max_open_connections
   110  # If you want to accept a larger number than the default, make sure
   111  # you increase your OS limits.
   112  # 0 - unlimited.
   113  # Should be < {ulimit -Sn} - {MaxNumInboundPeers} - {MaxNumOutboundPeers} - {N of wal, db and other open files}
   114  # 1024 - 40 - 10 - 50 = 924 = ~900
   115  grpc_max_open_connections = 900
   117  # Activate unsafe RPC commands like /dial_seeds and /unsafe_flush_mempool
   118  unsafe = false
   120  # Maximum number of simultaneous connections (including WebSocket).
   121  # Does not include gRPC connections. See grpc_max_open_connections
   122  # If you want to accept a larger number than the default, make sure
   123  # you increase your OS limits.
   124  # 0 - unlimited.
   125  # Should be < {ulimit -Sn} - {MaxNumInboundPeers} - {MaxNumOutboundPeers} - {N of wal, db and other open files}
   126  # 1024 - 40 - 10 - 50 = 924 = ~900
   127  max_open_connections = 900
   129  # Maximum number of unique clientIDs that can /subscribe
   130  # If you're using /broadcast_tx_commit, set to the estimated maximum number
   131  # of broadcast_tx_commit calls per block.
   132  max_subscription_clients = 100
   134  # Maximum number of unique queries a given client can /subscribe to
   135  # If you're using GRPC (or Local RPC client) and /broadcast_tx_commit, set to
   136  # the estimated # maximum number of broadcast_tx_commit calls per block.
   137  max_subscriptions_per_client = 5
   139  # Experimental parameter to specify the maximum number of events a node will
   140  # buffer, per subscription, before returning an error and closing the
   141  # subscription. Must be set to at least 100, but higher values will accommodate
   142  # higher event throughput rates (and will use more memory).
   143  experimental_subscription_buffer_size = 200
   145  # Experimental parameter to specify the maximum number of RPC responses that
   146  # can be buffered per WebSocket client. If clients cannot read from the
   147  # WebSocket endpoint fast enough, they will be disconnected, so increasing this
   148  # parameter may reduce the chances of them being disconnected (but will cause
   149  # the node to use more memory).
   150  #
   151  # Must be at least the same as "experimental_subscription_buffer_size",
   152  # otherwise connections could be dropped unnecessarily. This value should
   153  # ideally be somewhat higher than "experimental_subscription_buffer_size" to
   154  # accommodate non-subscription-related RPC responses.
   155  experimental_websocket_write_buffer_size = 200
   157  # If a WebSocket client cannot read fast enough, at present we may
   158  # silently drop events instead of generating an error or disconnecting the
   159  # client.
   160  #
   161  # Enabling this experimental parameter will cause the WebSocket connection to
   162  # be closed instead if it cannot read fast enough, allowing for greater
   163  # predictability in subscription behaviour.
   164  experimental_close_on_slow_client = false
   166  # How long to wait for a tx to be committed during /broadcast_tx_commit.
   167  # WARNING: Using a value larger than 10s will result in increasing the
   168  # global HTTP write timeout, which applies to all connections and endpoints.
   169  # See
   170  timeout_broadcast_tx_commit = "10s"
   172  # Maximum size of request body, in bytes
   173  max_body_bytes = 1000000
   175  # Maximum size of request header, in bytes
   176  max_header_bytes = 1048576
   178  # The path to a file containing certificate that is used to create the HTTPS server.
   179  # Might be either absolute path or path related to Tendermint's config directory.
   180  # If the certificate is signed by a certificate authority,
   181  # the certFile should be the concatenation of the server's certificate, any intermediates,
   182  # and the CA's certificate.
   183  # NOTE: both tls_cert_file and tls_key_file must be present for Tendermint to create HTTPS server.
   184  # Otherwise, HTTP server is run.
   185  tls_cert_file = ""
   187  # The path to a file containing matching private key that is used to create the HTTPS server.
   188  # Might be either absolute path or path related to Tendermint's config directory.
   189  # NOTE: both tls-cert-file and tls-key-file must be present for Tendermint to create HTTPS server.
   190  # Otherwise, HTTP server is run.
   191  tls_key_file = ""
   193  # pprof listen address (
   194  pprof_laddr = ""
   196  #######################################################
   197  ###           P2P Configuration Options             ###
   198  #######################################################
   199  [p2p]
   201  # Address to listen for incoming connections
   202  laddr = "tcp://"
   204  # Address to advertise to peers for them to dial
   205  # If empty, will use the same port as the laddr,
   206  # and will introspect on the listener or use UPnP
   207  # to figure out the address. ip and port are required
   208  # example:
   209  external_address = ""
   211  # Comma separated list of seed nodes to connect to
   212  seeds = ""
   214  # Comma separated list of nodes to keep persistent connections to
   215  persistent_peers = ""
   217  # UPNP port forwarding
   218  upnp = false
   220  # Path to address book
   221  addr_book_file = "config/addrbook.json"
   223  # Set true for strict address routability rules
   224  # Set false for private or local networks
   225  addr_book_strict = true
   227  # Maximum number of inbound peers
   228  max_num_inbound_peers = 40
   230  # Maximum number of outbound peers to connect to, excluding persistent peers
   231  max_num_outbound_peers = 10
   233  # List of node IDs, to which a connection will be (re)established ignoring any existing limits
   234  unconditional_peer_ids = ""
   236  # Maximum pause when redialing a persistent peer (if zero, exponential backoff is used)
   237  persistent_peers_max_dial_period = "0s"
   239  # Time to wait before flushing messages out on the connection
   240  flush_throttle_timeout = "100ms"
   242  # Maximum size of a message packet payload, in bytes
   243  max_packet_msg_payload_size = 1024
   245  # Rate at which packets can be sent, in bytes/second
   246  send_rate = 5120000
   248  # Rate at which packets can be received, in bytes/second
   249  recv_rate = 5120000
   251  # Set true to enable the peer-exchange reactor
   252  pex = true
   254  # Seed mode, in which node constantly crawls the network and looks for
   255  # peers. If another node asks it for addresses, it responds and disconnects.
   256  #
   257  # Does not work if the peer-exchange reactor is disabled.
   258  seed_mode = false
   260  # Comma separated list of peer IDs to keep private (will not be gossiped to other peers)
   261  private_peer_ids = ""
   263  # Toggle to disable guard against peers connecting from the same ip.
   264  allow_duplicate_ip = false
   266  # Peer connection configuration.
   267  handshake_timeout = "20s"
   268  dial_timeout = "3s"
   270  #######################################################
   271  ###          Mempool Configuration Option          ###
   272  #######################################################
   273  [mempool]
   275  recheck = true
   276  broadcast = true
   277  wal_dir = ""
   279  # Maximum number of transactions in the mempool
   280  size = 5000
   282  # Limit the total size of all txs in the mempool.
   283  # This only accounts for raw transactions (e.g. given 1MB transactions and
   284  # max_txs_bytes=5MB, mempool will only accept 5 transactions).
   285  max_txs_bytes = 1073741824
   287  # Size of the cache (used to filter transactions we saw earlier) in transactions
   288  cache_size = 10000
   290  # Do not remove invalid transactions from the cache (default: false)
   291  # Set to true if it's not possible for any invalid transaction to become valid
   292  # again in the future.
   293  keep-invalid-txs-in-cache = false
   295  # Maximum size of a single transaction.
   296  # NOTE: the max size of a tx transmitted over the network is {max_tx_bytes}.
   297  max_tx_bytes = 1048576
   299  # Maximum size of a batch of transactions to send to a peer
   300  # Including space needed by encoding (one varint per transaction).
   301  # XXX: Unused due to
   302  max_batch_bytes = 0
   304  #######################################################
   305  ###         State Sync Configuration Options        ###
   306  #######################################################
   307  [statesync]
   308  # State sync rapidly bootstraps a new node by discovering, fetching, and restoring a state machine
   309  # snapshot from peers instead of fetching and replaying historical blocks. Requires some peers in
   310  # the network to take and serve state machine snapshots. State sync is not attempted if the node
   311  # has any local state (LastBlockHeight > 0). The node will have a truncated block history,
   312  # starting from the height of the snapshot.
   313  enable = false
   315  # RPC servers (comma-separated) for light client verification of the synced state machine and
   316  # retrieval of state data for node bootstrapping. Also needs a trusted height and corresponding
   317  # header hash obtained from a trusted source, and a period during which validators can be trusted.
   318  #
   319  # For Cosmos SDK-based chains, trust_period should usually be about 2/3 of the unbonding time (~2
   320  # weeks) during which they can be financially punished (slashed) for misbehavior.
   321  rpc_servers = ""
   322  trust_height = 0
   323  trust_hash = ""
   324  trust_period = "168h0m0s"
   326  # Time to spend discovering snapshots before initiating a restore.
   327  discovery_time = "15s"
   329  # Temporary directory for state sync snapshot chunks, defaults to the OS tempdir (typically /tmp).
   330  # Will create a new, randomly named directory within, and remove it when done.
   331  temp_dir = ""
   333  # The timeout duration before re-requesting a chunk, possibly from a different
   334  # peer (default: 1 minute).
   335  chunk_request_timeout = "10s"
   337  # The number of concurrent chunk fetchers to run (default: 1).
   338  chunk_fetchers = "4"
   340  #######################################################
   341  ###       Fast Sync Configuration Connections       ###
   342  #######################################################
   343  [fastsync]
   345  # Fast Sync version to use:
   346  #   1) "v0" (default) - the legacy fast sync implementation
   347  #   2) "v1" - refactor of v0 version for better testability
   348  #   2) "v2" - complete redesign of v0, optimized for testability & readability
   349  version = "v0"
   351  #######################################################
   352  ###         Consensus Configuration Options         ###
   353  #######################################################
   354  [consensus]
   356  wal_file = "data/cs.wal/wal"
   358  # How long we wait for a proposal block before prevoting nil
   359  timeout_propose = "3s"
   360  # How much timeout_propose increases with each round
   361  timeout_propose_delta = "500ms"
   362  # How long we wait after receiving +2/3 prevotes for “anything” (ie. not a single block or nil)
   363  timeout_prevote = "1s"
   364  # How much the timeout_prevote increases with each round
   365  timeout_prevote_delta = "500ms"
   366  # How long we wait after receiving +2/3 precommits for “anything” (ie. not a single block or nil)
   367  timeout_precommit = "1s"
   368  # How much the timeout_precommit increases with each round
   369  timeout_precommit_delta = "500ms"
   370  # How long we wait after committing a block, before starting on the new
   371  # height (this gives us a chance to receive some more precommits, even
   372  # though we already have +2/3).
   373  timeout_commit = "1s"
   375  # How many blocks to look back to check existence of the node's consensus votes before joining consensus
   376  # When non-zero, the node will panic upon restart
   377  # if the same consensus key was used to sign {double_sign_check_height} last blocks.
   378  # So, validators should stop the state machine, wait for some blocks, and then restart the state machine to avoid panic.
   379  double_sign_check_height = 0
   381  # Make progress as soon as we have all the precommits (as if TimeoutCommit = 0)
   382  skip_timeout_commit = false
   384  # EmptyBlocks mode and possible interval between empty blocks
   385  create_empty_blocks = true
   386  create_empty_blocks_interval = "0s"
   388  # Reactor sleep duration parameters
   389  peer_gossip_sleep_duration = "100ms"
   390  peer_query_maj23_sleep_duration = "2s"
   392  #######################################################
   393  ###   Transaction Indexer Configuration Options     ###
   394  #######################################################
   395  [tx_index]
   397  # What indexer to use for transactions
   398  #
   399  # The application will set which txs to index. In some cases a node operator will be able
   400  # to decide which txs to index based on configuration set in the application.
   401  #
   402  # Options:
   403  #   1) "null"
   404  #   2) "kv" (default) - the simplest possible indexer, backed by key-value storage (defaults to levelDB; see DBBackend).
   405  # 		- When "kv" is chosen "tx.height" and "tx.hash" will always be indexed.
   406  indexer = "kv"
   408  #######################################################
   409  ###       Instrumentation Configuration Options     ###
   410  #######################################################
   411  [instrumentation]
   413  # When true, Prometheus metrics are served under /metrics on
   414  # PrometheusListenAddr.
   415  # Check out the documentation for the list of available metrics.
   416  prometheus = false
   418  # Address to listen for Prometheus collector(s) connections
   419  prometheus_listen_addr = ":26660"
   421  # Maximum number of simultaneous connections.
   422  # If you want to accept a larger number than the default, make sure
   423  # you increase your OS limits.
   424  # 0 - unlimited.
   425  max_open_connections = 3
   427  # Instrumentation namespace
   428  namespace = "tendermint"