
     1  package ast
     3  // An IndexExp is an expression node representing indexing, i.e. "Coll[Index]".
     4  type IndexExp struct {
     5  	Location
     6  	Coll ExpNode
     7  	Idx  ExpNode
     8  }
    10  var _ Var = IndexExp{}
    12  // NewIndexExp returns an IndexExp instance for the given collection and index.
    13  func NewIndexExp(coll ExpNode, idx ExpNode) IndexExp {
    14  	return IndexExp{
    15  		Location: MergeLocations(coll, idx), // TODO: use the "]" for locaion end
    16  		Coll:     coll,
    17  		Idx:      idx,
    18  	}
    19  }
    21  // ProcessExp uses the given ExpProcessor to process the receiver.
    22  func (e IndexExp) ProcessExp(p ExpProcessor) {
    23  	p.ProcessIndexExp(e)
    24  }
    26  // ProcessVar uses the given VarProcessor to process the receiver.
    27  func (e IndexExp) ProcessVar(p VarProcessor) {
    28  	p.ProcessIndexExpVar(e)
    29  }
    31  // FunctionName returns the function name associated with this expression (i.e.
    32  // if it is part of a function definition statement), or an empty string if
    33  // there is no sensible name.
    34  func (e IndexExp) FunctionName() string {
    35  	if s, ok := e.Idx.(String); ok {
    36  		return string(s.Val)
    37  	}
    38  	return ""
    39  }
    41  // HWrite prints a tree representation of the node.
    42  func (e IndexExp) HWrite(w HWriter) {
    43  	w.Writef("idx")
    44  	w.Indent()
    45  	w.Next()
    46  	w.Writef("coll: ")
    47  	e.Coll.HWrite(w)
    48  	w.Next()
    49  	w.Writef("at: ")
    50  	e.Idx.HWrite(w)
    51  	w.Dedent()
    52  }