
     1  #cloud-config
     2  ---
     3  coreos:
     4    etcd:
     5      # generate a new token for each unique cluster from
     6      # uncomment the following line and replace it with your discovery URL
     7      # discovery:
     8      addr: $private_ipv4:4001
     9      peer-addr: $private_ipv4:7001
    10      # give etcd more time if it's under heavy load - prevent leader election thrashing
    11      peer-election-timeout: 2000
    12      # heartbeat interval should ideally be 1/4 or 1/5 of peer election timeout
    13      peer-heartbeat-interval: 500
    14    fleet:
    15      # We have to set the public_ip here so this works on Vagrant -- otherwise, Vagrant VMs
    16      # will all publish the same private IP. This is harmless for cloud providers.
    17      public-ip: $private_ipv4
    18      # allow etcd to slow down at times
    19      etcd_request_timeout: 3.0
    20    units:
    21    - name: etcd.service
    22      command: start
    23      content: |
    24        [Unit]
    25        Description=etcd
    26        [Service]
    27        User=etcd
    28        PermissionsStartOnly=true
    29        Environment=ETCD_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/etcd
    30        Environment=ETCD_NAME=%m
    31        ExecStart=/usr/bin/etcd
    32        Restart=always
    33        RestartSec=10s
    34        LimitNOFILE=40000
    35    - name: upgrade-fleet-091.service
    36      command: start
    37      content: |
    38        [Unit]
    39        Description=Upgrade fleet if system fleet is v0.9.1, which has a known bug
    40        Before=fleet.service
    41        ConditionPathIsSymbolicLink=!/etc/systemd/system/fleet.service.d/99-upgrade-fleet-091.conf
    43        [Service]
    44        ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c 'if fleetd --version | grep -q 0.9.1; then curl -sSL --retry 5 --retry-delay 2 -o /run/deis/bin/fleetd-0.9.2 && chmod +x /run/deis/bin/fleetd-0.9.2 && mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/fleet.service.d/ && ln -s /run/deis/conf/fleetd-092-custom-binary.conf /etc/systemd/system/fleet.service.d/99-upgrade-fleet-091.conf; else rm -f /etc/systemd/system/fleet.service.d/99-upgrade-fleet-091.conf; fi'
    45        RemainAfterExit=yes
    46        Type=oneshot
    47    - name: stop-update-engine.service
    48      command: start
    49      content: |
    50        [Unit]
    51        Description=stop update-engine
    53        [Service]
    54        Type=oneshot
    55        ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemctl stop update-engine.service
    56        ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/systemctl mask update-engine.service
    57    - name: install-deisctl.service
    58      command: start
    59      content: |
    60        [Unit]
    61        Description=Install deisctl utility
    62        ConditionPathExists=!/opt/bin/deisctl
    64        [Service]
    65        Type=oneshot
    66        ExecStart=/usr/bin/sh -c 'curl -sSL --retry 5 --retry-delay 2 | sh -s 1.5.1'
    67    - name: ntpdate.service
    68      command: start
    69    - name: timedate-ntp-synchronization.service
    70      command: start
    71      content: |
    72        [Unit]
    73        Description=Synchronize system clock
    74        After=ntpdate.service
    76        [Service]
    77        ExecStart=/usr/bin/timedatectl set-timezone UTC
    78        ExecStart=/usr/bin/timedatectl set-ntp true
    79        ExecStart=/sbin/hwclock --systohc --utc
    80        RemainAfterExit=yes
    81        Type=oneshot
    82    - name: debug-etcd.service
    83      content: |
    84        [Unit]
    85        Description=etcd debugging service
    87        [Service]
    88        ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/curl -sSL -o /opt/bin/jq
    89        ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/chmod +x /opt/bin/jq
    90        ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c "while true; do curl -sL | /opt/bin/jq . ; sleep 1 ; done"
    91    - name: increase-nf_conntrack-connections.service
    92      command: start
    93      content: |
    94        [Unit]
    95        Description=Increase the number of connections in nf_conntrack. default is 65536
    97        [Service]
    98        Type=oneshot
    99        ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/modprobe nf_conntrack
   100        ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max=262144"
   101    - name: load-overlay-module.service
   102      command: start
   103      content: |
   104        [Unit]
   105        Description=Load overlay module before docker start
   106        Before=docker.service
   108        [Service]
   109        ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "lsmod | grep overlay || modprobe overlay"
   110    - name: fleet.service
   111      command: start
   112  write_files:
   113    - path: /etc/deis-release
   114      content: |
   115        DEIS_RELEASE=v1.5.1
   116    - path: /etc/motd
   117      content: " \e[31m* *    \e[34m*   \e[32m*****    \e[39mddddd   eeeeeee iiiiiii   ssss\n\e[31m*   *  \e[34m* *  \e[32m*   *     \e[39md   d   e    e    i     s    s\n \e[31m* *  \e[34m***** \e[32m*****     \e[39md    d  e         i    s\n\e[32m*****  \e[31m* *    \e[34m*       \e[39md     d e         i     s\n\e[32m*   * \e[31m*   *  \e[34m* *      \e[39md     d eee       i      sss\n\e[32m*****  \e[31m* *  \e[34m*****     \e[39md     d e         i         s\n  \e[34m*   \e[32m*****  \e[31m* *      \e[39md    d  e         i          s\n \e[34m* *  \e[32m*   * \e[31m*   *     \e[39md   d   e    e    i    s    s\n\e[34m***** \e[32m*****  \e[31m* *     \e[39mddddd   eeeeeee iiiiiii  ssss\n\n\e[39mWelcome to Deis\t\t\tPowered by Core\e[38;5;45mO\e[38;5;206mS\e[39m\n"
   118    - path: /etc/profile.d/
   119      permissions: '0755'
   120      content: |
   121        function nse() {
   122          docker exec -it $1 bash
   123        }
   124    - path: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/50-insecure-registry.conf
   125      content: |
   126          [Service]
   127          EnvironmentFile=/etc/environment_proxy
   128          Environment="DOCKER_OPTS=--insecure-registry --insecure-registry --insecure-registry --insecure-registry"
   129    - path: /run/deis/bin/get_image
   130      permissions: '0755'
   131      content: |
   132        #!/bin/bash
   133        # usage: get_image <component_path>
   134        IMAGE=`etcdctl get $1/image 2>/dev/null`
   136        # if no image was set in etcd, we use the default plus the release string
   137        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   138          RELEASE=`etcdctl get /deis/platform/version 2>/dev/null`
   140          # if no release was set in etcd, use the default provisioned with the server
   141          if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   142            source /etc/deis-release
   143            RELEASE=$DEIS_RELEASE
   144          fi
   146          IMAGE=$1:$RELEASE
   147        fi
   149        # remove leading slash
   150        echo ${IMAGE#/}
   151    - path: /run/deis/bin/preseed
   152      permissions: '0755'
   153      content: |
   154        #!/bin/bash
   156        COMPONENTS=(builder cache controller database logger logspout publisher registry router store-daemon store-gateway store-metadata store-monitor)
   157        for c in "${COMPONENTS[@]}"; do
   158          image=`/run/deis/bin/get_image /deis/$c`
   159          docker history $image >/dev/null 2>&1 || docker pull $image
   160        done
   161    - path: /opt/bin/deis-debug-logs
   162      permissions: '0755'
   163      content: |
   164        #!/bin/bash
   166        echo '--- VERSIONS ---'
   167        source /etc/os-release
   168        echo $PRETTY_NAME
   169        source /etc/deis-release
   170        echo "Deis $DEIS_RELEASE"
   171        etcd -version
   172        fleet -version
   173        printf "\n"
   175        echo '--- SYSTEM STATUS ---'
   176        journalctl -n 50 -u etcd --no-pager
   177        journalctl -n 50 -u fleet --no-pager
   178        printf "\n"
   180        echo '--- DEIS STATUS ---'
   181        deisctl list
   182        etcdctl ls --recursive /deis
   183        printf "\n"
   184    - path: /home/core/.toolboxrc
   185      owner: core
   186      content: |
   187        TOOLBOX_DOCKER_IMAGE=ubuntu-debootstrap
   188        TOOLBOX_DOCKER_TAG=14.04
   189        TOOLBOX_USER=root
   190    - path: /etc/environment_proxy
   191      owner: core
   192      content: |
   193        HTTP_PROXY=
   194        HTTPS_PROXY=
   195        ALL_PROXY=
   196        NO_PROXY=
   197        http_proxy=
   198        https_proxy=
   199        all_proxy=
   200        no_proxy=
   201    - path: /etc/systemd/coredump.conf
   202      content: |
   203        [Coredump]
   204        Storage=none
   205    - path: /etc/systemd/system/ntpd.service.d/debug.conf
   206      content: |
   207        [Service]
   208        ExecStart=
   209        ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ntpd -g -n -f /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
   210    - path: /run/deis/conf/fleetd-092-custom-binary.conf
   211      content: |
   212        [Service]
   213        ExecStart=
   214        ExecStart=/run/deis/bin/fleetd-0.9.2