(about) 1 -- table.concat 2 local function mk(s, n) 3 local t = {} 4 for i = 1, n do 5 t[i] = s 6 end 7 return t 8 end 9 10 do 11 s1000 = ("a"):rep(1000) 12 13 -- table.concat uses memory 14 15 local ctx, res = runtime.callcontext({kill={memory=5000}}, table.concat, mk(s1000, 4)) 16 print(ctx, #res) 17 --> =done 4000 18 print(ctx.used.memory >= 4000) 19 --> =true 20 21 print(runtime.callcontext({kill={memory=5000}}, table.concat, mk(s1000, 5))) 22 --> =killed 23 24 -- table.concat uses cpu 25 local ctx, res = runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.concat, mk("x", 100)) 26 print(ctx, #res) 27 --> =done 100 28 print(ctx.used.cpu >= 100) 29 --> =true 30 31 print(runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.concat, mk("x", 1000))) 32 --> =killed 33 end 34 35 -- table.insert 36 do 37 -- cpu is consumed when inserting at the front 38 local ctx = runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.insert, mk("x", 100), 1, "new") 39 print(ctx) 40 --> =done 41 print(ctx.used.cpu >= 100) 42 --> =true 43 44 print(runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.insert, mk("x", 1000), 1, "new")) 45 --> =killed 46 47 -- at the back, cpu doesn't depend on the size of the table 48 local ctx1 = runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.insert, mk("x", 100), "new") 49 print(ctx) 50 --> =done 51 print(ctx.used.cpu >= 100) 52 --> =true 53 54 local ctx2 = runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.insert, mk("x", 1000), "new") 55 print(ctx2) 56 --> =done 57 58 print(ctx2.used.cpu / ctx1.used.cpu < 1.2) 59 --> =true 60 end 61 62 -- table.move 63 do 64 -- table.move consumes memory 65 66 local ctx = runtime.callcontext({kill={memory=10000}}, table.move, mk("x", 100), 1, 100, 101) 67 print(ctx) 68 --> =done 69 70 print(runtime.callcontext({kill={memory=10000}}, table.move, mk("x", 1000), 1, 1000, 1001)) 71 --> =killed 72 73 -- consumes less memory when ranges overlap 74 ctx = runtime.callcontext({kill={memory=10000}}, table.move, mk("x", 1000), 1, 1000, 101) 75 print(ctx) 76 --> =done 77 78 -- table.move consumes cpu 79 80 local ctx = runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.move, mk("x", 100), 1, 100, 101) 81 print(ctx) 82 --> =done 83 84 print(runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.move, mk("x", 1000), 1, 1000, 1001)) 85 --> =killed 86 87 -- still consumes as much cpu when ranges overlap 88 print(runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.move, mk("x", 1000), 1, 1000, 101)) 89 --> =killed 90 end 91 92 -- table.pack 93 do 94 --table.pack consumes memory 95 96 local ctx = runtime.callcontext({kill={memory=10000}}, table.pack, table.unpack(mk("x", 100))) 97 print(ctx) 98 --> =done 99 100 print(runtime.callcontext({kill={memory=5000}}, table.pack, table.unpack(mk("x", 200)))) 101 --> =killed 102 103 --table.pack consumes cpu 104 105 local ctx = runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=200}}, table.pack, table.unpack(mk("x", 100))) 106 print(ctx) 107 --> =done 108 109 print(runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=200}}, table.pack, table.unpack(mk("x", 200)))) 110 --> =killed 111 end 112 113 -- table.remove 114 do 115 -- cpu is consumed when removing at the front 116 local ctx = runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.remove, mk("x", 100), 1) 117 print(ctx) 118 --> =done 119 print(ctx.used.cpu >= 100) 120 --> =true 121 122 print(runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.remove, mk("x", 1000), 1)) 123 --> =killed 124 125 -- at the back, cpu doesn't depend on the size of the table 126 local ctx1 = runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.remove, mk("x", 100)) 127 print(ctx) 128 --> =done 129 print(ctx.used.cpu >= 100) 130 --> =true 131 132 local ctx2 = runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.remove, mk("x", 1000)) 133 print(ctx2) 134 --> =done 135 136 print(ctx2.used.cpu / ctx1.used.cpu < 1.2) 137 --> =true 138 end 139 140 -- table.sort 141 do 142 -- table.sort consumes cpu 143 local function unsorted(n) 144 t = {} 145 for i = 1, n do 146 t[i] = n - i 147 end 148 return t 149 end 150 151 print(runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.sort, unsorted(10))) 152 --> =done 153 154 print(runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=1000}}, table.sort, unsorted(100))) 155 --> =killed 156 end 157 158 -- table.unpack 159 do 160 -- table.unpack consumes no memory if the result is discarded. We wrap 161 -- table.unpack in a function so as not to accumulate its results and 162 -- consume memory in that way 163 local ctx = runtime.callcontext({kill={memory=500}}, function(t) table.unpack(t) end, mk("x", 100)) 164 print(ctx) 165 --> =done 166 167 local ctx = runtime.callcontext({kill={memory=500}}, function(t) table.unpack(t) end, mk("x", 200)) 168 print(ctx) 169 --> =done 170 171 --table.unpack consumes cpu 172 local ctx = runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=200}}, table.unpack, mk("x", 100)) 173 print(ctx) 174 --> =done 175 176 print(runtime.callcontext({kill={cpu=200}}, table.unpack, mk("x", 200))) 177 --> =killed 178 end